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What's this This documnt sets out the specication to Be flowed by ‘document al Environment Agency staff an contactors dealing with about? {216 and valve actuators, ‘The specication defines the requirements forthe design, conetructon, inspection and tasting for mana actuation, ‘locte sation, hydraulic actuaton and oloctcsolonod ‘Valves complying vth te att edtons of BS and EN Standards. |Who does this This speciation apples to: omer + Environment Agony sa + extemal contractors working on MEICA projects. Contents ‘Actuator slection and dean BERR Bonn g i z Doe No 010.997 Veron DRAFT Last pinted 280311 Actuator selection and design Conrect selection Purpose of ‘pectiation| Regulations CE Mark Other ‘roqulrements Innovation boc No O10 997 ‘The actuator must + suitthe device being actuated; + be equipped forthe iype of operation datined inthe pectiaton, ‘The purpose ofthis specification sto ensure t "compos win relevant safety stance ‘+ moots a consistent standard of engineering indesign, materials and anstuton “provides th mirimum whole Me cos 3 equipment supplies ‘The design and constuction of actors must comply wth 1 allretevant statutory ogulatons: “+ environmental loglslaton inching The Wi nd Elect Rogulaions 2005 (as amended) * relevant Environment Agency procedurestequlrements; "+ the latest eitons (cuenta the time oftander) of al relevant Brish and harmonised Europoan and nimational Standards, Note: Find detais of relevant standards in alata documents, ‘Actuators must be provided wit acatiicate of conformity Europe (CE Mark) to Indicate the product o which itis fixed conforms with EU Product Safely Dreotves. ‘Actuators must also comply wth + this speciation; + datasheets: “any other specication issued by the Environment Agency. ‘Note: Where such documentation imposos additonal requirements tothe standard Istod in Relaled documanis, the requrements a he specie project documentation take preference, Detals of equipment incorporating nnovaiv design features hat enhance te performaneo air re bw ole Me costs but which Coot comply vw the speoteaton must be submited for eoniseration by tre Environment Agency 28 part of the tnd. ‘Version DRAET | ast prints 200/11 Page 016 Whole life A whole ile cast assessment must be performed for the equipment. a ‘Tho following must be submited as part ofthe tender: ‘+ expecta service fe ofthe components (whore applica}: + moan time botwoon fatros (MTBF); + design + roplacoment coststrequences. Planned Details ofthe planned proventatve mainanance (PPM) tacks rquiod 0 preventative achieve the minimum actualor desi Me must bo submited as pat of the ‘maintanance tender. ‘These must includa a ached of asks with: + recommended traquonces (Such as dally, weekly, month, sic monthly, ‘annual + recommended number, dicipine and exporiselvel of personnel ‘equ to undoraka cach ask Design fe The design, workmanship and gonoral irish must be of sour qualty in accordance with good engnoetng practice. Designs must be: + robust + raed forthe appropriate duty undor th proving operational site ‘condone + la. accordanoe withthe design ife requirements entiied esouhere in the spociicaton (except where varied fora speciic application). ‘The table below sts out the minimum design ie, unless therwiso specied ofthe actuator a the rated candons. loci actuators 15 years Hydrol actuators 20 years [Ancillary The dasign fe of ncitary equipment such a¢ gearboxes must comply wth ‘Squipment that ven nthe applicable Enuironmant Agency standard spectleation, “Thos toms raquiing regular replacement must be Keiiid tothe Envionment Agency (Doc No D10_997 ‘Veron DRAFT 1 ast pris aoatt Page 30116 General actuator equipment Handuteots Emergency ‘lve coupling Emergency tail-eate ‘operation Dee No 010.997 Uniess otherwise specfed, al gates and vals must be provided wth a hanehool hat s mechanically independeat ofthe moter dive, Contnsously rotating handwheels will ot be accepted The whoo! mus: * bemsinisined ints engaged positon (hon seoctod} ‘automaticaly and immedtatly release on powered operaion of the It shouldbe possible to solct hand operation whi the actuators runing {o start tho actuator whe the handlauto section lover i locked in hand without damaging the dive, Handuheols must be shaped to give a safe rip without shar projections, Direction of closing Gates and valves must be clockwise closing (ules there specfiod). The recon of epaninglosing must be Geary marke on tha handahests (vere ‘ites Locking Packing of the actuator handwhesl must be possibe inthe solocted mod. For pressure and fow-regulting oporation, equipment must te lockable ‘any poston. Manual ‘Almanvaly ozeraiod gates or vaies must be capable of boing operated wih the maximum dferantal pressure across the gato or valve equraent tothe pressure rating of th gato or valve By one person Ina 30min timo period, ‘rasa minimum the appieaton of 180 Naw foro (hal pus, ha pul) © ‘he pariery othe handel suppiid oto. key and bar For soating ae releasing the gate or valve, figure of ot mas thi it ‘may apy. ‘Gearing or bypas valving may be used to achieve the desired bce it ‘The maximum length of he handwhoe ameter rte key bar eng sone \Whore specited, «permanent dive couping must be provides to connect, ‘onto the square drive ofthe actuator handwoal dive shat. Te coupling ‘must alow dive socket keyuay tobe fit to alw connection to & ‘emporary dove mechanism during power failures “The arrangement ofthe actuator must be designed to alow lear access for Instalaion of me temporary ative mechanism, Whore spected, a falsafe device must be provided as detailed inthe project spectieaon, ‘The fal-safe device (such as battery pack, remote unintruptbo power source (UPS) system, ydraule ower pack) must be provided ae specified. ‘Veron DRAET 1 as printed 2003111 Page 4018 Gearboxes Guide brackets Hoadstocks Rising spindle Noise level Doc No 010.397 Gearboxes must be totaly enclosed, and ‘Theustbearings must be arranged so that the garcase can bo oponed for Inspection or be dsmanted without releasing ho stom tutor aking the gale or valve out of saree. CO and grease lubricated gearing, bearings and glands must erated P67. (Gear unis must conform to: +85 180 6536-1 Hotical gears + BS 545 Bove goars; + BS 721-1 Wo gears. 120 ool hice, Gul brackets must be the spi-boarng ype. ‘The maximum spacing botween supports must not be greater than 1500 mm, Wore hoadstocs ae stucturaly mounted above a chamber or otherwise stant above the gat or valve, operating spindle extensions must be raved betwoan the gat or valve body and hoadstock. These must be + suitable for length alustment during assembly on-site; + fod wth universal couplings adjacent tothe gat or valve body and to the hoadsioce ‘The couplings must be orientated 90 a8 to give a naar ransmision of rotational movement betweon the headstock and gate or vahe stom, Haadetecks fr aret connection to gatas or valves must be of cast ion and fies with a poston lndestor Stem Bearinge must be bush. \Wnote operational conlions dietata, the handwhoel must operate trough a bevel gear Headstocks must hve index pointes working over polished and engraved, (aduated‘opento-cose’ poston Incators fed to he side the pl ‘The indicators must havo robust clear plas protection plates to exclude st rom tho mechanism. ‘The pars must be ata height of 750-1100 mm measured fom the fished flootevelto the handwhee ante tn. ‘The bases must be dilled for fing o structural stool membe's oF to concrete as approved ‘Spins that protrude above the actuator must be totaly oncosod ina robust, vandal-esstant fixed steel tube. ‘The tube must be sealed against Ingress of walr ether by PTFE o a thread fina compound Nose levels rom the actuator must nat exceed 80d8 (A) at a distance of one ‘mote fom the actuator. Version DRAFT 1 Lest pritod 280014 Page S016 ‘Actuator securty Where actuators ao tobe installed within fabricated robust security enclosures, te enclosure must bo designed to ensure adequate ventlaon 'S provides! This enables the atustor to operate thin ts opersting Parameters for outdoor temperatures ae spectod under Encisure Electrically operated actuators Speed and rating Mounting Enclosure ‘Boe No 010.397 Uniaes otherwise specified, slacrically operated actuators must operate {gales or valves at opening and closing rates of 250-300 mmper minute ‘Actuators must be rated a nt loss than 20 percent in exces of the power ‘equ to operate the gale or valve under maximum verking eonatone, The actuator must be flange mounted, “The actuator mountings must comply with 8S EN ISO 5210 and BS EN ISO e2ir Mutu gate or valve spindles must be held in postion when the actuators removed. \Whoro the actuator is mounted remotely from the gate va, the drive Shaft must include the provision of universal nt wth gators ‘The design of any supporting pillars fo the actuator must consider any reaction forces thal our whon tha gato or vale is boing en The enclosure must provide a minimum of 1°67 protction complying wth the requirements of BS EN 60520, aspecive ofthe logy of fe cable glans ‘seal and ublisingrecossod O-ing soals balween mating surtces. Double seals must be provided between moving componensto proven leakage of lubricant om the machine. ’ coparate terminal compartment must be provided wth an iner watertight ‘0a to proven dust and molsture entering the actuator tora when the terminal cover is removed. Extomal fasteners must be stains steal ‘Ajustments to init stches and indeator contacts must be possible without removal of covers to ober eleccal components, ‘Al actuators mas be sual rated for operation outéoor in tenperatures of btvean=20"C and +70°C and up oa rlatve hui of 100 aer cant, Actuators must be suable fr use in hazardous aroas where sfeced ‘The actuator must be provided with a suitable means of protecting al componente within the encloeure from condensation ve the mors not running. Ian an-condansaten nestor is used, must berated at 3 maximum of 110 VAG (ols allematingcuren) and must notbe wound ito the motor windings. If commissioning raqlres romovalof covers, a devi must bef to pravont condensation. Absorption stale must be incorporated during ‘elvery and instalation, but remaved before applying permanok poner. ‘Version ORAET 1 as printed 200911 Pages 6 Motors “The supply voltage must be 400 VAC thre phase forall actuators unlass the ‘it only served by 2230 VAC single phase supply o an application fora UPS backod power supply i required forthe actuate. The scttor must + incorporate an elect deving motor designed to opertoon tho supply voltage and frequency speci + provide he rated power output defined above within tho range of ‘100-6 por cent of the supply voltage and +1 Hz ofthe supply frequency. “Tho motor must be designed specially for use on gate or valve operation, having righ torque capacity coupled wi ow et, “The minimum number of starts per hour must be 60 fr opentlosed duty and 1200 or modulating duty. Insulation ‘The motor must be insulated with ashore rating of 15 minutes at 40°C or rust parm th successive fllvavel operation of equpmenttrom open to lose and vice versa o wie the equipment stoking be, whch ever i the longer, a an average load ofa least 33 per ent of the maxinum equmant tongue windings most be insulated to minimum of Class with propriate fly ‘ated tomparature risa. A thormostae such must be ombediod into the ‘nnn fo prevent premature overheating amagoin tho evento aul poration, Control ‘The actuator must be provided wih a mechanically and electically ‘equipment intaocked roversing contactor starr, toga wih th assorby. ‘The control supply must bo inlarally derived from a contol transformer. ‘The batlory He to rlain stings inthe EEPROM (electcally programmable read-only omory) when tho actuator i isolated must be a best three yoars ‘The actuator must incorporate al necessary wing and trminals forthe uit to be fly operable localy and remotely. ‘The flowing features must be provided: + fact for local and remete openistopice conte and monitoring signals; + seletion for maintained or pulsed cont fom remote signals + exomal contro and monitoring cuts being fed fom ath the internal transformer ofan extemal sour, Itmust bo possible o reverse travel without the need fora sevarale stop sna doe No D10_ 307 Version DRAFT 1 ast pris 280/11 Page 7016 ‘Transformer Push button ‘and selector Switch ‘Thermal ‘overload ‘Torque and position itches oc No 010.397 ‘The contro transformer must be fed rom two ofthe incoming phasas and be rated forthe motor stato, all rtamal eeuts and a 24 VDC Wvols deck {current rectilod ouput for external (remot) and intemal corel and indeaton create “Tho transformer must be: + suitably rated o provide the ieush and holding curent ofthe contactor ol without undue fal in votage: + capable of suplyng any othr relevant equipment and iat “The primary and secondary windings must be protected by BS EN 60268 (5 88) yp0 ses ‘The actuator must be provided wth push-button or knob to facile local ‘openclosessop contol A vl ee contac for remta indcaton of motor ‘unning’ conaiton must also be provided ‘Tho actuator must have a selector switch with he potions indicated inthe {able below. "must bo possible to padlock the seactor switch in any ofthe thro postions. There must also be changeover visee contacts fr remote Indication of switch positon. Local Cont via loal push-button, of "No elctical operation possible Remote Remote contol of openilosestn, ‘The thermal overload protoction must be such a8 to rele accurately the thermal conditions f the motor under any fault concuonincling single phasing symmetrical ovaoad, earth faut and mechanical sain, The overload protection must be nigral with the actuator. ‘The actuator must have adjustable torque protscton and postion its (selectable in any combination) for open and close lis, plu at east one ‘make and break contact teach ond of travel for remote mantoring, ‘Tho opan toque protection cust must be tempore disabled during the inal unseating hammer bow effect, ‘Torque protection reset must nat alow repoatad starting nthe same

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