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Association between sella turcica

bridging and the impaction severity of
palatally displaced canines:
A retrospective study
Genta Agani Sabaha,b and Banu Dinçerc
Izmir, Turkey

Introduction: This retrospective study aimed to investigate the association between the extent of the bridging
and dimensions of sella turcica and the impaction severity of palatally displaced canines. Secondarily, any
possible association between skeletal age and gender was evaluated. Methods: Panoramic and cephalometric
radiographs of 94 patients (63 female, 31 male; 19 pre-peak, 75 post-peak) with palatally displaced canines were
evaluated. Sector classification and a angle were used to determine the impaction severity of palatally displaced
canines on panoramic radiographs. The distance from the cusp tip of the palatally displaced canines to the
occlusal plane (d) and the extent of the bridging and dimensions of the sella turcica were evaluated on cepha-
lometric radiographs. Results: Sella turcica bridging and dimensions did not vary regarding the impaction
severity of palatally displaced canines, but a significant association was found between sella turcica bridging
and skeletal age (P 5 0.038). Class II (33.3%) and Class III (12.0%) bridging was higher in postpubertal patients.
No differences between females and males were detected for the extent of bridging and dimensions of the sella
turcica. Conclusions: These findings indicate no association between sella turcica bridging and dimensions
and the impaction severity of palatally displaced canines. Sella turcica bridging is more frequent in the postpu-
bertal period, whereas gender does not influence sella turcica bridging. More studies are needed to evaluate if
the extent of sella turcica bridging may be indicative of severely impacted palatal canines, which in turn would
allow for careful monitoring of patients from an early age and for the clinician to take preventive measures. (Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2023;164:567-74)

ateral cephalometric radiographs are widely used on cephalometric radiographs have been reported in
in orthodontics to evaluate skeletal and dental the literature.2 Some of these studies have described
structures, in addition to growth and develop- “bridging of the sella turcica,” which is formed by the
ment. They also provide important diagnostic findings abnormal calcification of the interclinoid ligament
regarding the skull, facial structures and upper cervical (ICL) of the sella turcica between the anterior and poste-
vertebrae.1 Pathologic findings and various anatomical rior clinoid processes.2-5
variations of these structures discovered incidentally In cephalometric studies, sella turcica bridging has
been reported between 3.8% and 13.0% of the general
population,1,5-7 with an increased prevalence in
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Izmir Tinaztepe University, patients with severe craniofacial deviations,4,7,8 congen-
Izmir, Turkey.
b ital anomalies such as cleft lip and palate,9 and certain
Department of Oral and Dental Health, Vocational School of Health Services,
Izmir Tinaztepe University, Izmir, Turkey. dental anomalies.1,10-12 It has been suggested that this
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Ege University, Izmir, relationship may be due to the common embryologic
origin from the neural crest cells of the anterior wall of
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. the sella turcica and the maxillary and frontonasal
Address correspondence to: Genta Agani Sabah, Department of Orthodontics, areas.13
Faculty of Dentistry, Izmir Tinaztepe University, Aydogdu, 1267/1. Sk. No. 4,
Several studies have suggested an association be-
35400 Buca, Izmir, Turkey; e-mail,
Submitted, September 2022; revised and accepted, March 2023. tween sella turcica bridging and palatally displaced ca-
0889-5406/$36.00 nines (PDC).1,10,12,14,15 However, to our knowledge, no
Ó 2023.
previous study has evaluated the relationship between

568 Agani Sabah and Dinçer

sella turcica bridging and the impaction severity of PDC. Sector classification by Ericson and Kurol18 was used
Therefore, the primary aim of this retrospective study to determine the impaction severity of PDC on pano-
was to evaluate whether the impaction severity of PDC ramic radiographs. The medial crown position of the
is related to the extent of the bridging and dimensions PDC in sectors 1 to 5 (s1-s5) and the a angle between
of sella turcica. The secondary aim was to evaluate any the long axis of the PDC and the midline constructed
association between the extent of the bridging and di- from the anterior nasal spine and the intermaxillary su-
mensions of sella turcica with skeletal age and gender. ture were evaluated (Fig 1).
The null hypothesis was that there is no correlation be- Cephalometric radiographs were imported into the
tween the extent of the bridging of sella turcica and the cephalometric analysis software and were calibrated us-
impaction severity of PDC. ing the ruler placed on it. A perpendicular line was used
to measure the millimetric distance from the cusp tip of
MATERIAL AND METHODS the PDC to the occlusal plane (d). The occlusal plane was
This study was approved by the Clinical Research determined as the horizontal plane passing through the
Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine at Ege Uni- incisal edge of the maxillary central incisor and the
versity (No. 20-6.1T/61, June 24, 2020). maxillary first molar cusp (Fig 2).
The sample size calculation (version, G*Po- After the standard tracing of the sella turcica, the
wer; Kiel University, Kiel, Germany) was performed using tuberculum sellae (TS), the dorsum sellae (DS), the
a significance level of 5% and a sample power of 80% to most posterior point of the inner wall of the sella tur-
detect Pearson’s correlation coefficient of r 5 0.3.16 Ac- cica (sella posterior [SP]) and the deepest point of the
cording to this calculation, a minimum of 84 subjects sella turcica (sella base [SB]) were determined. The
were required. In this study, treatment records of 94 pa- length of the sella turcica was measured as the distance
tients (63 female and 31 male) with a diagnosis of a PDC between TS and DS (which also corresponds to the po-
were randomly selected from the archive of patients sition of diaphragma sellae). The antero-posterior
treated in the last 10 years in the Department of Ortho- greatest diameter of the sella turcica was measured
dontics, Ege University, starting from the most recent re- from TS to SP. The depth of the sella turcica was
cords until the required sample size was achieved. measured as a perpendicular line from the length of
Maxillary canine teeth that did not erupt at their the sella turcica to SB (Fig 3).19
physiological eruption time were considered impacted. The standardized scoring scale established by Leo-
The bucco-palatal position of impacted canines was nardi et al1 was used to determine the extent of sella tur-
determined by cone beam computed tomography, and cica bridging. According to this scoring scale, if the
PDC with any depth, position, or impaction severity length of the sella turcica was greater than or equal to
were included. three-quarters of the diameter, bridging was scored as
Records of patients with cleft lip and/or palate, Class I (no calcification) (Fig 4); if less than or equal to
craniofacial anomaly or syndrome, systemic disease, his- three-fourths (ICL partially calcified) as Class II (Fig 5);
tory of facial trauma and/or multi-agent chemotherapy and Class III for a radiographically visible diaphragma
treatment history, supernumerary teeth, congenital sellae (ICL completely calcified) (Fig 6).
missing teeth other than third molars, peg lateral teeth, To ensure intra-rater reliability, the same evaluator
patients requiring orthognathic surgery, patients with a (G.A.S.) repeated all measurements twice with 1-month
history of previous orthodontic treatment and radio- intervals to determine any possible errors. During statis-
graphs that were of poor quality were not included in tical analysis, the weighted kappa coefficient (k) was
the study. The type of malocclusion was not considered used for categorical data, and the intraclass correlation
an exclusion criterion. coefficient was used for numerical data.
Patients were divided into groups according to
gender and skeletal age. Skeletal age was determined ac- Statistical analysis
cording to the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) Descriptive statistics were summarized for all numer-
method, and patients were divided into pre-peak (cervi- ical and categorical variables (mean, standard deviation,
cal stage [CS] 1, CS 2, and CS 3) and post-peak (CS 4, CS median and range). The relationship between sella tur-
5, and CS 6) groups.17 cica bridging and the impaction severity of PDC was eval-
Measurements on panoramic and cephalometric ra- uated using Fisher’s exact test and Kruskal-Wallis test.
diographs were made using Onyx Ceph 3 (version Spearman’s correlation coefficient (r) was used to mea-
3.2.51; Image Instruments, Chemnitz, Germany). sure the degree of association between these variables.

October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Agani Sabah and Dinçer 569

Fig 1. A, The medial crown position of the maxillary canine in sectors s1-s5; B, a angle between the
long axis of the PDC and the midline.

Fig 3. Sella measurements: TS, tuberculum sellae; DS,

dorsum sellae; SP, sella posterior; SB, sella base.
Length, continuous; Diameter, dashed; Depth, dotted.

Regarding the error of the method, excellent intra-
Fig 2. Distance (d) of the cusp tip of the maxillary canine
observer reliability of the measurements was observed
from the occlusal line.
for all variables (k, .0.999; intraclass correlation
coefficient, .0.933).
Pearson’s chi-square test was used to evaluate the Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, me-
relationship of sella turcica bridging with gender and dian and range) were calculated for a angle, d, and sella
skeletal age. For the dimensions of the sella turcica, an turcica measurements (Table I). Frequencies and distri-
independent samples t test or a Mann-Whitney U test butions were calculated for sectors and the classification
was used, depending on the distribution of the data as of ICL calcification (Table II).
assessed by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The relationship between sella turcica bridging and
If not otherwise specified, all tests were 2-tailed, and the sector classification (P 5 0.921), a angle (P 5
the statistical significance was set at the P \0.05 level. 0.579) and d (P 5 0.058) of PDC was not found to be
Calculations were made using SPSS (version 25.0, IBM, significant, suggesting that the severity of impaction
Armonk, NY). did not change according to the degree of ICL

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4
570 Agani Sabah and Dinçer

Fig 4. A, Schematic fig of Class I calcification of ICL; B, Section of a lateral cephalometric radiograph

from a patient with a Class I calcification of ICL.

Fig 5. A, Schematic figure of Class II calcification of ICL; B, Section of a lateral cephalometric radio-
graph from a patient with a Class II calcification of ICL.

Fig 6. A, Schematic fig of Class III calcification of ICL; B, Section of a lateral cephalometric radiograph
from a patient with a Class III calcification of ICL.

calcification (Table III). Spearman’s rank correlation be-

Table I. Descriptive statistics of a angle, d and sella tween sella turcica bridging and the sector classification
turcica linear measurements among subjects (r 5 0.08; P 5 0.444), a angle (r 5 0.046; P 5 0.659)
and d (r 5 0.067; P 5 0.519) of PDC was not signif-
Variables Mean 6 SD Median Range
icant with a weak correlation (Table IV).
a angle ( ) 39.5 6 14.9 36.3 60.9 The evaluation of the relationship between sella tur-
d (mm) 8.8 6 2.7 8.3 15.6 cica bridging and skeletal age showed a difference be-
Sella turcica tween the 2 skeletal age groups (P 5 0.038). A Class II
Length (mm) 8.3 6 3.4 9.1 13.8 calcification of the ICL was observed in 33.3%, and a
Diameter (mm) 10.3 6 4.0 11.4 14.7
Class III calcification in 12% of the post-peak skeletal
Depth (mm) 7.9 6 1.1 7.9 6.5
age group (Table V). However, there was no difference
SD, standard deviation. between skeletal age and the length (P 5 0.406),

October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Agani Sabah and Dinçer 571

genetic factor of this anomaly.25-27 In contrast, the

Table II. Frequencies and distributions of sectors and
guidance theory emphasizes the importance of local
ICL calcification among subjects
factors in the ectopic position of the maxillary canines.
Classification Frequency Distribution (%) According to this theory, in dentitions with small-sized
Sector or missing maxillary lateral incisors, there are no guiding
s1 5 5.3 structures during the eruption of the canine due to
s2 17 18.1
excess space formed in the apical part of the maxilla.
s3 20 21.3
s4 34 36.2 The frequent occurrence of palatal impacted canines
s5 18 19.1 and small-sized or missing maxillary lateral incisors sup-
ICL ports this theory.28,29
I 57 60.6 Previous studies in the literature have reported an
II 26 27.7
increased prevalence of sella turcica bridging in patients
III 11 11.7
with PDC,1,10,12,14,15 which can be explained by the com-
plex developmental processes and the common embryo-
logic origin of these structures. As a result,
diameter (P 5 0.448) and depth (P 5 0.080) of the sella malformations in the frontonasal, maxillary and palatal
turcica (Table VI). areas are thought to be associated with malformations
The extent of the bridging of sella turcica for males in the anterior wall of the sella turcica.13 Sella turcica
was similar to that for females (P 5 0.073), and differ- bridging, in turn, may reflect developing pathologic
ences in the length (P 5 0.111), diameter (P 5 0.581) conditions of the oral cavity. Therefore, the rationale
and depth (P 5 0.396) between males and females of this study originated from the conjecture that a
were not significant, suggesting no relationship of sella deeper connection behind the relationship between sella
turcica bridging and dimensions according to gender. turcica bridging and PDC may exist, where a completely
calcified ICL could be associated with more severely
DISCUSSION impacted PDC. Nonetheless, this study failed to reject
The development of craniofacial structures is a the null hypothesis and no correlation was found be-
complex process, with cranial neural crest cells coordi- tween the extent of the bridging of sella turcica and
nating a series of morphogenetic steps.20 These cells the impaction severity of PDC.
form the anterior wall of sella turcica, whereas progen- Since there is a large variability in the timing and
itor cells of dental epithelium differentiate by amount of physical growth between individuals, mea-
sequential and reciprocal interaction with the neural sures of physiological maturity have been researched in
crest-derived mesenchymal tissue.13,21 Sella turcica is preference to chronological age for the evaluation of in-
a key area of the migration of neural crest cells toward dividual development.30 Therefore, when evaluating the
the frontonasal and maxillary fields, and mutations in extent of the bridging and dimensions of the sella turcica
the homeobox (HOX) and sonic hedgehog (SHH) genes according to age, skeletal age classification according to
can have a negative effect on the development of parts the CVM method was used in this study.17 Although the
of the sella turcica, midface and teeth, which may length, diameter and depth differences between the
result in excessive ossification of the dura mater be- skeletal age groups were not significant, an increased
tween the anterior and posterior clinoidal processes prevalence of Class II and Class III ICL calcification was
of the sphenoid bone leading to the formation of a found in the post-peak group. The reason for this could
sella turcica bridge.5,13,22 be that even though physiological intracranial calcifica-
Regarding PDC, theories about why these teeth are tions such as calcification of the ICL are not fully under-
impacted are generally divided into the genetic and stood, it is presumed that they are related to aging and
guidance theory. According to the genetic theory, PDC degenerative changes.31
arise as a result of developmental dislocation of the Leonardi et al1 and Cederberg et al5 showed a signif-
maxillary canine to the palatal site resulting in icant, albeit weak positive correlation between calcifica-
impaction.23,24 PDC are usually detected in individuals tion of the ICL and chronological age, suggesting a
from the same family, their prevalence is similar to slightly increased degree of ICL calcification for
certain dental anomalies with a genetic origin, and increased age. In contrast, Scribante et al32 compared
they often occur together with other genetically related the linear dimensions of 18 randomly selected patients
dental anomalies.25,26 The fact that PDC are 2 times from the study group before and after treatment, in or-
more common in females than males and that they occur der to evaluate the effect of growth on the extent of the
2-3 times more in European individuals supports the bridging of sella turcica. According to the results of this

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4
572 Agani Sabah and Dinçer

Table III. ICL classification according to sector, a angle, and d

ICL classification

Variables I II III df P value

Sector, n (%) 8 0.921y
s1 3 (5.3) 2 (7.7) 0 (0.0)
s2 11 (19.3) 3 (11.5) 3 (27.3)
s3 13 (22.8) 5 (19.2) 2 (18.2)
s4 21 (36.8) 10 (38.5) 3 (27.3)
s5 9 (15.8) 6 (23.1) 3 (27.3)
a angle ( ) 2 0.579z
n 57 26 11
Mean 6 SD 39.8 6 15.2 40.5 6 14.6 35.4 6 14.1
Median 35.9 41.3 30.3
Range 70.9 57.1 47.1
d (mm) 2 0.058z
n 57 26 11
Mean 6 SD 9.0 6 2.7 8.0 6 2.6 9.6 6 2.5
Median 8.5 7.3 9.1
Range 14.8 13.3 9.6
SD, standard deviation; df, degrees of freedom.
Fisher’s exact test; zKruskal-Wallis H test (Ha 5 1.094; Hd 5 5.697).

Table IV. Correlation between ICL classification and Table VI. Sella turcica dimensions among skeletal age
sector, a angle, and d groups
Sector a angle ( ) d (mm) Skeletal Age
ICL calcification Spearman’s 0.08 0.046 0.067
Sella turcica Pre-peak Post-peak P value
coefficient (r) Length (mm) 0.406y
P value 0.444 0.659 0.519 Mean 6 SD 8.85 6 3.65 8.18 6 3.44
Median 9.07 9.13
Range 13.00 13.80
Diameter (mm) 0.448y
Mean 6 SD 10.2 6 3.93 10.34 6 4.05
Table V. ICL classification among skeletal age groups Median 10.90 11.53
Range 14.77 14.73
ICL calcification Depth (mm) 0.080z
Mean 6 SD 7.49 6 1.06 8.00 6 1.12
Variables I II III df P value Median 0.56 8.00
Skeletal age 2 0.038* Range 4.03 6.53
Pre-peak 16 (84.2) 1 (5.3) 2 (10.5)
SD, standard deviation.
Post-peak 41 (54.7) 25 (33.3) 9 (12.0) y
Mann-Whitney U test (Ulength 5 624.5; Udiameter 5 632.0);
Note. Values are presented as n (% within age). Independent samples t test (t 51.769).
df, degrees of freedom.
*Statistically significant at P \ 0.05 (Pearson's chi-squared test [c2
5 6.529]). the results of these studies are not comparable with
the present research due to the division of the subjects
into age groups according to chronological age.
study, no significant correlation was found between age Studies in the literature report inconsistent findings
and calcification of the ICL. However, the authors regarding the relationship of sella turcica bridging and
emphasize the need for further studies with larger sam- dimensions according to gender. In accordance with
ples of cephalometric radiographs to evaluate the corre- the studies of Leonardi et al,1 Cederberg et al,5 Meyer-
lation between sella turcica bridging and age. Regarding Marcotty et al,8 Ali et al,14 Alkofide33 and Tepedino
the dimensions of the sella turcica, several studies show a et al.34 the data from this research showed no relation-
steady increase in the length, diameter and depth of the ship of sella turcica bridging and dimensions according
sella turcica with chronological age.6,19,33,34 However, to gender. Contrary to our findings, in the longitudinal

October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Agani Sabah and Dinçer 573

study conducted by Axelsson et al,6 the length of the in the standard evaluation of cephalometric radio-
sella turcica was larger in males, and this difference graphs is recommended.
was significant in the 12-, 15-, and 18-year-old age
groups. These results are supported by the study of Sil- CONCLUSIONS
verman,19 who reported larger sella turcica sizes in males
than in females. In contrast, Francis35 found that the The degree of calcification of the ICL did not vary ac-
length of the sella turcica from 9 months to 18 years cording to the impaction severity of PDC, but a signifi-
was greater in girls than boys. However, at 18 years cant association between the degree of calcification of
old, the length of the sella turcica was the same in the the ICL and skeletal age was apparent.
male and female groups, and there was no difference be-
tween the genders after this age. This finding is similar to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the study of Axelsson et al,6 which showed no significant The authors express their endless gratitude to Profes-
difference regarding length between genders in the sor Enver Yetkiner and Professor Pelin G€ uneri for their
adult group with a mean age of 21 years. The overall re- valuable contributions to this study.
sults for the depth and diameter of the sella turcica were
similar between the 2 genders in all age groups.6,35 AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
Regarding the limitations of this study, the conjecture
that PDC impaction severity could be related to the extent Genta Agani Sabah contributed to conceptualization,
of sella turcica bridging can only be partially explained methodology, investigation, resources, and original
since an association between these 2 structures also re- draft preparation; Banu Dinçer contributed to conceptu-
quires the involvement of the posterior part of the sella alization, manuscript review and editing, supervision,
turcica, which has a different embryologic origin from and project administration.
the notochord.12,13 Another limitation is the use of
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October 2023  Vol 164  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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