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Unit 1:

Jobs in the legal system

Court Reporter
Law Clerk
Legal Assistant
Court administrator
Legal Researcher
Notary Public

Why is the legal system important for maintaining

social order?

Establishing rules and norms.People know what is

expected from them act accordingly.
Resolve disputes between individuals,organizations..
Protects rights and freedoms of individuals.
Promotes accountability.
Prevents and punishes crime. It is essential for
maintaining public safety and order.
Ensures equality regardless of a person’s background.
It promotes stability in society.
Why becoming a Judge?
They have power to interpret laws and make important
legal decisions.
They serve public,they help their communities Judges
are highly respected people.It is a prestigious job.

What is Filling a complaint?

The process of submitting a formal written statement to

a court.
They initiates a civil lawsuit.
He complaint is filled by the plaintiff (the party
bringing the lawsuit) agaist the defendant.( the party
being sued)
The defendant has the opportunity to respond the
complaint, either by admitting or denying the

Court- A place where legal cases are heard.

Legal System- A set of rules designed to maintain order
and justice in society.
Defendant- The party against whom a complaint is
Jury- A group of people who hear a case and deliver a
Paralegal- A person who assist attorneys in their work.
Plaintiff- The party who files a complaint in court.
Attorney- A person who represents a plaintiff or
defendant in court.
Judge- A person who presids over a case and makes
legal decisions.
Complaint- A formal statement against a person or
organization to start s legal case.

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