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Dear Mr.


I hope this letter nds you well. My name is So ia, and I’m a huge fan of yours. Recently, I nished
reading one of your marvelous books - «Oliver Twist» and while I was reading it I understood that
I’m obliged to express my gratitude and give you feedback on it.

As I proceeded reading the book, with every chapter, I found out and learned something new. In
general the book very interestingly describes the life of the 19th century, it’s advantages and
challenges. It was a shock to me to learn of such a great gap in a society, between poor and
wealthy people. Especially in the st chapter and I have felt the strong feeling of injustice and pity
for Oliver and his mom who died while giving birth to him. Although your description of London
was intriguing I would rather disagree than agree with it. In your book you describe it as lthy,
foggy, and crime-ridden : «The ground was covered, nearly ankle-deep, with lth and mire; a thick
steam, perpetually rising from the reeking bodies of the cattle, and mingling with the fog, which
seemed to rest upon the chimney-tops, hung heavily above» which made me very confused as
the London I know is clean, bright and quite safe. However all the people perceive it di erently so
I cannot insist on my opinion as the right one.

For the reason that the book kept my breath until its end, after I nished it I wanted more. So in
my free time I was overthinking a story and came up with ideas for the sequel of «Oliver Twist». If
you would like to read some ideas that I wrote, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

With best regards,

Bentsa So ia

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