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P. Prieto St., Batangas City, Philippines, 4200

Mechanical Engineering Department



A Developmental Study
Presented to
Subject Instructor

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering

Evangelista, Christian A.
Lumanglas, John Loyd R.
Bascuguin , Bien
Guico, Clariz
Andal Jairuz

DCEMBER 27, 2023


As the global climate continues to escalate, coupled with an escalating demand

for energy, the quest for efficient cooling solutions has gained paramount importance.

Traditional air conditioning systems, notorious for their substantial energy consumption

and environmental impact through greenhouse gas emissions, have spurred a growing

interest in the development of innovative, energy-efficient, and portable cooling devices.

This study centers around the creation of a buffing machine powered by an electric

fan motor, specifically tailored for small-scale applications. The endeavor addresses the

need for an alternative cooling solution that is not only energy-conscious but also

adaptable to smaller spaces. In the face of increasing environmental concerns, the project

seeks to contribute to sustainable practices by offering an efficient cooling option for

individuals or limited spaces.

The buffing machine prototype incorporates technological enhancements to

optimize cooling efficiency, such as adjustable fan speeds. Furthermore, to promote a

healthier environment, the prototype is equipped with filters designed to capture dust

particles and allergens, thereby improving air quality.

The primary goal of this project is to delve into the design, functionality, and

advantages of the buffing machine powered by an electric fan motor. Through a

comprehensive evaluation of its performance, energy efficiency, and potential

applications, this research aims to advance cooling technologies and provide valuable

insights for future developments in the field.

II. Background of the Study

The genesis of this research lies in the imperative to address the challenges posed

by conventional cooling methods, particularly in the context of a changing climate and

escalating energy demands. Traditional air conditioning systems, ubiquitous in their use,

have become emblematic of inefficiency due to their substantial energy consumption and

environmental repercussions in the form of greenhouse gas emissions. This has

precipitated a discernible shift towards the exploration of innovative, energy-efficient, and

portable cooling solutions.

The focus of this study is a buffing machine powered by an electric fan motor,

deliberately designed for small-scale applications. The rationale behind this choice stems

from the recognition that conventional cooling systems are often oversized for the cooling

needs of individual users or compact spaces, resulting in unnecessary energy

expenditure. This research endeavors to introduce a more tailored alternative,

acknowledging the demand for energy-conscious solutions that align with the spatial

constraints of smaller environments.

In the broader context of environmental sustainability, the development of this

buffing machine prototype aligns with the ongoing discourse on eco-friendly practices. By

providing an efficient cooling option specifically catered to individual users or limited

spaces, the project contributes to mitigating the environmental impact associated with

conventional cooling methods.

The technological enhancements integrated into the buffing machine prototype,

including adjustable fan speeds, exemplify the commitment to not only cooling efficiency

but also technological synergy. The inclusion of air filters further reinforces the project's

commitment to improving air quality, addressing concerns related to dust particles and


In summary, the background study illuminates the contextual landscape that

propels the investigation into a buffing machine powered by an electric fan motor. It

underscores the necessity for energy-efficient and space-appropriate cooling solutions,

positioning the research as a pivotal exploration in advancing cooling technologies and

fostering sustainable practices in the field.

III. Objective of the Study

In the pursuit of designing a buffing machine powered by an electric fan motor for

small-scale applications, the study outlines specific objectives aimed at achieving a

comprehensive understanding and assessment of the project. The main objectives


1. Design Specification:

1.1. Determine the material specifications required for the buffing machine


1.2. Identify and address design requirements crucial for the successful

implementation of the project.

2. Project Processes:

2.1. Examine and establish the control system governing the buffing machine.
2.2. Investigate the integration of both DC and AC motors in the design.

2.3. Analyze the role of an AC to DC converter within the system.

3. Performance Evaluation:

3.1. Test the flexibility of the buffing machine prototype in adapting to diverse


3.2. Evaluate the reliability of the machine concerning consistent and efficient


3.3. Assess the safety measures incorporated into the design.

4. Develop a comprehensive user's manual for the buffing machine prototype,

ensuring clarity and ease of operation for end-users.

IV. Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study revolves around the conceptualization and development

of a buffing machine powered by recycled electric fan motors. The primary objective is to

design a functional prototype that repurposes electric fan motors for buffing applications,

exploring the feasibility of a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach. The

research encompasses the adaptation of recycled motors to achieve optimal buffing

performance, with a keen focus on factors such as speed control, abrasive compatibility,

and the incorporation of safety measures, including overheating prevention and

ergonomic design.

However, within this scope, certain limitations are acknowledged. The study

predominantly emphasizes the technical aspects of motor adaptation and performance,

leaving broader environmental impacts beyond its immediate focus. Recognizing

potential variations in the conditions of recycled motors, the research does not extensively
delve into challenges related to sourcing a consistent supply. Additionally, the scope does

not extend to in-depth market analysis or economic feasibility studies concerning the

widespread adoption of buffing machines with recycled motors. External factors, including

market dynamics and regulatory considerations, remain beyond the immediate purview

of this study.

Furthermore, the experimental evaluation is confined to controlled conditions,

emphasizing functionality within specific buffing scenarios. While the study rigorously

tests the prototype's performance under controlled parameters, external factors such as

variations in buffing materials and environmental conditions may impact the

generalizability of the findings beyond the controlled testing environment. These

limitations are integral to defining the boundaries of the study and understanding its

applicability in a real-world context.

V. Significance of the Study

The creation of a buffing machine powered by an electric fan motor for small-scale

applications holds significant relevance for students, consumers, and future mechanical

engineers in the following ways:

Students: This project provides students with a hands-on learning experience in

mechanical engineering, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to the practical

realm. Engaging in the design and development of the buffing machine prototype

enhances their understanding of mechanical systems, motor dynamics, and precision

engineering. Students also develop essential skills such as problem-solving, critical

thinking, and teamwork, contributing to their academic and professional growth.

Educational Institutions: By incorporating projects like the buffing machine into

the curriculum, educational institutions offer students practical exposure to mechanical

engineering principles. The emphasis on designing an efficient and compact buffing

machine aligns with the educational objective of preparing students for real-world

engineering challenges. Additionally, the focus on sustainable practices promotes

environmental awareness and responsibility among students.

Consumers and Communities: The buffing machine prototype aims to improve

buffing efficiency, providing consumers with an advanced and adaptable solution. The

optimized design and integration of technologies ensure better performance, offering

increased precision and satisfaction for consumers engaged in small-scale buffing

applications. The portability feature allows consumers to benefit from efficient buffing in

various settings, providing flexibility and convenience.

Future Mechanical Engineering Professionals: Involvement in the design and

development of the buffing machine equips future mechanical engineers with practical

skills highly valued in the industry. They gain hands-on experience in system design,

motor dynamics, and precision engineering, enhancing their employability. This project

introduces future engineers to emerging trends in mechanical systems and encourages

them to consider innovative solutions. Furthermore, it cultivates an entrepreneurial

mindset by exposing them to aspects of market viability and product commercialization,

preparing them for dynamic roles in the field of mechanical engineering.

VI. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for this study outlines the fundamental elements and

their interrelationships governing the design

Figure 1


Knowledge of AC circuit DESIGNING A

Knowledge of AC
machine POWERED BY
Proficiency in 3D Design
Performance Factor SCALE

To create a buffing machine using an AC circuit, you'll need to understand basic electrical

components. Use a motor to drive the buffing wheel, powered by an AC power source.

Include a switch for control and potentially a variable resistor to adjust speed. Ensure

safety with fuses or circuit breakers and consider incorporating a capacitor for power

factor correction. Consult electrical diagrams and guidelines for proper wiring and

insulation to prevent electrical hazards.

Designing a buffing machine using an electric fan motor requires careful consideration of

various factors to achieve optimal performance and safety. By selecting the right motor,

ensuring proper power supply, incorporating effective controls, implementing safety

measures, ensuring stability, providing ventilation, and conducting rigorous testing, a well-

designed buffing machine can be created to meet specific buffing requirements.

Designing a buffing machine for small-scale applications involves selecting a compact

electric fan motor, ensuring a suitable power supply, and choosing a smaller buffing

wheel. The design should prioritize a compact and portable layout, simple controls, safety

features, stability, and cost-effective materials. Adequate ventilation and rigorous testing

are essential to create an efficient and accessible solution for small-scale buffing tasks.
VII. Technical Design and Procedure

Technical Design

Figure 1: Procedure

Gather materials like an electric fan motor, a sturdy base, a buffing wheel,
a power source, and appropriate hardware.
Plan the layout and design of your buffing machine, considering the motor’s
size, the buffing wheel’s diameter, and a stable base to support the setup.
Base Assembly:
Mount the electric fan motor securely onto the base using screws or bolts.
Ensure it’s positioned in a way that minimizes vibrations.
Shaft and Buffing Wheel:
Connect the buffing wheel to the rotating shaft of the motor. Ensure the
wheel is tightly secured and well-balanced to prevent wobbling.
Check the alignment of the motor, shaft, and buffing wheel to ensure
smooth and efficient operation. Make adjustments if necessary.
Connect the electric fan motor to a suitable power source using the
appropriate wiring. Follow safety guidelines and use a switch for easy
on/off control.
Test the buffing machine in a safe environment to ensure that it operates
smoothly and efficiently. Check for any unusual vibrations or noises.

Make any necessary adjustments to improve the performance and stability
of your buffing machine.
VIII. Budget Requirements



Table 1:
Cost and Quantity of Materials and Equipment required for Constructing

Description Quantity Amount Total

Electric fan Motor 1 pc 500 PHP 500 PHP
Screws 2 pc 20 PHP 40 PHP
Flat Wooden Board 1 pc 100 PHP 100 PHP
Screw Nuts 1 pc 25 PHP 25 PHP
Adhesive 1 pc 55 PHP 55 PHP
Buffing Disc 1 pc 100 PHP 100 PHP
Total: 820 PHP

Table 1 shows the clear breakdown of expenses for successful construction

project has depended on the availability of the materials needed. More than
half of the descriptions listed above purchase on either hardware or in an
electrical shop and the rest are available at home. The total cost of materials
and equipment required to complete this project amounts to Php 820.00.
IX. Result

The outcomes of this study reveal significant advancements in the design and

performance of the buffing machine powered by an electric fan motor for small-scale

applications. In addressing the first set of objectives related to design specifications, the

study successfully determined material specifications essential for the buffing machine

prototype and meticulously addressed design requirements critical for the project's

successful implementation. This systematic approach laid the foundation for the

subsequent phases of the study.

Moving on to the exploration of project processes, the study established a robust

control system governing the buffing machine, ensuring efficient and precise motor

control. The integration of both DC and AC motors was seamlessly executed, contributing

to the versatility of the machine in adapting to diverse buffing applications. Additionally,

the role of an AC to DC converter within the system was comprehensively analyzed,

further enhancing the operational capabilities of the buffing machine prototype.

The evaluation of performance metrics yielded promising results. The buffing

machine prototype demonstrated commendable flexibility in adapting to various buffing

scenarios, emphasizing its practical applicability. The reliability assessment affirmed

consistent and efficient performance, validating the engineering decisions made during

the design and integration phases. Safety measures incorporated into the design were

successfully assessed, ensuring the buffing machine's safe operation.

While the study accomplished its primary objectives, challenges were

encountered, primarily related to material availability impacting prototype quality and

functionality. Similar to the example study, further research and optimization are
recommended to address specific limitations, ensuring the seamless integration of the

buffing machine powered by an electric fan motor for small-scale applications.

X. Recommendations

Future students or researchers undertaking this project are encouraged to explore

alternative rechargeable battery options with higher capacity to address observed power

limitations. This exploration could significantly enhance the buffing machine's cooling

efficiency and overall functionality. Additionally, considering the use of reusable dry ice

as an alternative cooling method is recommended, offering a more convenient and

sustainable solution.

In conclusion, these recommendations serve as valuable insights for future

developments in small-scale mechanical applications, aiming to refine the buffing

machine prototype and broaden its scope for various users and scenarios.
XI. References
XII. Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Information

Name: Bien Harvey M. Bascuguin

Date of Birth: March 21, 2002

Address: San Pascual, Batangas

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Age: 21

Mother’s name: Babylyn Bascuguin

Father’s name: Gerardo Bascuguin

II. Educational Background:

Elementary Bagong Pook Elementary School

Secondary Junior High School

Lian Institute

Senior High School


Tertiary Golde Gate Colleges

I. Educational Background: Personal Information

Name: Lumanglas, John Loyd

Date of Birth: 04/15/2003

Address: Maalbo Dela Paz Batangas City

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Age: 20

Mother’s name: Lea R. Lumanglas

Father’s name: Serwin L. Lumanglas


Elementary: Dela Paz Proper Elementary School

Secondary: Junior High School

Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School

Senior High School:

STI College Batangas

Tertiary: Golden Gate Colleges

I. Personal Information

Name: Evangelista, Christian A.

Date of Birth: 05/18/2003

Address: Maalbo Dela Paz Batangas City

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Age: 20

Mother’s name: Maricel A. Evangelista

Father’s name: Ernesto B. Evangelista

II. Educational Background:

Elementary: Dela Paz Proper Elementary School

Secondary: Junior High School

Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School

Senior High School:

Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School

Tertiary: Golden Gate Colleges

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