2023-2024 - Form 2 Exerc - Before Final Ev Sem II

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2023-2024 Form 2 exercises before final summative evaluation

I. Match seasons and months:

September, April, June, November, February, March, December, July, January, May, August, October
spring winter autumn summer

1. _________ _____________ _____________ __________

2._________ _____________ _____________ __________

3._________ _____________ _____________ __________

II. Choose and write the missing word:

ride/rides like/likes play/plays
1.Dan _________ cats. 2.He __________ a bike. 3.They __________ football.

III. Open the brackets:

1. They (be, write) now.
2. The rabbit (be, hop) now.
3. The boys (be, play) now.

IV. Transform into negative sentences:

1. I am running now.
2. He is playing now.

V. Transform into questions:

1. Dan is jumping.


2. The boys are reading.


VI. Match as in the example

1 2 the second
2 the seventh
3 the fifth
4 the fourth
5 the first
6 the sixth
7 the third

VII. Circle the right word

We am/is/are/was/were/will be at home today.
Dan am/is/are/was/were/will be at school yesterday.
They am/is/are/was/were/will be nine in May.

VIII. Transform into negative sentences:

1. They will be at school tomorrow.
2. He was at home yesterday.
3. Nataly is in the bathroom now.

IX. Transform into questions:

1. He was in the yard yesterday.
2. The dog is in the room now.
3. It will be Monday tomorrow.

X. Vocabulary:
Play, jump, hop, sing, summer, family, sister, grandpa, mother, run, bedroom, living room,
bathroom, chair, kitchen, pen, pencil, ruler, write, exercise book, skirt, blouse, cat, shirt, dress,
have, drive, tree, read, wolf, parrot, pupil, turtle

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