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Good morning

My name is jhon Smick cabrera leal

I am from Aipe-huila
I am 27 years old

Technology has become an important tool in education and according to the fourth
Study on the use of technology in the classroom seventy-three percent of those
surveyed say they use TIC in their classes on a daily basis. The device most used
by students is the digital whiteboard together with projectors, followed by laptops
and PCs. In short, we are witnessing a change in the way of teaching and learning
that is adapted to the technological environment in which we live and that
represents an important change for children.

Not so long ago, it was almost impossible to have one's own computer or cell
phone, but over time technology has evolved and these tools are now more readily
New technologies in education bring advantages such as:

 E-book learning
 Use of virtual simulations
 Internet access
 Increased creativity
 More interaction.
 Increased motivation among others

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