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A pattern of microbiological colonization

of orthodontic miniscrew implants
Gyanda Mishra,a Om Prakash Kharbanda,a Rama Chaudhry,b and Ritu Duggala
New Delhi, India

Introduction: Current orthodontic literature reveals a lack of studies on bacterial colonization of orthodontic
miniscrew implants (MSI) and their role in the stability of MSI. This study aimed to determine the pattern of micro-
biological colonization of miniscrew implants in 2 major age groups, to compare it with the microbial flora of
gingival sulci in the same group of patients and to compare microbial flora in successful and failed miniscrews.
Methods: The study involved 102 MSI placed in 32 orthodontic subjects in 2 age groups: (1) aged #14 years and
(2) aged .14 years. Gingival and peri-mini implant crevicular fluid samples were collected using sterile paper
points (International Organization for Standardization no. 35) .3 months and processed by conventional
microbiologic culture and biochemical techniques. A microbiologist characterized and identified the bacteria,
and the results were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Initial colonization was reported within 24 hours,
with Streptococci being the dominant colonizer. The relative proportion of anaerobic bacteria over aerobic bac-
teria increased over time in peri-mini implant crevicular fluid. Group 1 had greater Citrobacter (P 5 0.036) and
Parvimonas micra (P 5 0.016) colonizing MSI than group 2. Failed MSI showed a significantly higher presence
of Parvimonas micra (P 5 0.008) in group 1 and Staphylococci (P 5 0.008), Enterococci (P 5 0.011), and
Parvimonas micra (P \0.001) in group 2. Conclusions: Microbial colonization around MSI is established within
24 hours. Compared to gingival crevicular fluid, peri-mini implant crevicular fluid is colonized by a higher
proportion of Staphylococci, facultative enteric commensals and anaerobic cocci. The failed miniscrews
showed a higher proportion of Staphylococci, Enterobacter, and Parvimonas micra, suggesting their possible
role in the stability of MSI. The bacterial profile of MSI varies with age. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

uccessful osseointegration of dental implants pio- MSIs must remain stable to anchor until the desired
neered by Branemark and colleagues encouraged tooth movements are achieved. Unfortunately, the fail-
orthodontists to use implants for anchorage ure rate of MSIs (10%-20%) has been reported to be
reinforcement.1,2 Kanomi3 first described in 1997 the higher than that of dental implants (3%) and other skel-
successful intrusion of mandibular incisors with a etal anchorage devices (2.6%-7.3%).6-11 Many factors
mini-implant. Since then, orthodontic miniscrew im- affect MSI’s stability, essentially grouped as host-
plants (MSI) have undergone significant design and pro- related, implant-related, and operator-related.6-9,11-14
tocol refinement for useful clinical application.4 MSIs A complex interplay of the host response to implant
have enabled difficult clinical solutions in orthodontic material, size, age, jaw, sex, design and the operator’s
therapy, previously deemed inconceivable with tradi- experience and technique has been observed to affect
tional anchorage modalities.5 the stability of the MSI.6-14
Oral hygiene is critical to healthy peri-implant tissues.
Peri-implantitis is a major cause of the failure of dental
Division of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Deformities, Centre for Dental Educa-
implants.8,15 Healthy peri-implant tissues act as a bio-
tion and Research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. logical barrier to the ingress of microorganisms in the
Department of Microbiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, peri-implant sulcus.16 Unlike a tooth-gingival relation-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
ship, a microscopic gap, devoid of periodontal fibers, is
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. present between the gingival collar of the MSI and the
Address correspondence to: Dr. Om Prakash Kharbanda, Ramaiah University of surrounding soft tissue.17 Because of their transgingival
Applied Sciences, University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru,
560054 India; e-mail, dr.opk15@gmail.com.
placement, when the MSI is subjected to mechanical or
Submitted, July 2022; revised and accepted, February 2023. microbial challenge, a weak implant-soft tissue
0889-5406/$36.00 interface may lead to bacterial ingress and breakdown
Ó 2023 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
of underlying tissues leading to MSI failure.18 In dental

Mishra et al 555

implants, bacterial penetration occurs along the MATERIALS AND METHODS

implant-abutment interface and is independent of the A prospective study was conducted on 32 adolescent
type of connection used.19-22 An analysis of the and young adult patients (age 12 years to 27 years; mean
surface elemental composition of retrieved MSI found age 16.6 6 3.9 years) irrespective of sex (7 males, 25 fe-
a more significant proportion of iron in the failed MSIs males) undergoing orthodontic treatment at a postgrad-
than in the successful MSIs.23 It is conceivable that uate orthodontic department. The sample included 19
increased iron in failed MSIs is derived from increased Class I bimaxillary protrusion and 13 Class II Division 1
blood flow caused by inflammation precipitated by bac- patients requiring fixed mechanotherapy with maximum
terial invasion. anchorage and extraction of first premolars in either
Studies have established differences in the microflora maxilla or both maxilla and mandible. One hundred
of successful and failed dental implants. Coccoid cells and two MSIs (64 maxillary, 38 mandibular) were placed
(Streptococci, Enterococci) predominate in peri- with the same protocol. As there is evidence that gingival
implant crevices of healthy and successful implants, inflammation and total bacterial count increase at the
along with a few non-motile rods (Klebsiella, Citro- onset of puberty and decrease after the age of 14 years,
bacter, Enterobacter) and a tiny percentage of spiro- thereby affecting the microbiological profile of the oral
chaetes and fusiform bacteria. In contrast, cavity, the sample was divided into 2 groups on the basis
unsuccessful implant sites are reported to harbor com- of age: group 1 (aged #14 years; 4 males, 8 females) and
plex microbiota with fewer coccoids (mainly Staphylo- group 2 (aged .14 years; 3 males, 17 females).29-32
cocci) and a more significant proportion of enteric Only the subjects free from systemic diseases, hormon-
gram-negative rods (Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Pseudo- al imbalance, drug intake and periodontal disease were
monas, Actinobacillus, Porphyromonas, Proteus), included in the study. Patients with local or systemic con-
black-pigmented Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Peptos- ditions affecting bone metabolism, a history of orthodon-
treptococcus and yeasts.24,25 tic treatment and poor oral hygiene were excluded from
Literature on microbial colonization of orthodontic the study. Study models, intraoral and extraoral photo-
MSIs is scant, and even fewer studies are available on graphs, and panoramic and lateral cephalograms were
the temporal evolution of peri-MSI microbiota. Apel prepared for each patient. Figure 1 gives a brief overview
et al26 using conventional and molecular tools, found of the methodology followed in this study.
no difference in the total amount or species (spp.) MSI (8 mm long, 1.5 mm diameter, Tomas; Dentau-
composition between successful and failed mini- rum, Ispringen, Germany) were placed buccally under
implants. However, they found Actinomyces viscosus local anesthesia between the second premolar and first
and Campylobacter gracilis in stable controls but not molar as anchorage units for en-masse retraction. As
failed mini-implants. Another polymerase chain reaction part of a standard protocol for MSI patients, each patient
(PCR) based study found no significant association be- was asked to rinse twice daily with 10 mL of 0.12%
tween the mobility of the mini-implants and 3 periodon- chlorhexidine gluconate solution throughout the study
topathogens (Prevotella intermedia, Actinobacillus period. Three weeks after placement, MSIs were directly
actinomycetemcomitans, and Porphyromonas gingiva- loaded with a 9.0 mm nickel-titanium closed coil spring
lis).27 de Freitas et al28 evaluated microbial colonization for en-masse retraction providing approximately 200 g
of non-specific Streptococcus, Lactobacillus casei and of retracting force.
Candida spp. using cell growth techniques and 16S ribo- Different time intervals for sample collection were
somal DNA-directed PCR for Porphyromonas gingivalis earmarked as follows: immediately before MSI place-
in the mini-implant region from baseline to three ment (T0), 24 hours after MSI placement (T1), immedi-
months. Of these, only Streptococcus spp. showed sig- ately before loading MSI at 3 weeks (T2), 24 hours
nificant initial colonization within the first 24 hours. after loading MSI (T3), 4 weeks after the placement of
With limited information on the evolution of micro- MSI (T4), and 12 weeks after the placement of MSI
bial colonization and their spectrum in the peri-MSI sul- (T5). Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) was collected at
cus, we aimed to determine the chronological pattern of T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 in each patient. Peri-mini-
establishment of the microbial colonization process in implant crevicular fluid (PMICF) was collected at T1,
orthodontic MSIs during various stages of orthodontic T2, T3, T4 and T5.
treatment in 2 different major age groups. We also at- The patients were asked to gargle vigorously with a
tempted to compare the pattern of microbial coloniza- glass of sterile water, cheek retractors were placed, and
tion of successful and failed MSIs using conventional implant sites were isolated and dried using cotton rolls.
techniques. Sterile International Organization for Standardization

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4
556 Mishra et al

Fig 1. A brief overview of methodology.

no. 35 paper points were carefully inserted into the sul- conditions and directly transferred to Robertson’s
cus formed between the transmucosal neck of the MSI cooked meat broth for incubation. A total of 430 PMICF
and the attached gingiva and left in situ for 1 minute samples and 192 GCF samples were collected.
to obtain PMICF as reported by Hartroth et al33 (Fig 2, Samples were inoculated into blood agar (5%) (BA)
A). GCF was collected similarly from the maxillary sec- and Macconkey agar (MA) plates for the isolation of aer-
ond premolar gingival sulcus (Fig 2, B). The sampled pa- obic organisms. The specimens were plated into brain
per points were inoculated in Robertson’s cooked meat heart infusion agar with 5% sheep blood supplemented
broth and immediately transferred to an incubator as with haemin and vitamin K for anaerobic cultures. The
per microbiological methods described by Cruick- MA plates were incubated at 37 C aerobically, and BA
shank.34 The failed MSIs were removed under sterile plates were \5% carbon dioxide and examined at 24

October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mishra et al 557

Fig 2. A and B showing collection of PMICF and GCF sample from MSI and gingival sulcus respec-
tively, using sterile International Organization for Standardization no. 35 absorbent paper points under
isolation. PMICF, peri-mini-implant crevicular fluid; GCF, gingival crevicular fluid; MSI, miniscrew

and 48 hours. The brain heart infusion agar plates were gram-negative rods (Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Pseudo-
incubated anaerobically at 37 C in an anaerobic glove monas, Acinetobacter, Citrobacter), Staphylococci, Par-
box in an atmosphere of 80% nitrogen, 10% hydrogen vimonas micra and Veillonella.
and 10% carbon dioxide for 48 hours.34-36 Eight hundred fifty-nine isolates (pure cultured
The plates were examined after 48 hours for colony strains) were obtained from the 430 PMICF samples,
morphology and fluorescence. Metronidazole-sensitive and 322 isolates were obtained from the 192 GCF sam-
colonies were further subcultured aerobically and anaer- ples across both age groups. The spectrum of aerobic
obically. In the second subculture, colonies that grew and anaerobic bacteria isolated from GCF and PMICF
anaerobically but not aerobically were further processed is shown in Tables I and II, respectively. Figures 4 and
per standard procedures and confirmed by Vitek 2 Sys- 5 present the temporal distribution of the bacterial spec-
tems (version 07.01; bioMerieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France) trum across the sampling intervals.
when indicated. Clinical parameters examined included Predominant isolates were Streptococci in both GCF
assessment of implant mobility using Periotest (Medi- and PMICF, accounting for more than half of the iso-
zintechnik Gulden, Bensheim, Germany) and clinical lates. Table I demonstrates that Staphylococci colonized
implant mobility scale and assessment of peri-implant MSI 5 times more frequently in group 1 and 3 times more
inflammation by modified Loe and Silness index.33,37,38 frequently in group 2 compared to gingival sulci. Facul-
A Periotest value of .10 and clinical implant mobility tative anaerobic gram-negative bacteria and anaerobic
scale grade 2 and above implied mobility and clinical gram-negative cocci were also more predominant in
failure of MSI. The MSIs were evaluated only for the PMICF than the GCF.
duration of this study. The relative proportions of aerobic and anaerobic
bacteria in GCF did not change significantly. In GCF
RESULTS samples from group 1, the aerobes decreased from
A total of 192 GCF and 430 PMICF samples were 78.1% at T0 to 66.7% at T5, whereas the anaerobes
collected and cultured. The type of bacterial growth increased from 21.8% at T0 to 33.3% at T5. In group
was categorized as aerobic, anaerobic and mixed 2 GCF samples, aerobic isolates decreased from 70.7%
(Fig 3). The data from the 2 groups were statistically at T0 to 60.8% at T5, whereas the anaerobes increased
analyzed using the SPSS software (version 23, IBM, Ar- from 29.3% at T0 to 39.1% at T5. However, in PMICF,
monk, NY) to compare the aerobic and anaerobic bacte- the aerobic population decreased from 95.6% at T1 to
rial populations in GCF and PMICF over different time 61.5% at T5 in group 1 and from 79.8% at T1 to
intervals and to compare the individual bacterial popu- 59.1% at T5 in group 2. The anaerobic population
lation in successful and failed MSIs. increased from 4.3% at T1 to 38.5% at T5 in group 1
In PMICF, Streptococci formed the predominant and from 20.8% at T1 to 40.2% at T5 in group 2
isolate at T1. Streptococcal colonization at T1 was signif- (Fig 6 and 7). Independent t test did not reveal any sig-
icantly higher than at T2-T5 for all samples in group 2, but nificant change in the number of aerobic and anaerobic
there was no significant difference in group 1. Other bac- bacterial isolates obtained at different time intervals in
teria isolated at T1 included enteric facultative anaerobic either group.

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558 Mishra et al

Fig 3. A and B illustrating the type of bacterial growth in GCF and PMICF in group 1 (aged #14 years)
and group 2 (aged .14 years) respectively. Most samples in both groups showed mixed (both aerobic
and anaerobic) bacterial growth followed by aerobic and obligate anaerobic bacterial growth. GCF,
gingival crevicular fluid; PMICF, peri-mini-implant crevicular fluid.

Table I. Aerobic bacterial spectrum in GCF and PMICF: type and frequency
Group 1 Group 2

GCF (n 5 88) PMICF (n 5 156) GCF (n 5 104) PMICF (n 5 274)

Aerobic No. of isolates No. of isolates No. of isolates No. of isolates

microorganisms obtained Frequency obtained Frequency obtained Frequency obtained Frequency
Gram (1) Cocci
Streptococcus 57 64.8 93 59.6 89 85.6 176 64.2
Staphylococcus 5 5.7 44 28.2 17 16.3 113 41.2
Enterococcus 0 0 2 1.3 0 0 2 0.7
Gram ( ) cocci
Neisseria 4 4.6 4 2.6 0 0 0 0
Gram (1) Bacilli
Bacillus 7 7.9 11 7.1 8 7.7 12 4.4
Gram ( ) Bacilli
Klebsiella 5 5.7 12 7.7 7 6.7 23 8.4
Acinetobacter 11 12.5 0 0 6 5.8 19 6.9
Enterobacter 2 2.2 0 0 5 4.8 9 3.3
Proteus 0 0 0 0 1 0.9 1 0.3
Pseudomonas 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 4.7
Citrobacter 0 0 1 1.1 0 0 2 0.7
Total 91 – 167 – 133 – 370 –
Isolates, pure cultured strains; Frequency, % of total samples cultures; PMICF, peri-mini-implant crevicular fluid; GCF, gingival crevicular fluid.

Eight maxillary and 13 mandibular MSIs (n 5 21) Independent t test was applied to assess differences
from 8 patients failed in this study. Of these, 7 MSIs (1 in aerobic, obligate anaerobic and total isolate counts
maxillary, 6 mandibular) belonged to 3 patients from in PMICF between subjects with successful and failed
group 1, and the remaining 14 belonged to 5 patients MSI. A significant difference was observed in total iso-
from group 2. Seventeen of these were found to be mo- lates (group 1, P 5 0.015, group 2, P 5 0.024) and aer-
bile before loading, and the other 4 failed within 24 obic isolate counts (group 1, P 5 0.006; group 2, P 5
hours of loading. The age of patients showing failure 0.001) between the successful and failed MSI in both
of MSI ranged from 12y to 24y (mean, 15.62 6 3.58). groups. However, no significant differences in obligate
The chi-square test to compare the success and failure anaerobe isolate counts were observed in either group
rates in the 2 groups did not show any significant (group 1, P 5 0.166; group 2, P 5 0.133).
association with either age (P 5 1.000) or gender To test the respective proportions of various bacteria
(P 5 0.625). in successful and failed MSIs, an independent t test was

October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mishra et al 559

Table II. Anaerobic bacterial spectrum in GCF and PMICF: type and frequency
Group 1 Group 2

GCF (n 5 88) PMICF (n 5 156) GCF (n 5 104) PMICF (n 5 274)

Anaerobic No. of Isolates No. of Isolates No. of Isolates No. of Isolates

microorganism obtained Frequency obtained Frequency obtained Frequency obtained Frequency
Gram (1) Cocci
Parvimonas micra 12 13.6 36 23.1 32 30.8 71 25.9
Gram ( ) Cocci
Veillonella 6 6.8 24 15.4 5 4.8 50 18.2
Gram (1) Bacillus
Lactobacillus 20 22.7 33 21.2 13 12.5 71 25.9
Clostridia 2 2.3 0 0 2 1.9 8 2.9
Gram ( ) Bacilli
Prevotella 1 1.1 0 0 0 0 23 8.4
Porphyromonas 5 5.7 6 3.8 0 0 0 0
Total 46 – 99 – 52 – 223 –

Isolates, pure cultured strains; Frequency, % of total samples cultures; PMICF, peri-mini-implant crevicular fluid; GCF, gingival crevicular fluid.

Fig 4. Shows the distribution of different species in GCF over a 3-month period at designated time in-
tervals T0-T5 in group 1 (aged #14 years) and group 2 (aged .14 years). AGNB, Aerobic Gram Nega-
tive Bacteria; GCF, gingival crevicular fluid.

applied. Compared with successful MSI, failed MSI in subjects .14 years. The proportions of Citrobacter
group 1 showed a significantly higher association with (P 5 0.036) and Parvimonas micra (P 5 0.016) were
Staphylococci (P 5 0.008), Enterococci (P 5 0.011) significantly higher in group 1 than in group 2.
and Parvimonas micra (P \0.001), whereas failed MSI
in group 2 showed a significantly higher association DISCUSSION
with Parvimonas micra (P 5 0.008) (Table III). A vast body of literature supports that bacterial infec-
The chi-square test was applied to test the proportion tion is a major cause of peri-implantitis in dental
of bacteria in subjects \14 years compared with implants leading to mobility, bone loss and implant

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4
560 Mishra et al

Fig 5. Shows the distribution of different species in PMICF over a 3-month period at designated time
intervals T0-T5 in group 1 (aged #14 years) and group 2 (aged .14 years). AGNB, Aerobic Gram
Negative Bacteria; PMICF, peri-mini-implant crevicular fluid.

Fig 6. Illustrates the changes in relative proportions of aerobic and anaerobic isolates in GCF and
PMICF at different time intervals over a 3-month period in group 1 (aged #14 years). PMICF,
peri-mini-implant crevicular fluid; GCF, gingival crevicular fluid.

failure.15,16,22,24,25,39-41 In contrast, limited literature is pathogens or attempted to differentiate the microflora

available on the impact of microbial colonization on the of retrieved failed implants from the stable ones in
stability of orthodontic MSI. The existing studies have situ.26-28,42 Using closed-ended molecular techniques tar-
adopted a targeted approach toward known periodontal geting bacterial identification based on prior knowledge

October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mishra et al 561

Fig 7. Illustrates the changes in relative proportions of aerobic and anaerobic isolates in GCF and
PMICF at different time intervals over a 3-month period in group 2 (aged .14 years). PMICF,
peri-mini-implant crevicular fluid; GCF, gingival crevicular fluid.

Table III. Comparison of bacterial spectrum in failed and successful MSI

Group 1 (aged #14 y) (n 5 12, 36 MSI) Group 2 (aged .14 y) (n 5 20, 66 MSI)

Successful MSI Failed MSI Successful MSI Failed MSI

Bacteria (n 5 9, 29 MSI) (n 5 3, 7 MSI) P value (n 5 15, 52 MSI) (n 5 5, 14 MSI) P value
Streptococcus 86.67 6 17.32 72.22 6 25.46 0.286 76.00 6 27.46 52.00 6 50.20 0.187
Staphylococcus 35.56 6 13.33 72.22 6 25.46 0.008* 57.33 6 23.74 70.00 6 44.72 0.420
Enterococcus 2.22 6 6.67 50.00 6 50.00 0.011* 1.33 6 5.16 0.00 6 0.00 0.578
Klebsiella 22.22 6 21.08 16.67 6 28.87 0.723 16.00 6 25.30 4.00 6 8.94 0.320
Pseudomonas 0.00 6 0.00 0.00 6 0.00 – 6.67 6 16.33 0.00 6 0.00 0.382
Acinetobacter 2.22 6 6.67 0.00 6 0.00 0.588 10.67 6 21.20 20.00 6 44.72 0.529
Enterobacter 2.22 6 6.67 33.33 6 57.74 0.109 6.67 6 20.93 0.00 6 0.00 0.493
Proteus 0.00 6 0.00 0.00 6 0.00 – 1.33 6 5.16 0.00 6 0.00 0.578
Citrobacter 4.44 6 8.82 0.00 6 0.00 0.418 1.33 6 5.16 0.00 6 0.00 0.578
Escherichia 0.00 6 0.00 0.00 6 0.00 – 0.00 6 0.00 4.00 6 8.94 0.083
Bacillus 15.56 6 31.27 0.00 6 0.00 0.424 6.67 6 14.47 8.00 6 17.89 0.868
Parvimonas micra 6.70 6 20.00 100.00 6 0.00 \0.001* 29.33 6 34.53 80.00 6 27.39 0.008*
Veillonella 24.40 6 37.12 0.00 6 0.00 0.295 25.33 6 30.67 0.00 6 0.00 0.086
Lactobacilli 40.00 6 26.46 38.89 6 34.69 0.954 38.67 6 30.67 36.00 6 49.80 0.887
Clostridia 2.22 6 6.67 22.22 6 38.49 0.131 0.00 6 0.00 0.00 6 0.00 –
Prevotella 0.00 6 0.00 0.00 6 0.00 – 13.33 6 30.34 0.00 6 0.00 0.347
Porphyromonas gingivalis 8.90 6 26.67 0.00 6 0.00 0.588 0.00 6 0.00 0.00 6 0.00 –

MSI, miniscrew implants.

*Significant difference at P #0.05 (Independent t test).

of periodontitis creates a selection bias and does not Our study using nontargeted conventional microbio-
permit the establishment of the full diversity of the micro- logic techniques to isolate and identify the microorgan-
bial profile of MSI.43 Furthermore, it is not yet established isms in the peri-MSI sulcus and GCF supported the
whether the microbial flora of MSI is similar to healthy previous findings by de Freitas et al28 that microbial
gingival sulci, periodontal pockets, or infected MSI and colonization around MSI is established within 24 hours
whether it is affected by the age of the subject. of their placement in the oral cavity. Streptococcus

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4
562 Mishra et al

spp. was the predominant pioneering colonizer. Other (24.9% and 17.2%, respectively). Parvimonas micra is
early colonizers included enteric facultative anaerobic a gram-positive anaerobic coccus known as a
gram-negative rods (Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Pseudo- commensal in the oral cavity.52 The bacterium has also
monas, Acinetobacter, Citrobacter), Staphylococci, been frequently isolated in patients with systemic infec-
Parvimonas micra and Veillonella. Streptococci were tions, implantitis and periodontitis.53 Veillonella spp.
also the most common isolates in both GCF and PMICF are recognized as early colonizers in oral biofilms. They
in group 1 (aged #14 years) and group 2 (aged .14 promote mutualistic community development through
years). This is consistent with Maestre et al,44 who re- interbacterial interactions and the production of vitamin
ported that Streptococcus spp. accounted for nearly K, which stimulates the growth of the typical periodontal
half the isolates cultivated from subgingival plaque sam- pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis.54
ples in subjects with periodontitis. Although Lactobacilli showed a higher isolation fre-
Staphylococci were isolated from 11% of all GCF quency in PMICF (group 1, 21.2%; group 2, 25.9%)
samples (group 1, 5.7%; group 2, 16.3%). Although compared with GCF (group 1, 22.7%; group 2, 12.5%),
Staphylococcus spp. have frequently been isolated they are reportedly benign and do not contribute to
from supragingival and subgingival plaques, Smith either periodontitis or peri-implantitis, although the
et al45 and McCormack et al46 argue whether Staphylo- insertion of mechanical appliances such as orthodontic
coccus spp. play a role in the healthy ecology of the oral bands and dentures can dramatically increase the
cavity. They suggest a reappraisal of the role of Staphy- numbers of oral lactobacilli.55,56
lococcus aureus in the oral cavity in both health and dis- The putative periodontal pathogens were rarely iso-
ease. The preferential attachment of Staphylococci to lated in this study. Prevotella was isolated from the
the titanium implant surfaces was also demonstrated GCF in only 1 patient and from the PMICF in 3 patients,
in this study by their relatively higher proportion in whereas Porphyromonas gingivalis was isolated from
PMICF (total, 36.5%; group 1, 28.2%; group 2, 41.2%) GCF and PMICF in only 1 patient. Aggregatibacter
compared with GCF (total, 11.5%; group 1, 5.7%; group actinomycetemcomitans, Campylobacter, Fusospiro-
2, 16.3%). chaetes, and Treponema, were not isolated in this study
GCF and PMICF samples showed many enteric com- from either GCF or PMICF samples. Maeda et al57 re-
mensals, including Klebsiella, Acinetobacter, Entero- ported that Prevotella intermedia is isolated more
bacter, Proteus, Pseudomonas and Citrobacter. frequently from periodontally diseased sites than from
Enterobacteriaceae are not generally considered essen- periodontally healthy sites, although Prevotella inter-
tial members of the oral microbiota.47 However, we iso- media and Prevotella nigrescens might occur simulta-
lated members of this family in 16 out of 32 patients neously in the oral cavity. Although Prevotella spp is
(50%), constituting 19.2% of total aerobic isolates in implicated in periodontitis, it may be compatible with
GCF (group 1, 20%; group 2, 18.2%) and 17.2% aerobic peri-implant health by achieving a symbiotic equilibrium
isolates in PMICF (group 1, 8.3%; group 2, 24.5%). The in the peri-implant niche.43
presence of fixed orthodontic appliances increases the According to Rudney et al,58 Porphyromonas gingi-
carriage of enteric commensals in the oral cavity and valis can behave as a commensal or pathogen, and its
could explain their increased presence in GCF and presence is not a predictor of disease. They also reported
PMICF.48,49 These confounders must be considered that Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia,
while establishing the microbial colonization pattern of and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans are
MSI and their role in causing the failure of MSI. concentrated in buccal epithelial cells in healthy mouths,
Among the anaerobic cocci, Parvimonas micra was providing a reservoir for these periodontal pathogens
isolated from 22.9% GCF samples (group 1, 13.6%; enabling subgingival recolonization in periodontitis pa-
group 2, 30.8%). This was comparable with Riggio tients.59 If true, localizing the pathogenic microflora
et al,50 who detected the species in 19 of 68 (28%) sub- could pose a challenge in overcoming these periopatho-
gingival plaque samples and 20 of 28 (71%) periodontal gens. The possibility of host immune response on the
pus samples analyzed by PCR. In contrast, Veillonella pathogenicity of Porphyromonas intermedia and Por-
was isolated from only 5.8% of GCF samples (group 1, phyromonas gingivalis and its significance in peri-MSI
6.8%; group 2, 4.8%). This agrees with the findings of sulcus needs to be explored in further studies.
Mashima and Nakazawa, who reported a significantly A comparison of individual bacterial proportions in
higher frequency of Veillonella in the periodontal PMICF showed a significantly higher proportion of Cit-
pockets than in the healthy gingival sulcus.51 robacter and Parvimonas micra in group 1 compared
Both Parvimonas micra and Veillonella presented to group 2, indicating a possible difference in bacterial
with greater frequency in PMICF compared to GCF population in the 2 age groups. No studies were

October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mishra et al 563

available in the literature for comparison. However, the precipitate an inflammatory response within the host
oral ecosystem in the prepubertal period harbors a leading to the loosening of the MSI. Future studies will
significantly higher proportion of anaerobes and enteric be required to evaluate this hypothesis.
commensals, which could be attributed to changes Parvimonas micra (formerly Peptostreptococcus mi-
related to the eruption of permanent teeth as well as pu- cros) is a gram-positive anaerobic coccus known as a
bertal hormones.32,60 commensal in the oral cavity and implicated in many in-
Failed MSIs in group 1 were found to have a signifi- traoral and extraoral polymicrobial infections, such as
cantly higher proportion of Staphylococci, Enterococci periodontitis, dentoalveolar infections, endodontic in-
and Parvimonas micra. Analysis of bacterial proportions fections as well as intracranial abscesses, pericarditis
in failed MSIs in group 2 revealed a significantly higher and necrotizing fasciitis.52,53 It is not only an established
proportion of Parvimonas micra. Total and aerobic bac- early colonizer (˂2 weeks) of titanium implant surfaces
terial counts between the successful and failed MSI but has also been associated with failing dental im-
differed significantly in both groups, but there was no plants.25,67 Its role in oral disease is less well-defined
difference in the obligate anaerobic counts. The differ- and presents an opportunity for future research.
ence in the age of the patients in the 2 groups, the diver- The relatively low isolation of anaerobic species in the
sity of resident oral microflora, the depth of the peri-MSI gingival crevices and peri-implant sulci compared to
sulcus and oxygen tension in the peri-MSI sulcus may periodontal pockets in this study may be attributed to
account for this variation. many factors, such as geographical and dietary differ-
Although oral carriage of Staphylococcus aureus ences of the Indian population compared to Caucasians
varies between 24%-84% depending on the population and Europeans.68 Dietary differences evolve from differ-
studied, their role in oral health and disease remains ences in the variety and proportion of vegetarian foods,
contentious.46 S. aureus has been known to cause oral meat-based foods and refined sugars. In addition, the
infections (eg, angular cheilitis, parotitis, staphylococcal smaller sulcus depth around orthodontic MSI may be
mucositis) and most indwelling medical device-related nonconducive to the establishment and proliferation
infections.46 Staphylococcus aureus and Coagulase of fastidious anaerobic bacteria implicated in periodon-
Negative Staphylococci are the most common bacteria titis and peri-implantitis.
responsible for prosthesis-related infections.46,61,62 Its The oral cavity is a highly heterogeneous ecological
ability to colonize implant surface is derived from system with different microbial communities showing
possessing several cell-surface adhesion molecules, site-specific niches and variation with aging and state
including microbial surface components recognizing ad- of dentition (deciduous or permanent; dentulous or
hesive matrix molecules, that interact with and facilitate edentulous).60,69 Thus, the patient’s age may also affect
adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins deposited on the composition of microflora colonizing around the
the biomaterial surface.63 A higher prevalence of Staph- MSI. Mombelli et al30 reported the changes in subgingi-
ylococci in PMICF and failed MSI points towards the val microbiota in children aged 11-15 years over 4 years.
possibility of its contribution to peri-MSI inflammation They found increased total bacterial counts and preva-
and subsequent failure. Further work in this area may lence of Actinomyces odontolyticus, Capnocytophaga
improve understanding of Staphylococci in oral health and black-pigmented Bacteroides (now Prevotella in-
and disease and reduce MSI failures. termedia and Prevotella melaninogenica) at the onset
Facultative anaerobic enteric commensals like Entero- of puberty. These counts decreased after the age of 14
cocci and Enterobacter are transient and opportunistic, years. Because of their findings and the results of this
and their prevalence in the oral cavity increases after study, it may be surmised that the age of the patients
the placement of dental appliances.47,64 Such a shift in may influence the microbial community in GCF and
bacterial community dynamics, owing to complex inter- PMICF. Further studies may be planned to assess the mi-
actions among microorganisms and host tissues, cause crobial profiles of preadolescents and postadolescents
opportunistic mucosal infections in medically compro- and their prevalence in the peri-MSI crevice.
mised elderly and periodontitis patients.39,65 Some of Although not statistically significant, it would be
these species are also quite resistant to various forms of pertinent to note the absolute absence of Veillonella
antimicrobial treatment and pose a challenge in manag- in failed MSI. The role of Veillonella in health and dis-
ing infections caused by them.66 Given that large propor- ease is still being determined, with conflicting reports
tions of enteric commensals have been reported from in the literature. Although Mashima and Nakazawa re-
failing titanium implants, our findings indicate their ported that Veillonella parvula was predominantly iso-
possible role in the failure of orthodontic MSI. The lated from the periodontal pockets in subjects with
increased carriage of these enteric commensals may chronic periodontitis, Kumar isolated Veillonella in

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4
564 Mishra et al

higher numbers from healthy samples than from peri- The findings of this study should be interpreted with
odontitis samples, similar to the outcome of this a caveat that the use of chlorhexidine gluconate mouth-
study.51,70 Further studies are required to investigate wash (0.12%) could have influenced the bacterial
the role of this species in peri-MSI inflammation. composition of our samples. The use of chlorhexidine
Peri-implant lesions harbor not only periodontal mouthwash (0.12%) is an established protocol for ortho-
pathogens (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella dontic MSI patients, and it would not be justified to
intermedia or Prevotella nigrescens and Actinobacillus eliminate its use in this study.
actinomycescomitans) but also demonstrate higher Using conventional techniques to isolate and identify
proportions of microorganisms not usually associated microorganisms has brought to light a newer under-
with periodontitis or dental abscesses such as Staphylo- standing of microorganisms in the peri-MSI sulcus and
cocci, Enterobacteriaceae and Candida spp.71 Stable or- their role in the success and failure of MSI. This area
thodontic MSI in this study also showed greater further needs to be explored with molecular techniques
colonization of gram-positive aerobes (Staphylococci), to characterize the nature of pathogens and their pur-
aerobic gram-negative bacteria (Klebsiella, Acineto- ported significance.
bacter, Enterobacter, Citrobacter) and anaerobic cocci The findings of this study may prove instrumental in
(Parvimonas micra). Failed MSIs were associated with developing novel surface modification techniques to
significantly higher proportions of Staphylococci, inhibit or disrupt bacterial adhesion to implant surfaces,
enteric commensals, and Parvimonas micra. which would be significant not only for the clinical sta-
However, one must acknowledge that an unambigu- bility of orthodontic MSI but also for helping reduce in-
ous assignment to health or disease has proven difficult fections related to prosthetic implants and in-situ
for many taxa.72 Many of these are common commensals medical devices.
of the oral cavity and develop pathogenicity in susceptible
hosts because of changes in the oral environment, CONCLUSIONS
lowering of host responses, environmental selection
through nutrient and atmospheric gradients, or the mi- 1. The microbial colonization of orthodontic MSI was
crobial community itself through the complex phenome- established within 24 hours of placement. The rela-
non of cohesion and communication between species.40 tive proportion of anaerobes over aerobes in the
Thus, the establishment and maturation of a micro- PMICF increased over 3 months, whereas it re-
biological community depend on many factors yet to mained relatively constant in the GCF in patients
be fully understood, such as a favorable ecological envi- aged #14 years and those aged .14 years.
ronment influenced by host factors, age, diet, state of 2. PMICF samples presented a higher proportion of
dentition, and possible intraoral bacterial reser- Staphylococci, facultative anaerobic enteric com-
voirs.43,60,73 Metallurgical composition, hydrophobicity, mensals (Klebsiella, Acinetobacter, Enterobacter,
surface roughness, surface chemistry and surface free Pseudomonas, Citrobacter) and anaerobic cocci
energy, and implant design features such as length, (Parvimonas micra, Veillonella) in both age
form, and surface modifications also play a role in micro- groups.
bial colonization.73 That being so, the predictability and 3. Failed MSIs (group 1, n 5 7; group 2, n 5 14) were
clinical success of any antimicrobial therapy would be characterized by a higher proportion of Staphylo-
limited clinically with current levels of knowledge. A cocci, facultative anaerobic enteric commensal
more systematic and detailed analysis of the microbio- Enterobacter, and obligate anaerobe Parvimonas
logical factors, treatment outcomes and formulation of micra.
biomedical engineered materials for MSI is suggested 4. Patients aged #14 years had a significantly higher
to successfully prevent peri-MSI infection. proportion of enteric commensal Citrobacter and
The lack of an objective periodontal evaluation based obligate anaerobe Parvimonas micra indicating
on the Loe and Silness periodontal index as part of the possible variations in microbial colonization around
selection criteria is a flaw in the design of this study. MSI in younger age.
Bearing that oral carriage of some bacteria is increased 5. From a clinical perspective, therapeutic strategies
by the presence of fixed orthodontic appliances, a micro- must be designed to reduce MSI failure because of
biological profile of patients could have been performed microbial infection, including unique tools to facil-
before beginning orthodontic treatment. The confound- itate peri-MSI plaque removal. The use of local
ing effect of hormones associated with puberty on the drugs or surface coatings carries the risk of devel-
oral microbial profile has not been excluded in this study oping resistant strains, but the findings of this study
and presents an opportunity for future studies. suggest research on modifying implant surfaces in

October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mishra et al 565

the neck and emerging profile region to inhibit or 15. Fiorellini JP, Luan KW, Chang YC, Kim DM, Sarmiento HL. Peri-
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17. Sharan J, Kharbanda O, Jena A. Smart biomaterial gingival inter-
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18. Mathur A, Kharbanda OP, Koul V, Dinda AK, Anwar MF, Singh S.
banda contributed to conceptualization, supervision, Fabrication and evaluation of antimicrobial biomimetic nanofiber
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contributed to methodology, investigation, resources, Periodontol 2022;93:1578-88.
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19. Passos SP, Gressler May L, Faria R, Ozcan M, Bottino MA. Implant-
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October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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