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John Lowee Saladio BPED-2A May 7, 2024

Take Action

Activity 1: Learn More, Make an Interview

Name of the Interviewee: Barry Cantelero Interviewer: John Lowee Saladio

Name of School: Gama Integrated School

Category: (check only)

Student: Teacher: ✓ School Head: Parent: Community:

LGU: Government Agency: Non-Government Agency:

Lead Questions:

1. What do you know about the curriculum that is taught in this school?

- In our school, the curriculum that we use typically cover the basic subjects
required by the Department of Education for elementary and junior high
school levels in the Philippines. This includes subjects such as Filipino,
English, Mathematics, Science, Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies),
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (Values Education), Music, Arts, Physical
Education, and Health (MAPEH). The curriculum is tailored to meet the
educational needs and developmental stages of students within those grade
levels, focusing on foundational skills and knowledge essential for their
academic and personal growth.

2. Are you involved in the activities in the school? How?

- As a teacher in our school, I actively participate in various activities to support

our students’ holistic development. I provide guidance and mentorship to
students outside the classroom. Additionally, I contribute to organizing
school events and collaborate with colleagues to enhance our curriculum and
teaching practices. My goal is to engage students in meaningful learning
experiences and create a supportive environment where they can thrive
academically and personally
3. Why do you get involved in the school activities?

- I get involved in school activities because I believe in the importance of

fostering a well-rounded educational experience for our students.
Participating in extracurricular activities allows me to connect with students
outside the traditional classroom setting, building relationships and helping
them develop skills beyond academics. It’s incredibly rewarding to see
students grow, succeed, and form lasting memories through their
participation in school activities. Additionally, being involved in school events
and initiatives enables me to contribute positively to our school community
and make a difference in the lives of our students.

4. Do the activities contribute to the learning achievement of the students?

- Extracurricular activities contribute to students’ learning achievement by

providing real-world application of classroom knowledge, fostering social and
emotional skills through participation in sports or arts, and boosting overall
engagement and motivation towards learning, thereby promoting holistic
student development and indirectly supporting academic success.

5. What is your most important involvement that contributed to the learning of the
students? Give specific example.

- One of my most important involvements that contributed to the learning of

the students in English subject was organizing a creative writing workshop.
Through this workshop, students improved their writing skills and gained
confidence in expressing themselves creatively. They learned different writing
techniques and had the opportunity to showcase their work through a writing
competition or publication.

6. Would you like to continue what you are doing for the school curriculum? Why?

- Yes, I would like to continue my involvement in enhancing the school

curriculum because it allows me to contribute positively to students’ learning
and development, fostering a supportive and enriching educational
Name of the Interviewee: Winona Faith Saladio Interviewer: John Lowee Saladio

Name of School: PHINMA University of Iloilo

Category: (check only)

Student: ✓ Teacher: School Head: Parent: Community:

LGU: Government Agency: Non-Government Agency:

Lead Questions:

1. What do you know about the curriculum that is taught in this school?

- The same as in other schools but what concerns me the most is CFE in major
subjects. I’m not sure if UI alone has CFE, but I can say that CFE is one of the
factors shaping the students at UI because that serves as preparation for the
board exam. CFE covers prelims, midterms, and finals (1-100 questions). Just
imagine the number of questions.

2. Are you involved in the activities in the school? How?

- Yes, I am involved in school activities through voluntary participation,

especially when I’m interested.

3. Why do you get involved in the school activities?

- I get involved in school activities because I’m interested, but sometimes it’s
also because they’re required or offer additional points.

4. Do the activities contribute to the learning achievement of the students?

- Yes, the activities contribute to the learning achievements of the students. It’s
a realization for me, especially if I manage to pass exams despite the
challenges and distractions. It’s not just me who benefits but also others
involved, like teachers and fellow students whom I’m able to help.
5. What is your most important involvement that contributed to the learning of the
students? Give specific example.

- As a Student Facilitator, you’re akin to a teacher, though not entirely. If the

teacher is absent, you handle the class, leading and managing it. Also, as a
Student Facilitator, you need to study what the teacher teaches and pass on
that knowledge to others. Students (SHS) treat you like a teacher and look up
to you as a role model.

6. Would you like to continue what you are doing for the school curriculum?

- Yes, I would like to continue what I’m doing for the school curriculum because
I’ve seen the possible positive outcomes. I’ve also learned to manage
busyness and stress, which has made me stronger. Additionally, I’ve
introduced our school to curious students through my duties.

Stakeholders: How are they involved in curriculum implementation?

Stakeholders Involvement
Participate in class activities, complete
Students assignments, and provide feedback on the
curriculum’s effectiveness.
Interpret curriculum guidelines, design lesson
Teachers plans and assessments, deliver curriculum in the
classroom, and adapt it to meet students’
Oversee curriculum implementation, provide
School Leaders/Principal leadership and support to teachers, and
facilitate professional development
Parents Support their children’s learning, communicate
with teachers and school administrators, and
provide feedback on their child’s educational
Community Provide support, resources, and real-world
learning opportunities for students, and
contribute input to curriculum development to
reflect community values and needs.


If all the stakeholders contribute positively in curriculum implementation, do you think,

curriculum change or development will succeed? Why? or why not?

- Positive contributions from all stakeholders in curriculum implementation

greatly enhance the prospects of success in curriculum change or
development. Each stakeholder’s diverse perspectives enrich the
development process, ensuring the curriculum addresses various needs and
interests. Active involvement fosters a sense of collaboration and ownership,
aligning goals and objectives with the school’s mission. Continuous feedback
and input facilitate ongoing evaluation and refinement, enabling the
curriculum to evolve effectively. Overall, the supportive ecosystem created by
stakeholders’ positive contributions increases the likelihood of successful
curriculum implementation.

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