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Gen 001: Purposive Communication

Teachers’ Guide Lesson #23

Lesson title: Resume Writing Materials:

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able
a. explain what a resume is; References:
b. identify the essential parts of an effective resume;
c. apply the key considerations when writing a resume; resumes/
d. identify the steps to write a cover letter; cover-letters/resume-purpose
e. recognize online resume-building platforms;
f. create an effective resume; and need-a-great-resume.aspx
g. write a cover letter.

Today is another day to learn a new lesson, being productive is the key to accomplish all the things you need to
do. Stay smart, focus and achieve more.


We know that after we graduate from college, we need to get a job that matches our skills and interests.
But there are some questions we need to answer to help us get a job like how can we market ourselves?
How can we grab the attention of an employer? How do we introduce ourselves through our skills and
qualifications and show that we have enough experience? How can I stand out from all the other
applicants? In this topic we will learn how to make a LinkedIn profile and how to make a good resume.


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Gen 001: Purposive Communication
Teachers’ Guide Lesson #23

What is a Resume?
A resume is your ticket to apply for a job. It contains everything about you that a potential employer
needs to know to help them decide if you are the right person for a position in their company. Your
resume should include your contact information such as your email and phone number, your educational
background, your previous work experience, your projects that demonstrate relevant skills for the job,
and other information that will help an employer understand what you can do. A resume is a list of and
helps you get an interview from potential employers. It is a shorter version of a Curricula Vitae (CV),
précis, or vita.

Why do we need to have an effective resume?

Your resume describes your qualifications and what makes you unique. To stand out among other
applicants, you need a resume that markets your strengths and shows how you’re a good match for the

An effective resume:
1. Grabs the attention of employers and recruiters
2. Sells your strongest skills and accomplishments
3. Shows how you’re a match for a position or project
4. And most importantly, gets you a job interview!

How do we write an effective resume?

1. Use an organized and clear format and layout. This will help you present your credentials better. It
is also easy to read and understand.
2. Include your name and the correct contact information
3. Write a profile summary that gives an overview of your skills and accomplishments.
4. List your educational background, work experience, and accomplishments.5. Identify the skills that
will make you valuable to the team. Your skills may be both technical skills and soft skills.

Below are examples of Technical Skills and Soft Skills

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Examples of Soft Skills

Examples of Technical Skills

Time management

Communication Phone Skills

Adaptability Programming Skills

Problem-solving Video Editing

Teamwork Computer Skills

Creativity Research

Leadership Planning

Interpersonal skills Troubleshooting

Strong work ethics Microsoft Office

Attention to detail Social Media

6. Customize the content of your resume based on the job you are applying for.
7. Proofread your resume. Make sure your sentences are clear and concise and there are no errors in
spelling or grammar.

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Below is an example of an effective resume and its contents. This is the resume of a fresh graduate
applying for an entry-level job.

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To guide you as you build your resume, here’s a template you can follow. It tells you how to complete
the essential parts of a resume. You can also go to this link to make a Google doc copy of the template:

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What are the key considerations when writing your resume?

Identify your qualifications that are essential for the job you are applying for.
Remember that your resume is just one of several hundreds that an HR officer receives. You need to
prove that you are the best person for the job. Highlight the key skills and experiences that are most
relevant to the job.

Resumes are meant to give potential employers a “snapshot” of your qualifications. You don’t need to put
everything there. A resume is a preview and is meant to get you an interview. The interview is where you
can talk about your skills and experiences in detail. This is why your resume should only be one to two
pages long.

Make sure that you know what the job qualifications are. And in your resume, showcase your skills and
experiences that match them.

As you write your resume and think about the whole process of preparing for your interview,
you need to also get to know the employer. Research about the company/ies. Read about their
company mission, vision, and values through their website or other published sources . Evaluate if you
want to join the company after learning more about them. If at all possible, learn also about your

Other platforms where you can create your resume:

1. LinkedIn - the world's largest online professional network. LinkedIn can help you locate the ideal job
or internship, build and deepen professional relationships, and learn the skills you need to advance in
your career. LinkedIn can be accessed via a desktop computer, the LinkedIn mobile app, the LinkedIn
mobile web experience, or the LinkedIn Lite Android mobile app.

By showing your unique professional story through experience, talents, and education, a complete
LinkedIn profile can help you connect with prospects.

LinkedIn can also be used to plan offline events, join groups, create articles, share images and videos,
and much more.

Jobs180 - provides next generation tools to build an online resumé, create a cover page and a
customized URL (ResuméLink) for personal branding and for easy sharing of the resumé.
Jobstreet - a popular online job board that currently serves Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines,
Indonesia, and Vietnam. is a trusted brand in the Philippines, with over 8 million

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Gen 001: Purposive Communication
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jobseekers and 22,000 reputable companies. When you visit the website on any given day, you may find
over 80,000 job openings.

What is a Cover letter?

A cover letter is a one-page document sent with your job application. Its goal is to highlight your skills
and accomplishments which suit the position you're applying for. An excellent cover letter can capture
the interest of the HR manager and persuade him/her to examine your resume and call you for an

How to write a cover letter

Include your complete name, address, correct mobile number, correct
email address and date

Note that if your contact information is wrong, the employer will not be
able to reach you.

Greetings Indicate the hiring manager’s complete name, designation, company

name and company address

If you don't know the hiring manager's name, a generic greeting such as
"Dear Sir or Ma’am" is okay.

1st Paragraph Mention the Job you are applying for and include where you found the job

Explain your genuine interest for the job,

2nd Paragraph Include your relevant achievements, skills and why are you suited for the

3rd Paragraph Request an interview. (If my qualifications suit your needs, may I request
for an interview?)

Thank the reader Thank the hiring manager for his/her time and for considering you.

Close You may close with Sincerely, Very Truly Yours, Respectfully

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Here is an example of a cover letter.

Maria C. Dela Cruz

#64 JP. Rizal St., Poblacion, Binangonan, Rizal
0906 523 1530 |

March 20, 2022

Rachel Gomez
Human Resource Manager
XLA Technologies Inc.
11th Street Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City

Dear Ms. Gomez,

I am writing to express a strong interest in the Software Developer position advertised on Jobstreet.

My experience as an intern at Boomtech Technology has equipped me with the necessary skills
needed for the job. During my internship, I have enhanced my learning on OOP by optimizing the use
of functions and I have created a fully functioning software. Additionally, I am proficient in
developing modern business solutions using up-to-date technologies. I am knowledgeable in
programming languages such as Java and Python. I can work with other teams and have good
problem solving skills.

I would like the opportunity to meet with you and to further discuss my qualifications. I am available
for an interview at your convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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Gen 001: Purposive Communication
Teachers’ Guide Lesson #23

Maria C. Dela Cruz

Skill building 1
Write a resume in Word Document, make sure to include all the information. Use the resume template
given to guide you. You can also go to this link to make a Google doc copy of the template:

Skill Building 2
Write a Cover Letter Word Document and make sure to include all the information.


Thinking about Learning

1. From 1-5, 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest, rate your performance in this module. _____
2. Why did you rate yourself such? _______________________________________________________
3. What can you do in the next lesson to improve? ___________________________________________

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:
1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring,
and student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom

sessions for health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class
activities and should be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

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Teachers’ Guide Lesson #23

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2)Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of
students to monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

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