Kti Iki Sasti Dewiyani

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Name : Ketut Seri Sasti Dewiyani

NIM : 2211031006

Neglect of Mental Disorder Sufferers among The General Public

Mental disorder is a health condition characterized by changes in thinking, mood, or behavior

(or a combination of them) related to distress and / or impaired function. People with mental illness
have organic or metabolic (biochemical) disorders that prevent them from functioning effectively and
happily in society. Many people who experience mental illness can be completely treated with
medication so that they can live well in society (James F.Mckenzie, et al, 2007). Mental disorder is a
disease that is often underestimated by ordinary people, and even sufferers are often ostracized in
their neighborhood. Many people with mental disorders are often humiliated to end their lives. Nearly
450 million people worldwide suffer from mental disorders, and a third live in developing countries.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as many as 8 out of 10 people with mental
disorders do not get treatment. The 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) shows that more than 19
million people over the age of 15 experience mental and emotional disorders, and more than 12
million people over the age of 15 experience depression. In addition, based on the Sample
Registration System conducted by the Research and Development Agency in 2016, data on suicides
per year is 1,800 people or every day 5 people commit suicide, and 47.7% of suicide victims are aged
10-39 years who are children. adolescents and productive age. The Director of Prevention and Control
of Mental Health and Drug Problems, Dr. Celestinus Eigya Munthe, explained that mental health
problems in Indonesia are related to the problem of the high prevalence of people with mental
disorders. For now, Indonesia has a prevalence of people with mental disorders around 1 in 5 of the
population, meaning that about 20% of the population in Indonesia has the potential for mental
disorders. The number of people with mental disorders is expected to continue to increase. This is
because a person cannot adjust or adapt to a change or turmoil in life. Especially in this modern era,
changes are happening so fast, various aspects such as the uncertain socio-economic and socio-
political as well as increasingly harsh social environmental conditions that interfere with the life of
the community process of living in society. Mental disorders occur not only in the lower middle class
as a result of socio-economic changes, but also in the upper middle class caused by not being able to
manage stress.

Mental health among people in Indonesia is still poorly understood, where people still often
underestimate the importance of mental health for ourselves in carrying out life. Often people in
Indonesia mental disorders are caused by supernatural things, so they are embarrassed to have them
checked by an expert because they are considered a disgrace. From this, a negative stigma emerged
among people with mental disorders, many of whom were ostracized and even exiled. The emergence
of discrimination against people with mental disorders starts from receiving insults, bullying, and
even physical violence. Not infrequently people often stay away from sufferers to their families. It is
necessary to realize that mental health is a condition where every individual realizes their potential
by being able to cope with the pressures of life, work productively and be able to contribute to the
environment. Mental health must be taken care of both physically and mentally, at this time more
attention is paid, both to adults and even teenagers, including those who are prone to mental disorders
or depression. There are many factors that affect mental health such as genetic factors, hormonal
changes, to traumatic experiences, love, friendships, family and life pressures. Symptoms that arise
are irritability, feeling hopeless, low self-esteem, feeling anxious and excessively worried. Awareness
of mental health needs to be realized by every individual to prevent various negative impacts that
occur. The role of parents and the surrounding community and even health agencies is very necessary
in supporting and assisting people who have health problems. Socialization on mental health needs
to be implemented in villages, schools and public service areas. Assistance to people in need must be
done maximally to reduce the number of people with health problems. With these various roles, it is
hoped that adults and adolescents will know the importance of maintaining mental health.


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