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Technical Evaluation Criteria and Submission Checklist

Tender No:
Tender Title:

No. Description of Evaluated Criteria Expected Deliverable Check Weighting


1 Tender Compliance Standards and Certifications 5%

A. Complete Submission of Complete Tender

B. Form of Tender
Tenderer compliance with Standards listed in the
1.1 C. Certification Letter 1%
Employers Requirements (RFP)
D. Non-Collusion Confirmation
E. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
F. Power of Attorney
* Confirmation of Compliance submission with ITT
LETTERS :Compliance statement confirming FULL
1.2 requirements through KAFD DC. 2%
compliance with the scope of works or compliance
* FULLY signed and stamped compliance statement.
with exceptions."

A Chamber of Commerce Registration,

B Commercial Registration,
C. Contractor Classification Certificate
D. Zakat & Tax Certificate,
E. VAT Certificate,
F. GOSI Certificate ,
G. SAGIA Certificate ,
H. Saudization Certificate,
Relevant certifications, registrations, licenses, I. Wage Protection Certificate,
1.3 1%
insurances J. National Address Letter,
K. General Liability Insurance Capacity,
L. Professional Liability Insurance Capacity,
M. Tenderer compliance with Standards listed in the
Employers Requirements (RFP),
N. Annual Turnover value of construction works
undertaken for each of the past five (5) years,
O. Bank details and enclose references stating
number of years of dealing with the bank.

* Tenderer response to questions at interview and

Bidder presentation of their team, understanding of
deliver of presentation by the Tenderer
1.4 the project and proposals at Interview and/or 1%
demonstrating understanding of the Scope of Works
and their Proposal.
No. Description of Evaluated Criteria Expected Deliverable Check Weighting
2 Company Capability and References 10%
2.1 Company profile * Provide copy of company's profile / brochures 1%
* Evidence displaying that the Tenderer has the
capacity, experience and competence to deliver
projects of similar size, scope, complexity and risks
and references.
* Provide list of projects including the following
Similar projects completed within the last 5 - Project Name & Location
2.2 years in terms of scope, complexity and risks and - Brief Description of Project & Type of Work 6%
references. Performed
- Contract Value (MILLION SAR)
- Consultant's Name
- Client’s Name
- Peak Workforce
- Date Started
- Date Completed or % Completed
* Provide the List of Awards, Honors, references
2.3 List of Awards, Honors, Commendations from Employers relevant to the Company's past 3%
Construction work projects.

3 Design Capability, Methodology & Schedules 15%

* Provide List of Design and Built Projects completed
3.1 Design and Build completed projects 2%
by the Contractor
* Provide list of preferred Design Consultants to
perform the design from concept design stage up to
* Provide list of preferred 3rd party
Design Consultants and 3rd party
3.2 specialist/suppliers who will be responsible of the 4%
design of specialty systems indicated within the
scope of works
* Provide the profile of the preferred Design

* Provide Organization chart of key technical, design

leads and coordinators in the Company;
* Provide CV's covering statement of their
qualifications, skills and experience to demonstrate
their suitability for their role as described in the
3.3 Technical and Engineering staff organization chart; include details of their 3%
experience in working on similar projects in terms of
scope and magnitude;
* Provide a dedicated on site design office to service
* A resource histogram by discipline

* Provide list of project that have been done using

3.4 BIM and GIS Projects 1%
No. Description of Evaluated Criteria Expected Deliverable Check Weighting

* How the packaging and timing of design elements

will allow the whole of the design to be integrated
and assured;
* Sufficient detail in the tender design deliverables
Design schedule and delivery plan
schedule to demonstrate sufficient time for quality
An outline design schedule and delivery plan for
control, coordination, reviews and acceptance;
achieving all design deliverables covering the
Sufficient detail in the tender design inputs schedule
to demonstrate sufficient time for quality control,
- All proposed design packages;
coordination, reviews and acceptance;
- A design deliverables schedule including periods
* Demonstration that key package designers have
3.5 for review and acceptance; 5%
been identified;
- An outline design inputs schedule including
* Provision of sufficient resources to complete the
periods for review and acceptance;
- An explanation of how the KAFD and 3rd Parties
* Demonstration that designs will meet the KAFD
assurance requirements will be met; and
- An explanation of how sub-contracted designs will
* Demonstration that designs including
be coordinated effectively.
subcontracted designs will be coordinated
effectively minimizing re-work, such that detailed
design production meets the tender schedule/

Construction Methodology & Schedule and

4 24%

* Clear, logical, project-specific and deliverable

proposals for undertaking the activities relating to
the permanent work and temporary works, including
the following for each method statement: Details of
Construction Methodology & Sequencing of management of productivity specifically linking this
Works: with safety, quality and proposals for measuring
- Should demonstrates the approach to the delivery outputs and progress.
of the Project (Parcel/Package) in accordance with * Supporting information in the form of sequence
the delivery schedule/ programme. This includes and phasing drawings or other relevant information
the period from the notification of award to the and coordination with other areas of the Tenderer's
4.1 15%
relevant Sectional Completion Dates and proposals, including tender programme.
Completion Date for the whole works for the * Evidence of where the proposed or similar
project. Provide construction method statements approach / techniques described within the answer
detailing the proposed sequencing, methodology have been used effectively elsewhere to provide
and associated temporary works (where relevant) confidence to KAFD that the proposals will be
for delivering the works. successful.
* Any other information that the Tenderer considers
would be of significance to KAFD’s confidence in the
method statements, such as Industry Best Practice,
Innovation and use of cutting edge/ new Technology.
No. Description of Evaluated Criteria Expected Deliverable Check Weighting

- A proposed Accepted resource loaded tender
schedule/programme covering all the planned * A practicable programme including sufficient detail
activities, with particular reference to the activities to be accepted, aligned with all other aspects of the
included in the method statements, at the level of Tender;
detail which would allow the programme when * A robust, identifiable and deliverable critical path,
submitted under the Contract to be accepted in a with logical sequencing and sound logic links;"
timely manner; in accordance with the conditions Activity and total time risk allowances / floats
of contract and Scope of Works. displayed which are adequate provision; Achievable
- The schedule shall include key milestone dates, activity durations aligned to the productivity
4.2 through the project phases (to include the assumptions stated in the Narrative; Design, testing 7%
procurement, pre-construction, construction, and commissioning and taking-over/handover,
commissioning and completion, acceptance activities and interdependencies
taking-over/handover and defects liability period) - (including activities by Others where there are
submitted in both Primavera P6 and PDF formats. interdependencies) are all identified, allowed for
- Provide a Programme Narrative including the and compliant with all programme constraints;
following sections: - Documents used; - Key * A programme that meets the requirements for
assumptions underpinning the schedule; - Critical forming an Accepted Programme stipulated by the
path; - Float and time risk allowance; - Summary of conditions of contract and Scope of Works.
key dates; - Productivity assumptions; - Taking-
Over/Hand-over strategy.

* The Plan shall include construction traffic

movement, consolidation of deliveries and supplier
Logistics/ Traffic Management:
orders, materials transported from site, proposed
4.3 - Draft Construction Logistics/ Traffic Management 2%
servicing management proposals, site establishment
Plans including methodology.
layout, haul roads, laydown areas, approach for
lanes and road closure, etc.

5 Operation and Maintenance 9%

Detailed plan outlines the tenderer approach

Operation management plan
regarding operating the collection system and
Should demonstrates the approach to operate the
treatment plant.
5.1 project components as intended in the design and 5%
The plan should cover all the required work to assure
minimizing the operation cost during the
the operation of the collection system and treatment
maintenance period
plant as intended in the design.

Maintenance work plan

Should demonstrates the ability of the contractor Tenderer to provide a maintenance plan that covers
to perform the regular required maintenance and the following:
performing risk analysis to cover unexpected 1- Regular maintain are required to keep the
5.2 scenarios of failures in the equipment's to minimize collection system and RO system operating 4%
the outages during the maintenance period, the 2- The emergency plan in case any component of
maintenance work plan should include spare parts the collection system or treatment system failed
for operation and maintenance for 5 years for the 3- The emergency plan in case of the power outage
collection and treatment system

6 Equipment 8%
* Detailed Plan illustrating the Tenderer approach
6.1 Equipment Mobilization Plan towards mobilization of equipment and period of 2%
* Tenderer to submit a management plan with a list
of manpower and equipment for 24/7 operations.
6.2 Equipment Management Plan 2%
Including Average Age and Condition of all
* Tenderer to provided equipment list showing type
6.3 Equipment List of critical equipment and the percentage of owned 4%
and rented equipment.
No. Description of Evaluated Criteria Expected Deliverable Check Weighting
7 QA/QC - Quality Management 9%

Quality Management System:

- Explain how the Tenderer Quality Management
System will operate including controls to be
applied to suppliers and subcontractors. * An explanation of the Quality Management regime
- Provide details of the quality resource proposals that will be implemented to ensure that the
and how the Contractor will ensure supply chain requirements of the Scope of Works have been
members provide sufficient quality resource to identified and addressed and that adequate
provide the Quality Manager and the Project resource to facilitate this will be provided.
Manager with contemporaneous records and * Evidence of where the proposed or similar
certificates for acceptance. approach / techniques described within the answer
7.1 4%
- Provide a draft Construction Quality Plan; have been used effectively elsewhere to provide
- Explain how the Tenderer will provide assurance confidence to KAFD that the proposals will be
that all aspects of the works demonstrably comply successful;
with the Contract in accordance with the processes * Any other information that the Tenderer considers
described in the Scope of Works; would be of significance to KAFD’s confidence in
- Explain how the Tenderer will manage the risk of proposals for the management of Quality
inadequate quality control of key elements of the Management required;
scope of Works, e.g civils, structural, architectural
finishes, MEP installation and Testing and

* CV demonstrating a strong link between the needs

of the role and the statement of the qualifications,
skills and experience of the Quality Manager;
Individual statement includes summary details of
Provide for the Quality Manager a CV including
relevant projects, durations of role and project,
statement of their qualifications, skills and
project values, the project role(s) and
experience to demonstrate their suitability for their
7.2 responsibilities; key areas of value added; key skills 3%
role in accordance with Scope of Works; include
and experience; relevant qualifications (industry
details of their experience in working on similar
standard safety training) and number of years
projects in terms of scope and magnitude.
* Any other information that the Tenderer considers
would be of significance to KAFD’s confidence in the
Quality Manager.
* Provide the following certificate ISO 9001:2015
7.3 Quality Management Certificate Quality Management System 2%

8 Health & Safety Management 8%

Tenderers are required to provide their overall

approach to Health and Safety Management on the
Project, both in design and construction. This shall
* Tenderers details and evidence of their health and
include health and safety statistics, for the previous
safety statistics, for the previous 5 years including:
5 years such as: manhours, manpower, fatalities,
manhours, manpower, fatalities, lost time incidents,
lost time incidents, restricted work cases, medical
restricted work cases, medical treatment cases, first
treatment cases, first aid cases, accident frequency
8.1 aid cases, accident frequency rates and any 3%
rates and any enforcement incidents. The response
enforcement incidents and HSE Organization Chart,
shall also include: Site HSE Organization Chart, CV
CV, experience of working on similar projects and
for key Health and Safety staff with clear
demonstration of Health and Safety responsibilities
demonstration of experience of working on similar
and interfaces with the project team.
project in term of scope and magnitude and
responsibilities and interfaces with the project
No. Description of Evaluated Criteria Expected Deliverable Check Weighting
* Demonstrate of how the Tenderer shall act,
organize, communicate, plan, coordinate, control
Tenderers are required to provide a Draft and deliver the highest Health and Safety
8.2 3%
Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan (CPP) performance on the KAFD Project. Demonstration of
compliance with the RFP, Standards and
* Provide the following certificates:
- ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety
8.3 Health, Safety, and Environmental Certificate Management System 2%
- ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management

9 Staff and Organization 7%

Provide an organization chart (or charts) showing

all levels of management and identifying the main * Organization Chart(s) showing the key
responsibilities of the key staff, management management staff and other key persons roles, all
reporting lines, and interfaces with KAFD, KAFD’s other levels of management, including resource
representatives, the supply chain and other key levels suitable to the requirements of the Contract;
stakeholders; summary level job descriptions for * A structure tailored to support the particular
each key job role, with associated durations in challenges during delivery;
9.1 weeks, and number of full days per week, on the * A structure that supports positive relationships 4%
project; names of personnel allocated and with key stakeholders and supply chain;
committed to roles. This includes a Resource * Roles and functions that encourage and stimulate
Profile/ Histogram for each Project, through the collaborative working practices;
project phases (to include the procurement, pre- * Chart(s) that provide a good logical balance over
construction, construction, commissioning and the key phases of the project and resource profile/
completion, taking-over/handover and defects histogram.
liability period)

* Demonstration of a strong link between the needs

of the roles and the statement of the qualifications,
skills and experience of the management staff and
For each management staff and other key people, other key people; Individual statements include
provide a CV covering statement of their summary details of relevant projects, durations of
qualifications, skills and experience to demonstrate role and project, project values, the project role(s)
9.2 their suitability for their role as described in the and responsibilities; key skills and experience; key 3%
organization chart; include details of their areas of value added in previous roles; relevant
experience in working on similar projects in terms qualifications (industry standard safety training to
of scope and magnitude be excluded) and number of years experience;
* Any other information that the Tenderer considers
would be of significance to KAFD’s confidence in the
management staff and other key people.

10 Domestic Subcontractors & Suppliers 5%

Provide schedule and other details of key sub-
contractors, consultants and suppliers , through the
project phases (to include the procurement, pre- * Schedule and other supporting details of key sub-
10.1 5%
construction, construction, commissioning and contractors, consultants and suppliers.
completion, taking-over/handover and defects
liability period)
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Select WS Select WS Select WS Select WS Select WS

5% 5% 5% 5% 5%

100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1%

100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2%

100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1%

100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1%

100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1%

100% 6% 100% 6% 100% 6% 100% 6% 100% 6%

100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3%

15% 15% 15% 15% 15%

100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2%

100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4%

100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3%

100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1% 100% 1%

100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

100% 5% 100% 5% 100% 5% 100% 5% 100% 5%

33% 33% 33% 33% 33%

100% 15% 100% 15% 100% 15% 100% 15% 100% 15%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

100% 7% 100% 7% 100% 7% 100% 7% 100% 7%

100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2%

100% 5% 100% 5% 100% 5% 100% 5% 100% 5%

100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4%

8% 8% 8% 8% 8%

100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2%

100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2%

100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4%

100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
9% 9% 9% 9% 9%

100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4%

100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3%

100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2% 100% 2%

8% 8% 8% 8% 8%

100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3%

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7% 7% 7% 7% 7%

100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4% 100% 4%

100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3% 100% 3%

5% 5% 5% 5% 5%

100% 5% 100% 5% 100% 5% 100% 5% 100% 5%

Select WS


100% 1%

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100% 15%

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100% 2%

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100% 4%

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100% 2%


100% 3%

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100% 2%


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100% 5%

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