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Summary of Vibrio, Aeromonas, and Plesiomonas spp.

• Gram-negative rods; some may be curved.

• Habitat: aquatic environment; found in water and food
• Transmission: water contact; ingestion of contaminated water or food (especially seafood)
• Culture conditions:
– Media: nonselective media (BAP and CHOC agar): growth
– MacConkey agar: growth—most Vibrio spp are lactose negative; V. vulnificus is positive.
Aeromonas spp and Plesiomonas shigelloides are often lactose positive.

– TCBS agar: selective for Vibrios

– Enrichment: alkaline peptone water
• Key characteristics:
– Gram stain: gram negative rods; some may be curved
– Oxidase: positive
– Glucose: fermented
– String test: Vibrio positive (V. cholerae > 60 sec)

– Vibrio are susceptible to O/129 vibriostatic

Vibrio cholerae
• Diseases: intestinal and extraintestinal
• Selective media: TCBS: yellow
• NaCl not required
• Other:
– Serogroup 01 causes cholera epidemics
– “Rice water” stool
– Most extraintestinal infection due to non-01

V. parahaemolyticus
• Diseases:
– Intestinal and extraintestinal
• Selective media:
– TCBS: green
• NaCl required

V vulnificus
• Diseases:
– Extraintestinal
• Selective media:
– TCBS: green
• NaCl required

Summary of Campylobacter and Helicobacter species

• Key characteristics:
– Gram stain: faintly staining curved gram-negative rods: seagull wings
– Oxidase: positive
– Requires strict microaerophilic environment and grows at 42 C
– Colonial morphology: typically moist and spreading
– Habitat: humans and animals
– CAMPY-BAP Special media and atmosphere for Campy

Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni

• Diseases:
– Usually intestinal
• Routine culture media:
– Campylobacter selective media (Campy-BAP)
• Incubation temp: 42 C
• Key ID tests:
– Cephalothin ®, nalidixic acid (S), Hippurate (+)

Helicobacter pylori
• Diseases:
– Gastric and duodenal ulcers
• Media:
– BAP and CHOC agar
• Incubation temp: 37 C
• Key ID tests:
– Rapid urease (+)
– Other methods: biopsy in urea medium; breath test for 14 CO2

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