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THIRD SEM 2023-24

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MOBILE : 0509175363

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Q1.What are air pollutants ? Write names of some air pollutants.

Ans : The substances that cause air pollution are called pollutants .
Main air pollutants are carbon dioxide , sulfur dioxide, carbon
monoxide , nitrogen oxides. Air pollution Causes acid rain , ozone
depletion , photochemical smog and other such phenomena .

Q2.Write the method of purification of water.

Ans :The main stages of large scale water purification are ,

The water first enters a precipitation tank .The large , insoluble

particles settle at the bottom of the tank (B).

The water passes through a series of filtration tanks. Smaller insoluble

particles are filtered out as the water passes through a series of sand
beds( A and C).

The water is then chlorinated , for killing bacteria(D).

Sometimes lime also added to neutralize the water.

Finally the clean water is stored and distributed to homes

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3.What is green house effect ?

Ans :In atmosphere , when level of carbon dioxide , nitrous oxide ,

methane increases , the average level of temperature on earth rises .
This effect is known as green house effect.

4.Why is sea water unfit for home use ?

Ans: Sea water is unfit for home use because it dissolved high level of
salt .

5.What is hard water ?

Ans : Water that is containing large amount of dissolved minerals such

as calcium and magnesium is called hard water.

6.Why chlorine is added to drinking water ?

Ans : Chlorine is added to drinking water to kill bacteria.

7.Describe a chemical test for water .

Ans: (I)water turns white un hydrous copper (II) sulphate to blue.

(II) Water turns Blue un hydrous cobalt (ii) Chloride to pink.

8.Write down the uses of water in home and industry .

Ans: In home:

(i)drinking(ii) Washing (iii) Cooking

In industry

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(i)As a coolant

(ii) As a solvent ,Eg: in paper industry

(iii) Manufacture of hydrogen and oxygen by hydrolysis.

9.How to find out the proportion of oxygen in air ?

Ans: Composition of oxygen can investigate by passing known volume

of air over heated copper, then the oxygen gas will reacts and form
copper oxide. But other gases will not reacts.

10.Describe the separation of oxygen and nitrogen from air(fractional


Ans: First collect Air in a chamber . Cool up to -200 degree by applying

pressure. Then slowly Warm up the liquid gas . According to boiling
point the gases can be separated.

11.Write down the uses of oxygen gas .

Ans : (i)Oxygen used in oxygen tents in hospitals.

(ii) In welding ( oxy acetylene flame)

(iii) In making steel.

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12.What are fertilizers ?What are the major nutrients needed for
plants growth?

Ans :Fertilizers are the substances ,which added to soil to promote

plants growth.

Nitrogen , phosphorous and potassium are the major nutrients

needed for plants growth( NPK).

13.What are the pollutants which comes from car exhaust ?

Ans: (i) Carbon dioxide: By burning petrol in engines.

(ii) Carbon monoxide :Because of in-complete combustion of petrol.

This reduces the capacity of blood to carry oxygen.

(iii) Lead compound : Which is added in petrol to increase the

efficiency of engines and which can damage our brain.

(iv)Hydrocarbons: Un burned hydrocarbons are also comes with

smoke .

(v) Ozone : At high temperature ,the oxygen molecules combines to

form ozone which is an eye irritant.

(vi) Nitrogen oxides: Nitrogen oxides ( NO and NO2 ) form due to high
temperature inside the engine , the nitrogen and oxygen combine
each other.Nitrogen oxides causes acid rain.

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14.How catalytic converter helps to reduce the pollution ?

Ans: Catalytic converter are now being fitted in the exhaust of car.
Catalyst such as platinum, rhodium or palladium are used inside the
catalytic converter. Where the toxic gases such as carbon monoxide
and nitrogen oxides are converted into carbon dioxide and nitrogen

Unburned hydrocarbons are also converted into carbon dioxide and


15.How acid rains are formed in the atmosphere ?

Ans: Acid rain formed due to,

(i) Sulfur dioxide ( formed by burning oil in power stations) combines

with water forms sulphuric acid.

(ii) Nitrogen oxides ( Formed by combining nitrogen and oxygen at

high temperature) combines with water form nitric acid.

16.Write down the harmful effects of acid rain .

Ans : (i) acid rain makes lakes acidic for fishes to live in.

(ii) It removes minerals from the soil and increases the acidity of soil.

(iii) Acid rain damages tree and limestone buildings.

(iv) Acid rain speed up the corrosion of metals,Such as bridges which

is made by metals.

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17.Describe the formation of carbon dioxide in atmosphere.

Ans: (i ) Combustion of fuel produces carbon dioxide .

(ii) Carbon dioxide produces a part of respiration .

(iii) Caron dioxide forms while reacting carbonate with acids.

18.How the carbon dioxide be used up from atmosphere?

Ans: Carbon dioxide used up by plants for photosynthesis.

19.In lab and commercially how can we make hydrogen gas ?

Ans: (I ) In laboratory : we can make hydrogen gas in lab by reacting

sulphuric acid with zinc metal.

(ii)Commercially we can make by steam reforming of methane .

(iii) Electrolysis of water can also produce hydrogen gas.

20.What are the sources of methane (natural gas) ?

Ans : ( i) decaying dead things and vegetations.

(ii) Some animals give out methane gas as a Waste gas.

(iii) It is found in underground deposit ,which is formed by the

decomposition of fossils.

21.What are the conditions for rusting? How can we prevent rusting ?

Ans :For rusting , water and air is necessary.We can prevent rusting by
the following methods,(i)Painting.(ii) greasing or oiling.(iii) alloying.

(iv) Galvanizing(coating with zinc metal )

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Choose the correct answer

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Answer the following questions

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Define the following

1.One mole.

Ans : Mole is the amount of substance which contain as many entities ( atoms,
molecule or ions )as there are atoms in 12 gram of carbon 12 atom.

2.Avagadro number .

Ans : Avagadro number is defined as the number of atom in 12 gram of

Carbon-12 isotope.

This value is 6.022 x 1023 .

3.Empirical formula.

Ans : Empirical formula of a compound is a chemical formula that shows the

relative number of atom of each element.

4.Molecular formula .

Ans : Molecular formula shows the actual number of atoms of different

elements in one molecule of a compound.

7.Find out the relative molecular mass of carbon dioxide ,ammonia and water.

Ans : (a) Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) : 12 + 16 x 2 = 44gm

(b) Ammonia ( NH3 ): 14 + 1x 3 = 17 gm

(c ) Water ( H 2 O ) : 1 x 2 + 16 = 18 gm

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8.What is the volume of one mole of any gas at room temperature ?

Ans: The volume of one mole of any gas at Standard temperature and pressure
is 24 dm3 ( 24 litre ).

9.How many moles are there in 88 gm of carbon dioxide ?

Ans : Number of moles = Given mass / molecular mass.

Molecular mass of carbon dioxide = 12+ 16 x2 = 44 gm

Number of moles = 88 / 44 = 2 mole.

10.How many grams are there in 10 moles of water .

Ans : Number of moles = Given mass / molecular mass

Given mass = number of moles x molecular mass

Number of moles = 10

Molecular mass of water = 18 gm

Mass = 10 x18 = 180 gm.

11.How many particles are there in 11 gm of carbon dioxide ?

Ans : number of particles = number of moles x 6.022 x 1023

Number of moles of carbon dioxide = 11/44 = 0.25 mole

Number of particle = 0.25 x 6.022 x 1023 = 1.505 x 1023

12.What volume would 2 moles of oxygen gas occupy ?

Ans : Volume of gas occupy = number of moles x 24 dm3

Volume of oxygen gas = 2x 24 = 48 dm3

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13.What mass in gram would occupy 4 dm3 of carbon dioxide gas ?

Ans : Mass in gram = volume of gas x molar mass of gas / molar gas volume

Molecular mass of CO2 = 44 gm

Volume of gas = 4 dm3

Mass of CO2 =4 x 44/24 = 7.33 gm.

14.Find the mass of 3.01 x 1023 particles of water ?

Ans : Number of moles = given number of particles / 6.022 x 1023

3.01 x 1023/ 6.022x 1023 = 0.5 mole

Mass = 0.5 x 18 = 9 gm

15.Calculate the empirical and molecular formula of a compound which contains

4.04 % of hydrogen , 24 % carbon , 71.2 % chlorine and has a relative mass of 99.

( a ) empirical formula

% Mr Mole Ratio
Hydrogen 4.04 1 4.04/1 = 4.04 4.04/2.02 2

carbon 24 12 24/12 = 2.02 2.02/2.02 1

chlorine 71.2 35.5 71.2/35.5 =2.02 2.02/2.02 1

Empirical formula is C1 H 2 Cl1

(b )molecular formula

Relative molecular mass = 99 gm

Total mass of CH 2Cl = 49.45

Relative molecular mass / total mass = 99/ 44.45 = 2

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Multiply empirical formula by 2 = C 2 H 4Cl2 is the molecular formula.

16.Formula .

percentage yield (actual yield / theoretical yield ) x 100

percentage composition (atomic mass / molecular mass ) x 100

percentage purity (pure substance mass/impure substance mass) x 100

Mole Mass/ Molar mass ( n= m/Mr )

Mole Volume /24 ( n= V/24)

Mole concentration of solution x volume ( n=cv)

Equation for titration (N 1V1 / n ) acid = (N 2V2 / n ) alkali

11.On heating 5 gm of calcium carbonate , 2.1 gm of calcium oxide are formed .

Theoretical yield of calcium oxide is 2.8 . Find out the percentage yield ?

Ans : percentage yield = actual yield / theoretical yield x100

= 2.1/ 2.8 x 100 = 75 %

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17.Write down some examples for positive and negative charged groups of

Name Symbols
Ammonium ( NH4 )+1

Sulphate (SO4)-2

Carbonate (CO 3)-2

Hydroxide (OH) -1

Chloride Cl-1

Nitrate (NO3)-1

Nitrite ( NO2)-1

Phosphate (PO 4 )-3

18.Predict the formula of the following compounds .

(a ) aluminium oxide ( b) ammonium sulphate

Ans : ( a)aluminium chloride : Al+3 X O-2 = Al2 O3

( b) Ammonium sulphate : ( NH4 )+1 X (SO4 )-2 = (NH4 )2 (SO4)1

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