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GATE Summer 2024

Learn - Connect - Engage

June 2024

Sun Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Last Day of School

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
❒Get or ❒Chose ❒Pick Your ❒ Post ❒Read
find library Reading 1st book book book
card Challenge- choice outside
Post what
you chose

23 24 25 26 27 28 29/30
❒Write ❒Choose ❒Post what ❒ Read ❒ Add your
letter to an interest you chose Challenge book to
penpal & project book with reading
mail it! breakfast! page
July 2024

Sun. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat.

1 2 3 4 5 6
❒Write ❒ Work ❒ Read ❒ Read ❒ Read
letter to on what others Challenge with other
penpal and Interest chose on book-are books
mail it! project page you ready classmates
to post? are reading
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
❒Write ❒ Choose ❒ Try the ❒ Post on ❒ Read and
letter to a STEM STEM the page share what
penpal and Challenge Challenge how it you learned
mail it! then went with a friend
review it
with a

14 15 16 17 18 19 20
❒Write ❒Work on ❒ Keep ❒ Read to ❒ Try
letter to Interest posting someone another
penpal and Project when you and talk STEM
mail it! finish a about it Challenge
book and share
next week

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
❒Write ❒ Read in ❒ Read how ❒Work on ❒ Read in a
letter to bed others Interest tent (blanket
penpal and STEM Project(s) or outside)
mail it! challenges and post
have gone about
and them no
comment on later then
their work Aug. 4th

28 29 30 31
❒Respond ❒Try ❒Submit
to a letter another final interest
from a STEM project
penpal and challenge
mail it! invite a
August 2023

Sun. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat.

1 2 3
❒Read ❒Check
others in on
interest youre
projects reading
How many
have you
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
❒Respond ❒Read ❒ Try ❒ Try ❒ Read
to a letter another another
from a STEM or go STEM or
penpal and onto Khan go onto
mail it! Academy Prodigy
11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
on Day

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

● Engage Challenge
○ Now is your time to connect with your GATE classmates this summer. We
will be doing a pen pal challenge. If you are interested you will have a
parent email me with permission to share your address with other
students in the class by June 1st . I will email a parent the weekly
schedule with your new pen pal and their address and you will write them
a letter sharing anything about yourself or if you need some info you can
visit the classroom page and follow the prompt .
○ Don’t forget to write every week as someone will be awaiting their letter.
And if you are going on vacation send it early and explain it in the letter.
They will understand.

● Reading Challenge
○ Get out your library card or sign up for one through the Clinton Macomb
Public Library. Visit the following website and sign up for the challenge:
■ Summer Reading
○ Once you have selected your challenge log onto our class padlet and share it with your
classmates. You must choose your challenge and post it on the class
page to get credit. Everytime you complete a book you will add it to the
class page.
● Interest Challenge
○ For the month of July you get to choose an activity that interests you and
what your family is doing this summer. You must pick 1 from the list and
add it to . If you have any
trouble uploading your work to the class page email it to me and I can do it
for you.
○ You have until August 16th to complete it.
■ Visiting a museum and providing a two-paragraph summary of the
experience. The first about the museum in general, and the second covering
one or two interesting things encountered there.
■ Conducting an interview with a person who lives or lived in a different
country, referencing some of the cultural markers of the country in which the
person lived.
■ Participating in a class or workshop that may be held at a camp, public
library, YMCA, school, youth organization, etc. and writing a two-paragraph
summary of the experience, including what was learned.
■ Writing a piece of creative writing that could be a collection of poetry, a short
play, or work of fiction.
■ Attending a performance and creating a poster advertising the event or
writing a two-paragraph review of the event.
■ Creating a travel advertisement that is either a recorded jingle or a tri-fold
brochure about a place visited during the summer.
■ Creating a Web Page on a well-known individual in any professional field.
■ Creating a Travel Blog to document travel (real or imaginary) over the

● STEM Challenge
○ Choose any of the following activities/projects that build on the Math we
learned this year. I’ve also included a new activity that we didn’t get time
to do but if you are interested in coding this is a great class to participate
in just takes some extra time.
○ You only have to choose one but are welcome to do as many as you like.
While you are completing the activity, take notes, pictures, or video to
upload to the class page
to share it with others.
■ (Engineering) Leaning Tower of Pasta watch the video to learn how
to complete this activity
■ (STEM) EGG DROP EGG DROP watch the video to learn how to
complete this activity
■ (Measurement & Design) Paper Airplane Design watch the video to
learn how to complete this activity
■ (Geometry) Shapes of Strength watch the video to learn how to
complete this activity
■ (Computer Science) Coding This is a free site where you can sign
up to learn how to code at home. Follow the link to sign up and get
started. It's free!
○ (Optional) For more advanced basic math practice you can continue on
Khan Academy or Prodigy. If you need help setting up an account let me

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