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Quiz 7: Global Warming

Total pertanyaan: 20
Estimasi pengerjaan: 43menit
Disusun oleh Deb Truszkowski

1. Why is the increase of Greenhouse gasses a big issue?

a) It causes an increase in the global average b) It leads to more factories

temperatures which leads to climate change.

c) It causes a major decrease in people

2. Which one of the choices below is NOT a cause for global warming?

a) Having too many cows b) Planting new trees

c) Burning Fossil Fuels

3. Do we need greenhouse gases on Earth?

a) Yes - they keep the Earth warm b) Yes - they keep all the gases on our planet

c) No - they only cause terrible climate change d) No - they only block some of the Sun's rays

4. The gradual increase in the temperature of the atmosphere caused by human activity is known as

a) Global Warming b) Greenhouse Effect

c) Carbon Dioxide Gases d) Methane

5. How can global warming cause sea levels to rise? Choose the best answer.

a) by creating bigger and more powerful b) by melting glaciers and ice caps

c) by increasing the number of undersea

volcanic eruptions

6. What happens to the temperature if more greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere?

a) Temperature goes up b) Temperature goes down

7. Which of the following is NOT an effect of Global Warming?

a) Coastal regions will be covered with rising sea b) Polar ice caps will melt.

c) Some areas will experience serious droughts d) The Earth's rotation will slow down and
eventually stop


The graph below shows CO2 emissions and temperatures from 1984 to 2009. What conclusion is
best supported by the graph?

a) As carbon dioxide concentrations increase, b) There is no relationship between carbon

temperatures increase dioxide concentrations and temperatures

c) As carbon dioxide concentrations increase,

temperatures decrease


Burning fossil fuels like coal and oil is one of the main causes for global warming.

a) True b) False

Which of the following sets of evidence supports global warming?

a) All of the Above b) Sea Levels rising

c) Glacier size decreasing d) CO2 levels rising


The following graph tells us what?

a) Sea Levels are rising. b) Sea Levels are decreasing.

12. Albedo can best be described as...

a) the amount of light absorbed by an object b) the amount of light reflected by an object

c) the temperature at the equator d) the air pressure during El Nino

13. What is another word for "albedo?"

a) Reflectivity b) Absorption

c) Solar energy d) Surface temperature


Which type of surface would have the highest albedo?

a) Snow b) Rock

c) Forest d) Water

15. What is the over all trend in the amount of sea ice over the past 45 years?

a) increasing b) decreasing

c) optimal


If the ice caps continue to melt, then there is less albedo at the poles. This process will continue to
melt more ice and have less albedo. This is an example of a...

a) loop di loop b) positive feedback loop

c) fruit loops d) negative feedback loop


Higher temperatures cause more evaporation which leads to more water vapor in the atmosphere.
Water vapor is a greenhouse gas so will trap more heat so the atmosphere will warm more.

a) Negative Feedback b) Positive Feedback

18. What happens to most of the sunlight that hits a dark colored area of the Earth's surface?

a) It is absorbed and reflected as light. b) It is reflected and scattered as potential


c) It is absorbed and re-released as heat


Does this dark asphalt road reflect or absorb light?

a) Reflect b) Absorb

20. If you want to keep your house COOL all year, should you design the house roof to have a high or a
low albedo?

a) High b) Low

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