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Cara Membuat Jus Alpukat

- 1-2 buah alpukat, belah 2 dan kerok dagingnya
- 2 sachet susu kental manis putih
- 1 sachet susu kental manis cokelat
- Gula pasir secukupnya
- Es batu secukupnya
- 50 ml air
- 1 sachet milo

Cara membuat:

1. Blender daging alpukat, masukkan gula pasir, susu kental manis putih, dan es batu.
Blender sampai lembut.
2. Siapkan gelas, tuang susu kental manis cokelat di pinggir gelas sambil diputar biar cantik
pas dituang jusnya.
3. Tuang dalam gelas dan taburi sedikit milo di atasnya.
4. Jus alpukat siap dinikmati.

How to Make Avocado Juice

- 1-2 avocados, cut in half and scrape out the flesh
- 2 sachets of white sweetened condensed milk
- 1 sachet of chocolate sweetened condensed milk
- Sugar to taste
- Ice cubes to taste
- 50 ml water
- 1 sachet milo

How to make:

1. Blend avocado flesh, add granulated sugar, white sweetened condensed milk and ice
cubes. Blend until smooth.
2. Prepare a glass, pour the sweetened condensed chocolate milk over the edge of the glass
while rotating it so that it is beautiful when pouring the juice.
3. Pour into a glass and sprinkle a little milo on top.
4. Avocado juice is ready to be enjoyed.

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