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The given bar chart illustrate the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007 .

Overall , most of people who participate the survey migrate to/from UK because they has a
definite job.

The number people immigrating to work accounts for the biggest portion of the immigrants -30
percents . Ranked second on the list is formal study , which is the reason why 26 percents of
people asked immigrate to UK .The figure for accompany is a bit higher than that of looking
for a job- 15 percents as opposed to 12 percents . The percentages of people who did not tell the
reason for immigration takes up the smallest portion of the chart

Moving on to emigration , around 29 percent of people asked emigrates from England to work
. Looking for a job accounts for the second biggest portion of the chart -22 percents The figure
for people who didn’t tell the reason for emigration is higher than of accompany – 18 percents
compare to 13 percents a little . Bottom the list is formal study , which take up 4 percents of

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