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The Cathedral & John Connon School Preliminary Examination Sub: Physics Sta: x Date: 18.01.2023 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided s You will not be allowed to write during first 10 minulgs. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed fo! neriding ye answers. ss, Ca Section A is compulsory. Atlempt any four questions “froly Section B. The imended marks for questions or parts of questions aregiven in brackets [ ] Fx ee printed sides Question 1 15], Choose the correct answers to'the sGatgg? ‘from the given options: (@ The relationship between STBnatC@S, i \itsof moment of force is (a) 1J= Were — (b) IN = 105d; ‘et (c) 1W yes (d) 1Nm 4 10’dyneem + } (i) The king slgy ofa freeiy/Talling body can be shown graphically as (iii) @) o) 4 ‘F Z § 2 Z gt N , ; Height Height wo. @ ' = & a 2 | Height s}—__, 2 Height ‘The energy conversion in a theriopile is (a) Mechanical energy to electrical energy: 1 (b) Heat energy to electrical energy + (c) Electrical energy to mechanical energy (d) Electrical energy to Heat energy = (iv) When a beta particle is emitted by a radioactive atom, (a) The atomic number increases by one * (b) Number of the orbital electron decreases by one (c) Number of nucleons decreases by one (c) Number of protons decreases by one while nurnl (¥) Refractive index of medium A with respect to medium B is is incident making i > 0 from B to A, (a) It will only suffer total internal reflection (b) It will bend away from the normal {c) It will bend towards the normal (@) It will go undeviated (vi) Magnification of a lens ‘m’ is +1.5 (a) The lens is concave and u f (c) The lens is convex and u< f yoo (a) The lens is convex and u>f (ox (vii) A man stands at four different positions A, B, C and D in 885P6Faxrehiaétor and makes some sound, The time taken for sound to reach the reflector from positions A, B, Cand D are 0.12s, 0.09s, 0.06s and 0.03s respectively. At w! hich, Position(S) Will ‘the man hear the echo? 3 @A- coy (b) A and B (c) A, Band C (d) A, B, C and D ber of neutrons increases by one given as ,Ha~ 0.9. Ifa light ray 3032988 . Suet 4. \ « (viii) In the figine giien below}a loud speaker produces a frequency of 930 Hz, On producing this sound oftg of the.wirle glass cracks. Choose the correct statement (onal the Blgsses are vibrating with frequency 930Hz while resonance occurs in the \ Uiitdone (b) Resoniitie Okcurs in the third glass only and other glasses do not vibrate 4 (c) All the glas8és show resonance be (@yNétural frequency of all the wine glasses are 930 Hz “eee” Freqveney Lovd- Wine giasses generator Spenleer UP TWO CONGUCTORS BAT BOF Ui ‘SANTE MATETTaT ATE SHOWN TH TE HUE elOW. It A and Bare of the same thickness but B is twice the length of A, then A (a) Resistance of A will be double of resistance B (b) Resistance of B will be more than resistance of A (c) Resistance of B will be the same as resistance of A (@) Resistance of B will be half the resistance of A (8) A student is doing research on V-I characteristics of different materials. TH obs , table for two different materials is given as below. The material A and B NS S.No) Materal-A Material 8) x DT WA Te fe pe ge ¢ } i 5 (e) Copper and LED“ (b) Junction diodé"and nichro (c) Iron and copper ‘ee (4) Junctigt* diode (xi) If the wire isowgrds left, what will be the direction of force experienced bygire? * . of {a) Perpshdicutétto’the plane of paper and outwards (b)-Rgrpendieylar to the plane of paper and inwards _-, (©),bf the plancigf the paper and upwards f (6) In the Sione Of the paper and downwards % ——_ te (sii) (xiii) For a liquid, the boiling point cific heat capacities (ca > CB) he same mas but diTeFS OP ity of heat. After heating if jects A and B with ; Pilly at the same temperature are imparted the same qu both are brought in contact, (a) Heat energy will flow (b) Heat energy will flow Heat energy will flow from @ Heat enerey will not flow as both will be at the sam as both will be at the same temperature from A to B as temperature of Ais higher tien? B to A as temperature of B is higher than \e temperature’ from A to B (a) Inereases with increase of pressure and increase of impurities - decrease of impurities (6) Increases with decrease of pressure and rit / (6) Increases with increase of pressure and decrease of impriis LS, th decrease of pressure and increase of impurities ~ 3 (@) Increases with decrease of pi two light rays A and B mee i (xiv) Fora given angle of incidence and a prism, for : is seen that 54>8p. Then 3 J @) pass % (b) Racha + es (c) Va>Ve } @ jeu ‘ Net (xv) Two transperent media have the same refractive indices. ven lighiyasses irom one medium to another, be (@ irr ‘ (by i) How is focal length of the lens related to image distance in this case (i) (a) What is the purpose of a fuse wire? (6) What is the prineiple on which the fuse wire works? * s (it) (a) Inthe figure below ifthe arrows show the direction of cures the “eX QI rt. eI be the magnetic pole generated at the end ‘A’ ofthe solenoid? Sp (6) Give any one difference between electromagnet and 2 permanent “eS (iv) Why is water used as an effective coolant? Q 2] (v) (a) Write a nuclear reaction to show the emission of gamma radiatiol (21 (b) Give any one medical use of gamma radiation, Section B (Attempt any faurquestps Question 4 (i) Inthe diagram given below, when @ on. Yejncident at the interface, it goes parallel 3) to the interface as shown. (@) Copy the diagram in youfBaper dasPeompete it by drawing the path traced by the ray B. (b) Define the phenomenon ray B. 1 1 \ 1 1 A Wy Denser HA, rs i oN fot > 2) Arpinge te following radiatjgns in the ordep of increasing wavelength. BI eorficroweWe, ultraviolet, infrared and X - rays (b) How do we detect infrared radiations? (c) Give any one use of ultraviolet rays (ily _ (a) The bottom of a swimming pool appears raised by 0.5mm. Iw the pool. (b) Draw a ray diagram to show the apparent bending of a stick partially immersed in water. Wh = 4/3, Find the depth of [4] @ Gi) (ity @ Gi) Gi) @ Question 5 is . in {When an object is placed 40.0em infront ofa concave lens, the image is formed 8.0cm i [3] front of the lens, Calculate ue (a) the focal length of the lens and Is b) the magnification . g Draw a eragh Showing the variation of angle of deviation with angle of incidence fora [3] given prism. ; ay ©) Give an equation relating angle of incidence and angle of deviation, a A lens forms a virtual, erect and magnified image of an object. (a) Identify the lens (0) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image. Question 6 ® Draw a neat labelled block and tackle System of pulleys with MA = 4 and eff downwards, otha BI (2) State the conditions for a body to be in equilibrium, xy 13] (®) Give any one example for an objent in dynamic equilibrium, An object of mass ‘m’is initially at ect When a constant force of ge™ac rogahe object, it 4] Go ites and attains a speed “". Give the following K (2) The initial kinetic energy Yat y (b) The final kinetic ¢ nergy e (©) Work done by the force on the object (@) State the theorem telating the work done by the for d the kinetic ‘energy of the object e Question 7 Ina track event when a starter fires the 8 judge hears two-gun shots, The first [3] Bunshot is heard directly from the Second gunshot after reflection from the building. The second gunshy es, ird Fa second to be heard. I the finishing judge and the the distanc: Mp 2nd speed of sound in air ® between starter ant haa ig Judge, , 7 ( = 50m = | Ze RAR go Judge (2) ‘Define the term background radiation, ive any one intemal Starter 2 | 3 a hich string produces lowest frequency sound and (6) Mention any one way in Which you can vary the fre, one of the strings, (©) Usually, Purpose, why? Weney ofthe sound produced by the Stringed Instruments are Provided with a hollow Sound box. Explain its oe > Question 8 (i) (@) What does the statement, ‘the power rating of a bulb is 100W-220V" mean? x\—[3] (b) Calculate the safe current that can pass through the bulb without damaging it. 9 (i) A radioactive substance is placed in a lead box with a fine hole as shown in the figure BI below. Copy and complete the diagram to show the me followed by the radiations. 7 3s (ii) A cell of emf 3V and internal resistance lohm is connecte¢ a of [4] resistors as shown in the circuit below. Caleulate the (a) Current in the circuit \™ Cee a7, (b) Voltage drop \« till it becomes;steam at 125¢C/Label all the important details of the graph, (i) A platinuly balliof mass 190g is removed from a furnace and immersed in a copper vessel of [3] mass 100g ‘6 fag er of mass 340g at 30°C, The temperature of water rises to 40°C. re the perature of the fumace, (Given that specific heat capacity of platinum = 168 ecifi&jeat capacity of copper = 420 J Kg"'K"! and specific heat capacity of water Question 9 a ° (i) Drawa ears ra of temperature with time when ice is heated from-10°C [3] (iii) gure below, the straight line represents a wire carrying current, The current 2] ‘ proyuéés a magnetic field around the wire. If the magnetic field at point A is perpendicular and outwards, what is the direction of the current? the rule you used to find the direction in the above part of the question. A ee (c) Give any two uses of electromagnet, —2)

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