FibreForm Thermoforming Guideline

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FibreForm® laminates can be used to produce thermoformed packages on standard packaging

machines, both MAP packages and vacuum packages. Use the below machine settings as a guideline
for an easy start up.


MATERIAL PROTECTION ...................................................................................................................... 2

MACHINE FEEDING ............................................................................................................................... 2
HEATING PLATES .................................................................................................................................. 2
PRESSURE CHAMBER .......................................................................................................................... 2
AIR PRESSURE & VACUUM SETTINGS............................................................................................... 2
For material adapted die-shape ........................................................................................................... 2
For non-adapted die shape .................................................................................................................. 2
PLUG ASSISTANCE ............................................................................................................................... 2
EVACUATION AND GAS FLUSHING ..................................................................................................... 2
SEALING ................................................................................................................................................. 3
CUTTING ................................................................................................................................................. 3
RECOMMENDED MACHINE SETTINGS ............................................................................................... 3
QUICK START UP ............................................................................................................................... 4
MATERIAL FORMABILITY...................................................................................................................... 4
PACKAGING SHAPE DETERMINES MAXIMUM DEPTH .................................................................. 5
TOOL DIRECTION .................................................................................................................................. 5
BARRIER COATING ............................................................................................................................... 5
EASY PEEL ............................................................................................................................................. 5
PACKAGING RIGIDITY........................................................................................................................... 5
LAMINATE THICKNESS AND STIFFNESS ........................................................................................... 6
LAMINATE JUMP BACK ......................................................................................................................... 6
LAMINATE USED ................................................................................................................................ 6
PACKAGE GEOMETRY ...................................................................................................................... 6
LAMINATE TEMPERATURE ............................................................................................................... 6
JUMP BACK DIAGRAM (INDICATIVE) ............................................................................................... 7
PACKAGE DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................................... 7
FORMING DIE TO SUPPORT MATERIAL ............................................................................................. 8
TROUBLE SHOOTING ........................................................................................................................... 9

BILLERUDKORSNÄS AB, Box 703, SE-169 27 Solna, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 553 335 00
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FibreForm laminates should be protected against moisture and physical impact. As reference guidance;
BillerudKorsnäs wraps paper reels with 2.5 laps of a Kraft Paper/PE laminate (Kraft Paper 90gsm + PE
20gsm + Kraft Paper 90gsm) or six laps of a 50 microns plastic foil to reach the needed protection.

Keep wrapping paper on material roll as long as possible, preferably until usage, to maintain paper
moisture content. The reel should be stored indoors preferably at room temperature 23⁰C and 50%
relative humidity. Material should have room temperature when used. Using a reel with a low
temperature could lead to additional condensation in the forming process. Rewrap partly used reels
before storage. A maximum storage time of one year are recommended for FibreForm.

Feed the FibreForm material into the thermoforming line with the plastic coated sealing surface facing

When using a laminate with one ply FibreForm apply heat from upper heating plates only, heating the
plastic coated side of the material. If a laminate with two plies of FibreForm is used it is an advantage
to heat the material from both sides to efficiently heat the tie layer imbedded in the laminate. For heating
time and temperatures, refer to Table 1 - Table 3

To achieve the right forming conditions a tight forming chamber with a high closing force is optimal. On
lines with lower closing force air leakage could be an issue.


Machine settings depend on forming die design.

For material adapted die-shape

Air pressure in combination with vacuum is optimal when forming FibreForm. With an optimized forming
die the full air pressure and vacuum can be used.

For non-adapted die shape

Reduced air pressure and vacuum should be applied. The level of pressure and vacuum to be used
needs to be reduced depending on packaging shape to prevent material tear. Pressure and vacuum
levels is set differently depending on production line, either by air valve opening time (pressure build up
time) or by specific air pressure and vacuum settings.

Plug assistance can be used to improve packaging definition or to introduce patterns or marks. The plug
should be shaped corresponding to the shape of the forming die to avoid permanent plug markings. The
material needs to be tightly secured along the cavity before the plug is introduced. This can be achieved
by forming die design or by applying air pressure and/or vacuum slightly before the plug is applied.
Please observe that when using a non-optimal die shape a plug assist is difficult to use without material
tear or permanent markings.


FibreForm can be used to produce both packages with an inert gas atmosphere (MAP) and vacuum
packages. For MAP packages, it is recommended that the formed package is supported in the sealing

BILLERUDKORSNÄS AB, Box 703, SE-169 27 Solna, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 553 335 00
For technical guidance, contact our technical service team at
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die during the gas flushing operation. Without support, the high force and strain onto the material during
gas flushing could cause material stretch, potentially damaging the barrier layer of the laminate.

To be able to seal the package to a lidding film the coating layer on the FibreForm laminate and the
lidding foil needs to be compatible. The setting of sealing temperature, pressure and sealing time are
comparable to the setting used for standard plastic packages.

It is recommended to use knife concept designed for rigid bottom web. Hardened cutting knifes are
recommended for tool durability. Film punch can be used to die cut the package or to round off pack
corners and to produce hanger holes.


The machine setting is critical to utilize the maximum performance of the FibreForm laminate. As the
paper laminate reacts differently compared to a plastic foil it is recommended that the below
recommendations are used.
Table 1. Die adapted to FibreForm recommendations

Upper Lower Air Pressure

FibreForm laminate Temp Vacuum
heating heating pressure build up

One ply PE coated 90-120⁰C Yes No Full Full Full

Two ply PE coated 90-120⁰C Yes Yes Full Full Full

One ply PET coated 100-120⁰C Yes No Full Full Full

Two ply PET coated 100-120⁰C Yes Yes Full Full Full

Table 2. Die non-adapted to FibreForm recommendations

Upper Lower Air Pressure

FibreForm laminate Temp Vacuum
heating heating pressure build up

One ply PE coated 90-120⁰C Yes No No/low 0.5-3bar 0.2-0.5s

Two ply PE coated 90-120⁰C Yes Yes No/low 0.5-3bar 0.2-0.5s

One ply PET coated 100-120⁰C Yes No No/low 0.5-3bar 0.2-0.5s

Two ply PET coated 100-120⁰C Yes Yes No/low 0.5-3bar 0.2-0.5s

BILLERUDKORSNÄS AB, Box 703, SE-169 27 Solna, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 553 335 00
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For a quick start up, the below settings are recommended as a starting point. Based on below settings,
the machine can be fine-tuned to utilize the full potential in FibreForm
Table 3. Quick Start up settings

Heating Forming
Safety Sealing Sealing
FibreForm laminate Temp Heating pressure Forming pressure
time time temp
build up build up

One ply PE coated 100⁰C 1.00s 1.00s 0.50s 0.20s 0.20s 2s 120-140⁰C

Two ply PE coated 110⁰C 1.00s 1.00s 0.50s 0.20s 0.20s 2s 120-140⁰C

One ply PET coated 110⁰C 1.00s 1.00s 0.50s 0.20s 0.20s 2s 120-140⁰C

Two ply PET coated 120⁰C 1.00s 1.00s 0.50s 0.20s 0.20s 2s 120-140⁰C

FibreForm can be stretched 14% in machine direction and 10% in cross direction. Hence, the size of
the packaging determines the depth achievable. The length on the shortest side of the packaging gives
the possible depth, see Figure 1.

depth mm

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
width mm

Figure 1. Packaging depth vs. length of shortest side on

packaging with a curved bottom

BILLERUDKORSNÄS AB, Box 703, SE-169 27 Solna, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 553 335 00
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The larger formed area the higher depth is achieved. Maximum depth is reached using a curved bottom
shape. A flat bottom of the packaging will reduce the achievable packaging depth. The extent of the
depth reduction is determined by the bottom area, see Figure 2.

Figure 2. Illustration of depth reduction due to flat bottom

Packaging definition is improved if the tool is placed with the shortest side of the cavity in machine

The FibreForm material needs an air tight barrier to allow thermoforming by air pressure and/or vacuum.
In addition, packaging properties such as product shelf life and easy peel often require a surface coating.
Depending on application, different barrier coating alternatives are available.

Easy opening and peel properties depend on surface coating used and the top web. To improve easy
peel and reduce risk of material tear when opening the packaging the use of an easy peel corner with
sharp angle sealing design is recommended.

Packaging rigidity is depending on the FibreForm material thickness used in the packaging production.
More rigid surface coating, such as polyester can be used to improve packaging rigidity. A formed rim
can provide a significant improvement in the package rigidity. Rigidity enhancing patterns can also be
used on packaging bottom or sides.

BILLERUDKORSNÄS AB, Box 703, SE-169 27 Solna, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 553 335 00
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The higher laminate grammage used the thicker the laminate will be. The laminate thickness and the
polymer used will determine the laminate bending resistance (the sheet stiffness). In Figure 3 and

500 2500
Laminate thickness microns

Bending resistance mN
400 2000
300 1500
200 1000
100 500
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Laminate grammage g/m2 Laminate grammage g/m2

Figure 3. Laminate thickness indication Figure 4. Laminate stiffness indication

(Bending resistance L&W 10mm)

Figure 4 is a rough indication on the laminate thickness and stiffness achieved depending on the
laminate grammage. All measurements have been done in lab-controlled climate 23⁰C and 50% RH.

Different polymers can be used in a FibreForm laminate to achieve the desired properties. As different
polymers have different density and stiffness, the total laminate thickness and stiffness can vary from
the indications.


The paper can show a slight retraction after the forming process affecting the packaging depth
negatively. The level of jump back is dependent on several variables such as laminate used, package
geometry, forming pressure and laminate temperature.

A laminate with one ply paper (with a polymer surface coating) show less jump back than a laminate
with two plies paper (and a polymer surface coating). In a one ply paper construction the polymer layer
is easily heated and cooled to prevent shrinkage of the polymer layer. In a two ply paper construction
the middle tie layer is difficult to heat and cool efficiently which can lead to shrinkage after the forming
operation increasing the jump back effect.

A higher package depth reduces the jump back. Paper jump back is reduced when a higher degree of
the stretch is utilized. The lowest jump back is achieved when the paper is formed close to its maximum.
A very shallow tray will hence give the highest jump back in percentage.

A higher laminate temperature during the forming stage will give a lower jump back. To reduce the jump
back the polymer layers in the laminate needs to be cooled efficiently to reduce polymer layer shrinkage.
A too high temperature can have negative effects on the barrier properties, it is important to optimize
based on laminate construction.

BILLERUDKORSNÄS AB, Box 703, SE-169 27 Solna, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 553 335 00
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The jump back is shown depending on package geometry, in the diagram shown as a ratio between
depth and package width.

Package width is the shortage side of the package.

60% Example: A package with the width of

100mm and a depth of 10mm has the
50% ration 0.1. The jump back on that package
is approximately 15% if the laminate has
40% 1 layer of FibreForm or 25% if the
Jump back

laminate has two layers of FibreForm.




0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
depth/width ratio
Figure 5. Laminate jump back


FibreForm laminates have different forming characteristics compared to plastic foil, which needs to be
considered when designing the packaging, see below drawing. Angles, radii and depths need special
attention in the design not to cause material breakage during the forming process.

BILLERUDKORSNÄS AB, Box 703, SE-169 27 Solna, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 553 335 00
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Optimizing the die according to the below recommendations allows the material to reach and form
against the walls of the die. This gives a number of advantages such as a low risk of material tear and
a more stable package shape with less risk of
1 2 deformation due to uneven material shrinkage
after the thermoforming process.

1. Normally a maximum side wall angle of 38°-40°

3 is possible to achieve. For deeper packages with a
rounder bottom shape, a lower angle is achieved.
2. No radius is required on forming die top corner.
3. Minimum radius 20mm. Using a form adapted
plug assist, a lower radius can be forced allowing
6 5 improved packaging definition.
4. A side rim design as shown in the drawing will
give enhanced package rigidity. Use a side rim edge
angle of maximum 45⁰ and a height of approximately
7 2mm.
5. Tool corners are critical areas for material strain.
Flat corners or large radii are optimal to support
material during forming process.
6. A raised bottom plate can increase package
rigidity. Release angle on raised bottom plate of 30-40⁰.
7. Bottom pattern can be used for branding or
improved packaging rigidity. Material allows sharper
definition upwards but round shapes downwards are
required. Use a release angle on bottom pattern of
30-40⁰. Avoid sharp patterns that might cause cutting
and damage barrier properties.

Example of bottom pattern with a

round shape facing downwards
and a sharper definition upwards.

Example of flat corners to

support material in the high
stretch corner areas.

BILLERUDKORSNÄS AB, Box 703, SE-169 27 Solna, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 553 335 00
For technical guidance, contact our technical service team at
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Use the below guide if problems occur when using a FibreForm laminate in a FFS thermoformer. Please
also refer to the full document were recommended package and mould geometry as well as critical
machine settings are indicated.


Material tear Breakage of the FibreForm » The temperature on the heating Reduce heat according to guide line to
material during the forming plates are too high restore moisture content in the material
process due to too high
material strain » The heating time is too long Reduce heating time according to guide
line to restore moisture content in the

» The die is not in level with the Lift the die to right level according to the
forming chamber walls guide line

» The die is not designed Redesign the forming die for secure
according to the production or adapt the machine setting
recommendations for a non adapted die (reducing vaccum
and pressure levels)

Material The FibreForm material » The temperature on the heating Reduce heat according to guide line to
miscolourations shows dark or brown areas plates are too high restore moisture content in the material
on the surface after
thermoforming » The heating time is too long Reduce heating time according to guide
line to restore moisture content in the

Inadequate The FibreForm material does » The temperature on the heating Reduce heat according to guide line to
material forming not give the indicated plates are too high restore moisture content in the material
forming or gives a lower
packaging definition than » The heating time is too long Reduce heating time according to guide
line to restore moisture content in the

» Too short forming time or too Increase the forming time or the air
low air pressure and/or pressure and/or vacuum according to the
vacuum recommendations

» Plug assist is not used for Introduce a form-adapted plug assistance

improved bottom definiton for improved bottom definition

Packaging edge The sealing surface on the » A non adapted forming die is Design the forming die accoring to the
fold-up finished packaging shows a used where the paper does not recommendations for an improved
tendency to fold up reach the die walls resulting in cooling process setting the shape of the
a less effective material cooling package

» The heating plate in the sealing Isolate the heating plate in the areas
station is not isolated in the where the seal is not applied
non-sealing area

High material The material seems more » The forming chamber does not Introduce vacuum to ventilate moisture
moisture after moist after the use a vacuum evacuating the from forming chamber
thermoforming themoforming process than paper condesate

BILLERUDKORSNÄS AB, Box 703, SE-169 27 Solna, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 553 335 00
For technical guidance, contact our technical service team at
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