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Topic. .Date.

CA - 4
And eatiene

Jn his hat ateies Paut 1, Anitow CGhos eueserats

Covnpelling deugumant ou a depaituue juoa
individualiste vieuspoints siluia wovels and adueeates
fou a eivigouated. enaplasis coll ective inyaleet
Cteeat us
peuspecte s lendeuscoued
climate chauge
m conolwsiom
dit in m
naatie focus to adduess the
mtecomnecteduess Ruinauiy aud
aud e euviuonmeut,
necesity collectie actiom
due challeges pased oy cinake chagl.
de lmitatios
moividualiakic aativeo m addessinng tae copleg a l
fau -Rencling igacth o clinnate angt. He augues
tuaditonal litouasuy fes, wich
individual eapeienke veu coll ective
glen peivilge
çu - eawipped to guapple wit de magttude
ccalegical Cluiss
ou vmdividual chacactao an Hai péslna
laese namatives ail to captueuc he
natune euvisomautal deguadatuon ad

Hhe dominant
cultiaal naatves duaucundags ct climate
gte Acitote iidualice DuldviewS aud peoote
Teacher's Sign .s*****s*****.
Topic.. .Date.

RBy fuaniag clmate change as a peLoblenn to be

A&tved Hengl nicdi vidual lileahyle clhaices sl au
tochuological nnovatow Jhese nauatives ohscwe
Hae atiuctueal tinagualibes powlu dyramics toat
udes Cnviommeutal desteution s don ao
hey defeet atteution aay kuom du coleive
seapoaleisy gomnads coupaotiow, and
inabi tutie peupetu otiug icaleglcdl. haun,

Ghost lustrates dais augunnent eougl his cuon

weuk wuch seels to anscend e baundaies
behween buman anol non- hunan weulds anndto
foucgound Hho veices and eapeuieucCs
comnunibes dispuopoutionatly ofected by civak

aud clual
uepeueatuutatous q
climate hange. He calls tou a ecinigouaked
colleckie invalvenut and callectic
eagonaiallity bat itin liteuate and m buoadeu
socity Ghost auggests at ibeatse has e
powu bo
apire roamatie chag by callegug
solidauity ad mckilmg calleckive acton

Teacher's Sign

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