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ORION eT ae a ORION DRY-PUMP — Oikless Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump and Blower — Instruction Manual KRX1 KRX1H KRX1R KRX3 KRX3H KRX3R KRX5 KRX5H KRX5R KRX6 KRX6H KRX6R KRS7D KRA8 KRH8 KRA8R KRH8R KRA10 KRA10R KRA12 KRA8-DP KRA9-DP KRA10-DP KM100 (© For proper use of the ORION Ory Pump and Blower, teed this Inetruction manual carefully snd thoroughly. Jallo Equipment & Supply Inc. 2030 W, Parkes DrsBroadviowslL60155 (708)410-1760+ax(708)410-1790 ww + INTRODUCTION “Thank you very much for buying the ORION “COMBINATION” Dry Pump. ‘The ORION Combination Dry Pump operates without oiling or greasing. When used as blower, it can supply. lean, comprested dry alr; and when used as vacuum pur, the exhaust does not contain any oil vapors. ‘As opposed to conventional oll type pumps, this dry pump can be used for a wideange of applications be- ‘cause no impurities ae imparted to liquids or solids processed with this pump. ‘In addition to the precautions, description ofthe construction and operating procedures necessay for the ‘operation of the pump, this instruction manual provides troubleshooting procedures and matters concerning ‘maintenance and inspection of the pump in an exsy-o-uniderstand manner. For normal operation of this Dry Pump, carefully read this manuel and observe the instructions concerning the operation, operating procedure, malntenance and inspection, © For proper use of the ORION’ Dry Pump and Blower, r carefully and thoroughly, id this instruction manuel SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ALWAYS OBSERVE THESE FOR SAFETY REASONS PLACE WARNING AND CAUTION LABELS ON THE PUMP BODY ~ CHAPTER 1 BEFORE ACTUAL OPERATION 1, INSPECTION ON DELIVERY: 2. PREPARATIONS FOR OPERATION 3, OPERATION 4, STORAGE: CHAPTER 2 STRUCTURE AND MAIN COMPONENTS OF PUMPS ~~ 1; AN EXAMPLE OF STRUCTURE AND COMPONENTS (illustration: KRX 5-88-7501)“ 2, WHAT DIFFERENCES DO OTHER MODELS HAVE? -~ CHAPTER 9 TROUBLE SHOOTING ~ 1, TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS AND REMEDY ss CHAPTER 4 DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING PROCEDURE 1, PREPARATION FOR DISASSEMBLING AND REASSEMBLING 2, DISASSEMBLING PROCEDURE: 3. REASSEMBLING PROCEDURE (CHAPTER 5 ROUTINE INSPECTION AND SERVICE: 1, CLEANING OF FILTER 2, CLEANING OF VACUUM CONTROLLER AND PRESSURE CONTROLLER 3, INSPECTION OF PIPING SYSTEM: 4, INSPECTION OF PUMP.» 5, INSPECTION OF POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM . TIMING TO REPLACE VANES ‘SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Before using this product, please read the section entitled “Always observe these for safety reasons” and use the product correctly. ‘The precautions noted here are intended to ensure that the product is used safely and correctly, In ‘order to prevent Injury to you and others, and to prevent damage to property. ‘The following symbols are used in this manual: AS canoer AN warn AN eaurion Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, A\PANGER if not avolded, will result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, A\warnine| not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if A\caution not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. i ttoms marked with te ZN. CAUTION symbol could also cause ‘severe consequences, depending on the circumstances. Any item ‘which Is marked with any of these symbols is extremely Important ‘and should always be observed, After reading the instruction manual, make sure it is kept where it is easily accessible by ‘anyone handling the equipment. ME If this product Is givan or lent to anyone else, make sure that this instruction manual Is affixed ‘to. conspicuous location on the product main unit, so that the new owner will be sure to notice it and operate the equipment safely. ‘The triangular eyo alerts the user to tums Involving danger, warning, ‘oF caution. The graple symbol inthe cantar Indiates the spect action requiring caution (I the luetraton atthe left, thle Indleates caution concerning secre eae). ‘Ata seross the graphle symbol Indlcntes thatthe ation Is forbidden, ‘Tho grape symbol Jn the cantar Indicates the spetfc action tht is forbidden (in the isttraton at the loft, thle Indlcata diasssombiy). ‘A blac sree symbol Indleats at action that fs mandatory o indicated, Ee ‘Toe oraphle symbol In the center ndlatss the spectic ction that is ‘aquiced (In the Mattation atthe atti Indleates that the power supply ‘lug shouldbe daconnectd fom the outlet). This product Is Intnded for Industrial use and should be handled extremely caraally. Always observe these for safety reesons Precautions regarding inetalaton ATEN Precautions regarding instalation idee ony cn nen et Scocvamnranaeaoe AS) nostro erect © Semone, ‘pump. Using the pump near combustble or explosive (ses coud result in an explosion or fo Into the pump. Also, do net use combuetbl spray nebrthe a: 0 Indicates a potentially hazardous stuatlon whlch Hot ‘observed, will result in death or serous injury. Do not block the exhaust pipes Do not operate the pump wile the pressure controler le totaly closed or the exhaust plpes are Hocked. locking in exhaust pipes and result in bust of the poe and pump pars. ‘Do not use organie solvent for cleantng the fier clement or the other parts the othr organi slvent for cleaning fe lr element or ‘he other paris. Using organi solvent may rect an ‘explosion ora. Do not remove the eoupng cover Do nt remove he couping cover. Coupling fan tater ‘igh peed end tay ete tngaro rst oan fey. ‘Do not damage the power supply cord ord. Do not put henry objects on to ltt get aught or ‘lect shock oF fro, ‘Keep water away from the pump and mater ‘Do no ow the pump and metoro come in contact with wate and do not use wator to lean them. In akon; do water or otarIqulds. Contact wth water cou resuftn lectte shock or re, Do not touch electrical parts with wet hands ‘other elactal ‘wet hands may resutinelactc shock ‘Do not medity the pump and motor ‘Tho pup and motor should never be disassembled, pared or altered by anyone ober han the sence representative, dealer or a sutably qualified engineer. ®2PrP OOD oO @ {Incorrect operation of he equpmant may ru in irjry and Improper repre could rau in socks shock, fe, and ‘other hazars, the exhaust ar may increase the pressure and emporio ‘Do natuse thinner, alcoho, benzna, gasaline, kerosene or Do not cut, orefuly bend, pul on or wit ho power supply ‘lached. Damage tothe power supply cord coud rest In ‘ot use the pump In areas whore wl como In contac with Keop wet hands away trom swlches, lecttepluge and al “Touching eleccal areas wih Inleates a potentially hazardous altuation which, If not ‘observed, wil resutin death or serious injury. ame ‘ay nd te pine ‘Tha pap mt ebmysbe yoonded ving @ conection ie anal box ony fara be saci reer tp goon, ron cou Irowcio shock (cop phase 100y) Stop operation = problem occurs Marcle ous wh th pump or mo, tum fl and ater unin the power supp cable ruin of ie mor ep core, onal dealer repel. ‘Contin ope he punp ncrty coud est in sec sock ore. ‘Be sure to tur it off before you begin cleaning, ‘maintenance or Inspection work. Be sure totum tof the pump before you begin cleaning, ‘malntnance or inspection work, ort could result in lacie ‘hock ofr. Formaintenance and inpecton, pease ‘consulta dear oF special. ‘napect the power supply plug perodically Wa pugis connected fo the powor supply cor, periocially check atts not dusty or lose andi fly inserted. Dust ‘or oose comestione can cause olocte shock ore, ‘Contact dealer or specialist the earth leakage ‘breakaris tripped {tthe earth leakage breakers tipped, consult a dealer or ‘pect. Retain th pow supp without eohing te roblam could resin electric shock or fre. {natal the protective equipment ‘Be sur task a specials and install an earth lakage brooke, or ould result in electie shock or fro, Bo sure to ‘ask aspetalst end Intl a thermal relay, o could esut Ina deect or fre by an overload. {Use all two (2) support aye bolts for suspension 60" or more. Improper suspension could resin injury by ‘he pup falls over ofaling down. ‘Donot use the pump outdoors Do not use the pup eutdoore as th pump fs dasijnad to ‘be used indoors, Using the pump outdoors could resut in lect shock or re, Always observe these for safety reesons. Precautions regarding instalation NER Precautions regarding instalation aan aenter ae eter Ss om nt nin © Semon iene ianaarenan ea, mop Orta momma = Serene ‘nlcatas a potently hzardous situation whlch if not ‘beerved, will result in death or serious Injury. wa: 0 erry a eo Oleasseeceeeer eee ee oe eacesermyeme tremens rt, wert irises Es ‘Do not use organic solvent for cleaning the iter ‘element or the other parts DDonot use thinna, lech, bonne, gasoline, Kresane or {ho oter organic eolvent for loaning to Bor lament or the otter parts. Using orgie event may rest in an explosion or fr. ‘Do not remove the coupling cover Do not remove th couping cover. Coupling fan rats at igh speed and tmay cut tho finger or rest n saious ‘niu. ‘Do not damage the power supply cord ‘ord. De nt put heavy cbects on orlot it gt caught or pinched. Damage tote power supply cord oud rest ‘lect shock o fro. oop wator away from the pump snd motor Do not alow he pump and motor to come In contact wit walor and do ot use water fo clean thee. in aon, do wala or oer tquds. Contact wih war coud rsut in oct shock orf, ‘Do not touch electrical parts with wet hands ‘Koop wet hands away tom seftches, electric pugs, and all cer elactiel components. Touching elctical areas with ‘wet hands ray recut elec shock ‘Do not modity the pump and motor “The pup and motor should never bo clssssambled, rapalredoratorod by anyone other than the serve representative, dealar or sulably qualited engnoo. @2P OOO O@ Incorrect operation ofthe equipment may resut nur and Improper rpais could sult in waco hock, re, and other hazards, Do not eu frcofly band pull ono the power supply ‘ot use the pump in areas wero wl come fn connct wth Frame ‘Aways ground the pump ‘Tha pump must ays b grounded ung a connection som ppdin toa box or une Fite le clic peor pe Sa et Ineloctt hock (xcept KAX Srl paso,100V) ‘Stop operation ta problem occurs Ha problem occurs wih th pump o mote, tum tof and att unplugging te power supply cable or turing ff the power suply source, consult a dealer or spociat. ‘Continuing to operate the pup Incorecty ould reel in ‘lett shock o fre ‘Be sure totum tof before you begin cleaning, rmalntenance or Inspection work. Bo sure to tur Rot ho pump bore you begin clearing, Imaltenance or inspecon wor, oft coud result in lace ‘shock ore. For maintenance and inspection, plesse ‘consul a dealer or pecialit. {nspect the power supply plug periodically Wa plugis connected othe power suppl cord: periodically check Batts not dusty oF bose and is ily inserted. Dust ‘orlooee connections can cause eacti shock ore. Contact a dealer or specialist th earth leakage breaker I wipped Ith ear leakage broakors tipped, consuit a dear or 8 special. Restarting the power euply without solving the (roblem could resutinelctc shock re. ‘stall the protective equipment ‘Bo eure to ask a spockalst and ntl on earth leakage bresker, or feoud resin electric shock or fr. Ba sure to ‘ska speciale end instal athomal relay, ould rest Ina doect or fro by an overoad. Use al two (2) support eye bots for suspension When using support (suspansin) eye bls, make sure ll ‘wo @) eye bois are used and suspension angle should be {60° or mere. Improper euspansion could result I ur by ‘the pump fas over or fang down. Donot use the pump outdoors Do not us the pup outdoors asthe pump is designed to ‘be usedindoors. Using the pump outdoors could result ‘loctie shock or, Precautions regerdhg stein C_ eaumon TT) Indicates a potentially hazardous situation whieh, i aot ‘observed, may result In injury of eperatr or physleal damages. Do not put your hand inside the covers o not put your hand nse the bt, counting fan covers, ‘ort could rest in saver injury such a cutting of your ‘hands or gers. ‘Do not operat the eletrle motor over the rated power ‘not operate tho elastic motor over tho rated power out, oriteoud retin troubles, Do not place objects on the pump Do mnot putheavy objects or container ld wih war on {he pump or motor. Injures could recut fom cbecs lng ‘of ho eauipment, and sped water ood cause a shot ‘rou rust or loco shock te electial Inala le amaged. ‘Do not touch the surface ofthe equipment while Its hot ‘Do not ouch the eurtace ofthe pump, moor or ppos as t ‘becomes vary ot. Touching the surace whl Be ‘eqpmnt or ppes are hat can resin bums. Periodically inspect the earth leakage breaker Operation of he earth leakage breakar shouldbe ispocted porodcaly. Using the pump witha fauly oar eekago Broakar can eau in loctie shack shot cut occu. Install he chock valves (Chock ves shouldbe ietaled to protec the pur it ‘uns in rovers due to residual pressure when the pump ‘stops. The pump may bo damaged or Iuris can rosutit ‘he chock valves are noted. Disconnect the power supply if the pump is nct used {or along ime Ihe pump Is not used fora ong pat of tno, csconnact {he power euply plug em the out for aft rnsons. tf Is ot escormected, a short culo let shock can rest ‘Grasp the power supply cord ely by the plug to disconnect ‘When unplugging he poworsupey pug, grasp tho plug, ‘nd not the cord Putin on tho oor io dsconnect tan ‘nap some of to wre and reuling In haat ganeraton fre. eo © oc CK 2 2 Place of Warning and Caution labels on ‘the pomp body ‘Toa following labels, salcted as the most important ‘one from the other warnings or cautions, stuck on the pump body. Read them surely before its operation. Replace them with new ones when thelr surfaces ere hard to reed due to stains or scratches. On the new labels, please contact your locel pump distributor. Said OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING———————— ‘Allow space of more than 1, Ambient temperature must 2. Keep purnp from sucking ‘be under 40°C (10°F), Inoll, wae or dutt, ‘em (4°) between # ‘And keep them dry trom ‘pump and wall 4. Avoid operation over the designated pressure belo, wi Ween [tweet [Tov TAG KR KANE, KARG | Mac4SOmngG | WaxOSko/em" | MoASOmmos knave tiene” | “espana” | ™tte°rgch our seatreg course rec xm Meese Maisto KOH RRR Gee | wuorgeme| Sz Tete, aR cacires | Wecoommias Kee eave teense! kee Kao course ERS KRABR ERAT? [ wacaaormiigs | Mex0sig/owo | Mar400mmtleG ‘tenet | ““ipapucr = | *terngch paper ‘S3kPaG 49kPaG ‘S3kPaG KRAIO-DP, KM100 : 5, Never use pumps with flammable gases, It may explode. Never make pumps suck Hique ‘Surety ound pumps accordiag tothe codes and regulations of your local electrical safety standards, ‘And install a leakage breaker on a machine, Qe “Note: See P.4 for detalls, CHAPTER 1 BEFORE ACTUAL OPERATION INSPECTION ON DELIVERY ‘Check purnps to ascertain the following when they ar delivered to you y 2 3) 4a 5) Whether any damage exists, ‘Whether there are any loote nuts or bolts, Whether the shaft can be rotated smoothly by hand. (Check while keeping suction or exhaust port open.) Whether there are all necessary parts such ax gauge and controllers, etc In the packages, (About KRA-DP sees) Whether V belts are adequately tightened. PREPARATIONS FOR OPERATION ” 3 a Recommended Installation Site (1) Awell ventilate place where ambient temperature is during o'C(32"F)—40°C(104'F) (2) _Aclean place where pumps are kept clean from dirt or dust. (3) A place where no ol o water will fal on pur. G4) A place not exposed to direct sunlight. (5) _ A place where enough surrounding space i allowed for inspection, maintenance or disessembling. Installation Pay due attention tothe following polnts when you ae Insaling pump. (1) Install pumps on a smooth, evel surface, (2) Rigid foundation made of concrete is desirable, If concrete Is unavallable, install them securely ‘on a steel or sturdy wooden frame (3) Keep pumps from vibrating ifthe foundation is unstable. (4) Rubber feetcan be used to cut vibration effectively, Purchasb them locally H necessary. (5) Don't drag pumps on floor, but use a forklift vehicle oF a suspending tool for transporting pumps. Installation Diceetion (1) When pump is installed near a wall, make is fan cover side face the walt and allow a space of ‘more than 10cm (4") between them for sufficient ventilation, (2) Make belt coder side face opposite toa wall for effective cooling of exhaust a, ifthe pump is “withvafter-cooler” type. And allow space of more than 20 em {8") between pump and wall if such deposition should not be avaiable Piping Remove stain, ust, water or oll from piping parts and pipes, (1) Use stet pine oF hose of more than GBKPa (14 pl] of pressure resistance for piping. Connect pipe or hose with » pump securely o that alr doesnot leak, Heat resistance of hose must be over 450°C (200°F) it itis connected to discharge port of pump. (2) Fit vacuum gauge and controller on the INLET side, and pressure gauge and regulator on the ‘OUTLET side, Make pumps run in allowed range of pressures, See P.3 for lustration, (3) Arrange the piping as short as possible, Bo sue that the piping does not make stress to the pump. ‘Additionally fasten the gauges til thelr faces come to horizontal between one and two rotation ‘with proper tools efter fastening ganges hand tight. Excess tightness can cause crack tothe delivery and suction case exp. (4) When seal tape i used for tight installation of gouges, never let its fragment In pumps. And use ‘an adequate toot when you are to fi them, (8) Put a suitable extra filter on the suction side if sucked al contains plenty of dust in It, or the particle of dust Is too minute (smaller than 10 (6) Since some fiquld'or Its mist such as water or oll can be the cause of trouble if sucked in pumps, Install a separator when there Is sucha possibility, (7) Puta check valve on elther the INLET or OUTLET port if vacuum pipe or dicharge pipe is too long, because residual pressure In piping may rotate pu ps adverssly when the stich le turned oft,

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