The Water Cycle - 7th Grade

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The Water Cycle- 7th grade

Total pertanyaan: 64
Estimasi pengerjaan: 1jam 14menit
Disusun oleh Sandra Bloodworth


What is the water cycle?

a) when clouds form b) when water melts

c) the movement of water on, above, or below d) the 3 forms of water

the surface of the Earth

2. What is the energy source for the water cycle?

a) the moon b) the earth

c) the sun d) water


What part of the water cycle does this picture show?

a) precipitation b) evaporation

c) condensation

What part of the water cycle does this picture show?

a) precipitation b) evaporation

c) condensation


What part of the water cycle does this picture show?

a) condensation b) evaporation

c) precipitation

6. What is evaporation?

a) The part of the water cycle when the sun b) The part of the water cycle when clouds get
heats up water, turning it from a liquid into heavy and can no longer hold the liquid water.
water vapor or steam. It rises from the ground This causes the water to fall from the sky to
into the air. the earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

c) The part of the water cycle when the water

vapor in the air gets cold. The water turns
back into a liquid and forms clouds.
7. What is condensation?

a) The part of the water cycle when the sun b) The part of the water cycle when the water
heats up water, turning it from a liquid into vapor in the air gets cold. The water turns
water vapor or steam. It rises from the ground back into a liquid and forms clouds.
into the air.

c) The part of the water cycle when clouds get

heavy and can no longer hold the liquid water.
This causes the water to fall from the sky to
the earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

8. What is precipitation?

a) The part of the water cycle when the sun b) The part of the water cycle when the water
heats up water, turning it from a liquid into vapor in the air gets cold. The water turns
water vapor or steam. It rises from the ground back into a liquid and forms clouds.
into the air.

c) The part of the water cycle when clouds get

heavy and can no longer hold the liquid water.
This causes the water to fall from the sky to
the earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.


When water condenses, the water vapor in the air gets ___________ and changes back into liquid.

a) solid b) warm

c) cold d) hot

10. When water condenses, the liquid water forms ______________.

a) water vapor b) steam

c) clouds d) air

Precipitation happens when clouds of water droplets are too ______________.

a) light b) heavy

c) hot d) cold


Evaporation happens when the sun ___________ water and turns it into vapor.

a) cools b) freezes

c) heats up d) lights up

13. Which of these is not an example of precipitation?

a) snow b) rain

c) clouds d) sleet

14. Which of these is an example of precipitation?

a) snow b) air

c) clouds d) vapor

Does evaporation happen before or after condensation?

a) during b) after

c) before


Does precipitation happen before or after condensation?

a) during b) after

c) before

17. Where is most water found on Earth?

a) in oceans b) in glaciers

c) in lakes d) in rivers

18. What sources of energy evaporates the most water from Earth's surface?

a) lightning b) wind

c) the sun d) volcanoes

19. What is water doing when it is changed to water vapor?

a) precipitating b) evaporating

c) freezing d) condensing

20. What is water vapor doing when it changes to water?

a) condensing b) evaporating

c) freezing d) precipitating

21. What controls whether water is a gas, liquid, or solid ice?

a) if it is being used for farming b) what its temperature is

c) the shape or size of the cup d) where it has been stored

22. When does condensation occur in the water cycle?

a) underground water soaking into rocks and b) water flowing down a river

c) clouds forming d) ocean water changing to water vapor

23. How can water vapor in the air return to Earth?

a) it evaporates and forms clouds b) it evaporates and is blown by the wind

c) it condenses then precipitates d) it sticks to any warm surface it comes in

contact with

24. On which kind of day would you expect the most evaporation from the surface or a pond?

a) 50oF and sunny b) 75oF and rainy

c) 32oF and rainy d) 98oF and sunny

25. Which part of the water cycle is happening when water flows back into lakes, rivers, and ponds?

a) Runoff b) Condensation

c) Precipitation d) Evaporation

Where is water evaporating into the air?

a) 2 b) 3

c) 1 d) 4


Where is precipitation occurring?

a) 3 b) 4

c) 5 d) 6


Where is water condensing?

a) 3 b) 2

c) 4 d) 1

What is all the water that runs off the surface of the land and washes into rivers, streams, and other
waterways called?

a) Tributary b) Storm Drain

c) Runoff d) Surface Water

30. Why is gravity a factor in watersheds?

a) it causes the water to flow away from a b) it causes the water to flow towards a
watershed watershed

31. The water that fills lakes and rivers

a) water table b) saturated zone

c) groundwater d) surface water

32. Water stored in cracks and pores below the Earth's surface is called:

a) surface water b) Bogs

c) Groundwater d) Water in the ground

33. When water soaks down into the soil.

a) erosion b) sediment

c) infiltration d) deposition

What is it called when plants give off water vapor as a waste product?

a) sublimation b) condensation

c) evaporation d) transpiration


All bodies of fresh water, salt water, ice, and snow that are found above ground

a) Surface water b) Groundwater

c) Swimming pool d) Runoff


Snow, sleet, hail, and rain are all examples of ________________.

a) evaporation b) accumulation

c) precipitation d) condensation

What does the picture shows?

a) Precipitation b) Evaporation

c) Condensation d) Transpiration


What does the number 1 shows?

a) Evaporation b) Transpiration

c) Condensation d) Precipitation

39. What is a place where groundwater seeps out of the ground called?

a) Reservoir b) Spring

c) Well d) Aquifer
40. What do we call water that flows over the ground surface rather than soaking in?

a) recharge b) runoff

c) discharge d) tributary

41. What mechanism controls the flow of water in runoff?

a) porosity b) temperature

c) permeability d) gravity

42. Where is the largest drainage basin in North America?

a) Alabama b) Florida

c) California d) Mississippi

43. Which statement will DECREASE the speed of a river?

a) increasing porosity b) decreasing amount of water

c) increasing the slope


Which letter shows TRANSPIRATION?

a) C b) E

c) A d) D

Which letter shows RUNOFF?

a) D b) B

c) F d) C


Which letter shows INFILTRATION?

a) F b) D

c) B d) C


Which letter shows CONDENSATION?

a) F b) B

c) C d) D

Which letter shows PRECIPITATION?

a) B b) D

c) A d) C


Which letter shows EVAPORATION?

a) C b) D

c) A d) E

50. A river flows from __________ to ____________ ground

a) higher to lower b) lower to higher

51. The process by which water enters the soil and rock strata.

a) Infiltration b) Insolation

c) Saturation d) Base flow

52. What is the water cycle?

a) the 3 forms of water b) when clouds form

c) the movement of water on, above, or below d) when water melts

the surface of the Earth
53. Which best explains why runoff is important?

a) It increases condensation b) It makes evaporation occur faster

c) It increases the chance of flooding d) It returns water to other locations on Earth


What does groundwater do?

a) to the sky b) It sends water to our buildings, houses, and

water transplant places

c) To the Earth's surfaces d) to the sun


After the rain falls down onto Earth's surface, which of the following could occur? (select all that

a) water accumulates as surface water b) water infiltrates into the ground

c) water immediately evaporates into the sky d) water runs across the surface

e) water freezes upon impact

56. When water _________, dew forms.

a) Melts b) Precipitates

c) Evaporates d) Condenses
57. Rain, snow, sleet, and hail are examples of. . .

a) percolation b) precipitation

c) infiltration d) condensation

58. Water stored below the Earth's surface is called:

a) Water in the ground b) Bogs

c) Groundwater

59. 3% of all water on planet Earth is ...

a) Fresh Water b) Salt Water

60. 97% of all water on planet Earth is ...

a) Salt Water b) Fresh Water

61. The process by which plants release water vapor through their leaves.

a) Precipitation b) Evaporation

c) Transpiration d) Condensation


Water molecules __________ as they freeze.

a) Squeeze tighter b) Expand


What fuels the water cycle?

a) Water b) Solar Energy

c) Rain d) The Ocean

64. Rain isn't salty because the salt does not evaporate.

a) False b) True

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