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Education is undergoing a dramatic shift in the 21st century, the landscape of education is being molded

and remolded. The current education trends in these information, technological and global ages portray
unparalleled pace and complexity that require restructure from traditional education frameworks that
recognize pioneering and inquisitiveness as the new trend. The present education system can't be
limited to either knowledge transfer or the development of thinking skills. It must incorporate complex
problem-solving abilities and creative thinking too. As a result, the task of creators of educational
programs becomes not only the design but also the implementation of instructional technologies which
develop students' such important skills.

It is creative and innovative thinking that are emphasized by the fact that those two skills are something
that everyone needs not only to ensure success but also due to the competencies required for the labor
market changes. Creativity allows students to tackle problems in a fresh and imaginative manner;
efficiency is the word. Innovation on the other hand entails the use of creative ideas to produce
worthwhile results. Concurrently these abilities are leading students to face the world and be part of its

The main objective of our research is to determine the most efficient strategies of inviting an
atmosphere of creativity and innovation into classroom. An overview of innovative teaching strategies is
conducted in this study. This involves the discussing of educational theories, empirical studies and
practical cases. The purpose of this study is to sort out and focus on interactive learner approaches that
facilitate the development of critical and innovative thinking among students. As for innovative topics
such as project-based learning, community learning environments, merging of technology, and role of
teachers as facilitators will be discussed in enough detail to have a clear understanding of how creativity
and innovation can be embraced.

Furthermore, we shall identify the key psychosocial aspects that positively or negatively affect
student’s creativity such as motivation, mental) attitude and the conduciveness of the learning
environment. Through the integration of this multidimensional understanding, the core of the work is
aimed at providing actionable decisions and practical recommendations targeting teachers who want to
improve their educational methods.

Fundamentally, this research aims to add value to the ongoing discussion of educational innovation
while equipping teachers with the capacity to mold students to meet the requirements of tomorrow's
world. Through cultivating creativity and innovation in the learning environment, teachers will enable
students to acquire those attributes that will help them succeed in times that are characterized by
uncertainty and constant change thus ensuring that they do not just absorb knowledge, but instead,
they actively make their own future.

- Robinson, K. (2011). Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative. Capstone.

- Sawyer, R. K. (2012). Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation. Oxford University Press.

- Hattie, J. (2008). Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement.

- Amabile, T. M. (1996). Creativity in Context: Update to the Social Psychology of Creativity. Westview

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