Set 1 - Calculation With Time

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Colculalion wilh Tim�

Complete the following additions and subtractions :

a. 2 hr 30 mins b. 1 hr 50 mins c. 3 hr 35 mins

+ 3 hr 15 mins + 4hr 45 mins - 1 hr 50mins

What is the length of time in hours and minutes from 6.40 p.m. Wednesday to 3 .23 p.m. Thursday ?


Each week Mary has 6 English lessons each 3 8 minutes long. What total time does she spend in English
lessons per 10 week term ?


Basketball on Saturdays starts at 8.00 a.m. There are 4 games with 20 minute halves and a halftime break of
5 minutes. Ifthere is an 8 minutes change over time between games at what time will the last game finish?


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