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1) Circle the right tenses in the following Avengers: Endgame article:


Here there are some biggest questions we have after getting to the Avengers:
Endgame ending, take into account that there will be some spoilers so I hope
you ’ve watched/watched the film.
• How can it be that killing Nebula’s past self didn’t kill/don’t kill her future
Right near the beginning of Endgame when time
travel was floated/ as a possibility, Bruce Banner
very clearly said that time travel would not work/
does not work like we think it does. Unlike in Back
to the Future and, ahem, “Hot Tub Time
Machine”, killing your past self doesn’t mean you
cease existing, as to simplify matters once you
travel into the past your future becomes your past
and the past is your present. So when Nebula kills/had killed her past self,
she doesn’t really kill herself, just a version of the person she could have
been. Everything still happened to her in the past as she remembers/was
remembering it, as the Nebula she killed diverged from the original timeline.

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• Where did Valkyrie's Pegasus come/came from?

Now, after watching Thor: Ragnarok, I was under the

impression that all the Pegasuses perished/were
perishing in the Massacre of the Valkyrie. But then,
in the final standoff against Thanos in Endgame,
Valkyrie rides in on one of the winged beasts in all its
white, feathery glory. Where on earth did it come
from? Has it just been held/held in storage
somewhere? A secret stable somewhere really, really
hidden? Beautiful, but bizarre.

• What happened to Thor's Hammer?

That air-punch moment in the final battle

against Thanos finally confirmed/will confirm a
long-held suspicion of fans everywhere: Captain
America is worthy of wielding Mjolnir. But after
the fight, as Thor didn’t reclaim it, where did the
legendary hammer go? If you think back to
Captain America being sent back in time, he
had/has Mjolnir with him so it’s like that he
found a way to return it to Asgard. Thor did take it from there during the
events of The Dark World, leaving/left past Thor without his beloved
weapon, and that just wouldn’t do.

• Who's the next Iron Man?

Now, this is quite the big one. After the
emotional and dramatic death of our beloved
Tony Stark, who bravely sacrificed himself to
save/had saved the entire world and guarantee a
future free from Thanos, there is already
speculation as to who took up/will take up the
mantle of Iron Man. The most obvious choice

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would be James Rhodes – also known as War Machine - who already has his
own version of Iron Man's armour, so it was/would be quite easy for him to
slip into that role. Of course, Pepper Potts also has her own armour now,
which we saw in that fantastic big fight scene at the end of Avengers:
Endgame. In the comics she's seen wearing similar armour under the
superhero name of Rescue, so she could be doing her own thing rather than
becoming Iron [wo]Man. In the comics, Iron Man is replaced/replaces by Riri
Williams, a teenage genius, and African-American engineering student who
reverse engineers her own suit. She's mentored by Tony himself, but
eventually becomes the superhero Ironheart.

2) What other “Biggest questions” do you have? Discuss with your partner
and then with the class. Here there are some key words to break the ice:

• Boy at the funeral

• Next Captain America
• Strange noise in the end of the movie, metal clashing.

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2) Boy at the funeral: lightly shaggy-haired, the camera lingers on the boy for
a few seconds, making all of us in the movie theatre question his identity.
Well, it turns out he's Harley Keener, played by Ty Simpkins, who you may
know from Iron Man 3. He and Stark met when Iron Man broke into Keener's
garage to fix his armor (see image above). It turns out the two have obviously
kept in touch, because Keener (played by the same actor from Iron Man 3
adorably) then turns up at Stark's funeral. A lovely little touch.

Next Captain America: It's quite the moment when Cap passes his shield to
Falcon, letting him know that he's now the new Captain America in his stead.
What does this mean for Falcon? Does a career of being America's butt lie in
his future? Will he take an active role of the new Avengers line-up?

Strange Noise: The sound of metal clashing on metal comes right at the end,
which sounds very similar to someone hammering something on an anvil. he
most likely scenario is that it’s the next Ironman, creating their very own suit.

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