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Some people believe that children have the freedom to make mistakes, while

others argue that adults should prevent them from doing so. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

 Sample 1
While some believe that children should be free to make mistakes, others argue that
preventive measures should be taken by parents to ensure that children do nothing
wrong. In my opinion, I side with the latter notion.
To begin with, hampering children from causing mishaps is advantageous to an extent.
First, it can prevent mortality when it comes to dangerous situations such as touching a
naked wire with wet hands or crossing the road without looking at the traffic lights.
Without parental guidance, children may perform these actions and harm themselves,
which could be extremely probable among toddlers who have not had full control of their
actions and proper understanding of their surroundings. Therefore, children should be
educated on essential knowledge for survival before they have any chance to hurt

On the other hand, advocates of allowing children to make mistakes freely also have
grounds to believe why this practice is beneficial. Firstly, children will learn to become
responsible. As children face consequences from their choices, the lessons learnt will stay
with them longer. This is because the repercussions can instill fear of the wrongdoings
into children
and prevent them from taking similar courses of action. Another point is that having the
autonomy to make mistakes will equip children with sharper minds. To be more specific,
having to come up with a solution for their mishaps will help children develop
problem solving skills and build their confidence should these resolutions prove to be

All in all, although parents’ intervention is beneficial in some cases, letting children learn
from their mistakes has more positives for children’s development.

 Sample 2
The debate on child development revolves around whether children should have the
freedom to make mistakes or if adults should intervene to prevent errors. In my opinion,
both perspectives offer valid insights, and striking a balance between these viewpoints is

On one side of the debate, proponents of allowing children to freely make mistakes
present compelling arguments for its benefits. Firstly, this approach fosters a sense of
responsibility in children. When they face consequences resulting from their choices, the
lessons learned tend to leave a lasting impact. The repercussions can instill a healthy
fear of repeating mistakes, guiding children toward more prudent decisions.
Additionally, granting children autonomy to err enhances their cognitive abilities.
Specifically, having to devise solutions for their errors promotes problem-solving skills
and boosts confidence, particularly if these resolutions prove effective.
However, there are clear advantages to preventing children from encountering potentially
hazardous situations. This approach can avert life-threatening scenarios, such as touching
live electrical wires with wet hands or recklessly crossing roads without regard for traffic
signals. Without parental guidance, children, especially toddlers lacking full control and
understanding of their environment, may engage in such actions, putting themselves at
significant risk. Therefore, it is imperative to provide children with essential knowledge
for survival to mitigate potential harm.

In my opinion, a balanced approach is essential. Children should be given the freedom to

make mistakes within a controlled and supportive framework. This means allowing them
to explore, take calculated risks, and learn from their experiences while providing
guidance and supervision as needed. It's crucial for adults, whether parents or educators,
to strike a delicate balance between fostering independence and ensuring safety.

In conclusion, the debate over children's freedom to make mistakes versus

adult intervention is complex. Both viewpoints have merits, and the best approach is to
find a middle ground between the two opinions.

Many animals are endangered. Some people argue that we should only
protect animals that are useful to humans. To what extent do you agree or

In recent years, the concern about endangered animals has triggered debates over
whether we should prioritize protection exclusively for species useful to humans.
However, I believe this perspective overlooks the moral imperative to protect all
endangered species, regardless of their utility to humanity.

Firstly, the concept of utility is subjective and can change over time. What may seem
nonessential today might hold untold value for future generations. Countless
scientific breakthroughs have arisen from studying seemingly obscure organisms. For
instance, the venom of the Gila monster, a lizard considered non-useful by some, has led
to the development of medications for diabetes. Therefore, the potential of various other
species to significantly contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and the
field of medicine should not be underestimated.

Secondly, biodiversity is crucial for ecosystem stability. Removing a species, even if

seemingly useless to humans, disrupts ecosystems and has far-reaching consequences for
ecosystem health and resource availability. Consider honeybees. While their direct
benefits might be questioned, these pollinators are vital in agriculture, supporting the
growth of many essential crops like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Without conservation,
bee population decline could reduce food production, increasing global food prices and
impacting human well-being. Thus, safeguarding seemingly non-utilitarian species like
bees indirectly benefits us.

In conclusion, while the concept of protecting only "useful" animals may

seem pragmatic, it fails to consider the broader implications for science, ecosystems, and
our moral duty to safeguard the diversity of life on Earth. Protecting endangered
animals, irrespective of their utility to humans, is essential for the well-being of our
planet and future generations.

 overlook (v): bỏ qua

 obscure (a): không phổ biến, not clear
 diabete (n): bệnh tiểu đường
 underestimated (adj): bị đánh giá thấp
 pollinator (n): loài thụ phấn
 pragmatic (adj): thực tế, thực dụng
 irrespective (adv): không phân biệt

Some people think the government should establish free libraries in each
town. Others believe that it is a waste of money since people can access the
Internet to obtain information. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The debate over whether the government should establish free libraries in every town or
if it's an unnecessary expense due to widespread internet access
requires thoughtful examination. Both sides of this argument have valid points, but I
believe that free libraries remain a worthwhile investment for several reasons.

On the one hand, critics believe that with the proliferation of the Internet, physical
libraries are becoming obsolete and represent an unnecessary expense. They contend that
people can now access a vast amount of information online, rendering the need for
physical books and libraries less significant. From a cost-effectiveness standpoint, they
believe that public funds could be better utilized elsewhere. Critics emphasize the
importance of fiscal responsibility, especially in an era when many resources are shifting
towards digital platforms. They argue that investing in technologies such as improved
internet access and digital educational tools might yield greater benefits than establishing
or maintaining physical libraries.

On the other hand, proponents of free libraries argue that they play an essential role in
providing equitable access to information and fostering a reading culture. Libraries are
often seen as community hubs, serving as spaces for learning, research, and cultural
enrichment. They provide a quiet and focused environment for studying, which can be
especially important for students who may not have suitable spaces at home.
Additionally, not everyone has access to the Internet, particularly in remote or
economically disadvantaged areas. Libraries bridge this digital divide by offering free
internet access to those who need it, ensuring that everyone can benefit from online

In summary, in my view, while the internet has transformed information access, libraries
remain essential for education, community engagement, and personal growth. To stay
relevant, they should integrate modern technology and expand digital services, ensuring
their continued value in the 21st century.

 thoughtful (adj): kỹ lưỡng

 proliferation (n): sự sinh sôi nảy nở
 obsolete (adj): lỗi thời, không cần thiết
 cost-effectiveness (n): tiết kiệm chi phí
 fiscal (adj): ngân sách
 yield (v): tạo ra lợi nhuận
 hub (n): trung tâm
 bridge (v): kết hợp
 integrate (v): tích hợp

Many people like to eat unhealthy food even though they know it's bad for
them. Why is this? What is an effective way to improve people's healthy
eating habits?

Unhealthy eating habits persist in many societies, despite widespread knowledge of their
detrimental effects. This phenomenon can be attributed to several interconnected factors,
and there are some potential measures to address this concern.

Firstly, the appeal of unhealthy food often lies in its taste and convenience. Fast food,
sugary snacks, and processed meals are designed to be palatable, thanks to high levels of
sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. These taste-enhancing elements trigger pleasure centers in
the brain, creating a rewarding experience that makes it difficult for individuals to resist.
Another factor contributing to unhealthy eating habits is social influence. Peer
pressure and cultural norms can encourage the consumption of unhealthy foods, as
gatherings and celebrations often revolve around indulgent meals. Additionally,
marketing tactics employed by the food industry, such as advertising and product
placement, heavily promote unhealthy options, making them seem more appealing.

To foster healthier eating habits, a multifaceted approach is essential. Education is vital

in raising awareness about the long-term health consequences of unhealthy eating, which
can motivate individuals to make better choices. Schools, communities, and governments
can implement nutrition education programs to teach people about balanced diets,
portion control, and reading food labels. With media campaigns, they can
further reinforce these messages. At the same time, fostering a conducive environment
for healthy choices is essential. This involves enhancing nutritious food access and
affordability, regulating children-targeted food ads, and promoting healthier food options
in the industry. Promoting home-cooked meals and involving children in meal
preparation can also instill lifelong healthy eating habits.

In conclusion, unhealthy eating habits persist due to the allure of taste and convenience,
social influences, and aggressive marketing by the food industry. Combating this issue
requires a comprehensive strategy involving education, environmental changes, and
policy measures to promote and facilitate healthier dietary choices.

 interconnected (adj): có liên quan

 palatable (adj): ngon miệng
 indulgent (adj): thịnh soạn, đầy đủ
 multifaceted (adj): đa diện
 implement (v): áp dụng
 conducive (adj): có lợi
 instill (v): thấm nhuần
 allure (n): sức hấp dẫn, mê hoặc

In both education and employment, some people work harder than others.
Why do some people work harder than others? Is working hard always a
good thing?
 Sample 1

In education and employment, the differences in work ethic and effort among individuals
are closely scrutinized and analyzed. Multiple factors contribute to varying work ethics,
and although hard work is often linked to positive outcomes, it isn't always universally

There are multiple reasons why individuals differ in their work ethic. Firstly, external
factors such as upbringing, culture, and socioeconomic status can influence work habits.
For instance, a person raised in a family where both parents worked hard to provide for
their needs might develop a strong work ethic, believing that diligence leads to success.
Secondly, the nature of the task itself can impact the level of effort exerted. Tasks that
align with an individual's interests and passions are often tackled with greater enthusiasm
and dedication. One example illustrating this is a passionate artist who spends long hours
perfecting their craft because they genuinely enjoy the creative process, not solely for
external recognition or rewards. On the contrary, tasks perceived
as mundane or devoid of meaning may lead to reduced effort.

However, it's crucial to recognize that working hard isn't always synonymous with
working smart. In some cases, excessive or inefficient hard work can lead to burnout,
stress, and a diminished quality of life. Therefore, striking a balance between effort and
well-being is essential. Moreover, hard work may not always yield the desired outcomes
if it is not accompanied by effective strategies, adaptability, and opportunities. For
instance, an aspiring entrepreneur working tirelessly on a business idea may still struggle
to succeed without a well-thought-out business plan and access to a suitable market.

In conclusion, individuals' motivation to work hard varies due to a combination

of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. While hard work typically yields positive results, it's
crucial to balance it to prevent burnout and ensure effective effort towards meaningful

 scrutinize (v): xem xét kỹ lưỡng

 ethics (n): đạo đức
 socioeconomic (adj): kinh tế xã hội
 mundane (adj): nhàm chán
 devoid (adj): vô nghĩa
 well-thought-out (adj): cân nhắc kỹ lưỡng
 Sample 2

Some people work harder than others. In my opinion, this is due to natural
differences in temperament and it is largely a positive characteristic, though there
are exceptions.
The main motivating factor behind disparities in work ethic is character. The extent
to which this is genetic or imbued by parents and other influences during childhood
is in debate. There can be little doubt, however, that some are born with a natural
proclivity to focus and the willpower to push themselves to accomplish their
work. Well known examples of this abound in the biographies of great
men. Naturally, in each of these cases, there tends to be situational factors
underpinning such ambitious drives and these include a supportive
family, access to quality education, and lack of neglect or abuse.

On the whole, working hard is a positive trait. This does not hold true in exceptional
instances where individuals are surrounded by psychological problems and work to
the detriment of their own well-being. Most employees
and entrepreneurs can balance home and work life and therefore
minimise the tradeoffs. The advantages, on the other hand, are substantial.
A diligent worker can expect to earn more money, which can then be used to support
their family or invested back into a passion project. Elon Musk is a quintessential
example of a hard-working businessman who has profited individually and
now contributes greatly to the advancement of mankind through
a variety of forward-looking initiatives.

In conclusion, hard work has its source in the make-up of an individual and results
in mostly positive benefits. Nonetheless, those who are driven must be wary of losing
sight of their true goals as they achieve higher levels of success.

 natural differences inherent disparities

 genetic biological
 born with inborn
 natural proclivity born with it
 willpower self-control
 well known examples of this abound famous instances of this are very common
 in each of these cases in both instances
 tends to be situational factors contextual matters
 underpinning serving as a foundation for
 ambitious drives desire to achieve a lot
 not hold true not still the case
 entrepreneurs people who start their own business
 therefore minimise as a result keep under control
 tradeoffs disadvantages
 substantial meaningful
 can expect to earn will likely make
 passion project something you care greatly about
 quintessential example good instance
 profited gained
 advancement of mankind making the world better
 forward-looking initiatives ideas for the future
Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are
used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the
only way to save these traditions. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

 Sample 1

Some individuals argue that commercializing cultural traditions for profit tarnishes their
authenticity and cultural significance, while others assert that monetizing these traditions
is essential for their survival. I believe that both viewpoints hold merit to a certain degree.

To commence, there is a concern that the pursuit of profit can lead to the distortion and
loss of cultural traditions. Frequently, when traditions are adapted to cater to tourists, they
may undergo changes that compromise their originality and cultural value. For instance,
traditional dances like the Vietnamese lion dance, which were historically
performed exclusively by skilled martial artists during special occasions, are now often
poorly executed by amateurs at tourist sites, eroding their authenticity and meaning.
Additionally, some sacred sites suffer damage due to irresponsible tourist
behaviors, endangering their cultural significance. For instance, the actions of a well-
known YouTuber named Logan Paul, who desecrated a sacred well in Japan, have
permanently harmed one of the country's iconic traditions.

Conversely, there are compelling reasons why capitalizing on cultural traditions is seen as
the only way to safeguard them. Firstly, the revenue generated from such activities can be
channeled back into the preservation of these traditions. For example, many residents of
Bat Trang village in Vietnam make a livelihood by producing and selling traditional
ceramic products, enabling them to carry on one of Vietnam's oldest traditions. Secondly,
by showcasing cultural traditions in public venues and exhibitions, governments can raise
awareness and garner support for their preservation. The Vietnamese government, for
instance, has established museums across the country dedicated to exhibiting examples
of ethnic minority cultures, successfully garnering public attention and support while
respecting the lives of these ethnic communities.

In conclusion, utilizing cultural traditions as profit-generating attractions has both

positive and negative repercussions for their preservation.

 commercialize (v): thương mại hóa

 tarnish (v): làm hoen ố
 monetize (v): kiếm tiền từ
 distortion (n): méo mó, biến thể
 undergo (v): trải qua
 desecrate (v): xúc phạm, làm mất đi tính thiêng liêng
 repercussion (n): hệ quả
 Sample 2

Capitalizing on local cultural customs in order to appeal to tourists has always been a
heated topic as many protest the effects this development might have on their cultural
heritage. Personally, I disagree with the practice as I do not think they can honestly
preserve the culture and heritage of local groups, albeit some exceptions to minority
culture should be made.

As a point of consideration, when tourists invest in local cultural traditions, these

traditions become a production that must be put on in order to please these tourists,
leading to the loss of authenticity over time. Tourism places unnecessary stress on local
customs, for they must appeal to tourists for their ideas about the culture and fulfill this
expectation. Through a gradual process of change, there might not be any semblance of
the old tradition left. For instance, many tourist destinations in East Asia have had to
transform their food and services to fit Western taste, and as such, loses the authenticity
that pulled people towards them in the first place.

On the other hand, exceptions can nonetheless be made when it comes to displaced
natives living on reservations. These people have been forced off their lands in the past,
and often forced to adapt to colonizers, and their cultures often have been repressed in the
past to the extent that it may be nearly extinct. In these situations, these once sacred and
important cultural rituals can only be kept alive by the interest of tourists. This is why
many minority people actively welcome visitors to explore their culture and customs as a
way to preserve them.

On the whole, I argue that tourism has had a negative effect on local cultures since the
local cultures have had to change to something they are not; nonetheless, I believe that
some exceptions should be made to minority cultures that need to be explored in order to
be preserved.

The best way for a government to prepare for the future is to invest in young
people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Recently, there's been a growing emphasis on investing in young people for future
preparation. While some argue that this is the best approach for governments to take,
others may have reservations. In my opinion, I agree that investing in young people is
the best way for governments to prepare for the future.

First and foremost, young people are the engines of economic growth. When
governments invest in their education and skills development, they are essentially
investing in the nation's economic prosperity. A well-educated and skilled workforce is
essential for driving innovation, increasing productivity, and remaining competitive in a
globalized world. As young people enter the job market with relevant skills and
knowledge, they are better equipped to contribute to economic development, generate tax
revenue, and reduce dependence on social welfare programs.

Moreover, by nurturing the potential of the youth, governments can address pressing
societal challenges. Investing in programs that promote education, healthcare, and
employment opportunities for young people can lead to improved public health, reduced
crime rates, and enhanced social cohesion. Young individuals who
are gainfully employed and have access to quality healthcare and education are less likely
to engage in criminal activities, and they contribute positively to their communities.
Additionally, young people are the ones who will inherit the responsibilities of
governance and leadership. By investing in their education and providing opportunities
for political engagement and civic participation, governments can ensure a more informed
and responsible future leadership. Informed and engaged youth are more likely to
contribute to the democratic process, advocate for positive change, and work towards the
betterment of society as a whole.

In conclusion, I agree that investing in young people is a crucial aspect of preparing for
the future, as it can yield significant economic and social benefits.

 reservation (n): hoài nghi, lo ngại

 prosperity (n): sự thịnh vượng
 workforce (n): lực lượng lao động
 social cohesion (n): sự gắn kết xã hội
 gainfully (adv): có lợi
 civic (adj): công dân
 yield (v): mang lại lợi ích
 Sample 2
Some people assert that a nation's best strategy for future preparedness lies in the
increased investment in its young population. While this might be a compelling
suggestion, I hold the belief that the situation would be more effectively addressed using
other approaches. It is true that investing in young people can contribute to future
preparedness by fostering human capital development.

By receiving quality education, skills training, and opportunities for personal growth,
young individuals can become productive contributors to society. Specifically, they will
be able to drive technological advancements and increase their nation's economic
stability, all of which are made possible by sufficient investment in this demographic.
However, investing in the youth may not be the wisest course of action if it means
neglecting other age groups, including the elderly, who often require healthcare and
social support, and the middle-aged workforce, which requires continuous training and
job security.

Therefore, I contend that countries should consider a more holistic approach that
benefits all groups of people. One way to achieve this is to allocate more financial
resources to healthcare. A robust medical system, supported by comprehensive social
welfare programs, is necessary to ensure the well-being of all citizens, regardless of age.
Neglecting these areas can lead to healthcare disparities and social inequalities that
hinder a nation's overall development. In addition, proper investment should also be
made in infrastructure, including transportation, communication, and energy systems.
Enhancements in these areas will enable efficient movement of goods and people, foster
communication, and provide reliable energy sources, which will all become paramount
for the prosperity of future generations.

In conclusion, while directing resources towards the youth is helpful for a nation's future
preparedness, a more impactful solution would be to invest in areas that serve the
broader needs of society. To this end, healthcare and infrastructure should receive more
investment, as they are two domains with the potential to ensure a promising future for
the country.

Young people today know more about international pop and film stars than
they do about famous people in their own country's history. Why is this?
What can be done to increase young people's interest in famous people from
their country's history?

In the modern world, it is undeniable that young people often possess a greater
knowledge of international pop and film stars compared to famous figures from their own
country's history. This phenomenon can be attributed to several key factors, and some
measures can be taken to address this issue.

Young people often know more about global pop and film stars than their own country's
historical figures due to multiple factors. Firstly, the rise of the internet and social media
has made information about international celebrities more accessible than ever before.
Youngsters are inundated with international pop and film star content on platforms like
Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. These celebrities' large followings and regular
fan engagement create a personal connection. Secondly, the entertainment industry,
including Hollywood and the global music industry, invests significant resources in
marketing and promoting international stars. The extensive media coverage, advertising
campaigns, and merchandise associated with these celebrities contribute to their
widespread recognition.

To increase young people's interest in famous figures from their own country's history,
several measures can be taken. Schools can update their history curricula to include
more engaging and relevant content about local historical figures, making history lessons
more interesting and relatable to young learners. At the same time, organizing cultural
events, exhibitions, and heritage tours can provide young people with opportunities to
explore and appreciate their country's history. Moreover, the media can raise awareness
of national history through TV, documentaries, and films, making it more appealing to
young audiences. Television programs, documentaries, and films can be produced to
showcase the lives and contributions of famous individuals from the country's past.

In conclusion, while international pop and film stars have a strong presence in young
people's lives, efforts to boost their interest in their country's history can succeed through
creative education, cultural events, and engaging media.

 inundate (v): tràn ngập, lấn chiếm

 engagement (n): tương tác
 merchandise (n): hàng hóa
 curricula (n): chương trình học

Some people say that drug companies have a responsibility to spend money
on researching medicines that will help people in poorer countries. Others say
the main responsibility of drug companies is to make money. Discuss both
these views and give your own opinion.

The ethical debate about pharmaceutical companies centers on their primary duty:
research for medicines in poorer countries or profit generation. In my opinion, both
perspectives have valid points, and a balanced approach is necessary.

On one hand, it's argued that pharmaceutical companies, with their vast resources and
research capabilities, have a moral duty to invest in medicines addressing the health
needs of impoverished regions. Diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected
tropical diseases primarily affect people in low-income countries, often lacking affordable
treatments due to profit motives. By dedicating resources to such research, these
companies can promote global health equity and alleviate suffering. Furthermore,
researching medicines for poorer countries can lead to innovative treatments with global
applications. For example, studying diseases like malaria and tuberculosis prevalent in
these regions can provide insights for developing therapies that benefit people
worldwide, showcasing the broader positive impact of this responsibility.

On the other hand, proponents of the profit-driven approach contend that pharmaceutical
companies are businesses, and like any other enterprise, their primary objective is to
make money. The revenue generated is reinvested into research and development,
allowing them to discover new drugs and treatments for various ailments. Without
profitability, these companies may struggle to sustain their operations and continue
researching and developing innovative medicines. Furthermore, profit serves as an
incentive for private investment in the pharmaceutical sector, which often leads
to breakthrough discoveries. For instance, the substantial profits generated by drug
companies have fueled groundbreaking research in areas like cancer treatment and rare
disease therapies, ultimately benefiting patients worldwide.
To summarize, while pharmaceutical companies are profit-driven entities, they should
also recognize their social responsibility. They should strike a balance by allocating a
portion of their resources and profits to researching medicines for the health challenges in
poorer countries while maintaining innovation and sustainability.

 valid (adj): có lý, hợp lý

 malaria (n): bệnh sốt rét
 alleviate (v): giảm bớt
 entity (n): tổ chức

Some parents give their children everything that their children ask for and
accept what their children want to do. Is this good for children? What could
be the consequences for these children when they grow up?

Indulging children by giving them everything they ask for and letting them dictate their
activities may seem like a way to make them happy in the short term, but it is not
necessarily beneficial for their overall development. In my opinion,
this parenting approach can have detrimental consequences as children grow up.

Firstly, when children are granted every request and whim, they may develop a sense of
entitlement. For example, if a child always gets every toy they want immediately, they
might later expect the same instant gratification in other areas like relationships or work.
This may result in impatience and frustration when they face situations requiring patience
or gradual progress. Furthermore, an overly permissive parenting style may fail to instill
important values such as responsibility, discipline, and the ability to make wise choices.
For instance, if parents frequently allow their child to skip school or neglect homework
without consequences, the child may not learn the value of education, responsibility, or
commitment. This could hinder their academic and professional success later in life.

As these children transition into adulthood, they may encounter challenges in adapting to
a society that doesn't always cater to their desires. Their early experiences of having
everything they want without effort might lead to difficulties in educational or workplace
settings where self-discipline, personal responsibility, and the ability to delay gratification
are essential. In academic environments, they may find it challenging to cope with the
demands of higher education, where independent study, time management,
and perseverance are crucial. Similarly, in the professional world, they might face
difficulties when tasks require patience, dedication, and the ability to work towards long-
term goals.

In conclusion, when children are consistently granted their every wish without
experiencing the value of patience, responsibility, and hard work, they may face
difficulties in adapting to the demands of adult life.

 indulge (v): nuông chiều

 dictate (v): ra lệnh, tự chọn
 parenting (n): nuôi con
 whim (n): ý thích bất chợt
 gratification (n): sự hài lòng
 permissive (adj): dễ dãi, phục tùng
 hinder (v): cản trở

Many people aspire to a balance between work and other parts of their lives,
but few achieve it. What are the problems in trying to achieve this and how
can these problems be overcome?

Balancing work and other aspects of life is a widespread aspiration, yet achieving
this equilibrium remains a formidable challenge for many individuals. Several factors
contribute to the difficulties in attaining this balance, and various strategies can be
employed to overcome these challenges.

One significant problem is the pervasive culture of overwork in many societies. People
often work in demanding jobs with long hours, leaving little time or energy for personal
pursuits. For example, in Japan, the widespread "karoshi" phenomenon illustrates the toll
of overwork, causing severe stress and exhaustion that significantly curtails personal
time and family interactions. Furthermore, technological advancements, while providing
convenience, can also disrupt the work-life balance. For instance, an employee might
receive work-related emails and messages during their evenings or
weekends, encroaching on their leisure and family moments. This constant digital tether
can make it arduous to detach from work and fully engage in personal life.

There are several strategies to address these challenges effectively. Employers should
encourage work-life balance by implementing flexible work
hours, telecommuting options, and reasonable workload expectations. Government
policies can also play a role by enforcing labor laws that limit excessive working hours
and protect employees' rights. At the same time, individuals should establish clear
boundaries by setting specific hours for work-related activities and disconnecting during
personal time. Employers can support this by implementing policies that respect
employees' non-working hours.

In conclusion, the challenges in achieving a work-life balance stem from the culture of
overwork and technology's influence. To overcome these challenges, collaboration among
employers, governments, and individuals is vital. Through policy changes, boundary-
setting, and cultural shifts, people can strive for and achieve a better balance between
work and their personal lives.

 aspiration (n): khát vọng, kỳ vọng

 equilibrium (n): trạng thái cân bằng
 formidable (adj): thách thức, đáng sợ
 pervasive (adj): tràn lan
 curtail (v): cắt ngắt, làm bớt
 encroach (v): lấn chiếm
 arduous (adj): khó khăn, gian truân
 implement(v): áp dụng
 telecommuting (n): làm việc từ xa
 strive (v): phấn đấu
Any country should be able to sell goods to other countries without the
restrictions of the government. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In our globalized world, international trade is vital for economic growth

and prosperity among nations. However, the belief that countries should trade freely
without government regulation oversimplifies the intricate trade landscape. For that, I
strongly disagree with this viewpoint.

Firstly, government regulations are crucial to protect domestic industries and jobs.
Without proper regulations, countries with lower production costs or lax environmental
standards can flood foreign markets with cheap goods, which can undermine the
competitiveness of domestic industries. This can lead to job losses and economic
imbalances within nations. By imposing reasonable restrictions and tariffs, governments
can level the playing field, allowing domestic industries to compete fairly and protect
local jobs.

Secondly, government oversight in international trade is essential to ensure the safety and
quality of imported goods. Regulations help prevent substandard or unsafe products from
entering a country, safeguarding the health and well-being of consumers. For instance,
regulations on food imports help prevent the spread of diseases and ensure that products
meet safety standards. Without such safeguards, consumers could be exposed to a higher
risk of harm.

Additionally, government regulations foster fair competition by

preventing monopolistic practices, price manipulation, and intellectual property theft.
These strict regulations on anti-competitive behavior ensure that large corporations
cannot unfairly dominate markets or manipulate prices, which allows smaller businesses
to thrive and encourages innovation. For example, anti-dumping regulations prevent
foreign companies from selling products in the domestic market at unfairly low prices,
which can harm domestic industries.

In conclusion, I disagree with the notion that any country should be able to engage in
unrestricted trade without government. Government regulations are essential to protect
domestic industries, ensure the safety of consumers, and promote fair competition.

 prosperity (n): sự thịnh vượng

 oversimplify (v): đơn giản hóa quá mức
 intricate (adj): tinh vi, phức tạp
 lax (adj): lỏng lẻo
 undermine (v): làm suy yếu
 tariff (n): thuế quan
 oversight (n): giám sát
 monopolistic (adj): độc quyền
 intellectual property: tài sản trí tuệ

Some people think news has no connection to people’s lives. So then it is a

waste of time to read the newspaper and watch television news programs. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
I strongly disagree with the notion that news has no connection to people's lives and that
reading newspapers and watching television news programs is a waste of time. In fact,
news plays a crucial role in keeping individuals informed, engaged, and empowered in
the modern world.

First and foremost, news serves as a primary source of information that

directly impacts people's daily lives. Whether it's updates on political decisions,
economic trends, or public health issues, news provides the knowledge necessary for
individuals to make informed choices. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic,
news outlets disseminated vital information about safety measures, vaccine distribution,
and travel restrictions, enabling people to protect themselves and their communities.

Moreover, news fosters a sense of connectedness by highlighting shared experiences and

global events. It allows individuals to understand the challenges faced by others and
encourages empathy and solidarity. News stories about humanitarian crises, climate
change, or social justice issues can inspire people to take action, donate to causes, or
participate in volunteer work to make a positive impact.

Additionally, news plays a pivotal role in holding individuals

and institutions accountable for their actions. News acts as a powerful watchdog,
ensuring accountability in society by revealing instances of corruption, misconduct, and
injustice through investigative journalism. This vital function of the news media
contributes to upholding the principles of transparency, ethics, and fairness in various
sectors, including government, business, and civil society. Without news coverage,
instances of abuse of power or corporate malfeasance could go unchecked, potentially
causing harm to society.

In conclusion, news is an indispensable part of people's lives, providing information,

fostering a sense of connectedness and holding power accountable. Far from being a
waste of time, staying informed through news sources is essential for personal growth and
societal progress.

 disseminate (v): lan truyền, phổ biến

 empathy (n): sự đồng cảm
 solidarity (n): tình đoàn kết
 humanitarian (adj): nhân đạo
 institution (n): tổ chức
 watchdog (n): tổ chức giám sát
 corruption (n): tham nhũng
 transparency (n): tính minh bạch
 malfeasance (n): hành vi sai trái
 indispensable (adj): không thể thiếu

Some people think that good health is very important to every person, so
medical services should not be run by profit-making companies. Do the
advantages of private health care outweigh the disadvantages?
Private healthcare services have become increasingly prevalent in many parts of the
world, and whether their advantages outweigh the disadvantages is a subject of ongoing
debate. In my view, the advantages of private healthcare do indeed outweigh the

On the one hand, private healthcare systems often tout several advantages.
Firstly, proponents argue that competition in the private sector can drive innovation and
efficiency. Profit-driven companies may invest in cutting-edge technologies, attract top
medical professionals, and provide quicker access to specialized care. Patients under
private healthcare systems might experience shorter wait times for elective procedures
and have more control over their choice of doctors and treatments. Additionally, private
healthcare systems can offer greater amenities and personalized services, which some
individuals may find appealing. Luxurious hospitals, shorter waiting times, and the
ability to choose one's physician are all seen as benefits of private healthcare.

However, these advantages come with their own set of disadvantages. Private healthcare
can be expensive, leading to disparities in access to care. Those with the financial means
receive top-tier treatment, while those without face barriers to essential services. This
can result in unequal health outcomes and exacerbate existing social inequalities.
Furthermore, the profit motive inherent in private healthcare can lead to practices that
prioritize financial gain over patient well-being. In some cases, there have
been allegations of unnecessary procedures and overprescription of medications to
maximize profits. This can undermine the trust between patients and healthcare providers.

In conclusion, while it's true that private healthcare can have its drawbacks, the benefits it
brings make it a valuable component of the healthcare landscape.

 tout (v): có, mời chào

 proponent (n): người ủng hộ
 cutting-edge (adj): tiên tiến
 elective (adj): tự chọn
 amenities (n): tiện nghi
 disparity (n): khoảng cách, sự chênh lệch
 top-tier (adj): hàng đầu, quan trọng nhất
 exacerbate (v): làm trầm trọng thêm
 inherent (adj): vốn có
 allegation (n): cáo buộc
 overprescription (n): kê đơn thuốc quá mức

Nowadays it is easy to apply for and be given a credit card. However, some
people experience problems when they are not able to pay their debts back.
Do the advantages of credit cards outweigh the disadvantages?

In the modern era, obtaining a credit card has become a simple

process, granting individuals greater access to funds and enabling them to make
purchases with ease. Despite the potential issues that may arise for those unable to repay
their debts, I believe the advantages of credit cards significantly outweigh the
One of the primary advantages of credit cards is the convenience they offer. Credit cards
enable users to make purchases without carrying large sums of cash, minimizing the risk
of theft or loss. Additionally, credit cards allow individuals to make purchases online or
in foreign countries, simplifying transactions and increasing accessibility to a wider
range of products and services. Furthermore, credit cards provide financial flexibility, as
they enable users to cover unexpected expenses and pay off the balance over time,
thereby easing potential financial stress.

Another notable advantage of credit cards is the consumer protection they provide. Many
credit card companies offer features such as fraud protection, allowing users
to dispute unauthorized charges and avoid financial loss. This added security promotes
consumer confidence in making transactions, both online and in person. An example is
the fraud protection feature provided by Visa. Imagine a situation where a cardholder
discovers a fraudulent online transaction. Visa's fraud protection policy allows this
cardholder to dispute the charge, and after a brief investigation, the credit card company
confirms the transaction was indeed unauthorized.

In conclusion, while the misuse of credit cards can result in financial difficulties for some
individuals, I believe that the advantages of credit cards outweigh the potential

 grant (v): trợ cấp, hỗ trợ

 with ease: dễ dàng
 minimize (v): giảm thiểu
 financial flexibility: sự linh hoạt tài chính
 pay sth off (phrasal verb): trả nợ
 fraud protection: chống gian lận
 in person: trực tiếp
 fraudulent (adj): lừa đảo
 investigation (n): cuộc điều tra
 misuse (n): lạm dụng

Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to
a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight
after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Upon completing high school, teenagers face the decision of whether to pursue higher
education and obtain a Bachelor's Degree or to enter the workforce immediately.
Although there are notable advantages to securing a job right after high school, I argue
that attending college or university is a more beneficial choice for teenagers.

Entering the workforce immediately after high school can be appealing for several
reasons. One reason is that teenagers can become more independent by earning their own
income, allowing them to establish a stable life, start a family, or travel. Additionally,
starting work early provides opportunities for career advancement, as they can broaden
their perspectives, acquire real-world experience, and develop practical skills in their
chosen profession, leading to career success. For example, a high school graduate may
become an apprentice chef, earning income and gaining financial independence.
Entering the workforce early allows them to climb the career ladder sooner and acquire
hands-on experience and practical skills.

However, I maintain that continuing education to obtain a Bachelor's Degree offers even
greater benefits than pursuing a career right after high school. First, without formal
qualifications from a college or university, young people may face
increased competition when seeking their desired job. Second, many professions require
specific academic qualifications for entry, such as doctor or lawyer positions. In other
words, numerous roles within a company necessitate relevant qualifications for
consideration. Consequently, while the absence of academic credentials may hinder a
young person's career trajectory, university graduates have access to a wider range of
high-quality job opportunities and higher salaries.

In conclusion, due to the reasons stated above, I believe that students are more likely to
enjoy a successful career in the long run if they possess a college or university degree,
thus, they should pursue this path upon graduating high school.

 real-world experience: trải nghiệm thực tiễn

 practical (adj): thực tế
 apprentice (n): người học việc
 formal qualification: bằng cấp chính quy
 necessitate (v): bắt buộc
 credential (n): chứng chỉ
 career trajectory: thăng tiến sự nghiệp

It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about the culture of other
people. We can learn just as much from books, films, and the internet. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is a perspective that asserts that traveling to other places is not necessary to learn
about the culture of other people, as information can be accessed through
books, documentaries, and the internet. However, this essay will argue
that firsthand experiences through travel are vital for gaining
a comprehensive understanding of diverse cultures.

Firstly, traveling to other places enables individuals to form personal connections with
people from different cultures. Interacting with locals provides a unique insight into their
beliefs, traditions, and daily lives that cannot be replicated through other means. By
participating in cultural activities, such as attending festivals, trying traditional foods, or
engaging in local arts, travelers can gain a more authentic understanding of the culture.
For instance, learning about Japan's traditional tea ceremony from books and
documentaries is informative, but participating in one alongside a local host offers a
deeper understanding. Travelers can experience the host's warmth and hospitality,
observe their attention to detail, and appreciate the ceremony's intricacies, which are
difficult to capture through written or visual media.

Secondly, traveling to other places helps challenge preconceived notions

and stereotypes about different cultures. Exposure to diverse ways of life encourages
individuals to reevaluate their beliefs and assumptions, fostering open-mindedness and
a more accurate understanding of cultural differences. For example, many westerners may
have misconceptions about Middle Eastern or African cultures, which can
be dispelled through direct exposure and interaction with people from those regions. In
this way, travel serves as a powerful tool for dispelling myths and fostering cultural

In conclusion, while it is true that information about other cultures can be accessed
without traveling, I strongly believe that firsthand experiences through travel
are invaluable for fostering a comprehensive understanding of diverse cultures.

 assert (v): khẳng định

 firsthand (adj): tự trải nghiệm lần đầu
 replicate (v): sao chép, mô phỏng
 authentic (adj): chính xác
 informative (adj): giàu thông tin, hữu ích
 hospitality (n): sự hiếu khách
 intricacy (n): sự phức tạp
 preconceived (adj): định kiến (thường không có đủ căn cứ)
 stereotype (n): khuôn mẫu
 reevaluate (v): đánh giá lại
 open-mindedness (n): sự cởi mở
 misconception (n): quan niệm sai lầm
 dispel (v): xóa sổ
 invaluable (adj): vô giá

Restoration of old buildings in many cities involves enormous government

expenditure. It would be more beneficial to spend this money to build new
houses and roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The restoration of old buildings in cities often demands significant

government expenditure. While preserving historical structures is essential, it is worth
considering the benefits of allocating these resources to construct new houses and roads
instead. This essay will argue that investing in new infrastructure can result in a more
significant positive impact on society, compared to directing spending toward projects
involving old buildings.

Firstly, spending money on building new houses can help alleviate the growing housing
shortages faced by many cities. As urban populations continue to rise, the demand for
affordable and accessible housing increases. By prioritizing new housing developments,
governments can ensure that more citizens have access to decent living conditions, which
in turn improves their quality of life. One example can be seen in the city of Vienna,
Austria. Known for its well-established social housing program, the local government
has invested in the construction of affordable and high-quality housing units for its
citizens. As a result of these efforts, Vienna consistently ranks among the top cities in the
world in terms of quality of life.
Secondly, allocating funds to construct new roads and improve existing transportation
networks can have significant benefits for cities. Improved roads can reduce traffic
congestion, decrease travel times, and enhance road safety. Moreover, well-planned
transportation networks can boost public transit options, encouraging people to use
more environmentally-friendly modes of transportation. For example, instead of
spending millions of dollars on restoring old structures, New York City decided to invest
in upgrading and expanding the public transportation system, specifically the subway. As
a result, New York City's residents and visitors experienced reduced travel times, less
congestion during peak hours, and more convenient transportation options.

In conclusion, I believe that it is essential to recognize the advantages of investing in new

housing and infrastructure projects. Instead of focusing on the restoration of old
buildings, governments can significantly improve the lives of their citizens and foster the
long-term development of cities by addressing housing shortages and improving
transportation networks.

 construct (v): xây dựng

 alleviate (v): giảm
 prioritize (v): ưu tiên
 decent (adj): tử tế
 well-established (adj): được thiết lập, vận hành tốt
 traffic congestion: tắc nghẽn giao thông
 public transit: giao thông công cộng
 environmentally-friendly: thân thiện với môi trường
 housing shortage: thiếu hụt nơi ở

It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places like
squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

Public outdoor spaces, such as squares and parks, play a crucial role in the development
and well-being of urban areas. These communal spaces provide a myriad of benefits that
contribute to the overall quality of life for residents. This essay will argue in favor of the
importance of having large public outdoor places in towns and cities.

Firstly, public outdoor spaces promote social cohesion by fostering interactions among
people from different backgrounds and walks of life. Squares and parks serve as natural
gathering points for various events and activities, such as concerts, festivals, and
community celebrations. These spaces provide opportunities for residents to connect,
share experiences, and develop a sense of belonging to their community. In doing so, they
help build stronger and more resilient social networks, which are essential for
creating inclusive and harmonious urban environments.

Secondly, public outdoor spaces contribute significantly to the health and well-being of
city dwellers. Parks and green spaces offer residents an escape from the hustle and
bustle of city life, providing them with areas to relax, unwind, and enjoy nature.
Additionally, these spaces encourage physical activity by providing venues for sports,
exercise, and leisurely walks. Regular physical activity has been proven to reduce the risk
of chronic diseases, improve mental health, and enhance overall well-being. Therefore,
the presence of large public outdoor spaces in towns and cities is crucial for promoting a
healthy and balanced lifestyle.

In conclusion, the importance of having large public outdoor spaces in towns and cities
cannot be overstated, as these spaces foster social cohesion and promote health and well-
being. They must be developed and preserved in our modern world.

 well-being (n): sự đủ đầy, hạnh phúc

 myriad (n): vô số
 cohesion (n): sự gắn kết
 walks of life (idiom): mọi tầng lớp
 harmonious (adj): hòa hợp
 dweller (n): cư dân
 hustle and bustle (phrase): hối hả, nhộn nhịp
 chronic (adj): mãn tính, kinh niên
 overstate (v): phóng đại, làm thái quá

Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city while others think
of a vertical city. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some individuals argue that residing in a sprawling, low-rise city is ideal, while
others advocate for settling in cities characterized by high-rise buildings. Although there
are advantages to living in a city with predominantly low-rise structures, I argue that
cities with skyscrapers and tall buildings provide even greater benefits.

On one hand, living in a sprawling city offers certain financial and safety advantages for
residents. Firstly, people can save on building service costs by living in a single-family
home, as they won't need to pay for shared services. Secondly, low-rise living can be
safer in emergency situations. For instance, in the event of a fire, residents can more
easily evacuate their homes since they are closer to the ground and it takes less time to
exit the building.

On the other hand, I believe that choosing to live in a high-rise city is

the superior option. Cities with skyscrapers allow for more efficient use of land, as less
space is needed for residential areas due to the vertical arrangement of housing.
Consequently, governments can allocate this land to construct hospitals, schools, or
entertainment venues. Moreover, living in an apartment within a tall building often
provides residents with convenient access to an array of goods and services, as shopping
malls and service centers are frequently located on the lower floors.

In conclusion, while there are certain benefits to living in a low-rise city, the advantages
associated with residing in a city defined by skyscrapers make high-rise urban living the
more appealing choice in my opinion.

Số từ: 254
 horizontal city: thành phố mở rộng không gian sống cho dân cư theo chiều ngang
(nới rộng quy hoạch thành phố)
 vertical city: thành phố mở rộng không gian sống cho dân cư theo chiều dọc (xây
nhiều tòa chung cư cao tầng)
 reside (v): cư trú
 high-rise (adj): cao tầng
 predominantly (adv): phần lớn
 low-rise (adj): thấp tầng
 sprawling city: thành phố
 emergency (adj) (n): khẩn cấp
 evacuate (v): sơ tán
 array (n): chuỗi

Some cities have vehicle-free days when private cars, trucks, and motorcycles
are banned from the city center. People are encouraged to use public
transportation such as buses, taxis, and the metro on vehicle-free days. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

In an effort to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and enhance the quality of life,
some cities have introduced vehicle-free days, during which private cars, trucks, and
motorcycles are prohibited in the city center. On these days, people are encouraged to
use public transportation such as buses, taxis, and the metro. This essay will argue that
the advantages of vehicle-free days outweigh the disadvantages.

Firstly, vehicle-free days contribute significantly to environmental sustainability.

The temporary ban on private vehicles leads to a decrease in carbon emissions and air
pollution, as fewer cars are operating in the city center. Consequently, air quality
improves, which benefits the health of urban residents and reduces the burden on
healthcare systems. Additionally, the promotion of public transportation on vehicle-free
days encourages people to adopt more environmentally-friendly habits, which can have
a long-lasting impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Secondly, vehicle-free days lead to a reduction in traffic congestion in the city center.
This alleviation not only minimizes stress for commuters but also allows for more
efficient transportation of goods and services. Furthermore, the increased use of public
transportation on vehicle-free days may encourage city governments to invest in and
improve public transit systems, ultimately making them more attractive to commuters.
This shift towards public transportation could lead to a long-term reduction in traffic
congestion, benefiting both individuals and businesses.

In conclusion, the advantages of vehicle-free days in cities far outweigh the

disadvantages. Vehicle-free days can contribute to environmental sustainability, reduce
traffic congestion, and encourage healthier lifestyles. By adopting vehicle-free days, cities
can take a significant step towards creating more sustainable, livable, and healthy urban
environments for their residents.

 metro (n): tàu điện

 environmental sustainability: sự bền vững của môi trường
 carbon emission: khí thải carbon
 long-lasting (adj): dài hạn
 alleviation (n): sự giảm
 public transit system: hệ thống giao thông công cộng

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some

people think this is good for the world of sports, while others think there are
disadvantages of this. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Undoubtedly, the way companies advertise their products has transformed over time, and
nowadays, sponsorship has gained more popularity. Many companies promote their
brands by sponsoring sports events or athletes, which helps them reach a wider audience.
While some people argue that this advertising practice has numerous advantages, others
think that it has more disadvantages. Personally, I believe that the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages.

Firstly, one of the significant benefits of sponsoring sports is that it boosts the sales of the
respective companies. For instance, if a company sponsors a globally renowned sports
team or athlete, they get the opportunity to display their logo on jerseys, posters, and
banners. As a result, the company's products attract the attention of the audience, and it
becomes a household name in the targeted society. Additionally, the sponsorship can
provide an excellent platform for new players.

On the other hand, it is essential to acknowledge that sponsorship has some drawbacks.
For instance, some companies may use sporting events to promote their low-quality
products, which can have adverse effects on consumers' health. Moreover, if a sponsored
athlete gets injured or falls ill during a competition, the company's investment is wasted.
Similarly, if the athlete is involved in illegal activities, such as match-fixing or
using performance-enhancing drugs, the company's reputation is at stake, and
it undermines the essence of sports.

To conclude, although sponsoring sports events has some disadvantages, the advantages
are more significant. It provides companies with a means to remain competitive in the
market, and athletes have the responsibility to perform well without getting involved in
any scandal.

 sponsorship (n): tài trợ

 jersey (n): áo thi đấu
 match-fixing: dàn xếp trận đấu
 performance-enhancing drug: thuốc tăng cường thể lực
 at stake (idiom): ở bờ vực nguy hiểm
 undermine (v): hủy hoại, hao mòn

The best way to solve the traffic and transportation problem is to encourage
people to live in cities rather than suburbs or the countryside. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?
Urban planners have been grappling with the issue of traffic congestion in recent years.
Several solutions have been proposed, but encouraging people to relocate from rural
areas to urban centers has emerged as a notable option. However, this essay aims to
demonstrate that this solution is not a practical one.

To begin with, cities are already plagued with traffic problems due to high
population density, and an influx of people would exacerbate the situation. This would
result in more vehicles on the road, leading to higher traffic jams. Studies suggest that for
every ten new cars on the road, the rate of congestion increases by 300%. For instance,
Ho Chi Minh City officials reported that 10,000 new traffic incidents resulted from
1,000 immigrants relocating to the city in 2019.

Furthermore, as cities become more crowded, the traffic infrastructure would not be able
to accommodate the increasing volume of vehicles. The maintenance of roads and
highways cannot keep pace with the rate of deterioration due to constant traffic. Many
major cities across the world are grappling with this issue, and repairing damaged streets
and highways has become a significant challenge. For example, in Hanoi, the capital city
of Vietnam, there are numerous repair sites that cannot complete their work on time
because roads break down faster than they can be fixed.

In conclusion, relocating people from rural areas to cities would introduce more cars to
the streets and overburden the infrastructure, leading to further traffic problems. Policy
makers should consider relocating people from crowded cities to satellite towns or
suburban areas to alleviate traffic congestion.

 grapple (v): vật lộn

 relocate (v): di dời
 influx (n): dòng chảy
 exacerbate (v): phóng đại lên
 deterioration (n): sự xuống cấp
 overburden (v): làm quá tải

More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to

get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a
positive or negative development?

The digital age has revolutionized the way people access information, leading to a
decline in the consumption of traditional news sources such as newspapers and TV
programs. This essay will argue that relying solely on the internet for news can be a
negative development.

One of the most significant issues with relying on the internet for news is
the prevalence of misinformation and fake news. The ease with which anyone can
publish content online has led to a proliferation of unreliable sources that can spread
false or misleading information. This can have serious consequences, as it can influence
public opinion, skew political discourse, and even undermine trust in legitimate news
sources. For example, there are numerous conspiracy theories online. These theories
often rely on misinformation, half-truths, and unfounded claims, which can spread rapidly
through online platforms. This can lead to a misinformed public, making it difficult for
people to discern fact from fiction.

Secondly, the shift towards internet-based news consumption can contribute to the
decline in quality journalism. The digital landscape has disrupted the traditional revenue
models of newspapers and TV programs, with many outlets struggling to
generate sufficient income through online advertising. As a result, news organizations
may be forced to reduce staff, cut back on investigative reporting,
or compromise journalistic integrity in order to attract clicks and generate revenue. This
decline in quality journalism can have negative implications for society, as it reduces the
public's access to in-depth, well-researched information that is essential for making
informed decisions.

In conclusion, while the internet offers convenient access to a vast array of news sources,
relying solely on the Internet for news consumption can be a negative development. It is
essential for individuals to recognize these drawbacks and consider incorporating a mix
of traditional and digital news sources to ensure they remain well-informed and exposed
to a variety of perspectives.

 revolutionize (v): cách mạng hóa

 skew (v): làm hỏng, làm sai lệch
 political discourse: quan điểm chính trị
 undermine (v): hủy hoại
 legitimate (adj): hợp pháp, chính đáng
 conspiracy (n): thuyết âm mưu
 discern (v): phân biệt
 compromise (v): thỏa hiệp, giảm bớt
 integrity (n): tính trung thực
 in-depth (adj): sâu sắc
 incorporate (v): tích hợp

Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn children into
good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

While some people argue that the primary purpose of schools is to create good citizens
and productive workers, this essay will challenge this notion by emphasizing the
importance of individual growth and development within the educational process.

Firstly, schools play a crucial role in fostering the intellectual and creative development
of students. This growth is not merely to benefit society but to allow each student to reach
their full potential. By providing a diverse range of subjects and learning experiences,
schools can help students discover and nurture their passions, interests, and talents. For
example, consider a school that offers a wide array of courses, including arts,
sciences, humanities, and physical education, allowing their students to explore various
subjects and identify areas where their passions and talents lie. This diverse education
encourages critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, which can lead to
individual fulfillment and a sense of purpose.
In addition to academic development, schools should also prioritize the emotional and
social growth of students. Emotional intelligence and social skills are essential for
personal well-being and success in various aspects of life, including relationships and
career progression. By creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment, schools
can help students develop empathy, resilience, and effective communication skills.
These qualities not only contribute to a healthy society but also directly benefit the
individuals who possess them, improving their overall quality of life. For instance,
schools can implement programs and activities that promote emotional intelligence and
social skills, such as group projects, peer mentoring, and conflict resolution workshops.
These programs encourage self-awareness, social awareness, responsible decision-
making, and relationship management.

In conclusion, while the development of good citizens and productive workers is a

valuable goal for schools, I disagree that this is the ultimate goal of schools and it should
not overshadow the importance of individual growth and development.

 array (n): danh sách

 humanities (n): nhân văn học
 critical thinking: tư duy phản biện
 problem-solving: giải quyết vấn đề
 decision-making: đưa ra quyết định
 overshadow (v): làm lu mờ

Some people believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn,
and should not have to pay tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or

The concept of keeping all the money one earns without contributing to the state through
taxation is appealing to some individuals. However, this essay disagrees and will argue
that paying taxes is essential for maintaining a well-functioning society and providing
critical services to citizens.

One of the primary purposes of taxation is to generate revenue for the state
to fund essential public services, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
These services not only improve the quality of life for citizens but also contribute to a
more equitable society by ensuring that everyone has access to basic necessities,
regardless of their income level. For example, taxes finance public schools, which
provide education for all children, including those from low-income families who might
not be able to afford private education. Similarly, taxation supports public healthcare
systems, enabling access to medical care for all citizens. In the absence of taxation, these
services would likely be underfunded or non-existent, leading to a more significant
divide between the rich and the poor and exacerbating social inequality.

Another critical function of taxation is to maintain and improve public infrastructure,

such as roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. These infrastructure projects
not only facilitate the movement of goods and people, promoting economic growth, but
also ensure that citizens can access essential services and employment opportunities.
Without taxation, the responsibility of maintaining and improving infrastructure would
fall on private entities, which may prioritize profit over public welfare. This could lead to
the neglect of essential infrastructure projects or the imposition of user fees that
would disproportionately affect low-income individuals who rely on public
transportation or cannot afford tolls.

In conclusion, while the idea of keeping all the money one earns may be tempting, I
completely disagree with this view as it is essential to recognize the crucial role of
taxation. Taxes are a necessary part of a functioning society, and their contribution to the
state helps to ensure a higher quality of life for all citizens.

 fund (v): gây quỹ

 equitable (adj): công bằng
 underfunded (adj): thiếu vốn
 facilitate (v): tạo điều kiện
 economic growth: sự phát triển kinh tế
 entity (n): tổ chức
 imposition (n): áp đặt
 disproportionately (adv): không cân xứng
 toll (n): phí cầu đường
 tempting (adj): hấp dẫn

More and more plastic waste is polluting the world’s cities, countryside, and
oceans. What problems will it cause? What measures should be taken to solve
these problems?

The increasing amount of plastic waste polluting the world's cities, countryside, and
oceans has become a pressing environmental concern. This essay will discuss the
problems caused by plastic pollution and propose measures that can be taken
to mitigate these issues.

Plastic waste poses numerous challenges for both the environment and human health.
Firstly, plastic pollution negatively impacts ecosystems and wildlife. Many animals,
including marine species, often mistake plastic debris for food, leading to ingestion,
injury, and even death. Secondly, plastic pollution contributes to the deterioration of
natural habitats, such as coastlines and waterways, adversely affecting their aesthetic
appeal and reducing their recreational value. This can have negative implications for
local communities and industries, such as tourism, that rely on the attractiveness of these

To combat the growing problem of plastic waste, several measures can be implemented.
One such measure is the promotion of a circular economy, in which plastic materials are
designed for reuse, recycling, or composting. Governments and industries
can incentivize the use of eco-friendly packaging materials, support research and
development of sustainable alternatives, and implement policies that encourage recycling
and responsible waste management. Another measure is raising public awareness about
the issue of plastic pollution and the importance of responsible consumption. Educational
campaigns can inform individuals about the environmental and health consequences of
plastic waste and encourage them to reduce their plastic consumption, adopt
reusable alternatives, and recycle properly.

In conclusion, plastic waste poses significant problems for the environment, wildlife, and
human health. By adopting the strategies mentioned above, we can work towards a more
sustainable future and reduce the detrimental impact of plastic waste on our planet.

 pressing (adj): cấp bách

 propose (v): đề xuất
 mitigate (v): giảm
 debris (n): mảnh vụn
 deterioration (n): sự suy giảm
 coastline (n): miền duyên hải, ven biển
 implication (n): tình trạng liên quan
 composting (n): ủ phân bón
 incentivize (v): khuyến khích
 eco-friendly (adj): thân thiện với môi trường

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