CFD Analysis of Ship-To-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

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Journal of Marine Science and Application


CFD Analysis of Ship-to-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

A. D. Wnęk 1 & Serge Sutulo 1 & C. Guedes Soares 1

Received: 1 March 2017 / Accepted: 16 May 2017

# Harbin Engineering University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

A numerical study of ship-to-ship interaction forces is performed using a commercial CFD code, and the results are compared
with experimental data and with the results of a panel method analysis. Two ship models have been used in the interaction forces
analysis: a tug and a tanker, advancing parallel to each other with different lateral distances and two different values of the fluid
depth. Computations are carried out with four different flow models: inviscid and viscous flow with the free surface modeled as a
rigid wall and inviscid and viscous flow with the deformable free surface. A fair agreement was obtained with available
experimental data and results obtained by panel method. The influence of viscosity in the computations is found to be compar-
atively weak, while the wavemaking effects may be important, at small magnitude of the horizontal clearance.

Keywords Hydrodynamic interaction . Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) . Flow model . Comparative computations .
Ship-to-ship interaction . Shallow water

1 Introduction planning safe sea replenishment operations, some approaches

to working out environmental maneuvering standards, needs
Although the majority of ships, especially the seagoing ones, of expert assessments of certain maritime accidents, and, es-
typically operate in more or less unbounded water areas and pecially, necessity of adequate reproduction of the behavior of
methods for estimating hydrodynamic forces in free sailing ships on computerized bridge simulators made the hydrody-
are of primary importance, not so rare are situations when namic interaction problem important enough to trigger multi-
the vessels approach rigid boundaries or other objects closely ple experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies.
enough to make account for the hydrodynamic interaction A rather comprehensive review of literature on the hydro-
absolutely necessary for adequate modeling of the behavior dynamic interaction was presented by Sutulo and Guedes
of these ships. These situations include sailing in canals and Soares (2012), and here, emphasis will be given to more re-
other restricted areas, overtaking and encountering at small cent contributions not available at the time of preparation of
lateral distances occurring in areas of intense ship traffic such the cited paper.
as haven approach channels, lightering operations, and It should be noted that in some cases, the hydrodynamic
berthing and unberthing, entering locks. interaction is considered in a somewhat extended sense em-
The hydrodynamic interaction typically observed in the bracing also interaction related to the sea waves action with
form of somewhat unexpected suction, repulsion, or forced such effect as water flow in the gap between two ships moored
yawing effects has been known to seafarers since long ago close to each other, wave sheltering effect, and influence of
but formerly there were no urgent necessity for predicting interaction on ship motions in waves. These issues were
actual values of the interaction forces and moments as good discussed by Faltinsen (2011) but the present review is dealing
seamanship practice of avoiding close proximity maneuvers at exclusively with interaction in calm water caused by non-zero
a more or less tangible speed was sufficient. However, speed of advance of at least one of involved vessels or by
some steady current.

* C. Guedes Soares 1.1 Experimental Studies

Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC),
There exists a large group of recent contributions dedicated
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco mainly to experiments with scaled models although some of
Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal them are complemented with CFD modeling. One of the most
Journal of Marine Science and Application

sophisticated experimental studies was performed by Lataire 1.2 Potential Codes

et al. (2011) in a shallow water tank equipped with two car-
riages one of which was two-coordinate. Over 2000 static and As long as empiric methods practically are not capable to
dynamic tests were performed, and regression models appli- account for all possible combinations of mutual positions
cable to lightering and overtaking scenarios were devised. and motions of interacting objects, numerical methods were
Duffy and Renilson (2011) carried out a somewhat simpler considered as alternative. To be used online, a method must be
experiment measuring loads on a moored model when another sufficiently fast which can only be achieved in the case of
model was passing by at close distances. boundary element potential algorithms.
Arslan et al. (2011) studied a less usual case of hydro- Sutulo and Guedes Soares (2008) developed a double-body
dynamic interaction between two ships in the transverse code which is based on the method of Hess and Smith (1964).
flow which corresponds to the case of ships moored stern Being relatively fast and flexible, the code is appropriate for
to pier and subject to a current along the pier. The exper- online computations in ship simulators of the interaction
iment was carried out in a circulating water tunnel with forces for arbitrary number of ship hulls with arbitrary relative
cylindrical models representing the ship sections. In addi- positions and motion. In the beginning, the algorithm was
tion, 2D computations with the code Fluent using the used only for deep waters. Later, it was extended to cover
Smagorinsky LES model were performed demonstrating the cases of the flat bed shallow water and arbitrary shape of
qualitative agreement of the flow fields. the bottom and banks (Zhou et al. 2010). The algorithm was
Some latest studies focused on working out empiric “uni- also combined with the maneuvering simulation code and was
versal” regression models for fast estimation of the interaction used to simulate motion of two ships in overtaking maneuver
forces (Chetvertakov et al. 2011). (Sutulo and Guedes Soares 2009).
This approach was brought to perfection by Gronarz (2011) Yasukawa and Yoshida (2011) have modeled two Wigley
who proposed the so-called “hybrid regression” which result- hulls advancing at close proximity with the lifting surface
ed in a relatively simple algorithm for describing all interac- vortex panel method. Effect of thickness was completely
tion loads on two ships moving parallel to each other with neglected. Some of the studied cases were for one of the hulls
various velocities and various length ratio values. Although, deflected by 5 or 10°. Obviously, effects of the nonzero drift
the method seems quite elegant, it is not able to embrace cases angle and of the changed configuration were then blended.
of non-parallel motion. Xu and Sun (2012) have used a novel Skejić et al. (2011) used the slender-body developed by
approach approximating ship-to-ship experimental data for Tuck and Newman (1974) for estimating interaction between
the overtaking and encountering parallel motion with an a ship maneuvering around a fixed or freely drifting cargo
artificial neural network. storage facility of hexagonal shape. Qualitatively satisfactory
Sano et al. (2012) have studied experimentally interaction results were obtained in spite of poor applicability of the
of a ship with the channel bank having created polynomial slender-ship concept to this case. However, Xiang et al.
regressions for the interaction forces followed by a rather in- (2011) discovered that the slender-body theory typically
teresting local stability analysis. However, the used linearized overpredicts the interaction forces compared to the results
mathematical model raises certain doubts: the effects of the obtained with a 3D panel code developed earlier by Xiang
heading and drift angles seem to be blended, and it is and Faltinsen (2010).
overlooked that at nonzero balancing parameters, the surge Van der Molen et al. (2011) estimated forces in a moored
equation cannot be decoupled from the sway-yaw equations ship induced by a passing by one using a finite-Froude-
even in the linear approximation. Another linear regression number panel method.
was obtained by Ibaragi et al. (2012) for the ship-to-bank Von Graefe et al. (2015) applied the Rankine source meth-
interaction, and this study seems also to suffer from mixed od to the interaction between a container ship and a feeder
effects of the heading and drift. vessel. A similar method, in a more general formulation
Probably, impossibility of creation of universal multifactor comprising also effects caused by incoming waves was
regression models valid for arbitrary relative motion of applied to two Wigley hulls in parallel motion by Yuan et al.
interacting ship and the desire to have a very fast estimator (2015) but that study was more focused on interaction effect in
stimulated the appearance of ultimately simple interaction the seakeeping sense.
models or the so-called “field theory” based on the concept Perspectives for preferable application of the double-body
of zones of higher and lower pressure around the ship’s hull potential-flow model for modeling interaction loads were also
(McArthur 2011; Maxwell 2011). This concept can be useful outlined by Pinkster (2016) who suggested a multi-domain
in training as it gives a simple explanation, e.g., for the bank variation of the method facilitating computations in the case
suction and rejection but, obviously, it is impossible to expect of complex bank and fairway configurations. In (Van
reasonable quantitative predictions with such simplistic Hoydonck et al. 2016), the potential code ROPES was thor-
method. oughly validated for two hull forms in shallow water and with
A.D. Wnęk et al.: CFD Analysis of Ship-to-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

possible presence of tank walls. It was found that the code is Agreement in the passing by maneuver for two identical
able to predict reliably interaction forces in encounter Wigley hulls at a low Froude number was perfect. The
maneuvers with certain underestimation of peak values. The RANS computations with the KVLCC2 forms were carried
latter inspired a suggestion to introduce appropriate empiric out for the Froude number values 0.037 and 0.055. Zhang and
corrections. Zou (2011) have studied the interaction of two ships (KCS and
Sutulo et al. (2012) presented a validation of the potential Osaka types) in encountering and overtaking in a shallow
interaction code against experimental results that were obtain- canal with the code FLUENT using the layering method of
ed in the towing tank for a tug operating near a large vessel. dynamic meshing. The sway force and yaw moment coeffi-
The comparisons of the results corresponding only to parallel cients were computed for Fn = 0.04, 0.08 and for various
motion and equal speeds showed good agreement with exper- values of the canal width, relative depth, and lateral distance
iments for the sway force and yaw moment in most cases. to the bank.
Large discrepancies were, however, noticed at very small dis- Sadat-Hosseini et al. (2011) performed CFD computations
tances between the ship sidewalls which were attributed to the of the interaction between two tanker models (KVLCC2 and
influence of viscosity and/or wavemaking effects neglected by Aframax) advancing with the same speed in shallow water.
the double-body potential code. The in-house RANS code CFDShip-Iowa adapted to
Recently, Kadri and Weihs (2015) have revisited the multi-object configurations was used, and results of the com-
slender-body theory applying it to the problem interaction putations were compared to the towing tank measurements.
of two bodies of revolution in parallel motion in unbound- The overall number of grid points exceeded 8 × 106, and the
ed fluid. The authors have compared their numerical re- Froude number varied from 0.046 to 0.06, i.e., was very small
sults with classic experimental data obtained by Newton but the free-surface effects, though not very significant, were
(1960). The authors focused on obtaining higher-order captured by the level-set method. The agreement between
solutions and demonstrated that they provide better agree- measured and computed values was rather large and in most
ment with experiments. The slender-body technique may cases varied from 30% to 200% but it must be also noted that
result in very fast algorithms but is not able to properly measured absolute values of the loads were very small for 3–
account for the specifics of shapes of interacting bodies 4 m models, due to very small velocities.
that may become important in very close proximity. Much better agreement was reached by Simonsen et al.
(2011) who applied the commercial code Star CCM+ for study-
1.3 Application of Field Computational Methods ing interaction between a tanker ship and a tug in deep water
using an unstructured grid in coarse (1.8 × 106 cells), medium,
Lately, a number of publications were dedicated to application and fine (8.9 × 106 cells) variants. The isotropic k − ε/k − ω
of various CFD codes implementing the Reynolds-averaged SST turbulence model with wall functions was used.
Navier–Stokes (RANS) model. Such codes cannot be applied Satisfactory and even good agreement with the tank data was
directly in maneuvering simulations but they are very impor- demonstrated for parallel motion and also for the tug’s relative
tant for acquiring better insight into the details of the flow and heading 20°, bow inwards. It must be noted that in some cases,
can serve as a substitute for physical experimentation. much better agreement was reached with the coarse grid than
Benedict et al. (2011) presented a comprehensive study with more refined ones, which probably is related to the fact
emphasizing that “the implementation into simulators requires that monotone convergence over the grid refinement was not
a holistic model valid for the entire range of parameter com- quite certain.
binations”. To handle the most general cases with the CFD, Zou and Larsson (2012) studied interaction between an
the so-called overset method using overlapping grids was de- Aframax tanker and a KVLCC2 type ship using the finite-
veloped on the basis of the finite volume and level-set tech- volume RANS solver XCHAP. Only the case of parallel
niques. However, most of the results refer to the parallel mo- centerplanes and equal velocities was considered. The
tion where they were compared with the experimental data wavemaking was neglected, and the double-body model was
showing rather good overall (over the range of instantaneous used. Not only the hulls but also the rudders and propellers
stagger in the overtaking) agreement though very large dis- were modeled with the overall number of cells reaching 5.5 ×
agreement could be present at some specific relative positions. 106. The computed results were validated against available
The crossing motion case was studied only numerically using independent computational and experimental data. While the
the “transformed space”, i.e., reversing the flow around the agreement with the CFD results obtained at the Iowa
larger vessel. University is always good, this is much less so when it goes
Yang et al. (2011) studied Wigley and KVLCC2 hulls by about comparison with the tank data: the discrepancies in the
means of the commercial code FLUENT, and the RANS re- sway force and yaw moment reached 100% and even more.
sults were compared with those obtained with the potential Nikushchenko et al. (2012) have presented data about interac-
flow method developed by Xiang and Faltinsen (2010). tion forces and moments in parallel steady motion computed
Journal of Marine Science and Application

for two Wigley hulls using three commercial codes: ANSYS and 2091 panels on the lock walls. Agreement with the
Fluent (data presented for the surge force only), NUMECA experimental data was demonstrated to vary from reasonable
FINE/Marine, and Star CCM+. The agreement between re- to good, especially at smaller time steps. Refinement of the grid
sults obtained with different codes varied from quite good to in RANS computations improved agreement for the surge force
relatively large (30%–50%) discrepancies depending on the but worsened it for the sway force. The potential flow model in
component and on relative position of the hulls. Some devel- most cases heavily underpredicted the magnitudes of the sway
opment of these studies for the KCS container ship in over- force and of the yaw moment.
taking maneuver at relatively high (up to 0.26) values of the Yuan and Incecik (2016) described results of application of
Froude number and using different turbulence models was the in-house potential flow method MHydro. Unlike many
presented by Nikushchenko and Zubova (2015). other potential interaction codes, this code accounts for
Fonfach et al. (2011) used commercial CFD codes to model wavemaking effects applying the linear steady flow
the flow between the same tug and tanker forms as studied in free-surface condition which is quite adequate for the
(Sutulo et al. 2012) using four different flow models with ship-bank interaction but much less so for the overtaking ma-
viscous or inviscid fluid and with or without wavemaking. neuver with substantial difference of velocities of the
In that study, viscous flow was modeled for the full-scale interacting ship. Comparisons with tank data, two CFD codes
Reynolds numbers. The obtained data showed that, likely, and the double-body potential code ROPES did not show any
account for the free-surface effects is more important than that definite patterns. For instance, while the code MHydro pre-
of viscosity. However, it must be emphasized that in general, dicts the sway interaction force better than other codes, it fails
the results of the cited reference are harder to assess and to predict the yaw moment.
discuss as computations were performed using two different A very comprehensive attempt to investigate capabilities of
commercial codes with different grids and different turbulence various interaction prediction methods was undertaken by Van
models so that effects of those factors were mixed with the Hoydonck et al. (2015) who compared tank results for a
effect of the flow model per se. In addition, viscous KVLCC2 model with those obtained with the CFD codes
computations were performed for the full scale that made Re FRESCO and ISIS-CFD and with the potential code
comparisons with the tank experimental data less ROPES mentioned in the previous subsection. The Froude
meaningful. In many cases, iterative convergence was not number was 0.055, and the Reynolds number was 1.5 × 106
achieved. As result, the conclusions, presented there, even if (model scale). In some ReFRESCO computations, not only
they happened to be correct, must be viewed as uncertain the hull but also the rudder and the propeller (on the body
let alone any quantitative assessments. force level) were modeled. The overall number of cells varied
In the paper by Sian et al. (2016) interaction of an LNG from 2.9 to 34.7Mcells. Even for the finest grid, no interaction
carrier with a ship of Series 60 hull was studied in a towing convergence was achieved with oscillating deviations
tank and with the commercial CFD code Fluent V15 for the reaching 6.6% in sway interaction force, and for the yaw mo-
case of parallel overtaking motion in a shallow canal was con- ment, these deviations were even much larger than the average
sidered. The SST k − ωturbulence model was used, and all re- value. Also, practically, no convergence over the grid density
ported computations were performed with 2Mcells. The exper- was reached, especially for the surge force. Most of computa-
imental and numerical results showed satisfactory agreement tions with the code ISIS-CFD were carried out for 16M cells.
with some under-prediction (from slight to moderate) of the The grid convergence studies carried out for four grids with
sway force and some over-prediction for the yaw moment the number of cells varying from 5 to 29.7 M showed better
while data for the surge force were only presented for few trends than in the case of ReFRESCO but uncertainty at 16M
cases. In the contribution (Toxopeous and Bhawsinka 2016), cells is not quite excluded. Comparisons between experimen-
interaction effects on a full-bodied ship entering a lock were tal responses and those obtained with various codes look rath-
predicted using the in-house CFD code ReFRESCO, validated er disappointing in the sense that no one of the codes was able
with the scaled-model experimental data and compared with to predict reliably all components, and the divergences are
predictions obtained with the in-house double-body potential often significant reaching 50%, 100%, and even 200%.
flow code ROPES. In the CFD modeling, a combined sliding Also, it must be noted that the observed influence of the pro-
and deforming grid approach was used but the free-surface peller was substantially stronger than could be predicted with
effects were neglected as the maximum Froude number 0.026 the potential flow method (Sutulo and Guedes Soares 2012).
(or 0.091 when based on the water depth) was considered small Shevchuk et al. (2016) have performed a thorough numer-
enough for application of the rigid-wall condition. The SST k ical study of the flow between the ship hull and the bottom of a
− ωturbulence model was applied and wall functions were used shallow canal with an in-house CFD code based on the
for modeling the flow close to the hull surface. Two grids with OpenFoam software. In particular, it was found that at very
1.6 and 4.6 Mcells were applied. The panel method small underkeel gaps the boundary layers on the hull and on
computations were performed using 1650 panels on the hull the bottom are fused which leads to an additional pressure
A.D. Wnęk et al.: CFD Analysis of Ship-to-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

drop and intensifies the squat. Besides the more or less usual Table 1 Main characteristics of the ship
RANS modeling, a hybrid (RANS+LES) closure was applied Characteristics Tug (ship 1) Tanker (ship 2)
with a much finer grid (13 instead of 4Mcells) and then
self-sustained motions of the ship in heave and pitch caused Full scale Model Full scale Model
by the unsteady flow separation were captured. However, that
Length (o.a.)/m 29.5 1.18 189.5 7.58
does not change substantially the time averaged values of the
Length (p.p.)/m 25.6 1.024 186.2 7.44
sinkage and trim.
Breadth/m 11.0 0.44 31.6 1.26
Rattanasiri et al. (2014) applied the commercial code
Draft/m 4.6 0.184 10.3 0.41
ANSYS CFX to a less common problem of hydrodynamic
interaction between several autonomous underwater vehicle Displacement/m3 649.0 0.0416 49,197.0 3.15
operating in tight formations. Numerical results were com-
pared to experimental ones, and special attention was paid to
larger tanker model (ship 2 or tanker) at the scale 1:25. The
effects of alteration of resistance and to possible gains that can
main characteristics of the vessels in two scales are presented
be achieved on optimized configurations.The presented re-
in Table 1 and their hull forms are outlined in Fig. 1.
view of the published results rather clearly demonstrates that
Considered were two values of the water depth given in
so far, in spite of considerable efforts, it has not been possible
Table 2, and corresponding to the conditions of the tank tests
to obtain definite and crisp estimates of possible discrepancies
is described in (Sutulo et al. 2012), where also all necessary
between predictions of hydrodynamic interaction loads ob-
details about the experimental setup are given. Two ship
tained with various methods, and the performed comparative
lengths are presented in Table 1, the length overall (o.a.),
studies are not sufficient and must be continued.
and the length between perpendiculars (p.p.).
As result, it was decided to revisit one of the scenarios
The axes Cxyz were linked to each ship with the x-axis
considered earlier and perform thorough comparative compu-
pointing forward, y-axis—to the starboard, and the z-axis—
tations with the recognized commercial code Star CCM+.
downwards. The origin was defined as the intersection of the
Although the scenario covers the cases studied in (Sutulo
centerplane, midship plane, and waterplane. The both
et al. 2012) and (Fonfach et al. 2011), the present study is
centerplanes were remaining parallel in the present study,
quite independent and original and is aiming at obtaining
and the position of the tug relative to the tanker was described
more credible data on relative importance of accounting for
by location of the origin of the tug’s frame in the body axes of
wavemaking and viscous effects in interaction load prediction.
the tanker, i.e., by its longitudinal stagger ξand the signed
Special attention was paid to appropriate choice of computa-
lateral distance ηbetween the centerplanes which is always
tional domains and grids, to selection of a single turbulence
negative for a tug located at the port side from the tanker.
model, and to convergence studies. At each interaction con-
The following nondimensional position parameters will be
figuration, CFD computations were performed for four possi- 2 / L2, 2 / B2, where the subscript 2
used further:
ble combinations formed by accounting or non-accounting for
means the ship number associated with the tanker. It is clear
viscosity and wavemaking. In addition, experimental and pan-
that ξ′ = 0 when the midship planes of the both vessels coin-
el method data are also shown for comparisons. To avoid any
cide, and ξ′ = 1 means that the midship of the tug coincides
ambiguities, it should be taken into account that through the
with the fore perpendicular of the tanker (Fig. 2).
present paper, the term “Free Surface case” means the case
Due to specifics of the interaction configuration character-
when the actual kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions
ized by a large difference in the dimensions of the interacting
on the free surface are met and the wavemaking effects are
ships, the interaction forces of surge X, sway Y, and the
modeled. This is opposed to the “Rigid Wall” case when the
non-penetration (and free-slip when the viscosity is present)
condition is applied on the free surface of the fluid and all
wavemaking is neglected. The main purpose of the study is
to try to demonstrate relative importance of purely inertial
forces (provided by the double-body potential theory) and of
influence of viscosity and wavemaking in problems of hydro-
dynamic interactions.

2 Ship Models and Interaction Configuration

Computations of the interaction forces were performed on two

ships: a smaller tug model (designated as ship 1 or tug) and a Fig. 1 Tug (top) and tanker (bottom) hull forms (different scales)
Journal of Marine Science and Application

Table 2 Depth of the ship behind it. The depth was defined equal to H1 or H2 (depending
Absolute depth in Depth [m] relative to draft of: on the case) in model scale from the undisturbed free surface.
full scale/m In the case of the deformable free surface handled with the two
Tug T1 Tanker T2 phase flow model, the air layer extended 0.1L2 up from the
still water-free surface. The width of the domain was always
H1 = 12.25 2.66 1.19
8 m which is not arbitrary but is the actual width of the towing
H2 = 15.57 3.38 1.51
tank used in the tests described in (Sutulo et al. 2012). Also,
exactly as it was in the tank tests, the transverse location of the
interaction yaw moment N, were only computed for the small- smaller ship was in the central longitudinal plane of the do-
er ship (tug). Each interaction force was obtained as the dif- main or tank while the larger model was shifted in the lateral
ference between its total values obtained in presence and in direction to set the required distance |η| between the
absence of the interacting large ship. All the forces and mo- centerplanes of the ship hulls.
ments were non-dimensionalized as: X ′ = 2X/(ρAV2), Y ′ = 2Y/
(ρAV2), N ′ = 2N/(ρALV2), where ρ is the water density, A ¼
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3.2 Governing Equations, Turbulence Model
∇ 1 ∇ 2 is the reference area, ∇ is the ship displacement, and L
and Boundary Conditions
is the length between perpendiculars. The subscripts 1 and 2
here and further correspond to the tug and tanker respectively.
The standard Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations
Computations were carried out for two different speed
were applied in the whole computational domain and used
values as shown in Table 3, where standard definitions for
for the both flow phases:
the Froude number based on the ship length and water depth
pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi   !
H are used, i.e., Fn ¼ V= gL and FnH ¼ V= gH respec- ∂ u u
∂ui i j 1 ∂p ∂τ ij
tively with g being the magnitude of the gravity acceleration. þ ¼ Fi− þ ð1Þ
No results for the loads in heave, roll, and pitch are pre- ∂t ∂x j ρ ∂xi ∂x j
sented in this paper as, first, they are less important in inter-
action scenarios, and, second, the authors did not possess any where t is the current time; Fi are components of the volumet-
experimental data for them. ric force which is only here represented by the vertical gravity
force; ui are the components of the averaged fluid velocity; xi
are the Cartesian coordinates; ρ is the water or air density; p is
the averaged pressure; and τ ij are the turbulent stresses
3 Problem Formulation disappearing when the inviscid fluid model is considered
and the momentum equation becomes the Euler equation.
3.1 Computational Domain Obviously, this equation must be complemented with the
continuity equation
The finite computational domain has the shape of a parallele-
piped (Fig. 3) whose transverse section and location of the ∂u j
hulls corresponded to the actual tank layout and had longitu- ¼0 ð2Þ
∂x j
dinal extensions: 2.5L2 to the front of the larger ship and 4L2
and with the closing equations representing the turbulence
Although the review presented in the Introduction indicates
that the SST k − ω turbulence model was preferred by most
researchers, no solid explanations of this choice for interaction
problems were presented. That is why, an auxiliary compara-
tive study performed for the smallest water depth H1 and lat-
eral distance ξ′ = 1.36 with account for the deformable free
surface with the following turbulence models:

1) SST k − ω model without transition model (fully

2) SSTk − ω model with the Turbulence Suppression transi-
Fig. 2 Relative position of two ship models in the horizontal and
tion model
transverse planes: left: ξ' = 0.014, H1 = 0.49 m, η' = − 1.42, − 1.97; right: 3) SST k − ω model with the γ − Reθ transition model
ξ' = 0.62, H2 = 0.623 m, η' = − 1.36, − 1.4 4) k − ε model
A.D. Wnęk et al.: CFD Analysis of Ship-to-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

Table 3 Speed of the ships

Speed Froude number based on: Reynolds number

Full scale/kn Model scale/(m s−1) L1 L2 H1 H2 Full scale Model scale

4 2.06 0.412 0.13 0.048 0.188 0.167 5.3 × 107 4.2 × 105
6 3.09 0.618 0.195 0.072 0.282 0.25 7.9 × 10 6.3 × 105

The Turbulence suppression model allows the user to mim- & Air–water separation surface: the non-penetration condi-
ic the effect of transition from the laminar to turbulent flow if tion for the rigid-wall model (RW) or the velocity and
the location of transition is known priori while the γ − Reθ pressure continuity otherwise;
model is determining that location automatically and therefore & Hull surface: no-slip condition (zero velocity) for the vis-
is used more often. In all variants, the SST model requires a cous fluid model and non-penetration condition for the
finer mesh with an increased number of mesh cells around the inviscid fluid.
surface to capture the viscous sublayer effects which result in a
significantly larger computation time. It was found that while Of course, in computations with the inviscid fluid, the tur-
the force/moment coefficients obtained with various turbu- bulent stresses τ ij vanishes, and the RANS (1) reduce to the
lence models varied insignificantly, the speed of iterative con- Euler equations, and part of the boundary conditions are sim-
vergence turned out rather different (Fig. 4) with somewhat plified accordingly.
better behavior for the k − ε model which pre-determined the
final choice as the required computations are very time- 3.3 Computational Grid
Hence, the main set of computations was performed using The final meshes adopted for the present study were generated
the k − ε turbulence model described by: after a number of comparative computations, and they were of
    the same type as adopted in Wnęk and Guedes Soares (2015).
∂ðρkÞ ∂ ρu j k ∂ μ ∂k
þ ¼ μþ t þ 2μt S ij S ij −ρε ð3Þ Although in general, inviscid flow computations allow much
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σk ∂x j

∂ðρεÞ ∂ ρu j ε ∂ μt ∂ε
þ ¼ μþ
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σε ∂x j ð4Þ
ε ε2
þ2C 1ε μt S ij S ij −C 2ε ρ
k k
where k is a turbulent kinematic energy; ε is a turbulent dissi-
pation rate; μ is the fluid viscosity; μt is the dynamic turbulent
viscosity, Sij is a component of a fluid element deformation
rate, with i, j = 1, 2, 3, and σk, σε, C1ε, C2ε are the model
constants, as presented by Versteeg and Malalasekra (2007).
As the considered problem was steady, the reversed flow
was modeled with the following boundary conditions:

& Inlet plane: the incoming homogenous flow velocity as

defined in Table 3; undisturbed free surface;
& Outlet plane: pressure equal to the hydrostatic pressure in
the water domain and atmospheric pressure in the air;
& Bottom and sidewalls: the non-penetration condition and
zero shear stresses;

Fig. 4 Surge force X convergence plots for viscous flow with free
surface; η' = − 1.36, H1 = 0.49 m; the k - ε model (top); the SST model
without transition (upper middle), the SST model with turbulence
suppression (lower middle), the SST model with γ - Reθ transition
Fig. 3 Computational domain: the horizontal plane view (bottom)
Journal of Marine Science and Application

coarser grids than the full RANS modeling, in this particular

study, it was decided to apply as similar grids as possible in all
flow models to exclude the factor of approximation of the hull
surfaces. The finally adopted hexahedral mesh counted
around 0.65 × 106 cells for the inviscid flow without free sur-
face and 0.9 × 106 cells when the viscosity was accounted for. Fig. 6 Hexahedral mesh in the vicinity of the tug model and the free
In the inviscid flow case, the same mesh was kept except that surface elevation
denser prismatic layers were removed in the vicinity of the
hull. Also, in the case of wavemaking computations when the corresponding to the 40 s duration with the time step 0.01 s
two-phase flow was modeled, the meshes were somewhat (selected after preliminary tests) and with ten iterations for
larger counting about 1.6 × 106 cells for inviscid flow and each step were carried out. The minimum convergence crite-
about 2.3 × 106 cells for viscous one because of additional rion of 1.0 × 10−4 relative error for all scalars was easily ful-
meshing above the undisturbed free surface. The exact num- filled in all the cases with the rigid flat-free surface and all
ber of cells also somewhat depended on the lateral distance forces of interest attained steady values. Typically, conver-
between the two hulls. In the viscous flow cases, 14 prismatic gence was reached after 20,000 iterations; however, in some
layers on the surface of the tug hull were generated with the cases 40,000 iterations turned out necessary (Figs. 7 and 8).
first layer’s thickness proportional to the dimensionless wall In the case of deformable free-surface simulations for vis-
distance y+ ≈ 1 , and the so-called “all-y+ wall treatment” op- cid and inviscid flow two-phase flow, the convergence was
tion (STAR CCM+ User Manual 2014) was activated which is more difficult to achieve. Values of the forces only stabilized
emulating the wall-function approach for coarse meshes and is sufficiently after more than 50,000 iterations (Fig. 8) and even
resolving the viscous sublayer for fine meshes The mesh was more for some cases.
also refined in the free-surface region (Figs. 5 and 6). The most serious convergence difficulties were met at the
Table 4 presents some results of the mesh refinement con- larger depth H2, when the smaller model was located in the
vergence study for the viscous two-phase flow for the smaller wake of the larger one (Fig. 9). Apparently, the main cause of
depth H1, dimensionless longitudinal stagger ξ′ = 0.014, and poor decay of oscillations was the almost one-dimensional
for the dimensionless lateral distance |η′| = 1.47. The mesh size propagation of induced waves in the shallow water. Those
was being reduced until the convergence was captured with waves have wavelengths comparable to the length of the larg-
reasonable certainty. Unfortunately, it turned out impossible to er ship and contain a lot of energy generated by the impulsive
reach rather definite convergence for the smallest distance start of the ships.
|η′| = 1.36 with the available resources which makes estimates All computations were carried out for model-scale values
for smallest distances less certain. However, in view of rather of the Reynolds number as indicated in Table 3 The used
poor results of the grid convergence study presented in (Van hardware was represented by a cluster with 8 CPUs, Intel®
Hoydonck et al. 2015) for even much finer grids, this is not Xeon® E5420, 4 cores each, clock frequency 2.50 GHz and
surprising and indicates that the interaction problem is espe- with 16GB of RAM available.
cially sensitive to the grid refinement and studies in that di-
rection must continue.

3.4 Time-Domain Convergence Studies and General

4 Results
4.1 Interaction Forces
The code Star CCM+ was applied in this study in the unsteady
All CFD computations were performed for exactly the same
mode presuming settling of the final steady regime. For the
conditions for which experimental values were available and
purpose of the time-domain convergence studies, simulations
also they were carried out for the isolated tug which was
necessary to get the pure interaction loads. It is, however, clear
that due to the flow symmetry, the own load was non-zero for
only the surge component.
The dimensionless values for the forces and moments are
presented in Fig. 10 for the depth H1 and in Fig. 11 for the
depth H2 in the form of graphs as functions of the relative
lateral distance η′. Besides, the isolated symbols correspond-
ing to four different flow models and to the experimental data,
Fig. 5 Hexahedral mesh on the surface of the models presented are solid lines representing the data obtained with
A.D. Wnęk et al.: CFD Analysis of Ship-to-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

Table 4 Mesh refinement study

X′ Y′ N′

CFD mesh 1.85 × 106 − 0.0117 0.0314 − 0.00197

CFD mesh 1.9 × 106 − 0.0115 0.0291 − 0.00177
CFD mesh 2.1 × 106 − 0.00651 0.0302 − 0.00197 Fig. 8 Sway force Y convergence for viscous flow with free surface, η' =
CFD mesh 2.4 × 106 − 0.00974 0.0291 − 0.00197 − 1.97, H1 = 0.49 m
CFD mesh 3.3 × 106 − 0.01002 0.0291 − 0.00197
CFD mesh 3.8 × 106 − 0.00981 0.0291 − 0.00197 equations served as the governing equations (acronym
“VF”). Experimental and panel method data are taken from
(Sutulo et al. 2012). It should be noted that while the experi-
the panel method. The results for the viscous flow with free mental results had been obtained in the towing tank with the
surface are presented with error bars representing the maxi- lateral dimensions corresponding to the computational do-
mum and minimum force or moment values present on the main described above, the panel method computations had
final interval of the iterative convergence plots. Similar error been performed for the horizontally unbounded fluid. It is,
bars are not shown for the case of inviscid flow with the free however, obvious that for the present interaction configuration
surface in order to not congest the graphs too much, although (see Fig. 3), the influence of the tank walls that could have
in those cases, the iterative convergence was even more diffi- been accounted for by placing fictitious series of hulls at ap-
cult to achieve, likely, because of the absence of natural dis- propriate distances could only be insignificant that can be
sipation. It should be emphasized that the thus estimated un- roughly estimated extrapolating the plots on Figs. 10, 11,
certainty caused by poor iterative convergence is probably and 12.
exaggerated as the physical flow itself can keep oscillatory Analysis of results turned out not very easy as the character
character which is probably typical for flows in narrow gaps of agreement/disagreement between various flow models is
with the wavemaking effects, and in such cases time-averaged rather different for different force/moment components, vari-
values must be taken as estimates anyway. Although the au- ous lateral distances, and even for various water depths.
thors do not possess experimental time histories, this is indi-
rectly confirmed by the fact that absence of iterative conver- 4.1.1 Surge Force
gence was also observed by Van Hoydonck et al. (2015).
While the graphs provide general view of the dependence First of all, remarkable is the fairly good agreement between
of the interaction forces on the lateral distance, they are diffi- results obtained with the panel method and with the CFD code
cult to analyze in detail, and the same responses are duplicated for the IF+RW flow model. It must be noticed that the applied
in the form of bar charts presented in Figs. 12, 13, and 14. version of the panel method tends to provide somewhat biased
Data corresponding to various flow models are marked as results for the surge force while capturing the qualitative be-
follows: “RW” means “Rigid Wall” which corresponds to havior (Sutulo and Guedes Soares 2016). In theory, the
the non-penetration and free-slip condition on the undisturbed
free surface without any wavemaking (double-body approxi-
mation); “FS” means “Free Surface” which is deformable and
modeled with the two-phase flow with wavemaking. It is also
marked (directly or with the acronym “IF”) whether the fluid
was assumed to be inviscid (i.e., the Euler equations were
modeled) or the viscosity was accounted for and RANS

Fig. 7 Residuals for viscous flow (rigid wall): (1) continuity equation, (2) Fig. 9 Surge force X (top), sway force Y (middle), yaw moment N
x-momentum, (3) y-momentum, (4) z-momentum, (5) turbulent kinetic (bottom) convergence for viscous flow with free surface, η’ = − 1.36,
energy, and (6) turbulent dissipation rate H2 = 0.623 m
Journal of Marine Science and Application

Fig. 10 Plots of interaction forces for smaller depth H1: surge force (top),
sway force (middle), and yaw moment (bottom) Fig. 11 Plots of interaction forces for larger depth H2: surge force (top),
sway force (middle), yaw moment (bottom)
responses could be identical as in both cases, the fluid was
perfect and the wavemaking was absent. The observed differ- expected that the most realistic flow model accounting for
ence can be partly explained by a much finer discretization in both viscosity and the wavemaking, this does not happen in
the field method but also by accounting for the tank sidewalls all the cases: often the perfect fluid model provides better
while in the panel method computations, the fluid was assumed agreement although the differences caused by viscosity are
unbounded in the horizontal plane. On the other hand, finite not so large. But rather certain is that neglecting the
distances of the inlet and outlet boundaries do not exactly cor- wavemaking effects makes the agreement worse. In particular,
respond to the absence of such boundaries in the panel method. relatively large magnitudes of the surge force at close dis-
Accounting for the viscosity and/or wave making always tances are caused by the flow blockage mainly caused by
improved the agreement with experimental data, especially at wave making although also to some extent—by viscosity.
closer lateral distances but separate influence of these two Of course, neither the panel method, nor the IF+RW field
factors looks more complicated. Although it could be method are able to capture this effect.
A.D. Wnęk et al.: CFD Analysis of Ship-to-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

Fig. 12 Values of the dimensionless surge force: top— smaller depth H1, Fig. 14 Values of the dimensionless yaw moment: top— smaller depth
bottom— larger depth H2 H1, bottom— larger depth H2

4.1.2 Sway Force methods neglecting wavemaking are not able to capture the
drop of the suction force and even its transition to repulsion.
Agreement between the panel method and the CFD computa- Obviously, ever increasing suction at unlimited approach is
tion without viscosity and wavemaking is again good. Some theoretically correct for the pure potential flow without
difference at the smallest lateral distance is certainly caused by free-surface effects but it has always been clear that in real
a relatively small number of panels. For relative lateral dis- fluid, the flow will be sooner or later blocked, the suction will
tances greater than 1.4 agreement is good for all data although disappear, and the zone of the higher pressure in the fore part
account for the wave making and viscosity gives better agree- of the hull will result in repulsion. This should happen even in
ment with the experiment. At smaller distances, however, the the absence of the free surface and wavemaking effects but the
results presented here showed decisive role of the
wavemaking. Although sometimes the full RANS model
VF + FS gave better agreement than the model IF+FS, in other
cases, the observed agreement was even worse. However, it
must be taken into account that at smaller lateral clearances,
the uncertainty of the RANS computations is higher as long as
the grid convergence was not achieved. Apparently, viscous
blocking without free surface should also come into the effect
but it will likely happen at much smaller gaps than explored
here. There is also little doubt that a panel method with ac-
count for the actual free surface boundary condition would
also provide fair prediction of the sway force inversion effect.

4.1.3 Yaw Moment

The interaction yaw moment near a much larger vessel results

from differences in the suction/repulsion loads on the fore and
aft parts of the ship in concern. As result, the observed differ-
ences between data provided by various methods and flow
models are here larger than for the sway force but the sign
inversion effect at small lateral distances is not present.
Fig. 13 Values of the dimensionless sway force: top— smaller depth H1, Results for the smaller depth H1are rather peculiar showing
bottom— larger depth H2 unexpectedly large divergences between the panel method
Journal of Marine Science and Application

and the IF+RW model. Also, the trend shown in the latter case
is very different from that provided by all remaining data. The
initial guess that some occasional confusion happened, was
not confirmed, and the same phenomenon was present in ab-
solutely independent computations by Fonfach et al. (2011).
So far, it has not been possible to obtain absolutely clear ex-
planation of such anomalous behavior but, apparently, this
interaction configuration was especially sensitive to
free-surface effects, which are expected to be the most pro-
nounced in the gap between the vessels, although such effects
exist over all domain. A better agreement observed for the
panel method should be rather viewed as occasional, caused
by some error cancelation effects. This hypothesis is some-
what confirmed by the fact that for the larger depth such
anomalies are much less pronounced.
Furthermore, despite a rough overall agreement between
various flow models, account for the viscosity is not always
Fig. 15 Dynamic pressure contours on the hull of the tug model for ξ' =
beneficial from the view of closeness to empiric data and 0.014 (top) and ξ' = 0.62 (bottom) at viscous free surface flow, η’ = 1.36
although in most cases it increases the absolute value of the (pressure values in Pascals)
yaw moment, sometimes the effect is reversed. Besides, in-
creased uncertainty caused by insufficient grid convergence at
small lateral gaps mentioned above, it can be supposed that midship of the tug model was observed at inviscid flow for
this is the effect of inherent uncertainties of the RANS tech- lateral separation η′ = 1.47. It can be noticed that, as should be
nique dependent on specific turbulence models whose effec- expected, the velocity near the hull is higher in the inviscid
tiveness and adequacy have not been exhaustively explained. flow. Distribution of shear stresses in the viscous flow is pre-
Summing up, it can be stated that the disagreement be- sented in Fig. 17.
tween the most physically adequate VF + FS computational Figure 18 presents the velocity distribution around the tug
model and the experimental data is substantially higher than at the midship section of the hull for the larger depth H2 and
presented by Simonsen et al. (2011) who noticed the largest for the depth Froude number FnH = 0.25. In this case, the
discrepancies for the sway force. However, those computa- longitudinal stagger is also larger ξ′ = 0.62, and the tug is lo-
tions were performed for an apparently simpler deep water cated closer to the bow of the tanker; the velocity near the hull
case and for the sinkage, trim, and heel of the tug taken from of the tanker starts to increase. In this case, larger magnitudes
the experiment while these data were not available to the au- of the velocity are more visible also for a higher lateral dis-
thors of the present contribution. tance η′ = 1.47.

4.2 Pressure, Velocity, and Free-Surface Elevation


Dynamic pressure contours on the tug corresponding to the

minimum lateral clearance and to two values of the two dif-
ferent longitudinal staggers ξ′ = 0.014 and ξ′ = 0.62 are shown
in Fig. 15.
The magnitude of dynamic pressure on the tug was also
higher when the model is located in the larger perturbations of
the flow at longitudinal stagger.
Figure 16 presents the velocity distribution around the tug
model at the midship section of the hull for the smaller depth
H1 and for the depth Froude number FnH = 0.188. The left side
of the figure shows velocity distributions for the inviscid flow
with the free surface, while the right side corresponds to the
viscous flow. In both cases, the velocity field is changing Fig. 16 Velocity distribution around tug model for smaller depth H1, ξ' =
similarly with changes of the lateral separation of the ship 0.014. Inviscid flow (left) and viscous flow (right), three lateral
models. The largest velocity magnitude (0.7 m/s) near the separations: η' = 1.36 (top), 1.47 (middle), 1.97 (bottom)
A.D. Wnęk et al.: CFD Analysis of Ship-to-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

Fig. 17 Shear stress distribution on the tug for smaller depth H1, ξ' =
0.014 at viscous free surface flow, η' = 1.36

Figure 19 shows velocity distribution on the free surface in

the viscous flow for two values of the longitudinal stagger ξ. It
is seen that perturbations of the flow are more pronounced in
the second case with a larger stagger. This is also confirmed by
Fig. 20 where the velocity vector fields are shown. The free--
surface elevation contour plots (Fig. 21) also show larger de-
formations of the free surface in the second case.
An interesting observation was made in the gap between
the two ship models for inviscid flow with free surface.
Figures 22 and 23 present the wave profile between the two
models and close to the tug with the distance 0.004 m from the
hull corresponding to the mid-distance between the sidewalls.
Fig. 19 Velocity distribution at the free surface for viscous flow; ξ' =
Comparison of wave profiles was made for three different 0.014 (top) and ξ' = 0.62 (bottom)
lateral separations of ship models η′ = 1.36, 1.47, 1.97. In the
case with a smaller depth H1 and stagger ξ′ = 0.014 (Fig. 22), a
between two ship models. The wave elevation decreases to-
sharp profile of the wave was generated for all three lateral
gether with the increase of lateral separation of the ships.
separations of the ships and high wave frequency was ob-
Expectedly, larger elevations of the free surface were traced
served. The case η′ = 1.47 is characterized by the largest dis-
tances between the crests and troughs.
At a larger depth H2 and stagger ξ′ = 0.62 (see Fig. 23), the
wave spatial frequency somewhat decreased what could be
expected. Likewise, more visible is the relation between the
elevation of the wave above the free surface and the distance

Fig. 18 Velocity distribution around tug model for larger depth H2, ξ' =
0.62. Inviscid flow (left) and viscous flow (right), three lateral Fig. 20 Velocity distribution and velocity vectors for smaller depth H1
separations: η' = 1.36 (top), 1.47 (middle), 1.97 (bottom) (top) and larger depth H2 (bottom) at viscous flow, η' = 1.36
Journal of Marine Science and Application

Fig. 23 Wave profile between the ship models and close to the tug for
smaller depth H2, ξ' = 0.62, η' = 1.36 (solid), 1.47 (dashed), and 1.97
(dotted) and inviscid flow with free surface

5 Conclusions

Fig. 21 Free-surface elevation for smaller depth H1 (top) and larger depth A CFD study of interaction forces using various flow models
H2 (bottom) in viscous flow, η' = 1.36 for a small tug ship moving parallel to a larger vessel in shal-
low water has been carried out, and the resulting estimates of
the forces and moment were also compared with the model
at smaller water depth. At the same time, the largest descent of test data and results obtained with the panel code developed
the water level was observed at a larger depth, and in both earlier. The overall impression is that the ship-to-ship interac-
cases, this happened at the intermediate lateral clearance. The tion problem is more challenging than most other problems
latter is probably related to some local resonance phenomena. related to the flow around a single ship hull, and the difficul-
In general, it can be stated that the interaction flow is of ties grow as the lateral clearance decreases. A number of au-
rather complex character, and the role of nonlinear effects thors discovered difficulties in reaching iterative and grid con-
seems to be significant. This explains, at least qualitatively, vergence using even commonly acknowledged and reliable
certain observed “irregularities” in the influence of the viscos- commercial codes. The present study has generally confirmed
ity and wavemaking effects on the estimated values of the those findings indicating that the problem still needs rather
interaction forces and moments. At the same time, it is now extensive and thorough investigation. The authors have made
clear that detailed investigation of these phenomena requires an attempt to study such factors as the fluid viscosity and
much more extensive computations with simpler geometric gravitational waves which may or may not be in effect in
forms. At the same time, the data already obtained can be various hydrodynamic models of the ship-to-ship interaction.
helpful in estimating possible uncertainties related to adapta- Unfortunately, besides a more or less obvious conclusion
tion of this or that flow model and in selecting degree of about importance of the free-surface effects, it turned out that
simplification appropriate in various applications. no definite general recommendations about application of dif-
ferent flow models could be worked out yet. Meanwhile, the
following specific conclusions can be drawn from analysis of
the results:

1. There exists an overall rough agreement between the re-

sults obtained with different methods and flow models at
least at relatively large lateral distances between the side-
walls of interacting ships.
2. Differences between the results obtained with the panel
method and the same flow model (perfect fluid and
non-deformable free surface) implemented with the com-
mercial CFD code typically did not have qualitative char-
Fig. 22 Wave profile between the ship models and close to the tug for
acter and in most cases remained moderate and corre-
smaller depth H1, ξ' = 0.014, η' = 1.36 (solid), 1.47 (dashed), and 1.97 sponding to the expected accuracy difference. The dis-
(dotted) and inviscid flow with free surface agreement was more pronounced for the yaw moment
A.D. Wnęk et al.: CFD Analysis of Ship-to-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

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