WD9 Xls

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Refratechnik Cement GmbH Rudolf-Winkel-Str.

1 37079 Göttingen REFRATECHNIK

Calculation of heat transfer

Client: Polysius France, Feriafa Tunisie Aggregate: Calciner head CA R451
Quality Kronex 30 mm: 114 Field of application: walls, roof
Feuerleichtstein 75/24 mm: 64 csb
Refratherm 1000/250 SP mm: 70

S1 = 0,114 m ti = 1000 °C
S2 = 0,064 m 1/αi = 0,0001 - 0 (Q/αi)
S3 = 0,070 m t1 = 1000 °C
ti = 1000 °C S1/λ1 = 0,0965 - 100 (Q* S1/λ1)
ta = 25 °C t2 = 900 °C
t2 = 900,3 °C S2/λ2 = 0,1702 - 176 (Q* S2/λ2)
t3 = 724,4 °C t3 = 724 °C
t4 = 67,1 °C S3/λ3 = 0,6364 - 657 (Q* S3/λ3)
αa = 10000,00 W/m K t4 = 67 °C
αa = 24,60 W/m K Wind 2[m/s] 1/αa = 0,0406 - 42 (Q/αa)
tm1 = 950,1 °C ta = 25 °C
tm2 = 812,3 °C
tm3 = 395,7 °C
λ1 = 1,182 W/mK Werte: 3 {( 300; 1) ( 700; 1,1) ( 1000; 1,2) }; Polynom Grad 2
λ2 = 0,376 W/mK Werte: 3 {( 300; 0,33) ( 700; 0,36) ( 1000; 0,41) }; Polynom Grad 2
λ3 = 0,110 W/mK Werte: 3 {( 400; 0,11) ( 600; 0,14) ( 800; 0,17) }; Polynom Grad 2

Q =

Q =

Q = 1033 W/m2

Q loss of heat per square unit W/m2 * 0.8598 = kcal/m2/h W/m2 * 0.3171 = BTU/sq.ft./h
λ thermal conductivity W/mK * 0.8598 = kcal/mh grd W/mK * 6.9347 = BTU/sq.ft.h.°F/in.
α heat transfer W/m2K * 0.8598 = kcal/m2h grd W/m2K * 0.1761 = BTU/sq.ft.h.°F
°C temperature unit °C * 9/5n +32 = °F

S = thickness
ti = temp. kiln gas
ta = ambient temp.
t1 = temp. hot face
t2 = transition temp.
t3 = transition temp.
t4 = shell temp.
tm = average temp. (t1+t2)/2 (t2+t3)/2 t3+t4)/2


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