UAE, KSA Influence Expansion Research Project

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UAE, KSA Influence Expansion Research Project

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have both been pursuing a range of moves
over the last several years in pursuit of expanding their influence and enabling themselves to
act independently without Western influence. Some of these moves include:

1. Military intervention in Yemen: Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been involved in a
military intervention in Yemen since 2015. The intervention was aimed at supporting the Yemeni
government against Houthi rebels who had taken control of large parts of the country. The
intervention has been controversial and has drawn criticism from human rights groups due to
the high civilian death toll.

2. Diplomatic isolation of Qatar: In 2017, Saudi Arabia and the UAE led a coalition of countries
in severing diplomatic ties with Qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorism and extremism. The
move was seen as an attempt to isolate Qatar and reduce its influence in the region.

3. Economic diversification: Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been working to diversify their
economies away from oil and gas. This has included investments in industries such as
technology, renewable energy, and tourism.

4. Increasing military spending: Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been increasing their
military spending in recent years, with a particular focus on acquiring advanced weaponry. This
has included purchases of weapons systems from countries such as the United States, Russia,
and China.

5. Alignment with Israel: Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been moving closer to Israel in
recent years, despite the lack of progress towards a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This has included the normalization of diplomatic relations between the UAE and Israel in 2020.

6. Political and economic influence in the Horn of Africa: Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE have
been investing heavily in the Horn of Africa in recent years, with a focus on building ports,
military bases, and other infrastructure. This has raised concerns about the potential for these
countries to exert political and economic influence in the region.

7. Support for proxy forces: Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been accused of supporting
proxy forces in various conflicts in the region, including in Yemen and Libya. These proxy forces
have been accused of committing human rights abuses and other violations.

These are just a few examples of the moves being made by Saudi Arabia and the UAE in
pursuit of expanding their influence and enabling themselves to act independently without
Western influence.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia are two of the wealthiest and most influential
countries in the Middle East, and both have been working to expand their spheres of influence
in various regions around the world. Through strategic investments, financial assistance, and
military and intelligence partnerships, these countries are positioning themselves as key players
in global politics and economics.
Both the UAE and Saudi Arabia have been investing heavily in Europe, particularly in the UK.
Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund has invested billions in companies such
as Uber and Tesla, while the UAE has invested in a range of sectors including
real estate and infrastructure.
One example of the UAE's investment in the UK is the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority's
(ADIA) purchase of the iconic Grosvenor House hotel in London's Mayfair
district for over $800 million. The UAE has also invested in other high-profile
real estate projects in the UK, including the Shard skyscraper and the Olympic
Saudi Arabia has also made strategic investments in the UK, including a $3.5 billion stake
in Uber in 2016. The country has also invested in other technology companies,
including the ride-hailing app Careem and the cybersecurity firm Darktrace.
Both countries are also working to strengthen their ties with European governments.
Saudi Arabia has signed a number of trade and investment deals with the UK,
while the UAE has signed similar agreements with France and Germany. These
deals provide both countries with access to new markets and opportunities for

Middle East:
In the Middle East, the UAE and Saudi Arabia have significant influence over other
countries in the region. Both countries have been involved in conflicts in
Yemen and Syria, and have played a role in supporting various factions in those
In Yemen, Saudi Arabia has been leading a military coalition that has been fighting
against Houthi rebels since 2015. The UAE is also a part of this coalition, and
has been supporting southern separatist forces in the country. This conflict
has caused a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, with millions of people displaced
and facing food shortages and disease.
In Syria, both the UAE and Saudi Arabia have been supporting opposition forces in their
fight against the Syrian government. The UAE has provided funding to rebel
groups and has been involved in training and equipping them, while Saudi Arabia
has been providing weapons and other military support.
Both the UAE and Saudi Arabia have been expanding their influence in Africa through
investments and aid. Saudi Arabia has pledged billions of dollars in aid to
African countries, while the UAE has invested in various sectors such as
energy, agriculture, and infrastructure.
One example of Saudi Arabia's investment in Africa is the $10 billion it has pledged to
South Africa's energy sector. The country has also pledged to invest $1 billion
in agriculture and livestock projects in Sudan.
The UAE has also been investing heavily in Africa. In 2018, the UAE's state-owned oil
company, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), announced a $3.1 billion
investment in Egypt's oil and gas sector. The UAE has also invested in
agriculture projects in Sudan and Ethiopia, and has provided aid to countries
such as Somalia and Yemen.
The UAE and Saudi Arabia are both looking to expand their influence in Asia as well. The
UAE has been investing heavily in India, particularly in the energy sector. In
2017, the UAE's sovereign wealth fund, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA),
invested $1 billion in India's National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF).
The UAE has also been working to strengthen its ties with China, with the two countries signing
a number of trade and investment deals in recent years. In 2018, the UAE's state-owned oil
company, ADNOC, signed a $1.6 billion agreement with China's state-owned oil company,

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia have been increasing their influence in
Lebanon through investments, intelligence and military cooperation, and financial ties. The two
countries have been strengthening their relationships with the Lebanese government and
political parties, in an effort to gain greater influence in the country and the wider region.


The UAE and Saudi Arabia have been investing heavily in Lebanon in recent years, particularly
in the real estate and tourism sectors. The UAE's investments in Lebanon include the
construction of a $1.5 billion tourist resort in the town of Jiyeh, and a $100 million project to
redevelop Beirut's port. The country has also invested in other real estate projects in Beirut and
other cities across Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia has also been investing in Lebanon, with the Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF)
investing $3 billion in Lebanon's infrastructure in 2018. This investment is aimed at supporting
Lebanon's economy, which has been struggling due to a combination of political instability and
economic mismanagement.

Intelligence and Military Cooperation:

The UAE and Saudi Arabia have also been increasing their intelligence and military cooperation
with Lebanon, particularly in the fight against terrorism. In 2016, the UAE and Saudi Arabia
signed a memorandum of understanding with Lebanon's General Directorate of General
Security to cooperate on intelligence matters.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia have also been providing military aid to Lebanon, particularly in the
form of weapons and ammunition. In 2017, Saudi Arabia donated $3 billion in military aid to
Lebanon, which included armored vehicles, artillery, and helicopters. The UAE has also been
providing military aid to Lebanon, including the donation of several armored vehicles in 2018.

Financial Ties:
The UAE and Saudi Arabia have also been strengthening their financial ties with Lebanon,
particularly through their relationships with Lebanese banks. Lebanese banks have traditionally
played a major role in the country's economy, and are used by businesses and individuals to
carry out international transactions.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia have been using their financial leverage to gain influence in
Lebanon. For example, in 2018, Saudi Arabia's central bank ordered its banks to freeze all
accounts belonging to Lebanese officials and businessmen who were allegedly involved in
corruption. This move was seen as a way for Saudi Arabia to pressure the Lebanese
government to take action against corruption.

Since the Abraham Accords:

The UAE and Saudi Arabia's growing influence in Lebanon has become more significant since
the signing of the Abraham Accords in 2020. The Abraham Accords were a series of
agreements between Israel and several Arab countries, including the UAE and Bahrain, which
were brokered by the United States.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia have been using their new relationships with Israel to increase their
influence in Lebanon. For example, in 2020, the UAE signed an agreement with Israel to
cooperate on a number of issues, including technology and investment. This agreement was
seen as a way for the UAE to gain greater access to Israel's technology sector, which is one of
the most advanced in the world.

The UAE's growing relationship with Israel has also had an impact on Lebanon's relations with
the UAE. In 2020, the UAE suspended visa waivers for Lebanese citizens, which had been in
place since 2015. This move was seen as a response to Lebanon's support for the Palestinian
cause and its opposition to the Abraham Accords.

Saudi Arabia has also been increasing its engagement with Israel since the signing of the
Abraham Accords. In 2020, Saudi Arabia granted permission for Israeli commercial flights to
use its airspace, which was seen as a significant step towards normalization of relations
between the two countries.


The UAE and Saudi Arabia's growing influence in Lebanon is part of a wider trend of increasing
regional influence. The two countries have been using their wealth and resources to gain
greater influence in the Middle East and beyond

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