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S. No. Assignment

1 What is Pivot Table and what is it used for? 4

What are the advantages of Pivot table and how is it

2 7
different from MS Excel Sheet?

3 How is data analyzed using ‘goal seek’ and ‘solver’. 10

What is Scenario and how is it used? State the benefits of

4 12
using scenarios in Excel.
What does data validation mean in Excel? What are the
5 14
advantage of using data validation?
What is chart and its types in Excel? Also state the
6 16
advantages of charts?
What is scale of value axis in excel? how to change scale
7 19
on excel graph?
What is a combined/combination/combo chart and what
8 22
is it used for?


A pivot table is a statistics tool that summarizes and reorganizes selected columns and rows
of data in a spreadsheet or database table to obtain a desired report. The tool does not actually
change the spreadsheet or database itself, it simply “pivots” or turns the data to view it from
different perspectives.

Pivot tables are especially useful with large amounts of data that would be time-consuming to
calculate by hand. A few data processing functions a pivot table can perform include
identifying sums, averages, ranges, or outliers. The table then arranges this information in a
simple, meaningful layout that draws attention to key values.

Pivot table is a generic term, but is sometimes confused with the Microsoft trademarked term,
PivotTable. This refers to a tool specific to Excel for creating pivot tables.

How do pivot tables work

When users create a pivot table, there are four main components:

1. Columns- When a field is chosen for the column area, only the unique values of
the field are listed across the top.

2. Rows- A field chosen for the row area populates as the first column. Similar to
the columns, all row labels are unique values, and duplicates are removed.

3. Values- Each value is kept in a pivot table cell and displays the summarized
information. The most common values are sum, average, minimum, and

4. Filters- Filters apply a calculation or restriction to the entire table.

For example, a store owner might list monthly sales totals for a large number of merchandise
items in an Excel spreadsheet. They could use a pivot table to know which items sold better
in a particular fiscal quarter. The sales quarters would be listed across the top as column

labels and the products would be listed in the first column as rows. The worksheet’s values
would show the sales for each product in each quarter. A filter could then be applied to only
show specific quarters, specific products, or averages.


A pivot table helps users answer business questions with minimal effort. Common pivot table
uses include:

 To calculate sums or averages in business situations. For example, counting sales

by department or region.

 To show totals as a percentage of a whole. For example, comparing sales for a

specific product to total sales.

 To generate a list of unique values. For example, showing which states or

countries have ordered a product.

 To create a 2x2 table summary of a complex report.

 To identify the maximum and minimum values of a dataset.

 To query information directly from an online analytical processing (OLAP)




1. They allow you to see how the data works.

Pivot tables are one of the only tools available to users that can provide deep insights into
analytics data. Multiple reports can be generated with this tool off the same collected data
within a single file.

2. It can work with SQL exports.

If the pivot table is being used on Microsoft Excel, then the tool is able to work with any SQL

3. The data is easier to segment.

Analytics that are gathered into a spreadsheet or database are easier to segment thanks to
pivot tables.

4. You can create instant data.

Whether you program equations directly into the pivot table or you rely on formulas, instant
data can be created with this tool.

Benefits of Using Pivot Tables

1. Simplicity

An important advantage of a pivot table is that it is easy to use. You can easily summarize
data by dragging the columns to different sections of the table. The columns can also be re-
arranged with the click of a mouse.

2. Data Analysis

With the help of Excel pivot tables, you can handle large quantities of data in a single go.
These tables allow you to cut through thousands of data points and consolidate the
information into straightforward, quantitative results. Don't get intimidated by a bulky
spreadsheet again.

3. Data Summaries

Sometimes data can be difficult to find among the many rows and columns. Pivot tables
allow you to summarize the data in an easily digestible snapshot. Users can arrange rows and
columns of the data according to their needs and label and sort it to suit their needs.

4. Pattern Recognition

Manipulating data in a pivot table is an excellent way to expose any possible patterns. This
will help in accurate data forecasting.

5. Quick Reports

Reporting is much easier and more efficient using pivot tables. It can save you hours of
manual reporting work. It also provides links to external sources for easy reference.

6. Decision Making
Pivot tables are a must for any business analyst, financial pro, marketer, sales
manager, or senior leader interested in making an impact on their company's bottom
line. To learn more about pivot tables, including basic, intermediate, or advanced
utilization and techniques, browse relevant courses now.


In Excel, there are tables and pivot tables. You may wonder why you’d need to create a table
when the whole worksheet already looks like one. And you’ve heard about PivotTables and
how complex they are. To be able to use either effectively, it helps to know what each of
them does, and when to use one or the other.An Excel table is simply a set of rows and
columns in a worksheet that contains related data and is displayed in a specific table format.
If you have a large list of data, it’s often useful to display that data in such a table. Not only
does a table help you organize related data, but it’s also helpful for calculating values.

By using a table, you can more easily:

 Manage and analyze data independently of data outside the table

 Apply one of many table formats to make data easier to view and scan
 Add calculated columns to instantly calculate values
 Use a Total row to quickly calculate and view totals
 Filter data in table columns to display only data that you want to analyze

If you are looking to extract more meaningful information from your data, for example, to
find out which products are selling best over time, you may want to use a Pivot Table instead
of an Excel table. A Pivot Table is an interactive table that quickly summarizes large amounts
of numeric data, which you can then analyze in detail.

By using a Pivot Table, you can more easily:

 Display the exact data you want to analyze

 Pivot the data to view it from different angles
 Focus on specific data details by expanding or collapsing data or by applying filters
 Make data comparisons
 Detect data patterns, relationships, and data trends




Data analysis using Goal Seek and Solver are two different techniques commonly used in
spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel. Let's understand how each of them works:

1. Goal Seek: Goal Seek is a tool in Excel that allows you to find the input value
necessary to achieve a desired result. It is particularly useful when you have a specific
target value in mind and want to determine the input value required to reach that

Here's a step-by-step process of using Goal Seek for data analysis:

1. Open your spreadsheet in Excel.

2. Identify the cell that contains the formula or calculation you want to analyze.
3. Decide which cell value you want to set as a goal.
4. Go to the "Data" tab in Excel and click on "What-If Analysis" (in newer versions of
Excel, it may be found under "Data Tools").
5. Select "Goal Seek" from the drop-down menu.
6. In the Goal Seek dialog box, specify the cell you want to change (the input cell), the
target value you want to achieve, and the cell that contains the formula you want to
analyze (the output cell).
7. Click "OK" to let Excel perform the Goal Seek analysis.
8. Excel will adjust the value of the input cell until the formula in the output cell reaches
the desired target value.
9. Solver: Solver is an Excel add-in that helps you find the optimal solution for complex
optimization problems. It allows you to set up constraints and determine the values for
multiple input cells to achieve the best possible result based on certain criteria.

Here's a step-by-step process of using Solver for data analysis:

1. Open your spreadsheet in Excel.

2. Identify the objective cell that represents the value you want to maximize or
3. Determine the input cells that affect the objective cell and define the constraints for
those cells (e.g., limiting their values or setting relationships between them).
4. Go to the "Data" tab in Excel and click on "Solver" (in newer versions of Excel, it
may be found under "Data Analysis").
5. In the Solver Parameters dialog box, set the objective cell, select the optimization goal
(maximize or minimize), and define the input cells and their constraints.
6. Optionally, you can specify additional settings and constraints, such as changing
variable cells or adding nonlinear constraints.
7. Click "Solve" to let Excel perform the optimization analysis.
8. Excel will adjust the values of the input cells within the defined constraints to find the
optimal solution that maximizes or minimizes the objective cell.

Both Goals Seek and Solver is powerful tools for data analysis in Excel, but they serve
different purposes. Goal Seek is used to determine the input value needed to achieve a
specific target, while Solver is used to finding the optimal values for multiple input cells to
achieve an optimized result based on certain criteria.

Goal Seek is a feature in spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel that allows you to find the
input value needed to achieve a specific desired result. It is particularly useful when you have
a target value in mind and want to determine the corresponding input value required to reach
that target.

Here's an example to demonstrate how Goal Seek can be used for data analysis:

Let's say you have a spreadsheet that calculates the monthly loan payment based on the loan
amount, interest rate, and loan term. You want to determine the loan amount needed to
achieve a specific monthly payment.

1. Open your spreadsheet in Excel.

2. Identify the cell that contains the formula for calculating the monthly loan payment.
3. Decide on the target value you want to achieve for the monthly payment.

4. Go to the "Data" tab in Excel and click on "What-If Analysis" (in newer versions of
Excel, it may be found under "Data Tools").
5. Select "Goal Seek" from the drop-down menu.
6. In the Goal Seek dialog box, specify the cell that contains the formula for the monthly
payment as the "Set cell".
7. Enter the desired target value for the monthly payment in the "To value" field.
8. Identify the cell that represents the loan amount and enter it as the "By changing cell".
9. Click "OK" to let Excel perform the Goal Seek analysis.
10. Excel will adjust the loan amount value until the formula for the monthly payment
reaches the desired target value.

After completing these steps, Excel will display the resulting loan amount that satisfies the
target monthly payment. This way, you can use Goal Seek to perform data analysis by
determining the input value required to achieve a specific goal or target in your spreadsheet


Solver is an add-in tool in spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel that helps you find the
optimal solution for complex optimization problems. It allows you to set up constraints and
determine the values for multiple input cells to achieve the best possible result based on
certain criteria.

Here's an example to illustrate how Solver can be used for data analysis:

Let's say you have a sales forecasting model where you want to determine the optimal
product quantities to maximize profit while considering constraints such as production
capacity and demand.

1. Open your spreadsheet in Excel.

2. Identify the objective cell that represents the value you want to maximize or
minimize. In this case, it would be the cell that calculates the profit based on the
product quantities.

3. Determine the input cells that affect the objective cell. These could be the cells
representing the quantities of different products.
4. Define constraints for the input cells. For example, you may have a constraint on
production capacity that limits the total quantity of all products that can be produced.
5. Go to the "Data" tab in Excel and click on "Solver" (in newer versions of Excel, it
may be found under "Data Analysis").
6. In the Solver Parameters dialog box, set the objective cell as the cell containing the
profit calculation, select the optimization goal (maximize or minimize), and define the
input cells and their constraints.
7. Optionally, you can specify additional settings and constraints, such as changing
variable cells or adding nonlinear constraints.
8. Click "Solve" to let Excel perform the optimization analysis.
9. Excel will adjust the values of the input cells within the defined constraints to find the
optimal solution that maximizes or minimizes the objective cell (profit in this case).

By using Solver, you can analyze data and find the best values for your input cells to
optimize a specific objective while taking into account various constraints. This tool is
particularly useful for scenarios involving resource allocation, production planning,
scheduling, or any other situation where you need to determine the best possible outcome
considering multiple factors and limitations.


A scenario is a description or representation of a possible sequence of events or
circumstances. It is commonly used in various fields, including business, technology,
education, and strategic planning, to explore different hypothetical situations and analyze
their potential outcomes.

Scenarios are typically constructed to provide a framework for decision-making, problem-

solving, or forecasting. They help individuals or organizations consider a range of
possibilities and make more informed choices based on the potential risks and opportunities
associated with each scenario. Scenarios can be used to explore the potential impact of
different variables, uncertainties, and trends on a particular situation.

The process of developing scenarios involves identifying key factors, variables, or drivers
that may influence the future state. These factors can include technological advancements,
economic trends, social changes, political developments, or environmental conditions. By
combining these factors in different ways, multiple scenarios are created, each representing a
distinct possible future.

Scenarios can be communicated through various means, such as written narratives, visual
representations, or interactive simulations. They are used to facilitate discussions, stimulate
creativity, challenge assumptions, and explore alternative perspectives. By considering
different scenarios, individuals and organizations can better anticipate and prepare for
potential challenges and opportunities, leading to more robust strategies and decision-making.

In Excel, scenarios can be used to analyze different sets of data or assumptions and observe
their impact on calculations, formulas, or models. Here are some specific uses of scenarios in

1. What-If Analysis: Scenarios are commonly used for what-if analysis in Excel. By
creating different scenarios with varying input values, you can observe how changes
in those values affect the outcomes or results of your calculations. This can be helpful
for forecasting, budgeting, financial planning, and sensitivity analysis.
2. Sensitivity Analysis: Scenarios enable you to assess the sensitivity of your
models or calculations to different variables. By creating scenarios with different
input values or ranges, you can determine how changes in those variables affect the
overall output. This helps you identify the key drivers or factors that have the most
significant impact on your results.
3. Decision-Making: Scenarios can be used to evaluate different options or
alternatives and make informed decisions. By creating scenarios that represent
different possible outcomes or scenarios based on various assumptions, you can
compare and analyze the potential results of each option. This assists in selecting the
most favorable decision based on the desired criteria or objectives.
4. Planning and Forecasting: Scenarios are valuable for planning and forecasting
purposes in Excel. By creating multiple scenarios that represent different future
scenarios or assumptions, you can project and analyze the potential outcomes under
each scenario. This helps in evaluating risks, uncertainties, and potential
opportunities, enabling better long-term planning and forecasting.
5. Data Analysis and Visualization: Scenarios can be used to analyze and
visualize data in different scenarios. By creating scenarios that represent different data
sets or assumptions, you can compare and contrast the results visually using charts,
graphs, or tables. This allows for better data analysis, pattern recognition, and
decision-making based on the visual representation of the data.

Before exploring the best alternative to Microsoft Excel scenario modeling, let’s explore
some of the key benefits of scenario modeling, in general.

Understand Your Best Case and WorstCase Scenarios

A very common methodology used in scenario planning starts with laying out a best, worst,
and likely case estimate. Consider a situation in which your company is evaluating the
possibility of opening a new retail location. If the store is a resounding success, what will the
financial impact be on your company? The answer requires an understanding of the capital
investments needed (including leasehold improvements), advertising promotion, personnel
expenses, and other costs; as well as an estimate of gross sales and margins.

In your best case scenario model, you will go with high estimates with respect to margins and
sales revenue, and lowball the cost estimates. Pair this with a worst case model in which you
do the opposite. These two scenario models will stake out a range within which your new
retail location is likely to perform.

It’s common to create a “likely case” scenario that functions as a mid-point between the two
extremes. It is often easier to arrive at a high estimate and a low estimate and build your
likely case around the midpoint between those two than it is to determine the most likely
outcome from scratch. Psychologically, many people are reluctant to arrive at a “likely
outcome” estimate at all, because it represents a kind of commitment to a number that is
rarely accurate.Once you have developed best case, worst case, and likely case scenarios; you
can begin to model different variations on those. For example, your outcomes could look very
different depending on whether you rent retail space for your new store or purchase a
building. Furthermore, you may wish to look at the differences between a costly space in a
prime location versus less expensive real estate in a location that draws a bit less traffic.

Expect the Unexpected

Today’s business environment is rife with change. Whether it’s a shortage of raw materials,
high levels of inflation, regulatory change, or challenges in hiring qualified workers, business

leaders must prepare to respond quickly to a wide range of factors that influence their
business success.

The point of scenario modeling is to speculate about various possibilities that might or might
not come to fruition. Merely by asking the question “Which potential scenarios should we be
prepared for?”, business leaders prompt discussion and consideration of potential business
constraints or accelerators the organization could face.

In the case of potential crisis scenarios (weather events, economic turbulence, or serious
supply chain disruptions), scenario modeling prompts leaders in an organization to explore
the things that could potentially happen, to respond effectively to the situations that
ultimately do happen.

Make Better Decisions

Scenario modeling helps senior managers formulate strategic decisions based on quantifiable
information. There are numerous examples of how this practice supports key strategic

Imagine an early-stage software company whose product can work just as well for smaller
organizations as for larger ones. Pricing in that situation may be very elastic; larger customers
pay considerably more for the same product because it generates value for them on a larger
scale. Smaller customers benefit less, and therefore pay less.

On which types of customers should a hypothetical software company focus? There are
several factors that vary greatly for servicing the larger customers versus smaller ones. The
sales cycle may be considerably longer and require more effort and expense, for example.
Larger customers may demand bespoke features that smaller companies can live without. The
two categories of customers may have very different expectations with respect to service
levels, which, in turn, can determine the need for additional consulting and implementation
staff to serve them.

Leaders in the hypothetical software company might build two distinct scenario models, one
focusing exclusively on selling to large customers, and another in which the company sells
only to smaller customers. Of course, the company might choose to model a third scenario in

which they address a mix of those two customer audiences. Unless or until the company
develops scenario models around these various options, it will be difficult to make a well-
informed decision about where to focus company resources and energy.

Scenario modeling helps management to explore available options in depth, with full
consideration as to the implications each of those options will have across all areas of the
company. When they do so, managers are much better equipped to make fully informed

Risk Mitigation

Scenario modeling helps companies to better understand their risk exposure. Consider a
construction firm, for example, that has contracted to develop a large-scale residential
property (for example, a condominium complex). What will happen if the cost of materials
skyrockets, or if the availability of certain construction materials is limited? Could investors
potentially walk away and abandon the project? A sharp rise in interest rates, likewise, could
lead to a drop in interest from potential condominium buyers. That, too, could lead investors
to rethink their commitments. What impact would those changes have on the hypothetical
construction company?

By modeling these scenarios in advance, business leaders have a much clearer picture of
potential areas of risk and can take appropriate risk mitigation measures (such as hedging for
price fluctuations). Scenario modeling might even dissuade executives from embarking on
certain projects and relationships that present too much risk to their organizations.



Data validation in Excel is a technique that restricts user input in a worksheet. It is often used to limit
user entry.

Data Validation gives you the control to receive particular inputs from users. We all have
encountered using this feature in our day-to-day lives, one such example is while filling out
forms in which the age cell will accept numbers similarly name column accepts text with
limited characters, and the date of birth will have years pre-defined to rule out the ineligible

There are 3 tabs in the dialogue box.

1. Settings: This will help you to select the data type and the type of data that you
want to be filled in the desired row or column.
2. Input Message: This tab will help to let the user know about the constraints
you’ve decided on for the row/column. It will alert the user to input the right set
of values.

3. Error Alert: The error alert tab will help the user to know that they had
entered invalid data.


1. Ascertain that the data is clean and error-free: When it comes to ensuring
data integrity, data validation does a lot of the heavy lifting. While it will not
transform or enrich your data, validation will ensure that it fits its intended purpose if
properly configured.

2. Aids in the Management of Multiple Data Sources: The more data sources
you use, the more critical data validation becomes. Assume you're importing customer
data from multiple channels; you'll need to validate all of that data against the same
tracking plan at the same time. Otherwise, disparities and errors between datasets may

3. Save Time: While data validation takes time, once completed, you will not need to
make any changes until your inputs or requirements change. As the preceding
examples demonstrate, this saves both time and money.

4. Proactive Strategy: Data validation is proactive, attempting to iron out problems

before they enter more complex systems. By validating data before using it in any
way, you ensure the functionality of all downstream systems, both now and in the


In general, a chart is a graphical representation of data. Charts allow users to see the results
of data to better understand and predict current and future data. The picture below contains an
example of a column chart displaying the number of unique visitors Computer Hope has
received between the years of 2000 and 2006. In this example, you'll notice a gentle increase
of users without reading any data.


There are a wide variety of charts available to display data. The list below contains those that
are popular and supported by many programs.

 Area chart
 Bar chart
 Column chart
 Excel sparklines

 Flow chart
 Gantt chart
 Graph
 Line chart
 Pie chart
 Point chart


Automation of Chart Creation

The Excel application automates the process of generating charts from existing data sets. If
a spreadsheet already contains updated data, the chart function can transform this data into
a chart with a minimal amount of user input. The Recommended Charts tool in Excel is a
key part of this process. Using the chart function, spreadsheet administrators can generate a
chart in a few clicks, choosing a chart type, as well as options such as labels, axes and

This is often a big advantage over drawing a chart by hand with an illustration tool or even
using a more complex visualization tool, many of which require programming or

Customization of Charts in Excel

The chart function in Excel enables users to strike a balance between automation and
customization. Although the program can generate a chart quickly and easily, the user is
also able to assert control over many chart details if necessary. As well as customizing the
data presented within a chart, users can finely tweak the chart options to any detail. Charts
in Excel can also be altered after they have been initially generated, by selecting a chart and
choosing from the available options to amend the chart type, data or other details.

Integration into Existing Sheets

If a business or other organization is using spreadsheet data managed within Excel, using
the chart function within Excel aids integration of the data. For example, when an Excel

spreadsheet generates a chart from the data within a worksheet, the chart will automatically
update whenever the data itself is edited. This allows business managers and administrators
to manage their data and visualizations within a single application, with the results updating
instantly. Excel spreadsheets can also be easily shared between users and computers.

This can be one of the advantages of Excel tables and charts over other data visualization
systems where charts and datasets are effectively stored and managed separately.



In Microsoft Excel, the term "change of value axis" typically refers to adjusting the scale or
range of values displayed on the vertical (Y) axis of a chart. The value axis represents the
numerical values associated with the data points plotted on the chart.

By changing the value axis, you can modify how the data is visually represented and provide
a clearer or more focused view of the information. Here are a few ways you can change the
value axis in Excel:

1. Scaling: You can adjust the minimum and maximum values displayed on the value
axis to emphasize specific ranges or to accommodate larger or smaller values. For
example, if your data points range from 0 to 100, you can change the scale to show
only a subset of the values, such as from 20 to 80, to highlight a particular range of
2. Axis Labels and Units: You can modify the labels and units displayed on the
value axis to provide more meaningful information to viewers. For instance, you can
add a unit of measurement (e.g., "Thousands" or "Millions") to the axis labels to
clarify the scale of the data.
3. Logarithmic Scale: In some cases, when dealing with data that spans a wide
range of values, a logarithmic scale can be used to compress the data on the value
axis. This can be particularly helpful when dealing with exponential growth or highly
skewed data.

A 3-D column, 3-D cone, or 3-D pyramid chart has a depth (series) axis, also known as the z
axis, that you can change. You can specify the interval between tick marks and axis labels,
change their placement along the axis, and reverse the order in which the series are displayed.

To change the scale of other axes in a chart, see Change the scale of the horizontal
(category) axis in a chart or Change the scale of the vertical (value) axis in a chart.

1. In a 3-D chart, click the depth axis that you want to change, or do the following
to select the axis from a list of chart elements:

a. Click anywhere in the chart.

This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout,

and Format tabs.

b. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the arrow next
to the Chart Elements box, and then click Depth (Series) Axis.

2. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection.

3. In the Format Axis dialog box, click Axis Options if it is not selected, and then
do one or more of the following:

Important The following scaling options are available only when a depth axis
is selected.

a. To change the interval between tick marks, in the Interval between tick
marks box, type the number that you want.

Note The number that you type determines how many data series are
displayed between the tick marks.

b. To change the interval between axis labels, under Interval between

labels, click Specify interval unit, and then in the text box, type the
number that you want.

Tip Type 1 to display a label for every data series, 2 to display a label
for every other data series, 3 to display a label for every third data series,
and so on.

c. To reverse the order of series, select the Series in reverse order check

Note This reverses the order of the data series that are displayed along
the depth axis.

d. To change the placement of the axis tick marks and labels, select any of
the options that you want in the Major tick mark type, Minor tick mark
type, and Axis labels boxes.



Click anywhere in the chart you want to change to a combo chart to show the CHART
TOOLS. Click DESIGN > Change Chart Type. On the all Charts tab, choose Combo, and
then pick the Clustered Column - Line on Secondary Axis chart.

Data merging is the process of combining two or more similar records into a single one.
Merging is done to add variables to a dataset, append or add cases or observations to a
dataset, or remove duplicates and other incorrect information.

What is a Combination Chart?

The combination chart is a visualization that combines the features of the bar chart and the
line chart. The combination chart displays the data using a number of bars and/or lines, each
of which represent a particular category. A combination of bars and lines in the same
visualization can be useful when comparing values in different categories, since the
combination gives a clear view of which category is higher or lower. An example of this can
be seen when using the combination chart to compare the projected sales with the actual sales
for different time periods.


Similarly to the function of Color by in other visualizations, Series by in the combination

chart is a way to divide the data into slices. The difference is that the slices in the
combination chart, called series, can be defined as bars or lines as well as being colored
separately. That is, each series in the combination chart will be represented by a line or a set
of bars in the visualization.


The example below contains two series: the bars represent the projected sales for each month
in a year and the line represents the actual sales for the same months. Series by is set
to (Column Names) since both series should be shown on the Y-axis. For more information
on (Column Names), see the Non-Column Selections page.

Multiple scales can also be used on the Y-axis when you want to compare several lines and bars with significantly different
value ranges.

A Combo Chart is a hybrid of two more chart types, for example, a column chart plus a line


 Able to display multiple chart types in a single chart

 Able to plot values with completely different sales

 Can show how one factor is influenced by another


 Inherently more complex than other chart types

 Can become complicated quickly

Chart Examples

Income statement annual data

Income statements are commonly shown in a combo chart, with columns plotting revenue
and net income, and a line showing the profit margin as a percentage.

When to use Combination Charts

Because combination charts are a flexible way of displaying data, they are a useful addition
to many reports and presentations. They also are the basis for analytic tools such as the Pareto

It is ideal to use a combination chart when:

 There are mixed data types (for example, price or volume)

 There is a need to show some kind of relationship or trend between the data types

 The numbers in the data vary widely across data types

 Any outliers


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