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Pre test

1. D 3. B 5. A
2. C 4. D
Guided Activity:
1. C 4. D 7. H
2. B 5. E 8. A
3. G 6. F


Activity 1: Leverage
Time Management
The student will experience difficulty balancing between regular classes in school and duty hours
at work immersion. Both areas need focus and time. There are many tasks to be submitted in every
subject, as well as documentation requirements at work immersion. It is a challenge, however, it will
teach a student the time management skills needed when working.

Lack of Skill Exposure

The ratio of Senior High School student trainees and tasks available is limited at work immersion.
Also, the task given to immersion students is very basic that they will not allow them to learn the skill

Regular attendance in work immersion is important to finish the required number of hours. However,
their students with attendance problems face this challenge in their work immersion.

Don’t complain.
Face it head on.
Stay positive.
Be realistic.
Don’t try to out-do people.
Emotional side.
Break it down.

3. If I was given a chance to experience an actual work in a work immersion, of course I choose to
work at a computer laboratory of a school, from what we have studied in ICT of course here I will
do when I am given the opportunity. Maybe to show that studying ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) is not just about Programming but much more.
Activity 2: Modified True of False
1. False because a learner CANNOT join the graduation if he/she failed in the work immersion

2. True

3. False because the memorandum of agreement is signed by the PRINCIPAL and authorized
personnel from the company

4. False because NOT ONLY the adviser who can monitor your home-based work immersion

5. True

Wrap Up
In the first picture you can see here different things or what else that probably means the content
of a person's brain contains the what-what thinking map to other people whether things problem
or what else. Here in the second one sees loneliness here, maybe here he/her thinks about his/her
problems, how to solve them or what he/her should do to overcome them. And last but not least,
action or solution must be given to the problem so that the chest does not become heavier.

As a learner, it is important to have a me-time or time for yourself because if you drown yourself
on school activities, there is a higher risk of feeling anxiety and pressure. As much as you can,
enjoy learning and avoid procrastinating to finish school tasks early.

Post Test
1. C 3. C 5. D
2. B 4. C

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