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Teaching Learning principles....

Year 3rd
semester 5th.
MCQs for Teaching Learning principles.

1. A patient X is deciding to have a back surgery. In applying the Health

Belief Model to the decision to have back surgery, a patient must first think
of the following:

a. Find out what other people have done in the same

b. Consult with his or her family to see what they think
c. Try every possible medical treatment

d. Perceive that a health threat exists

2. Which of the following is a FALSE statement about health promotion


a. It can more cost effective to prevent illness through a

health promotion program than it is to treat the illness.

b. They are designed so that they don’t affect people’s

beliefs and values.

c. They provide information regarding the efficacy of

preventative behaviors.

d. Health promotion programs can target at-risk


3. Which of the following activities would be considered to be an example of

primary prevention?
a. Clarifying the use and effects of prescribed medications
with a pharmacist.
b. Receiving an immunization against influenza.
c. Receiving an annual mammogram.
d. In a diabetic patient, screening for renal, eye, and foot

4. Health education is the process by which individuals and group of people

learn to:

a. Promote

b. Maintain

c. Restore health

d. All of the above

5. Goals of the Health education are the following EXCEPT

a. Improve Health

b. Improve Decision-making

c. To have regular check ups

d. Fight Disease

6. A Community Health Nurse visited a community somewhere in the rural

area of Sindh where she identified a number of skin diseases and respiratory
diseases. When she asked from the people about the prevention of these
diseases. They say that they have no idea about these health conditions.
From here the Nurse identified the following concluding point that:

a. There is lack of health education in the community

b. There is no clean drinking water
c. There is no electricity
d. There is poor sanitation

7. Refer to Q#6.What actions the Community Health Nurse can take to

overcome the problem?

a. Spread the awareness through electronic media

b. Display posters in public places
c. Use print media
d. All of the above

8. A Lady Health Worker (LHW) is working with some Adolescent boys on the
cessation of cigarette smoking. Which goal from the health education she is
dealing with?

a. Reduce the incidence of disease.

b. Reduction of disabilities and deaths.

c. Establish proper health behavior and the wrong change

to true healthy behavior.

d. Improve Decision-making

9. A health education session was conducted at Lower Dir by a Punjabi

presentor.The participants in the session were Pashtu speakers. Since
he/she was using Urdu but the participants were not taking interest and they
were continuously yawning. The factor to the health education here is:

a. Gender

b. Education of health educator

c. Culture

d. Language

10. When the Nurse told the pregnant women that she has high blood
pressure and at risk for preeclampsia. The Nurse was asking the Nurse again
and again that how much she is at risk for getting preeclampsia; which

a. Perceived susceptibility of disease

b. Perceived Seriousness of disease
c. Perceived barriers to behavioral change
d. Perceived Likelihood of behavioral change

11. According to Health Promotion Model, Health is;

a. A positive dynamic state not merely the absence of

b. Individual characteristics and experiences

c. Behavior-specific cognitions and affect

d. Behavioral outcomes

12. Health behavior is defined as activities of people with "no identifiable

disease and those who are."

a. About to become sick

b. About to enter hospital

c. Taking positive steps

d. None of the above

13. An objective is;

a. Guides the learner to stay focused and set priorities.

b. Objectives guides the teacher planning, delivery and

evaluating whatever has been taught.

c. A specific goal/result that a person or system aims to

achieve within a time frame and with available resources.

d. By knowing where you intend to go you increase the

chances of ending up there.

14. Effective learning objectives should be?

a. Should be consistent with the goal of curriculum.

b. Should be clearly stated.

c. Should be easily measurable.

d. All of the Above

15. In the Acronym SMART for the objectives, M stands for?

a. Measurement

b. Measurable

c. Mild

d. Moment

16. What is the important point to consider to have achievable objectives?

a. Is it possible to achieve it?

b. How will I know when it’s completed?

c. Who is involved?

d. Identify a location.

17. Which one of the following is correct about critical thinking?

a. Who we are

b. Thinking outside the box.

c. What is happening

d. What is important

18. Critical thinking is very important for nurses because:

a. Nursing process is always changing.

b. To make accurate and appropriate clinical decisions.

c. To plan and care for each unique client and client’s


d. All of the above

19. A teacher in the Teaching & learning class gave a task to the students to
write on “The first day at RCN”. The purpose of giving this task to the
students is:

a. To improve their learning

b. To enhance writing skills

c. To improve reflective writing

d. To involve in classroom activity

20. Which one of the following is an example of reflective writing?

a. To maximize learning

b. To evaluate one’s practice

c. What have I learnt from this experience?

d. Where am I living now?


21. A teacher has delivered a lecture on the learning styles. After the lecture,
the students were analyzing themselves that which learning style they are
using and also they applied this concept on the friends and discussed with
them. Identify the steps of learning in this scenario.

a. Concept Application

b. Concept Development

c. Exploration

d. Learning Cycle

22. In a class the teacher asks the students to write in their diaries on the
daily basis following the events in their life. This type of activity is called:

a. Reflective writing

b. Journaling
c. Experiential learning

d. Cognitivist

23. Kolb’s definition of learning is:

a. Learning can be done through practice and
b. Learning is the process whereby knowledge is
created through the transformation of experience.
c. Learning is the process of acquisition of new
d. Learning is an ongoing process.
24. Reflection gives rise to a new idea or a modification of an existing
abstract concept reflects which of the following phenomenon:
a. Concrete experience
b. Abstract conceptualization
c. Reflective observation
d. Active experimentation
25. Mr. X, in the BSN semester-V has low grades in midterm examination.
He has been thinking about his midterm result and not focusing on
classroom lectures. He goes to the student affair officer almost twice a
day to ask about the marks in the midterm examination and remains
depressed most of the time. Which phenomenon is best applied on Mr. X;
a. Wishful thinking
a. Egocentrism
b. Self-confident thinking
c. Thinking over thinking
26. The main focus of the Psychologist in the learning cycle was on the
development of:
a. Psychomotor
b. Cognition
c. Affective
d. All of the above

27. The one who uses critical thinking is:

a. A teacher

b. A Nurse

c. An accountant

d. All of the above

28. Critical thinking is very important for nurses because:

a. Nursing process is always changing.

b. To make accurate and appropriate clinical decisions.

c. To plan and care for each unique client and client’s


d. To take history from the patient

29. Original learning cycle was created based on the idea of the following
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Jean Piaget
c. Eric Ericson
d. Mark Bond
29. Kolb’s definition of learning is:
a. Learning can be done through practice and
b. Learning is the process whereby knowledge is
created through the transformation of experience.
c. Learning is the process of acquisition of new
d. Learning is an ongoing process.

30. A teacher in a classroom divides the students in groups and give me

some topics to explore. The purpose of giving a group activity to the student

a. To improve their learning

b. To enhance writing skills

c. To improve reflective writing

d. To improve communication

31. In a School, grade 4 class is taken to the plant nursery to show them
different species of plant. The learning methodology which is being used
here is called;
a. Concrete learning
b. Abstract learning
c. Experiential learning
d. Reflective learning
32. Which one of the following is the benefit of positive stress?
a. Helps a person manage situation
b. Stimulates critical thinking
c. Inspires people to excel
d. All of the above
33. Mr. Ali says, 'For this entire semester, I've been playing and having fun
every day. My studies are not doing well. However, I believe I can score an A
for the exam next week'. What is the mistake that the person has committed
here, with respect to critical thinking?
a. Egocentrism
b. Self-confident thinking
c. Thinking over thinking
d. Wishful thinking
34. The Products of Learning is:
a. Ideas and concepts
b. Learning is a process
c. The acquisition of knowledge.
d. Knowledge gained through study.

35. A study on learning domains is given by Benjamin Bloom in the following


a. 1956
a. 1856

b. 2006

c. 2000

36. The Cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy is based on:

a. From higher to lower level of thinking

b. In an ascending order

c. From basic level of thinking(recalling)to highest

thinking level

d. In a descending order

37. What is CORRECT about the Affective domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy?

a. The affective domain includes the manner in which we

deal with things emotionally, feelings, values, motivations,
and attitudes.

b. Studies classroom activities and goals teachers has

while planning the activities.

c. Only a is correct

d. Both a & b are correct

37. The Bloom’s Taxonomy was revised in the following year?

a. 1956
b. 2003
c. 2005
d. 2001

38. The amendment which was done in the revised taxonomy of Bloom’s was
only on the form of word which was?
a. Verb to noun
b. Noun to verb
c. Noun to noun
d. Verb to verb

39. In the analyzing level of cognitive thinking.

a. Breaking materials or concepts into parts, determining
how the parts relate to one another or how they interrelate.
b. Refers to situations where learned material is used
through products like models, presentations, interviews or
c. Making judgments based on criteria and standards
through checking and critiquing.
d. Put parts together in a new way, or synthesize parts into
something new.

40. Which of the following is the factor that affect Critical thinking?
a. Anxiety and stress
b. Blood pressure
c. Socioeconomic status
d. Geography

41. Which of the following defines Reflective practice?

a. The act of reflection is a great way to increase

confidence and become a more proactive and qualified

b. Reflective Practice is highly relevant and helpful

towards Continuous Professional Development.

c. Reflective Practice is a modern term, and an evolving

framework, for an ancient method of self-improvement.

d. Reflective practice is a valuable methodology for Using

insights and learning from our past

42. The phenomenon of reflection is;

a. To think

b. To think back and look back

c. To look back

d. To think and write

43. It is importance to notice during reflective thinking that;

a. Do something the same way

b. Differently

c. Student’s learning is not limited to the past, but rather

the experience has value for the student’s future.

d. Not at all

44. Which one of the following is the most beneficial tool for reflective

a. Gibbs reflective cycle

b. Kolb’s learning cycle

c. Learning cycle

d. Reflective practice

45. The purpose of reflective writing is;

a. To promote critical thinking

b. To improve learning

c. To gain knowledge

d. To get experience

46. Written dialogues between the self and a chosen audience member",
usually to a classmate or instructor is called as;
a. Reflective thinking
b. Reflective writing
c. Journaling
d. Reflection

47. The following are true about learning Cycle EXCEPT

a. A sequential process for both learning and instruction

b. It places focus on a series of steps that encourage a

more thorough understanding and a deeper application of

c. It also pushes students toward inquiry and discovery in

their learning.

d. It distracts learners attention at intervals

48. Concept development in the learning cycle is also called as;

a. Mastery

b. Application

c. Invention

d. Convention

49. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about learning?

a. A change in behavior as a result of experience or
b. The acquisition of knowledge.
c. Our beliefs about the nature of knowledge
d. Knowledge gained through study.

50. Learning is;

a. A process

b. A product

c. Only a
d. Both a & b

51. What is epistemology?

a. Our beliefs about the nature of knowledge

b. Our beliefs about how people learn

c. A change in behavior as a result of experience or


d. The acquisition of knowledge

52. According to the theory of knowledge;

a. Knowledge is independent of learner

b. Our beliefs about the nature of knowledge

c. Our beliefs about how people learn

d. A change in behavior as a result of experience or


53. Psychology of learning is;

a. Our beliefs about how people learn

b. Knowledge is independent of learner

c. Our beliefs about the nature of knowledge

d. Our beliefs about how people learn

54. Following are the learning theories EXCEPT

a. Behaviorism

b. Cognitivism

c. Social Learning Theory

d. Kolb’s learning Cycle

55. Ivan Pavlov won the noble prize for the experiment on the digestive
system of the dog. It relates to which category of the learning theories?

a. Behaviorism

b. Cognitivism

c. Social Learning Theory

d. Brain-Based Learning

56. The phenomenon in which there appears a response first and then
reinforcement follows;

a. Classical conditioning

b. Operant conditioning

c. Social Learning Theory

d. Brain-Based Learning

57. Social learning theory grows up from which theory?

a. Behaviorism

b. Cognitivism

c. Social Learning Theory

d. Brain-Based Learning

58. One of the most important examples of social constructivism in the class

a. Reflective writing

b. Rota learning

c. Journaling

d. Cognitive learning
59. All the people born with the types of intelligences?

a. 9

b. 8

c. 7

d. 6

60. Factors that affect learning?

a. Our beliefs about the nature of knowledge

b. Our beliefs about how people learn

c. Multi-level responsibilities

d. Readiness to learn


61. Characteristics of an adult learner;

a. Readiness to learn

b. Motivation to learn

c. Self-direction

d. Past experience

62. Teaching methods used in the affective domain is?

a. Lecture

b. One-to-one instruction

c. Role-playing

d. Computer-assisted instruction

63. It is actually a plan of action well defines the following;

a. Need assessment

b. Lesson planning

c. Lecture

d. Role modeling

64. The key component of the lesson planning includes;

a. The pre-assessment

b. Planning of the session

c. Time of the lesson and duration

d. Objectives/Goal

65. The purpose of lesson planning is;

a. A reminder for teacher when he/she get distracted

b. It helps the teacher in effective teaching

c. Makes it clear what exactly you intend to teach

d. Give your teaching a framework and overall shape

66. It is usually the first step taken to cause a change and learning to

a. Need assessment

b. Lesson planning

c. Lecture

d. Role modeling

67. Need assessment for learning is;

a. Teachers provide feedback to the students about

learning and how to improve

b. Involve students in the learning process

c. Involve students in the learning activities

d. Students use self-assessment tools to enhance learning

68. The advantages of questionnaire in the need assessment is ;

a. Generate data related to work environment

b. Inexpensive

c. Data easily summarized

d. Minimize interruption of work

69. The disadvantages of focus group in need assessment is?

a. Inexpensive

b. Time consuming to organize

c. Data easily summarized

d. Minimize interruption of work

70. The principle of lesson planning is?

a. The teacher should prepare a careful but flexible plan.

b. Teachers provide feedback to the students about

learning and how to improve

c. Involve students in the learning process

d. Involve students in the learning activities

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