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The Rise Of

Online Learning
By Soumyashree Biswal
Number of
(registered) Online
Learners: A growing
35M 44M 71M 92M
From Rudimentary Programs to Global
Reach: The Rise of eLearning
❖ eLearning's roots lie in technological advancements and
educational innovation.
❖ Early forms emerged in the 1960s with computer-based training.
❖ 1990s: The internet revolutionized education with Virtual Learning
Environments (VLEs) and corporate eLearning.
❖ Pre-pandemic growth: Platforms like NPTEL (India), Coursera, Khan
Academy democratized access to education.
❖ 2016-2017: Reliance Jio's affordable internet plans in India fueled
eLearning adoption.
Saving Money, Expanding Opportunities: The
Economic Benefits of eLearning
➢ Reduced costs for institutions:
➢ Lower operational costs (no physical classrooms)
➢ Allows offering courses at lower prices
➢ Financial benefits for students:
➢ Saves on commuting, accommodation, and other related costs
➢ Access to free and affordable online courses
➢ Flexibility for work-study balance
➢ Institutions gain financial advantages:
➢ More efficient resource allocation
➢ Potential for increased revenue through wider reach of online students
From Lockdown to Opportunity: eLearning's
Rise During the Pandemic
❖ Pandemic forced a rapid shift to online learning globally.
❖ Challenges: Access issues (connectivity, devices) for students,
digital divide, concerns about quality and social impact.
❖ Opportunities emerged: Educational innovation (multimedia,
interactive lessons), self-directed learning, collaboration for
❖ eLearning's future: Integral part of education, promoting
inclusivity & flexibility beyond geographical limitations.
Choosing Your Path: Online Learning vs.
Coaching Centers
❖ Online Learning: Flexible, personalized, real-time feedback,
potentially cheaper. Downside: Less interaction, needs
self-discipline, digital divide.
❖ Coaching Centers: Structured, direct interaction, recognized
qualifications, community, hands-on. However, less flexible,
expensive, generic teaching, requires physical presence.
❖ The Future: More online learning due to flexibility, personalization,
and wider access. Challenge: Bridging the digital divide.
Beyond the Horizon: The Future of
eLearning Fueled by Technology
➔ Post-COVID Rise: Online learning becomes the preferred mode, with
blended models (virtual + physical classrooms) gaining traction. Adult
learners and upskilling/reskilling needs drive continued growth.
➔ Tech-Fueled Transformation:
❏ AI personalizes learning & provides real-time feedback.
❏ VR/AR creates immersive & interactive experiences.
❏ Data analytics informs teaching methods & curriculum design.
➔ Challenge: Bridging the Digital Divide
➔ Ensuring equitable access to technology & resources remains crucial.

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