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Sharif College of nursing

Eating disorder mcqs

Subject _ mental health nursing
Time_1: Hrs. Class_bsn3rd proof MM_40

1. Which structure of the brain contains the appetite regulation

A. Thalamus.
B. Amygdale.
C. Hypothalamus
D. Medulla.
2. The nurse is teaching about factors that influence eating patterns.
Which statements indicate that learning has occurred? Select all that
A. “Factors such as taste and texture can affect appetite.”
B. “The function of my digestive organs affects my eating behaviors.”
C. “High socioeconomic status determines nutritious eating patterns.”
D. “Social interaction contributes little to eating patterns.”
E. “Society and culture influence eating patterns.”
3. Which etiology for anorexia nervosa is from a neuroendocrine
A. Anorexia nervosa is more common among sisters and mothers of clients with the
disorder than among the general population
B. Dysfunction of the thalamus is implicated in the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa.
C. There is a higher than expected frequency of mood disorders among first-degree
relatives of clients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa.
D. Clients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa have elevated cerebrospinal fluid cortical
Levels and possible alterations in the regulation of dopamine.
4. Which etiological implication for obesity is from a physiological
A. Eighty percent of offspring of two obese parents become obese.
B. Individuals who are obese have unresolved dependency needs and are fixed in the
oral stage of development.
C. Hyperthyroidism interferes with metabolism and may lead to obesity.
D. Lesions in the appetite and satiety centers in the hypothalamus lead to overeating
and obesity
5. A client is being admitted to the in-patient psychiatric unit with a
diagnosis of bulimia nervosa. The nurse would expect this client to
fall within which age range?
A. 5 to 10 years old.
B. 10 to 14 years old.
C. 18 to 22 years old
D. 40 to 45 years old.
6. Which individual would be at highest risk for obesity?
A. A poor black woman
B. A rich white woman.
C. A rich white man.
D. A well-educated black man.
7. A client with a long history of bulimia nervosa is seen in the
emergency department. The client is seeing things that others do not,
is restless, and has dry mucous membranes. Which is most likely the
cause of this client’s symptoms?
A. Mood disorders, which often accompany the diagnosis of bulimia nervosa.
B. Nutritional deficits, which are characteristic of bulimia nervosa.
C. Vomiting, which may lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance?
D. Binging, which cause a abdominal discomfort
18-year-old female client weighs 95 pounds and is 70 inches tall. She
has not had period in 4 months and states, “I am so fat!” Which
statement is reflective of this Client’s symptoms?
A. The client meets the criteria for an Axis I diagnosis of bulimia nervosa.
B. The client meets the criteria for an Axis I diagnosis of anorexia nervosa.
C.The client needs further assessment to be diagnosed using the DSM-IV-TR.
D. The client is exhibiting normal developmental tasks according to Erikson.
9. The nurse is assessing a client with a body mass index of 35. The
nurse would suspect this client to be at risk for which of the following
conditions? Select all that apply.
A. Hypoglycemia.
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Angina
D. Respiratory insufficiency
E. Hyperlipidemi
10. The family of a client diagnosed with anorexia nervosa has
canceled the last two family counseling sessions. Which of the
following could be reasons for this noncompliance?
Select all that apply.
A. The family is fearful of the social stigma of having a family member with
emotional Problems
B. The family is dealing with feelings of guilt because of the perception that they
have contributed to the disorder.
C. There may be a pattern of conflict avoidance, and the family fears conflict would
surface in the sessions.
D. The family may be attempting to maintain family equilibrium by keeping the client
in the sick role.
E. The client is now maintaining adequate nutrition, and the sessions are no longer
11. Which anorexia nervosa symptom is physical in nature?
A. Dry, yellow skin
B. Perfectionism.
C. Frequent weighing.
D. Preoccupation with food.
12. Using the DSM-IV-TR, which statement is true as it relates to the
diagnosis of obesity?
A. Obesity is a diagnosis classified on Axis I similar to other eating disorders
B. Obesity is not classified as an eating disorder because medical diagnoses are not
classified in the DSM-IV-TR.
C. Obesity is currently evaluated for all clients as a “psychological factor affecting
medical conditions.”
D. Obesity is not classified as an eating disorder, but can be placed on Axis III as a
medical condition.
13. After a routine dental examination on an adolescent, the dentist
reports to the parents that bulimia nervosa is suspected. On which of
the following assessment data would the dentist base this
determines? Select all that apply.
A. Extreme weight loss
B. Amenorrhea
C. Discoloration of dental enamel
D. Bruises of the plate and posterior pharynx
E. Dental enemal dysplasia
14. A client diagnosed with anorexia nervosa has a short-term
outcome that states, “The client will gain 2 pounds in 1 week.” Which
nursing diagnosis reflects the problem that this outcome addresses?
A. Ineffective coping R/T lack of control.
B. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements R/T decreased intake
C.Self-care deficit: feeding R/T fatigue.
D.Anxiety R/T feelings of helplessness.
15. A client with cachexia states, “I don’t care what you say, I am
horribly fat and will continue to diet.” The client is experiencing
arrhythmias and bradycardia. Based on this client’s symptoms,
which nursing diagnosis takes priority?
A. Ineffective denial.
B.Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
C. Disturbed body image.
D. Ineffective coping.

16. A client is leaving the in-patient psychiatric facility after 1 month

of treatment for anorexia nervosa. Which outcome is appropriate
during discharge planning for this client?
A. Client will accept refeeding as part of a daily routine.
B. Client will perform nasogastric tube feeding independently.
C.Client will verbalize recognition of “fat” body misperception
D. Client will discuss importance of monitoring weights daily.
17. A client diagnosed with anorexia nervosa has a nursing diagnosis
of disturbed body image. Which nursing intervention addresses this
A. Help client to realize that perfection is unrealistic
B. Stay with client during mealt the client to identify and set weight loss goal
The loss of menstrual period is known as:
A. amenorrhea
B. dysmenorrhea
C.premenstrual syndrome
D. fibrosis
17. Anorexia nervosa typically begins in:
A. early childhood
B. adolescence
C. early adulthood D. late adulthood
Q18.Anorexia nervosa occurs:
A. 10 times more frequently in women than it does in men
B. 20 times more frequently in women than it does in men
C. 30 times more frequently in women than it does in men
D. equally in men and women
19. People with anorexia nervosa are also frequently diagnosed with
A. depression B. anxiety C. substance abuse D. All of the above

20.Binge eating disorder is characterised by bingeing

A. between periods of starvation
B. despite guilt over weight gain
C. with weight under 85% of normal
D. without compensatory behaviour
20.. Risk factors associated with developing binge eating disorder
A. childhood obesity
B. critical comment regarding being overweight
C. childhood physical or sexual abuse
D. All of the above
22. Eating disorders are usually caused by
A. genetic disposition
B. neurochemical imbalance
C. sociocultural pressures
D. a combination of factors
23. Amy scored higher on a measure of dietary restraint than did Pipi.
Based on this information, recent research suggests that
A. Pipi would be more likely to have bulimia nervosa.
B. Amy would be more likely to have anorexia nervosa.
C. Pipi will probably exhibit greater dopamine activity in her brain when presented
with food.
D. Amy will probably exhibit greater dopamine activity in her brain when presented
with food.
24. A recent review of many studies concludes that __________, no
matter how it is measured, is higher among girls with anorexia than
girls without anorexia, and that it remains high even after successful
treatment for anorexia
A. neuroticism
B. introversion
C. constraint
D. perfectionism
25. Studies have shown drug treatment to be
A. effective for bulimia only
B. effective for anorexia only
C. effective for both bulimia and anorexia
D. ineffective for both bulimia and anorexia
26. The principal form of psychological treatment for anorexia nervosa
A. reinforcing appropriate eating behaviours
B. providing a safe inpatient environment
C. social skills training
D. family therapy
27. Starting with the DSM-IV, eating disorders were listed as
A. disorders beginning in childhood or adolescence.
B. somatisation disorders.
C. psychological factors affecting a medical condition.
D. a separate diagnostic category
29. When pointing to their ideal male body type, men with eating
disorders chose body types that were
A. larger than what the average male chose.
B. smaller than what the average male chose.
C. the same size as what the average male chose.
D. They could not report what the difference was.
30. Review of the anorexia nervosa subtype literature for the
preparation of the DSM-5 concluded that they had
A. high reliability.
B. high predictive validity.
C. low predictive validity.
D. low reliability.
31. During binge episodes, many people with bulimia
A. feel a great sense of control.
B. experience a feeling of being out of control.
C. feel very satisfied. D. None of the above is correct.
32. Compared to anorexia nervosa, the diagnosis of bulimia nervosa is
associated with
A. higher mortality rates.
B. lower mortality rates.
C. equal mortality rates.
D. None of the above; data on mortality caused by eating disorders does not exist.
33. Which of the following is most prevalent?
A. Binge eating disorder
B. Anorexia nervosa, binge-eating/purging type
C. Anorexia nervosa, restricting type
D. Bulimia nervosa
34. Research regarding the role of the hypothalamus in anorexia
nervosa indicates that
A. the hypothalamus is damaged in most individuals with anorexia.
B. hypothalamus dysfunction is the most likely explanation for the fact that people
with anorexia do not experience hunger.
C. the hypothalamus appears to be overactive in people with anorexia, leading to
binge eating.
D. dysfunction in the hypothalamus does not seem to be an important factor in
35. The cognitive-behavioral view of bulimia suggests that binges
result from
A. breaking self-rules about dieting.
B. ambivalence over social pressure to be thin.
C. excessive desire for peer approval.
D. not accepting responsibility for actions.
36. A recent area of research in eating disorders has been
A. actual eating habits.
B. associated fears such as phobias or other anxiety disorders.
C. concerns with self-focused attention.
D. child abuse and the link to eating disorders.
37. The DSM-5 categorises eating disorders as
a) Feeding and Eating Disorders.
b) Addictive Disorders.
c) Anxiety Disorders.
d) Obsessive Disorders.
39. The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia nervosa is frequently
assessed using the
a) Eating Disorders Inventory.
b) Ecological Momentary Assessment.
c) Feeding Distortion Inventory.
d) None of the above is correct
40. Cathy stopped eating meals over two months ago. Now, she eats
very little, and only when under some family pressure. She has lost
over 10 kilograms, and is now about 15% below normal body weight
for her height. She probably has
a) anorexia, restricting type.
b) anorexia, binge-eating- .
C. bulimia nervosa.
d) binge eating disorder

D Explain to client that privileges and restrictions will be based on weight gain.

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