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(YEAR 3)



PHYSICS 6091/02

Paper 2 29 September 2023

Additional Materials: Nil 1 hour 35 minutes

(08:05 – 09:40)


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Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions on the Question paper.

Candidates are reminded that all quantitative answers should include appropriate units.
Candidates are advised to show formulae and all their working in a clear and orderly manner, as more marks
are awarded for sound use of Physics than for correct answers.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 For Examiner’s Use

Total / 70

Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

This document consists of 20 printed pages.


Structured Questions (70 marks)

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

1 Fig. 1.1 shows the velocity-time graph of two cars A and B. They are travelling in the
same direction in a straight line. Car B passes car A at time t = 0.

Fig. 1.1

(a) (i) Calculate the distance between car A and car B at t = 12 s.

Distance = ½ (15 + 21) 12 - ½ (12)(21)
= 90 m [2]
(ii) Describe how the distance between car A and car B changes from t = 0 to
t = 12 s.
The distance between car A and car B is increasing at a
decreasing rate.

car A car B car B - car A diff

t v d acc d t v d acc d
0 0 0 15
2 3.5 3.5 3.5 2 16 31 31 27.5
4 7 10.5 14 4 17 33 64 50 22.5
6 10.5 17.5 31.5 6 18 35 99 67.5 17.5
8 14 24.5 56 8 19 37 136 80 12.5
10 17.5 31.5 87.5 10 20 39 175 87.5 7.5
12 21 38.5 126 12 21 41 216 90 2.5

(b) Given that the speed limit on the expressway is 90 km/h, determine if car A
exceeds the speed limit. Show your working clearly.
28 m/s = 0.028 x 3600 = 101 km/h
Or 90 km/h = 25 m/s

Yes, car A exceeds the speed limit (at 14.4 s)

(c) Both cars maintain constant velocity from t = 16 s.

Determine the time t when car A and car B meet.

Distance of A = distance of B
½ (23 + 15) × 16 + [(t – 16) ×23] = ½ (t - 16 + t) × 28 [1]
304 + 23t - 368 = 28t - 224
5t = 160
t = 32 s

(d) Describe, without the aid of calculations, how Fig. 1.1 shows that car B has a
higher average velocity than car A from t = 0 to t = 16 s.
 The initial velocity of A is zero while that of B is 15 m/s which
causes A’s average velocity to be lower than that of B.

 The area under the graph of B is larger than that of A over 16


 The area between the graphs of car A and car B is the same
from t = 8 to t = 12s and t = 12 to t = 16s. Therefore by
comparison the velocity of car A and car B from t = 0 to t = 8
s, we see that car B’s velocity is always larger than Car A’s
velocity. Therefore, the average velocity of A will be lower
than B.

2 Fig 2.1 shows a helicopter moving horizontally through still air at constant velocity.

L is the lift force exerted by the air on the helicopter blades, and it acts at an angle
θ = 55° to the horizontal. Two other forces, X and Y, also act on the helicopter.

Fig. 2.1
(a) Identify forces X and Y.

X: weight of helicopter

Y: air resistance (friction is not acceptable) [1]

(b) The lift force L is 11 kN.

(i) Draw a labelled vector diagram in the space below to determine the
magnitude of force Y.

force Y= 6.3 kN (acceptable range: 6 – 6.6 kN)


(ii) Lift force L is one of the two forces that form an action-reaction pair of
forces. Describe the other force of this pair and state the body on which it

The contact force on the air by the blades.

It is 11 kN in magnitude acting in the opposite direction of L.


3 Fig. 3.1 shows a uniform metal beam with one of its ends pivoted at point O. It is held
horizontally in equilibrium by a cable attached to its other end P. The cable has a
tension T.

Fig. 3.1

The beam has mass 200 kg and length 8.0 m. A pile of bricks of total mass 150 kg is
placed on the beam.

(a) On Fig. 3.1, draw labelled arrows to show three other forces acting on the beam.

(b) The pile of bricks is placed such that its centre of gravity is 5.3 m from end P.

Taking moments about point O, calculate the tension T in the cable.

Wbeam xbeam +Nbeam by brick xbrick =TxT

(200)(10)(4.0) + (150)(10)(8.0 − 5.3) = T(4.2)
T = 2869 N
=2900 N (2sf)

(c) Describe and explain the change to the tension T in the cable, if any, as the pile
of bricks is moved towards end P of the beam.

There will be a greater clockwise moment (about “O”) produced by

the weight of the bricks due to larger perpendicular distance to the
pivot at the hinge

Hence tension T will increase to produce a larger anticlockwise

moments about the hinge to balance the greater clockwise moment.

(d) Fig. 3.2 shows a rearrangement of the pile of bricks, while keeping its centre of
gravity 5.3 m from end P. The set-up is otherwise unchanged from Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.2

State and explain the change, if any, to

(i) the stability of the pile of bricks, and

The pile of bricks will not be as stable as before, since the

centre of gravity will be at a higher position compared to the
previous case and the base area is smaller.

(ii) the magnitude of T.

The magnitude of T will not change [1], as the perpendicular

distance from the lines of action of the forces (Nbricks on
beam and W) are not changed.

4 Fig 4.1 shows a wind turbine used for power generation.

Fig. 4.1

(a) When the wind is moving at a particular speed, the volume of air passing through
the blades each second is 3.46 × 105 m3.

If the density of air is 1.2 kg/m3, calculate the mass of air that would pass through
the blades each second.
Mass = volume x density = 3.46 x 105 m3 x 1.2 kg/m3
= 4.15 x 105 or 4.2 x 105 kg

(b) When the wind speed is 15 m/s, the mass of air passing through the blades each
second is 4.7 × 105 kg. The turbine connected to the blades generates 20 MW of
electrical power.


(i) the energy in the kinetic store of the mass of air in each second, and

Energy in the kinetic store

= ½ x (4.7 x 105 kg) x (15 m/s)2
= ½ x (4.7 x 105 kg) x 225 m2/s2
= 52 875,000 J = 5.29 x 107 or 5.3 x107 J

(ii) the efficiency of the turbine.

The power that the wind turns the blade = Input

The power produced by the turbine = Output
Efficiency = Output / Input x 100%

Efficiency = (20 x 106 / 5.3 x 107) x 100%

= 37.7 (or 37.8) or 38 %

5 Fig. 5.1 shows a gymnast of mass 55 kg exercising on a trampoline.

Fig. 5.1

On a given jump, she would start at A, reaching a height at B, before descending back
to A. C is the level of the unstretched trampoline.

B is 4.2 m and 3.2 m vertically above A and C respectively.

The gravitational field strength g is 10 N/kg. Ignore the effects of air resistance.

(a) Describe the change in energy of the trampoline and the gymnast from A to B.

At the lowest point A, the (stretched) trampoline has energy in the

elastic potential store. The energy is transferred to the kinetic store of
the gymnast as she begins to rise from the trampoline.

From A to B, the energy in the kinetic store of the gymnast is

transferred to her gravitational potential store.

(b) Calculate the energy change in the gravitational potential store of the gymnast from
A to B.

GPE = mgh = 55kg x 10N/kg x 4.2m

= 2 310 or 2 300 J

(c) Calculate the speed of the gymnast when she returns to the trampoline at C.

Total energy at B = total energy at C

2300J = GPE + KE (since no air resistance)
2300J = (55kg x 10N/kg x 1.0m) + (1/2 x 55kg x v2)
2300J = 550J + 27.5 v2
v = √(1750)/27.5 = 7.98 or 8.0 m/s

(d) The gymnast aims to reach a height above B on her next jump.

Suggest an action she will need to take at A in order to do so.

She will need to provide additional energy by:

 bending and straightening her knees to transfer energy

from her chemical potential store to increase energy in the
trampoline’s elastic potential store, which in turn, is transferred
to her kinetic store (or)

 do more work on the trampoline by pushing it downwards to

increase energy in the trampoline’s elastic potential store,
which in turn, is transferred to her kinetic store (or)

 bend her knees and increase force on the trampoline to

increase energy in the trampoline’s elastic potential store, which
in turn, is transferred to her kinetic store.

6 Fig. 6.1 shows how the temperature of a fixed mass of gas changes with time.


0 /s
Fig. 6.1

(a) State the minimum amount of time needed for the gas to cool until all the particles
are vibrating about fixed positions.
The amount of time needed for the gas to cool to a solid state is t4.

(b) State and explain the changes, if any, to the average energy in the particles’
internal store from time t = 0 to t1.
The energy in the particles’ kinetic stores is positively related to the
temperature. Thus, as the temperature of the gas is decreasing from
t = 0 to t1, the energy in the internal kinetic store will decrease.

The energy in the particles’ potential stores is positively related to the

distance between them. Thus, as the distance between the particles
decreases, the energy in the potential store will decrease.

(c) Hence, using ideas about molecules, describe and explain the changes to the
average force exerted on the container walls by the gas, if any, from t = 0 to t1.
Since the average energy in the particles’ kinetic stores decreases in
this time period, the frequency and the speed of collisions against the
inner walls of the chamber will decrease.

This will cause a decrease in the average force on the inner walls by
the particles.

7 Fig. 7.1 shows an apparatus used to heat water.

to power


hot water
cold water
in vacuum heating coil

Fig. 7.1

(a) Describe two ways in which energy is transferred from the heating coil to the cold
Radiation in the form of infrared radiation.
Conduction through molecular vibration and collision between the
water molecules.

(b) Explain the purpose of the vacuum in the apparatus.

Reduce heat loss to the surroundings by conduction and convection.

(c) Suggest a modification to the apparatus to increase the temperature of the water
at the outlet.
Increase the length of the heating coil (increase points of contact with
the water),
OR increase the power of the supply,
OR decrease resistance of the heating coil.

8 Fig. 8.1 shows a set-up used to determine the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
1600 g of ice at an initial temperature of −3.0 oC is placed in a funnel.

A 65 W heating coil is used to supply energy to the ice. The melted ice is collected in a
beaker below the funnel.

The specific heat capacity of ice is 2100 J/(kg oC).

The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/(kg oC).

to power supply


heating coil

beaker of water

Fig. 8.1
(a) Explain what is meant by the specific heat capacity of ice is 2100 J/(kg oC).
2100 J of energy is needed to change the temp of 1 kg of ice by 1oC.

(b) After the heater is switched on for 11 minutes, 100 g of water is collected in the

(i) Calculate the amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of all
the ice from −3.0 oC to 0 oC.
Q = mc∆𝜃 = 1.6 × 2100 × 3.0 = 10 100 or 10 000 J

(ii) Using your answer in (b)(i), calculate the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
65(11)(60) = 10 100 + 0.100lf
lf = (42 900 – 10 100) ÷ 0.100 = 328 000 J/kg

(c) State and explain how the answer obtained in (b)(ii) compares to the theoretical
value of the specific latent heat of ice.
Heat transfers with the surroundings are not accounted for in (b)(ii).
Therefore the value calculated will be higher than the theoretical value.

(d) Suggest how the set-up in Fig. 8.1 can be modified to give a more accurate value
of the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
Cover the funnel to reduce heat gained from the surroundings.
Crush ice into smaller pieces to ensure better thermal contact between
heater and ice.
Control set-up with no heater to determine amount of ice that melts
due to energy from the surroundings.

9 Fig. 9.1 shows the variation in the vertical displacement of a water wave with
distance x along the wave at t = 0.
The wave is travelling to the right. C and D are two points on the wave.

displacement / m


P /m
- 0.5A

Fig. 9.1

(a) Explain how Fig. 9.1 shows that the wave is transverse.
The particles in the wave vibrate about a fixed-point perpendicular to
direction of wave propagation.

b(b) With reference to Fig. 9.1, compare the motion of points C and D on the wave.
C is moving up while D is moving down.
They have the same displacement and speed.

(c) The speed of the wave is 10 m/s.

Given that OP = 0.40 m, calculate the period of the wave.
Frequency = v/𝜆=10/0.80 = 12.5 Hz
Period = 1/f = 1/12.5 = 0.080 s

(d) On Fig. 9.1, sketch the shape of the wave at t = 0.44 s. Show your working in
the space provided below.
0.44 ÷ 0.080 = 5.5 waves
So the wave is half a wave out of phase.
Negative sine wave.

(e) Fig. 9.2 shows the top-view of the wavefronts of the water wave.
The line XY is the boundary between water of different depths.

direction of wave motion

Fig. 9.2

With reference to Fig. 9.2, state and explain how the depth of the water changes
as the water wave passes XY.
Since frequency is unchanged and wavelength has shortened,
therefore wave speed has decreased. This shows that the depth of
the water has decreased.

10 A submarine is a specially constructed sea vessel that can travel below the surface of
an ocean. The pressure acting on a submarine vessel can be very high. Hence,
submarines must be made of a material that can withstand high pressures.

A submarine’s body is normally constructed using special High Yield (HY) steel alloys.
These special steels can withstand higher pressures and enable submarines to dive
deeper. These steels are thus said to have higher yield stress, which is measured in
thousands of pounds per square inch (psi).

For example, HY-42 steel can withstand pressures up to 42 000 pounds per square
inch, which is equivalent to 2 800 × 105 Pa. Since the atmospheric pressure at sea level
is 105 Pa, this means that it can withstand a pressure that is 2 800 times that of
atmospheric pressure. The higher the HY grade of the steel, the heavier and more
expensive the steel is.

The density of seawater is 1 000 kg/m3.

(a) Table 10.1 shows the yield stress and maximum diving depth of different grades
of steel.

Table 10.1

grades of HY yield stress / yield stress / maximum diving

steel psi 105 Pa depth / m
HY- 42 42 000 2 800 288
HY- 80 80 000 5 333 550
HY- 100 100 000 686

(i) Calculate the yield stress of HY-100 steel in Pa.

The yield stress in “Pa” is linearly proportional to “psi” values
yield stress (in Psi)/15 = yield stress (in ×105 Pa)
yield stress (in x105 Pa) = (100 000 / 15) ×105 Pa
= 6667 ×105 Pa

(ii) An engineer must choose which grade of HY steel to use for a submarine
that will dive to a depth with a maximum pressure of 5.1 MPa.

1. Calculate the maximum depth that the submarine is able to reach.

Total P = Patm + P water
5 100 000 = 105 + (1000 x 10 × d)
d = 500 m

2. Hence, using Table 10.1, state the lowest grade of HY steel that can
be used to construct the body of the submarine.

(b) A submarine is stranded such that the entrance hatch is 50 m below the surface
of the sea. The circular hatch has a diameter of 60 cm.

Calculate the force exerted by the seawater on the hatch.

F = P x Area
𝐹=𝑃 × 𝜋𝑟
= 𝜌𝑔ℎ × 𝜋𝑟
= 1000 × 10 × 50 × (𝜋 × 0.30 )
= 141 371 𝑁
= 141 000𝑁 𝑜𝑟 141 𝑘𝑁
(c) In developing new submarines, prototypes of submarines with different masses
and propeller motors are built and tested.

This is done to find out the combination of submarine masses and propeller
motors which will give the desired acceleration in different water conditions.

Table 10.2 gives different types of propeller motors and their respective propelling
forces, while Table 10.3 shows the typical masses of three types of submarines.

Table 10.2 Table 10.3

propelling force /
propeller motor submarine mass / 103 kg
105 N
A 2.5 midget 100
B 4.5 attack 5 000
C 8.0 ballistic missile 25 000

n (i) Fig. 10.1 shows the horizontal forces acting on a submerged attack
submarine accelerating at a constant depth below the surface of the water.

Fig 10.1

The water resistance acting on the attack submarine during calm sea
conditions is 1.3 × 105 N.

By making suitable calculations using information from Table 10.2,

determine the type of propeller motor which can produce an acceleration
of 0.134 m/s2 in an attack submarine.
FP – 1.3 × 10 = 5000 × 10 × 0.134
FP = 800 000 N
Propeller motor C

(ii) Explain, in terms of the forces involved, why the submarine’s acceleration
is not uniform, even though the propelling force is unchanged.
As the submarine accelerates/speed increases, the water
resistance acting on it increases.

This causes resultant force to decrease and its acceleration

decreases (as the mass is constant)

(iii) A midget submarine is typically operated by a crew of two and can be used
for military spying purposes.

Using information from Table 10.3, suggest an advantage that a midget

submarine may have for this purpose.
Due to its small mass and inertia, it can change direction more
quickly and evade detection.


With a smaller mass, the submarine is able to achieve high

amounts of acceleration with a given propeller force/lower water
resistance, thus enabling it to escape from the enemy easily.


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