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Essay &
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Start Date : 5th January 2021

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1. 1. Essays & Letter : Format & How to write (Demo)

2. 2. Good Quotes that can be used in Essays
3. 3. Essay Topics and Mock Essays
4. 4. Letter Writing and Examples

Essays & Letters : Format & How to write (Demo)

Knowing the format before going to write either an essay or a letter is very important.
In the below video, I have discussed the same along with a real time demo to assist
students who fear the descriptive portion a lot. Keep the things mentioned in video, in
mind and you can ace descriptive section easily. Also do make yourself aware of the
position of various alphabet on keyboard so that your typing speed is atleast average
and not too slow. Type all the below essays once on your own and check your speed.
Good luck. ☺

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Quotes that can be used in Essays
Everyone wants to write a wonderful essay. But its not always an easy task. Getting the
structure right is one thing [Introduction → Body → Conclusion ]. However
understanding the essay topic and focussing on the need of the essay is very important.
So spend some time understanding the topic first and then pull out your guns.
Furthermore the first part of the essay must be appealing and one of the ways of doing
that is use a quote which is related to the topic. But don’t forget to mention who gave that
quote. So in order to help , below is the link of some quotes which can be used in
essays. Good luck. ☺

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•Never let a good crisis go to waste[250 words for all Essays]
•Pros and cons of teaching coding or computer language to kids
•Cryptocurrency : Advantage & difficulty in regulations/ban wrt. India
•Impact of Social Media
•Work from Home Vs Office Culture
•Work from Home : Pros & Cons
•NPA & its resolution
•Traditional vs Online learning
•The Idea of Self-Reliant India
•Privatization of Banks
•Self Reliant Farmers & role of MSME
•Women's Empowerment in India – Reality or Rhetoric?
•Medicine for the Ailing Planet
•Carbon Neutrality & India
•Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination.
•5G Leap in India
•Poverty to vulnerability : Rethinking social protection
•Pandemic and our learning from it.
•Virtue is knowledge

•Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
•Farm bill 2020
•Impact of climate change globally.
Never let a good crisis go to waste
As Winston Churchill was working to form the United Nations after second world war, he famously said
never let a good crisis go to waste. In a bid to benefit from the crisis the world was then facing due to
world war II, he proposed building international organizations for cooperation and world peace.
Crisis is a unstable situation which have huge effect on our present and future. Sometimes these crisis
originate naturally sometimes these are results of human's activities. But once a crisis had happened we
should use this crisis for building a system for future which will avoid repetition of crisis. Crisis also gives us
insights into our fault systems, it points out at our mistakes, weaknesses and misdirected policies.

Example 1 : The blocking of trade through Constantinople by Arabs led to the discovery of Cape of Good Hope route.
Example 2 : French Revolution became the foundation of unification of countries, decolonisation, abolition of slavery etc.

Talk about bill gates story and learning while he was working for Ebola pandemic , that made him quote that the next
global crisis will not be a nuclear war rather an infectious virus which tells us about the lack of our preparedness to
counter such a crisis. Covid 19 has exposed our health care system but only when we work towards improving it, we will
let this crisis not go to waste. Also talk about how it taught us about the value of good hygiene and practices to keep
ourself safe. Also the disconnect in today’s busy world and that family is everything.

Then end with a good Conclusion. : You can use Abraham Lincoln’s quote : I am a firm believer in the people. If given
the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.
Or Crises and deadlocks when they occur have at least this advantage, that they force us to think.- Jawaharlal Nehru
Pros and cons of teaching coding or computer language to kids
This is a digital era that we are living in and children are exposed to digitalization at an early age. Even the new policy introduced by
the Government states that coding is important and they have planned to implement it at an early age. There is a group of parents who favors
coding but then there is another group of parents who are against it. Every coin has two sides just as coding can be advantageous and
disadvantageous both at the same time. We need to figure it out as to whether advantages are more than the disadvantages or vice versa.
PROS: It is a larger group that thinks that coding is useful in child mind development and here’s we will tell you the reason for it.
•Problem-solving attitude and critical thinking: A child needs to have a vision of the outcome for which they are coding. They will have to
visualize as to what the end result will be once the coding is over. This will help them in enhancing critical thinking ability. Moreover while solving
errors,it will help them in developing a problem-solving attitude and generate at times creative approaches.
•Sequential thinking: Coding trains one’s brain to think on sequence so that the execution of the coding comes out fine and effective.

•Building stronger communication: Coding is all about having complex ideas broken down to form simple language and communicated to a
computer. Children can incorporate this into their lifestyle by carrying big ideas in mind but putting it forward in the simplest ways.
•Employment opportunities: The field of computer research is booming these days. The statistical data suggests that a career in coding will
have a brighter future. Hence you can say that your child is getting ready for the future. The growth opportunity is huge and it is a way to a much
lucrative career pathway.

CONS: A group of individuals thinks that coding is nothing but a scam. They have an opinion that many people in past have contributed greatly
without learning to code. Well, this is true though but you can choose what you think is right.
•Not necessary: We know that technology changes very quickly. Hence coding may be important to know as of now but over the time the need
may diminish. Coding skills may become useless in the future.
•The burden to kids: Kids need to enjoy learning and master over basic life skills rather than sitting in front of a screen and coding. Children
should focus more on interpersonal skill development and indulge in physical activity rather than staying physically inactive in front of the computer.
•The coding need is declining: With the introduction of coding software, the need for coders is declining with time. In such a scenario it would
be wrong to make children learn coding that is not going to give any fruitful outcome.
Conclusion : The bottom line is that whether a child should learn coding or not is entirely a choice of a child and their parent. We would focus on
the child’s interest rather than pushing them to learn to code only because everyone else is doing it.

Cryptocurrency : Advantage & difficulty in regulations/ban wrt. India
Crypto is a hot topic and can be asked wrt many dimensions. DO read the full piece.
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system
using cryptography, rather than by a centralized authority. Crypto makes finance more inclusive and decentralized. But India
already has the world’s largest financial inclusion programme in Jan Dhan. In the past seven years, 430 million bank accounts have
been created for the under-banked. A majority, 55%, of them are women. Crypto can’t match the scale of Jan Dhan Yojana in India.
Moreover, Regulation of crypto assets such as bitcoin and ethereum is a tedious task. Countries are in various stages of banning, un-
banning, re-banning and regulating crypto assets. We may take some cues from other countries, but what we need is smart regulation
that’s made in India.

Reasons For Adoption of Crypto in India
•Financial inclusion is not the main reason to embrace crypto assets in India. But there are three compelling India-specific reasons to
embrace crypto assets.
•Establish India as an Integral Part of the New Financial Ecosystem: Large global financial institutions and investors are adding
crypto assets to their portfolios.
• Finance firms, banks, fintech and crypto startups can tap into the huge growth of the industry. Software technology parks
(STPs) and special economic zones (SEZs) enabled the IT services boom.
• Creative ‘crypto export zone’ schemes can incubate clusters of excellence and create world-class financial services firms and
•Capitalize on New Technology and Services Opportunities: Blockchain application development, its scalability, security and
analytics are their next growth opportunities. To cater to this demand, there is a need for a large talent pool with expertise in the crypto
tech stacks.
•Scope of Financial Innovation: There is a burst of technology innovation and business models around blockchains. There are several
interesting applications, but new killer apps will emerge. The impact of new technologies is overestimated in the short term, but
underestimated in the long term.
Key Regulatory Concerns
•Investor protections: Investor protection has been a top priority for Indian regulators. Crypto assets are seen as high-risk, speculative assets.
Investor education, guidelines against mis-selling and other safeguards are needed.
•Sidestepping current regulations: Some crypto assets may allow individuals to bypass securities issuance laws. That’s a potential risk to
economic stability. If crypto holders have to declare their holdings above a particular level in their tax forms, such concerns can be mitigated.
•Illicit transfers: Anonymous transfers of crypto assets may weaken anti-money laundering laws or combating the financing of terrorism
rules. That’s a potential national security issue.
Issues Associated with Banning Decentralised Cryptocurrencies
•Blanket Ban: The intended ban is the essence of the Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021. It seeks to prohibit all
private cryptocurrencies in India.

• However, categorising the cryptocurrencies as public (government-backed) or private (owned by an individual) is inaccurate as the
cryptocurrencies are decentralised but not private.
• Decentralised cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin aren’t or rather, can’t be controlled by any entity, private or public.
•Brain-Drain: Ban of cryptocurrencies is most likely to result in an exodus of both talent and business from India, similar to what happened after
the RBI’s 2018 ban.
• Back then, blockchain experts moved to countries where crypto was regulated, such as Switzerland, Singapore, Estonia and the US.
• With a blanket ban, blockchain innovation, which has uses in governance, data economy and energy, will come to a halt in India.
•Deprivation of Transformative Technology: A ban will deprive India, its entrepreneurs and citizens of a transformative technology that is
being rapidly adopted across the world, including by some of the largest enterprises such as Tesla and MasterCard.
•An Unproductive Effort: Banning as opposed to regulating will only create a parallel economy, encouraging illegitimate use, defeating the very
purpose of the ban.
• A ban is infeasible as any person can purchase cryptocurrency over the internet.
•Contradictory Policies: Banning cryptocurrency is inconsistent with the Draft National Strategy on Blockchain, 2021 of the Ministry of
Electronics and IT (MeitY), which hailed blockchain technology as transparent, secure and efficient technology that puts a layer of trust over the

Way Forward
•Regulation is the Solution: Regulation is needed to prevent serious problems, to ensure that cryptocurrencies are
not misused, and to protect unsuspecting investors from excessive market volatility and possible scams.
• The regulation needs to be clear, transparent, coherent and animated by a vision of what it seeks to achieve.
•Clarity on Crypto-currency definition: A legal and regulatory framework must first define crypto-currencies as
securities or other financial instruments under the relevant national laws and identify the regulatory authority in charge.
•Strong KYC Norms: Instead of a complete prohibition on cryptocurrencies, the government shall rather regulate the

trading of cryptocurrencies by including stringent KYC norms, reporting and taxability.
•Ensuring Transparency: Record keeping, inspections, independent audits, investor grievance redressal and dispute
resolution may also be considered to address concerns around transparency, information availability and consumer
•Igniting the Entrepreneurial Wave: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology can reignite the entrepreneurial
wave in India’s startup ecosystem and create job opportunities across different levels, from blockchain developers to
designers, project managers, business analysts, promoters and marketers.
In summary, a smart regulatory approach should consider both the potential upside and downside. It fosters financial
innovation, safeguards investors and unshackles the Indian crypto ecosystem.

Impact of Social Media
Information and communication technology has changed rapidly over the past 20 years, with a key development being the emergence of
social media. The pace of change is accelerating. For example, the development of mobile technology has played an essential role in shaping
the impact of social media. Across the globe, mobile devices dominate in terms of total minutes spent online. They put the means to connect
anywhere, at any time on any device in everyone’s hands
Impacts of Social Media [I have added pointers, cut them short.]
1. On Information that we consume.
Now a days, we get political news primarily through social media. A study finds that those who do get their political news primarily through
social media tend to be less well-informed and more likely to be exposed to unproven claims(misinformation) that people who get their news

from traditional sources.

2. On Society
Without social media, social, ethical, environmental, and political ills would have minimal visibility. Increased visibility of issues has shifted the
balance of power from the hands of a few to the masses. While social media activism brings an increased awareness about societal issues,
questions remain as to whether this awareness is translating into real change

3. On Commerce :
The rise of social media means it’s unusual to find an organization that does not reach its customers and prospects through one social media
platform or another. Companies see the importance of using social media to connect with customers and build revenue. The flipside : A low
number of social ‘shares’ can lead to negative social proof and destroy business credibility.

4. On relationships :
One of the effects of social media is encouraging people to form and cherish "social media friendships" over actual friendships.

Other Impacts(mostly negative) of Social Media:

Cyberbullying, Lack of Privacy , Manipulation of information, Algorithm dominance etc.
Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination.

Being rational is good, but applying it to every emotion may not sound like a scoring idea. To reason out rules for
every element, perform calculative behaviors to achieve pleasure, an intoxicating one, is far from the real meaning
of "happiness.“
Happiness is like an impulse that lies in the floating ideas and imaginations, cherished by our soul. When we see a
child looking up at an ice cream wagon, the sparkle that instantly lightens up in his eyes is pure happiness.
Happiness knows no bounds. From the toddler's childlike wishes to a senile person's activity preference, happiness
prevails differently for each of them in their own actions. What can make a person happy by just having a cup of

lemonade cannot be compared to the other person, who gains exhilaration by dancing in the rain.
Although in general people desire for a lavish living to be happy, takes judgemental action to satisfy their worldly
wants but it is not every time the materialistic pleasures that excite the happiness hormones, many find
contentment by performing selfless deeds, offering a helping hand to others in need.
Happiness is abundant, waiting for an involuntary moment to unlock it, yet with each person's keys being
different. Mother Teresa, the pious human figure she was! discovered her happy hours serving others. Our
soldiers, the dedicated men of our nation, enjoy glory at Nation's success.
What makes us happy is all a different story from what happiness is meant for another individual. A hermit's bliss
is in being all aloof while an ostentatious person's happiness rests in extravagant expenses. The gist is, "this world
is a place of happy vibes scattered all around, in the hills, over the rainbow, in exotic locations, relations,
refreshments, possessions. So it is like a unique string meant for all, we just need to pluck the right one that
resonates with our imagination and it will sing unadulterated Happiness!
Poverty to vulnerability : Rethinking social protection

Poverty eradication is one of the prominent goals a developing country strive to achieve. The hardships India faced,
following independence pertaining to its poor demography, lead to its anti-poverty stance. Social protection was then
came to the fore .However, as the time evolves India needs to rethink the whole social protection structure.
Social protection programs are an assistance provided by the government to help the economically weaker section of the
society. Providing social protection in terms of monetary benefits or insurance plans is a better option for a country like

India, where a big chunk of the population is facing dearth of resources. But streamlining the social protection program
becomes vital, when inequality is ubiquitous because of income disparity. Six states of the country which account for
45% of the population, but nearly 62% of its poor show the income inequality phenomenon very well.

The present social protection plans target the section which is below the poverty line, but it neglects the faction which
has just climbed the poverty line. The ignored vulnerable class needs a back, to stay steady on the path of becoming
financially independent ,to face and sustain the risks, in guise of uncertain health and family expenditure.

However, the steps taken by government are appreciable , but with the changing statistics of the sections of the society ,
government needs to rethink the whole social protection structure and amend the plans at required junctures to benefit
the section which is in at most need of government and financial intervention.

Work from Home Vs Office Culture
With the radical advancement of communication technology and the Internet boom, we have seen a rise in the work-from-home trend. This was a boon for many employees for whom
travelling 5-6 days a week was a genuine ordeal. For employers, it also meant lower overheads.
However, despite the benefits, work from home didn’t really gain a strong impetus. But it all changed with the COVID-19 crisis. Even companies who never thought work-from-home
was possible for them, had to make the shift.
Work-from-Home vs Work-from-Office: Evaluating the Arguments
The biggest relief for employees working from home is not having to undertake long, tedious commutes. According to a study, on average, Indians spend 7% of their day
commuting to the office. All that time can essentially be saved by telecommuting. Telecommuting simply means working remotely or from home by making full use of the internet,
email, and phone.
According to the 2020 State of Business Communication Report, face-to-face communication is still the most preferred communication method among employees. This also opens up
immense opportunities for networking. Apart from business planning, human beings are social creatures and crave active conversations. A widely-accepted rule is that communication

is only 7 percent verbal and 93 percent non-verbal. Many believe that a Zoom call cannot be as effective as a round-table conference
Working from an office is about following a strict office timetable. As more companies adopt a remote-first policy, working hours are likely to shift to fit the employee’s schedule. This
means more flexibility and freedom on the part of the employees and for employers, lesser stress in managing them.
Work Environment
The right work ambience boosts productivity while the wrong one can be harshly detrimental to it. When working at the office, employees don’t have a choice in their work
environment or office setting. If they have a noisy coworker, they just have to bear with it. Or if the air conditioner is bothering someone, they can’t just get up and turn it off.
At home, one has the option to optimise their workspace as per their requirements and preferences. But living with a large family, especially with kids, can be equally distracting.
In a popular survey, 47% of employees said they strongly agree that flexible work arrangements “would or do allow me to be more productive” and 31% said they somewhat
agree. This is commonly attributed to fewer interruptions, less stress from no commute, minimal office politics, and a personalised, quiet environment.
When working from an office, managers have a clear view of what the team members are working on. Shifting from office-based work to remote working needs essential shifts in the
company policies. Maintaining communication will be the key.
Financial Costs
A key benefit for organisations choosing to have their employees work from home is that it helps them cut down on some otherwise essential costs. A company entirely based on
working from home won’t need to pay the office rent. Utility bills and other management costs can be significantly lowered as well.
Employee Onboarding & Training
‘Out of sight, out of mind’ is a true saying. Despite the list of work-from-home benefits, physical distance adds a few of its own challenges. For instance, interns and new employees get
a lot more value when they are sitting side by side with their manager, mentor, and peers. It effectively eases the learning curve, something that’s harder to achieve when they
are all working from home.
Work from Home : Pros & Cons
As Covid hit the world last year, many companies were forced to shut down their offices and work remotely. Now, after a year, people have slowly
started adapting to the Work From Home culture. There are both pros and cons of working from home[WFH].

Pros :
1. It overcome the typical barriers to work at the same location.
2. It helps company to hire people from across the world.
3. During Covid situation, WFH has helped people keep their family safe.
4. People don’t get judged for their looks and dress and also they are immune from the typical office toxicity.
5. People get to spend time with their families and they can at times do their own work and office work simultaneously.

6. They can focus on their hobbies apart from work and also been happy not to waste their valuable time in traffic travelling to offices. etc [You
can add yours too]
Cons :
1. It has ruined work-life balance. It has eliminated the concept of break and sometimes employees have to work on weekends and holidays too.
2. Employees lack office essentials. Some people are not tech savvy, some don't have a laptop, while some don't have Internet, so there are
several roadblocks in working outside the office space. Etc.

Amid all these taking care of the basics is important like maintaining healthy routines, taking short breaks, ensuring a sleep-wake pattern,
engaging in self-care activities, investing time in hobbies and spending time with family. Organisations need to extend support to individuals by
focusing on positive mental health outcomes, valuing employees, taking care of the workload and building team morale.
There can also be a provision to adopt a hybrid model wherein employees go to the office two days a week and the other days they work from
home. This will also save the cost of renting a big office space
There can also be a provision to adopt a hybrid model wherein employees go to the office two days a week and the other days they work from
home. This will also save the cost of renting a big office space

NPA & its resolution

“Prevention is better than cure.”

Non Performing Assets (NPAs) are a drain to the banks. The cases of NPA are increasing in the banking sector which is a
matter of serious economic concern. If the status of NPAs in banks is not controlled, banks can become bankrupt. The entire
credit distribution structure of the economy may be destructed and the country could be in a major financial turmoil.
A major cause for NPA is the fixation of unrealistic repayment schedule. Thus, it is important for the banks to observe its
recovery and upgradation by adopting few of the mentioned ways:

-Cash recovery: Banks, instead of organizing a recovery drive based on overdues, must short list those accounts. The
recovery of critical amount (overdue interest and installment) will provide impetus to the system in reducing the pressure on
profitability by reducing the provisional burden; not making repayment of interest along with the installment of principal
-Upgradation of assets: Once accounts become NPA, then bankers should take steps to upgrade them by recovering the
entire overdue. The recovery can be made from institutions giving guarantee like ECGC, pending government subsidies etc.
-SARFAESI ACT, 2002: The SARFAESI empowers banks to deal with NPAs, without the involvement of court, through three
alternatives: Asset Reconstruction, Enforcement of Security, Securitisation.
-Credit Information Bureau: Third party agencies such as CIBIL helps banks with data on the financial health of the
borrower. It maintains records of individual defaulters and shares it with the respective banks to aid them in making effective
lending decisions.
If these steps are followed meticulously, the incidence of loans becoming NPAs will definitely reduce. Also, by proper follow
up, recovery is going to improve for some accounts as there will be the chances of upgradation of these accounts.

Traditional vs Online learning
At some point in our lives, we all have heard the struggles of how our elders had to travel miles for receiving primary
education ,some of which we, the Gen Z ,shrug off as exaggeration. However today they is no denying of the fact that we
are far better off in terms of accessibility to quality education. Back then, the nearest blackboard and the teacher would
be scores of kilometers away while today they are just a click ,touch or a call away.
The dispensers of education namely schools ,colleges, tuitions etc today have both traditional and online system of
imparting education but with the advent of technology ,where we are witnessing a paradigm shift from learning in
classrooms to learning in any room.

Although the traditional way implements discipline ,ensures communication and participation of students ,it often fails to
be accessible , economical ,ergonomical, effective and often is a breeding ground for student-favouritism.
Online learning today,over various educational platforms, however is more impactful,creative ,economical ,accessible,
flexible and .One no longer needs to conform themselves to a fixed framework to learn which on the other hand
generates indiscipline ,procrastination and sometimes demands quick learning compromising quality.
The world we live in today ,faced with a pandemic as COVID-19, is fast changing and the consequences of which has
compelled almost all students to switch to the online modes of learning .While most of the teachers dispensing knowledge
are either not tech-savvy or find it challenging to break the virtual barrier. Unfortunately, a few students do not help the
cause by pranking ,misleading ,throwing tantrums or even misbehaving with the teacher teaching online.
It is best in the interest of both teachers and students that they must find common ground ,where the former needs to be
technically sound and the later needs to cooperate and be disciplined. Only then can we utilize the best of both traditional
and online learning.

Privatization of Banks
The union government has stated that it is considering to designate the banking sector as a strategic under the new privatisation policy- announced as a part of the ‘Atmanirbhar
Bharat’ package.
The new privatisation policy envisages that in each strategic sector, no more than four state-owned companies will exist. Currently, after the latest round of consolidation, there are
12 public sector banks (PSBs).
This means having four mega PSBs will either come through further mergers of PSBs or privatisation. Privatisation is often considered a solution for poor management in public
sector banks.
However, former governor of RBI Raghuram Rajan held that privatisation is not a panacea for the ills of the banking sector unless accompanied by reforms in banking regulation.
•Bulk of NPAs: The banking system is overburdened with the non-performing assets (NPAs) and the majority of which lies in the public sector banks.
•Issue of Dual Control: PSBs are dually controlled by RBI (under the RBI Act, 1934) and Finance Ministry (under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949)Thus, RBI does not have
all the powers over PSBs that it has over private sector banks, such as the power to revoke a banking licence, merge a bank, shut down a bank, or penalize the board of directors.

•Lack of Autonomy: Public sector bank boards are still not adequately professionalized, as the government still decides board appointments (as the Bank Bureau board is not fully
functional). This creates an issue of politicization and interference in the normal functioning of Banks.
•Difference of Incentives: Private and public sector banks are driven by different incentives.For example, Private banks are profit-driven whereas the business of PSBs is disrupted
by governments schemes like farm loan waivers etc.
•Also, in the private sector, the shareholders’ effective control over banks may explain the absence of large-scale frauds like in public sector banks such as the Punjab National
Bank episode.
•Issue of Governance: The key issue of Indian banking is a lack of adequate governance which stretches across public and private ownership.In the case of PSBs, there is political
interference while private banks are prone to malpractices in the wake of serving the interest of its promoters.
•The testimony that the problems of Indian banking transcend issues of ownership lies in the plight of YES Bank.
•Policy Issue: Restructuring schemes such as corporate debt restructuring, strategic debt restructuring and schemes for sustainable structuring of stressed assets, initiated by RBI,
are the major reasons for delaying the recognition of bad loans, which are irrespective of ownership (public as well as private) of the banks.
•Failure of Regulation: As RBI may not have similar control over PSBs as with respect to private banks, this does not explain why the RBI cannot hold the PSBs accountable for
issues such as capital adequacy, fraud control or appropriate reporting of financial statements.
•PSBs as an Instrument for Social Justice: PSBs also act as an instrument for social justice as they execute many welfare policies like financial inclusion, farm loan waiver etc.
•Improving Governance: In order to improve the governance and management of PSBs, there is a need to implement the recommendations of the PJ Nayak committee.
•De-Risking Banks: There is a need to follow prudential norms for lending and NPAs can be tackled through the establishment of the bad bank and speedy resolution of NPAs
through Insolvency Bankruptcy Code.
•Corporatisation of PSBs: Rather than blind privatisation, PSBs can be made into a corporation like Life Insurance Corporation (LIC). While maintaining government ownership,
this will give more autonomy to PSBs.
The Idea of Self-Reliant India
The basic thrust for any species around the world is to make their offspring self-reliant. The birds teach their nestlings to spread the wings and gather food, human teach
their young ones from birth till the time they are old enough to earn a living by providing them food, shelter, education, and guidance all through the growing age. This
pattern is followed among families, communities, societies, and nations at large.
•Today the whole world is facing unprecedented turmoil – the Covid19 pandemic that has made the people and resources around the world struggle collectively with
disruption of essential supply chains, crumbling economies, and a grim job. India, with its basic ethos of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam i.e. the whole world is one family,
strives to stand with the world. But, it is equally important for each of the family members to be in a position to support oneself and then the larger family. Hence the idea
of self-reliant India was envisioned at this pertinent time.
•Self-reliance for a country is a vision towards activities that are self-supporting in economic terms and indicate reliance on one’s own resources and having means to an
end. But a self-reliant economy is built by self-reliant citizens as the wealth of a nation derives from the drive and creativity of its people. If each of the members of the
population gainfully contributes towards the economy, then such a population becomes our collective strength. But a person becomes independent if he has the skills and

can earn a livelihood. That is why Indian businesses have always clubbed Riddhi (wealth and prosperity) and Siddhi (skill) together, thereby internalizing the fact that
expertise and wealth cannot be decoupled. Hence to achieve self-reliance the government should support Riddhi and siddhi in the following ways –
•First, our citizens need to learn skills. For Indians to be self-reliant, the government needs to actively support personal responsibility rather than government support
substituting personal responsibility in the form of direct benefit transfer. Instead, the amount should be utilized on education and skill/resource development of the
citizens. Equipping the nation with modern techniques and technologically training the youths on a large scale will help construct a self-reliant nation.
•Secondly, we must support our MSMEs, farmers, and labourers, as they are the three pillars of the Indian economy, by providing them with financial support and
opportunities for skilling. The Siddhi of workers will create Riddhi for all.
•Third, large-scale investment in R&D, innovations like digital economy, and infrastructure by PSUs, institutions, universities, and private sectors, need to be scaled up
significantly to give impetus to export promotion and to survive in the dynamic and transformational market. We also need an effective export strategy that aims at import
substitution (developing domestic capability and reducing dependence on import of critical input) either by adopting FDI tariff linkage or through the implementation of
Production Linked Incentive scheme, and export promotion for our large internal market.
•Fourth is effective resource management to achieve new technical heights. Schemes like Jal Shakti Abhiyan to improve water security, Swachh Bharat Mission, etc. have
been introduced over the years that not only address resource management but also provide livelihoods to bulging youth ready to contribute to the economy.
•Last but not least we should aim to help the rest of the world through Riddhi and Siddhi.
•A self-reliant India does not mean turning the country inwards or into an isolationist nation, but embracing the world by becoming stronger. The call for self-reliant India
doesn’t mean shutting down doors to globalization but growing with the world, as a self-reliant India will have more to offer to the world. Hence we all should work
together for a self-reliant, resilient, and dynamic India which lends glory to our rich heritage.

Self Reliant Farmers & role of MSME

India is a self-reliant nation in terms of food products having a record output of fruits, vegetables, cereals, and the
highest production of milk in the world. Further, it can maintain sustainable food security despite the rising population
and rising demand for diverse food items. But it is the farmers, the drivers of self-reliance, who are struggling with low
income, low profitability, and risk-laden livelihoods. Concerned with the plight of the farmers, the government of India
gave a clarion call for doubling the farmers’ income by 2022 and devised a sound roadmap that identified seven sources
such as improvement in crop productivity, diversification to high-value crops, a shift from farm to non-farm occupations,
etc. to achieve the goal. Even several steps have been taken to double farmers’ income like providing e-NAM- an online

trading platform- to farmers, distribution of soil health cards, better insurance coverage to crops through Pradhan Mantri
Fasal Bima Yojana, availability of Kisan Credit Card, etc.
MSMEs - the Catalyst for Development
The future of India lies in its villages reminds us of the vision of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi of a self-reliant
village for the economic prosperity of rural India. They are the strongest drivers of economic development, innovation,
and employment as well as major drivers of poverty alleviation. This sector has the potential to grow at a faster rate.
Hence to provide impetus to the manufacturing sector and to increase its share of GDP from 15% to 25%, several steps
have been taken by the government like scheme of fund for regeneration of traditional industries that aims at the
development of khadi, village industries, and coir clusters by providing them with equipment, facilities, etc., credit
guarantee scheme for MSME- a collateral-free loan facility, solar charkha mission to train rural youth in producing cloth,
etc. Recently, in the wake of Covid19, the government has revised the definition of MSMEs to render maximum benefits
to this sector. Further, more steps have to be taken to transform the lives in the rural landscape like setting up training
hubs in each district, infusing and learning new technologies for quality products, promoting innovations, and proper
implementation of all schemes.
Women's Empowerment in India – Reality or Rhetoric?

"Empowerment of women leads to development of a good family, good society and ultimately a good nation. When a
woman is happy, the home is happy, when the home is happy, the society is happy and when the society is happy the
state is happy and when the state is happy, there will be peace in the country and it will develop at a greater pace."
-A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
The historical analysis of India set prominent standards for feminism. Savitribai Phule, a renowned feminist, took the
initiative to get one step closer towards the development of the nation by starting first school for girls in India in 1848.
On that note, the year "1848" marks the upliftment of the concept of gender equality. Education is considered to be the
backbone of the women empowerment and have never been a disappointment in the realms of the acts of feminism.

When it comes to empowerment, "Rani Lakshmibai", remembered for her endurance during the Indian Mutiny of 1857,
and cannot be neglected at any point of time.
In India, from the very beginning, protection of rights of women have been given priority and this is evident from the
iconic works including abolition of ‘sati’, child marriage, and female infanticide - which have infused a sense of respect
for the women in the mindsets of the future generations as well.
Indeed, the subject matter of the women empowerment in India, have been immensely taken into consideration in
recent times. Now-a-days, there is no such field in which women have not been engaged. Not only they have been in an
active participation in different fields but have also proclaimed their passion towards work by their level of
Avni Lakhera, the first Indian woman to win a gold medal at Tokyo Paralympic 2020 set a fine example of the women's
achievements. "Bala Devi", the first Indian woman football player, "Bhawna Kanth", the first woman fighter pilot, all of
these achievements leaves a trail of imprint on account of women empowerment. Kiran Bedi, the first Indian woman to
join the Indian Police Service (IPS) is known for her optimistic and positive attitude and her contributions to the nation.
Women's Empowerment in India – Reality or Rhetoric?

Contd … An empowered woman is every woman who (a) raises her child, (b) earns money for the livelihood of the family, (c) fights for herself
in order to study and fights against the will of the ones who become barriers on the way of her success and (d) does daily household works.
The Government of India is proactively working towards empowering women through various plans, policies and schemes. Some of the most
recent policies include: Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme; One Stop Centre Scheme; Mahila E-Haat; Step (Support to Training and Employment
Programme for Women); Working Women Hostel Scheme; UJJAWALA; Mahila Shakti Kendra, etc.
Authentically, the rhetoric stage of the term "women empowerment" arises out of illiteracy in some areas of India where women are still facing
issues related to gender equality.
India is known for its divine culture and ethical values. Indian culture promotes respect of the women, inducing strength and positive impact
through the worship of goddess. In India, each and every woman is considered as "Ghar ki Lakshmi" but in some areas, she is not encouraged

to work and many families prefer to invest in quality education for their son over their daughter.
Although, a number of success stories of women leaves an imprint on the society, but somehow, these becomes less impactful when number of
issues related to gender equality is taken up. The progress of the women empowerment will be of hidden nature until the security of women
remains a matter of concern. Pushing the notion of ‘inferiority’ among women disgraces their self-esteem and brings down their level of
The need of the hour is to make women believe that they are safe to walk on the streets and are equally eligible to get engaged in different
In the COVID-19 pandemic, there were several women who became victims of severe exploitation during the lockdown session which outlined
the rhetoric use of the term "women empowerment". A common portrayal of a woman in everyone's mindsets is of weak and sensitive in
But, in the pandemic, there were female doctors, teachers, nurses and female officers who gave significant contributions to the nation.
The truth is that women are strong warriors who should be treated on the basis of equality as set forth in the various examples.
"Swami Vivekananda" once claimed that without the empowerment of women, it is no possibility of the prosperity of the world by giving an
example that a bird need both the wings to fly, with one wing, birds cannot fly, both the wings are equally important.
Within this frame of reference, in the words of "Sarojini Naidu", the nightingale of India, an Indian political activist and a poet, “A country's
greatness lies in its undying ideals of love and sacrifice that inspires the mothers of the race".
Medicine for the Ailing Planet

Man himself can make or mar his own destiny. He can save human race or can destroy all forms of life. The present
indications are not encouraging any hope or improvements. The increasing environmental pollution is creating survival
problems. The forests are disappearing, the deserts are expanding, and the earth is becoming inhabitable. Our planet is in
trouble chiefly because of a population boom. Rapid industrial growth has polluted the natural environment.
Environment pollution causes global warming and it is a threat to the whole civilization. The poisonous chemicals
and gases, the carbon dioxide and the industrial waste are the real enemies of our race. Mahatma Gandhi once said that the
Earth has enough to complete our needs but not our greed but today due to our misdeeds, earth is facing numerous and big

problems. The man has taken all the gifts of Nature for granted. He has been exploiting all the natural resources madly and in
excess on the name of development. He thinks he has absolute right over the land, the sea and what lies deep below in the
earth. Overuse of limited resources and their side-effects have made the earth inhabitable, not only for the present generation
but also for those who will come hereafter; whether we are moving forward in terms of technological advancements but at the
cost of our planet ailment. Even Article 48A of the constitution of India calls upon the states to protect and
improve the environment, the forests and wildlife of the country. But this provision is rarely acted upon and
enforced. In the last 100 years or so, we have done the greatest damage to the earth; we have polluted the air, soil and
water. We have created shortages of all things of our basic needs. In 1972, for the first time, the people realized the danger to
the very existence of our race, and the urgent need to check it. The Green Movement was started in New Zealand. The panic
gripped the imagination of the entire human race. There came a shift in our outlook. We started taking the holistic view of the
world, the world as a whole and not in terms of national interests. This change proved revolutionary. For the first time in
human history, the people began to see the world as a living organism. As one body, all its needs and parts have to be
respected. Preserved and used sensibly. We are, after all, not the absolute masters of this earth. We are only the trustees of
this legacy. It is our moral duty not to leave this earth sick and robbed of all natural resources.
Urban Middle Class – Key to Transform India
The middle class makes up 28% of the total population of India and 79% of the total tax base. Economic criteria alone is found wanting in defining the middle class as it
ranges from the lower middle class – a class just above the subsistence level – to the upper middle class – just below the super-rich. However, the middle class has certain
characteristics that sets them apart – their choices, lifestyles and values. First, the middle class puts a premium on good education and a good job as it is a ladder to higher
social status and stability. This has been true since the time of independence. It was the middle class that adopted the Gandhian ethos of simple living and high thinking.
However, this changed with the economic reforms initiated in the 1990s. Preference for stable government jobs has been replaced by preference for high-paying jobs in
MNCs, and simple, frugal living has been replaced by consumerism. Today, the middle class is the largest consumer of goods and services in the country. This shows that
the urban middle class is socially, economically and culturally dynamic.
India’s urban population contributes 63% to the total GDP of the country. Of this the share of the middle class is the largest. This leaves no doubt that the urban middle
class drives the economy.
Indian economy was transformed with the coming of European powers and subsequent rise of capitalism. Modern education and means of transport and communication
enabled the growth of a class whose only wealth was their skills and education. Hence, it were the doctors, teachers and lawyers who constituted India’s first middle class.

Since, these opportunities were available in the urban areas, the Indian middle class was largely urban. It was the middle class that led innovation in the social and political
landscape of India – the national movement was led by the giants of the urban middle class like W.C. Bonnerjee, Tayabji, Gokhale, Naoroji, and Nehru, etc. Major social
changes were affected by the likes of Jyotiba Phule, Rammohan Roy and Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar. In the 20th century again, the burden of progress was borne by the
urban middle class as is reflected in the composition of the first parliament of independent India which comprised mostly lawyers.
Now, in the 21st century, future beacons with opportunities. It is again the urban middle class that has taken the mantle to lead India. The example of the smartphone
market is most telling. In recent years, we have witnessed high quality, inexpensive, feature loaded smartphones flooding the market. There is intense competition in the
Indian market for this segment of smartphones. It is the urban middle class that is the chief consumer of these devices. This phenomenon has been observed in several
other industries like automobiles where innovative technologies have made their way to the budget markets. The urban middle class are the early adopters of these
products, making India an ideal market for the foreign investment.
India has a population of 1.35 billion of which 65% is less than the age of 35 giving India a huge demographic dividend. An educated and skilled middle class is required to
reap the benefit of this demographic dividend.
Though much has been achieved, much is still left to be accomplished. Rural development, infrastructure, corruption, justice, public service delivery and climate change are
some of the areas that need immediate attention. Urban middle class can lead by example in these areas. The chief strength of the middle class is its sizeable percentage
(28% of the population) and talent (education, skill, affluence) that makes it ideal for leading any transformation in India. To this extent, it was the urban middle class that
was foremost in generating awareness about the above issues. Similarly, the enthusiasm with which the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was welcomed and implemented showed
the capacity and determination of the urban middle class. Since, the urban middle class is the largest consumer, it can play an equally decisive role in climate change by
adopting right practices, thus, incentivizing major industries to switch to green manufacturing. The digital revolution was made a success by the participation of the urban
middle class.
The next step in transforming India is to integrate the leadership potential of the urban middle class with the rural population so that the benefits of development can be
reaped by all.
5G Leap in India
The fifth generation mobile network, or 5G, is the next level of mobile network that will shape the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industrial
4.0, quality of service delivery, innovation, etc. by facilitating smarter and developing societies. The technology that 5G uses will improve data
transfer speed at unexpected higher levels and allow citizens and communities to get socio-economic benefits and comforts delivered by a well-
advanced, more data-intensive, digital economy. Thus, 5G is essential but India needs to look if it is ready for the deployment of the technology.
Issues Associated :
•India as a Late Adopter: Countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including India, Bangladesh and Indonesia are late in adopting 5G technology,
hence, will get insignificant revenue from the service.
•Lesser Government Subsidies: A low likelihood of government subsidies is expected, given the history of high reserve prices set by the
governments for spectrum auctions amid ongoing fiscal deficits.

•Digital Divide: 5G will not bridge the digital divide among the rural and urban areas in the short term, rather increase it as the business
case of 5G even in urban areas does not have maximum accessibility..
•Inadequate Accessibility of Previous Technology: The consumers are still grappling with basic network issues like call drops and
interrupted data services.
•Enabling Critical Infrastructures: 5G will require a fundamental change to the core architecture of the communication system. The major
flaw of data transfer using 5G is that it can't carry data over longer distances. Hence, even 5G technology needs to be augmented to enable
•Financial Liability on Consumers: For transition from 4G to 5G technology, one has to upgrade to the latest cellular technology, thereby
creating financial liability on consumers.
Way Forward :
The deployment of 5G in India needs to be carefully planned after a cost benefit analysis by independent experts which will create a level-
playing field through market mechanisms such as facilitating, simulating, auctioning, ensuring competition, functioning markets, etc.
Allowing 100% foreign direct investment in the telecom sector under the automatic route along with other policy reforms augurs well for the
sector to attract investment. Implementation of 5G requires huge investment and the relief package is a welcome step.
Further, removing the tax burden for deploying fibre networks reduces associated costs, thereby promoting investment as was done by the
Singapore government, could help in the smooth deployment of fibre in India.
Carbon Neutrality & India
Carbon Neutrality or Net-zero emissions refer to the balancing of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, either globally or in a region,
with anthropogenic removals of the GHG so that the net effect is zero emissions.

India has announced that it will reach carbon neutrality by 2070 as part of a five-point action plan that included reducing emissions to 50%
by 2030. The push for such declarations from all countries began around 2019 at COP-25, when there was one year left for the Paris
Agreement to come into effect.
There is a need to analyse the decision in the interest of development needs of India.

Steps by India :

1. Strengthening Climate Governance: India needs to build and strengthen its domestic institutions for climate governance. This will require
identifying linkages between development needs and low carbon opportunities. In this context, a climate law can be useful.
2. The usage of coal, especially for power generation, would need to drop by 99% by 2060, for India to achieve net-zero by 2070.
3. Consumption of crude oil, across sectors, would need to peak by 2050 and fall substantially by 90% between 2050 and 2070.
4. Green hydrogen could contribute 19% of the total energy needs of the industrial sector.

Why Carbon neutrality is needed :

There is a strong link between energy use and development. No country has managed to ensure reasonable
levels of wellbeing for its people without increasing energy supply. From 1850 till 2019, the world has emitted
approximately 2,500 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. Developed countries, home to 18% of the global
population, are responsible for over 60% of these emissions, all leading to the global phenomena called
global warming. Talk about other effects like climate change etc.

Conclusion :
Talk about the need of carbon neutrality and end with a suitable note.
Pandemic and our learning from it.
We never know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice you have.
Life is our most important teacher because it teaches us how to face challenges, learn from them, and what should be our
attitude towards them. Since March 2020, every person on the planet has had their life shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic
in any way. The outbreak of COVID-19 brought social and economic life to a standstill. But as there is a saying: every evil
has something good same goes with the virus. It has shown us that we are all the same regardless of our religion, culture,
customs, whether we are poor or rich.
Human beings are inseparable from nature. Climate protagonists have been screaming about this for most of the time But
we have largely ignored them. The rapid return of clear blue skies, breathtakingly fresh air, clean water in moribund rivers,

the chirping of birds, and even rapid healing of the ozone layer indicates that we are messing nature up very badly. Each
new word that we keep listening to during the pandemic has its significance. Lockdown has demonstrated the value of
freedom. Social distancing is something we should always maintain to experience a happy and healthier life. India has to
evolve a mechanism to maintain hygiene and cleanliness and Swachh Bharat should become a norm for 100 percent
Indians. Doctors and nurses worked 24*7 and saved a chunk of lives. Moreover, India has a large qualified and capable
base of medical professionals who are not allowed into regular practice, they should be allowed to tackle the pandemic
more efficiently.
The economic impact of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India has been largely disruptive. According to the recent NSO
data, India’s GDP growth contracted by 23.9% in the first quarter of 2020. India's growth in the fourth quarter of the fiscal
year 2020 went down to 3.1%. The global economy is expected to contract by 3 percent this year the steepest downturn
since the Great Depression of the 1930s, according to the International Monetary Fund.
The bottom line is that India has to have a robust action plan when a pandemic strikes – a plan that is creative,
disciplined, and above all sensitive.
Virtue is knowledge
Virtue is the ability to call good from bad. Mankind has been bestowed with the sheer attribute of imbibing high moral
standards in day to day lives. Goodness in its pure form, is a boon to this mankind and having virtue enhances the
goodness in every living being. If one has the ability to walk towards the path of righteousness , encompass goodness
then the sheer knowledge acquired is of the highest order. If we are guided by goodness, we will never be enticed toward
the path that is embellished by wrongdoings and negativity. This very art of being guided by goodness and high moral
standards is the key to endless knowledge that is unleashed by the deeds that emanate truthfulness and high virtues.
A man is what he thinks. Thoughts are the driving force for any mortal being. Virtues decide what direction our thoughts

seek. A living being, that is guided by virtues and high moral standards will always exude benevolence, truthfulness ,
righteousness and would be the epitome of humanity. Knowledge without a soulful mind driven by high virtues is futile. A
man whose mind has been infested is prone to wrongdoings and is destined to doom. A soul devoid of virtues but with
knowledge can never outshine a soulful virtuous entity with limited knowledge as knowledge is driven by virtues.
Just like a vehicle can't function without fuel irrespective of its brand or attributes , our minds can't put our acquired
knowledge irrespective of the university we have graduated from to judicious use if they are devoid of virtues and high
moral standards.
Schools and educational centres must emphasize on making their pupils virtuous and morally sane. Academic knowledge
must not be the sole target but moral knowledge must be equally manifested in the school curriculum. Children must
inculcate within themselves the ability to call right from wrong. This ability has to be taught right from the time they start
understanding life.
Hence , virtue is knowledge. Virtue is what makes humans humane. Virtues and high moral standards combined with
academic knowledge epitomize human mind and what extraordinary things it is capable of.
Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
Knowledge, truth, wisdom and intellect are many a times found juxtaposed while mankind tries to articulate the highest
goals of a meaningful life. Any living species on earth has knowledge needed for its survival and over the centuries all life
forms have adapted and evolved, showing a universal propensity to learn.

Men, of all life forms, have the most developed brains. Their ability to learn, to use the acquired knowledge and to prosper
is unmatched. But what do we educate ourselves with when we learn? The mystic poet Rumi may say: you know all
already, it is just about seeing that which was left in the dark. And he may be very right. The true role of an educator is
many a times, to show the pupil where to look rather than what to look for. If ignorance is darkness, then education is the

candle. And what does it illuminates? What comes to light? Our own knowledge that was hidden from us!
Throughout history it is seen that the need to have something desirable or valuable has always motivated human being to
discover new things, and education has played a powerful role in the unravelling. When we did not know anything about
how to get fire to cook food, it's our conscience which eventually helped us to think that by hitting two stones we can get
it. Earlier people used to die with cholera, polio and Tuberculosis, but with the advancement in medical science we got a
cure for all these deadly diseases. So we can see human life evolved all just because of discoveries which were once
ignored as we did not have any solution how to face it and get rid of it.
All the discoveries which took place in past are simply because of our ignorance and need. It has been said that necessity
is the mother of invention, in order to discover bulb, Edison failed many times but he kept on trying and after so many
failures he got success in designing the bulb. Education is a powerful virtue that teaches us to be logical and keep on
trying different approaches till we get the desired outcome. As a human being we all face challenges in our daily life, these
challenges can be physical, emotional or mental, and it is upon us how we react to these challenges whether we see it as
an opportunity or we see it as a suffering. The primary goal of education is to make us understand how as an individual
we can grow emotionally, financially and physically.
Farm bill 2020 [I have tried pointing out all relevant info that will be required for this essay. ]
India is an agriculture dominated country. More than 70% of India's population is either directly or indirectly involved in agricultural activities. Due to the hard work
of these farmers we are eating peacefully. These farmers feeds entire nation but it is a saddening fact that they are entangled in the fetters of starvation. Recently
Central Government has passed new bills for well being of farmers and agriculture sector. But farmers and State Governments are opposing these bills. Farmers
across the country have protested against these bills in streets and on roads. Punjab and Haryana farmer's tractor protest in July was opposition of these
agriculture bills 2020. On 28th August 2020 Punjab Assembly has passed a resolution rejecting the Central Government's ordinances.
Farm Bill 2020 or Agriculture Bill 2020 is a combination of thee bills passed by Parliament recently. These bills are; Farmers Produce and Commerce (Promotion
and Facilitation) Bill 2020, Farmers Agreement (Empowerment and Protection) on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill 2020 and Essential Commodities
(Amendment) Bill 2020. These bills make big structural changes in agriculture sector. These bills also encourage corporate investments in agriculture ecosystem
to make agriculture more profitable for farmers.
Government's motive towards Farm Bill 2020
Benefits to Farmers from Farm Bill 2020

Government has introduced these Farm Bills to transform agriculture sector. This step has been
The Farm Bill 2020 envisages a path for farmers as an alternative platform to taken by the Government to boost agriculture sector and double the farmers income by 2022. It is
sell their produce in open market. Now farmers can sell their products openly to thought that freeing of agriculture sector will eventually help in better pricing. When farmers will
anyone and anywhere and they can get higher price. There will be no APMC sell their products to corporates and exporters directly it will induce corporate sector to invest in
market fee or cess on transactions in such trade areas. APMCs will continue its the agri-ecosystem. This will also give farmers better access to modern technology and farmers
functioning. Now APMCs have to compete with these alternate platforms and will be benefited by it.
now farmers have a choice for selling their products. This bill gives powers to
farmers to sell their good directly to the corporate or exporter buying in bulk
from the farm.
The Farm Bill 2020 does not annihilate current MSP based procurement of food
grains. The MSP based procurement system will be continue and former can
also sell their crop products in Mandi on existing MSP.

Why Farmers are protesting against Agriculture bill 2020 ?

Farmers are apprehensive of getting MSP for their produce as New Farm Bill 2020 opens the way for farmers to sell their produce in open market and fix price by themselves on
mutual understanding of corporate and farmer. Farmers also fears that large retailers and corporates could dominate agriculture sector with money power. Farmers doubt that
APMCs may become unavailable and have to shutdown in future if trade moves substantially to other alternate platforms. Farmers fear that mandies will become redundant like BSNL
and MTNL in future days.
The Price Assurance Bill doesn't prescribe any mechanism for price fixation. Thus there is a apprehension in farmers that free hand given to private corporate houses could lead to
farmer exploitation. The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Ordinance removes, pulses, oil seeds, edible oils, onion and potatoes from the essential commodities list. Thus the
amendment deregulates the production, movement, storage and distribution of these food commodities.
Impact of climate change globally.

“We have to wake up to the fierce urgency of the now” -Jim Yong Kim, president of World bank
Climate change is the biggest threat in this era that we face and it is a global challenge that has no borders. Many
people do not know what it really amounts to, either due to unreliable sources or deliberate misinformation, which has
led to a series of myths about climate change. First, we need to clarify two concepts that are global warming and
climate change. The difference between them is global warming is cause and climate change is effect.
The main cause of climate change is global warming which is caused by green house gas effect by which the
atmosphere retains some of the sun’s heat. Without green house gas the earth's temperature would be -20 degree

Celsius. The main problem here is human activities maximize the greenhouse gases and make the earth warmer.
Except greenhouse gases deforestation ,population increase, decrease of marine eco systems also cause global
When we are going to think about impact the recent accident of amazon rainforest burning knocks us. The worst
climate change impacts include the melting of the ice mass at the poles, which in turn causes rising sea level,
producing flooding and threatening coastal environments through which small island states risk disappearing entirely. It
also increases drought, fire, death of animals, floods and destructs the food chain and economic resources. The most
observed and expected impacts of climate change are desertification, melting of the poles and rising of sea level,
acidification of the ocean, extinction of species, coral reef bleeching ,devastation of mangroves and massive migrations.
we should think about the Number 13 goal of SDG that is climate action and we have to mitigate the greenhouse gases
emissions in order to contribute the progress of society and bring the ecosystem as earlier. If a mentally depressed girl
can protest against it then we, the normal human being should raise our hand and have to-do whatever is good to allay
the earth from becoming warmer.
•Content [Mock Letters ] – to be written in 150 words
•Formal Letter
•Informal Letter

[Use the letters and Applications in this PDF to know the format and
how to write salutation , body etc. ]

Pro Tips : Try to write letter first in exam as its fluidic and don’t need
proper planning[most of the times] and later come to Essay writing.

Letter 01 : Write a letter to the bank manager to share an innovative idea on file management system in

Employee of SBI, New Delhi

Date- 31 july,2016

The Manager

State Bank Of India
New Delhi

Subject: Idea for File Management System

Respected Sir,

I am an employee at your bank and I want to share some idea regarding file management system in bank. As I had done my graduation in computer
engineering, and during my graduation I had made a project in how banks can easily manages its data .
Through this file management system, our bank can deal with daily data easily with redundancy, consistency, without any duplicacy, which is very
relevant while working with banking data.
We can make copy of our data at different branch of bank also so that in case of any mishappening we don't loose our data.
I hope you will give a look at it once and if you think it can be useful for our bank, then I can also assist you to make it.

Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Letter 02 : How to write a complaint letter to bank manager about the negligence and irresponsibility of their employees?

Mayfield Appt #20,
Date : 21st May, 2021

Mr. PQR,

The Urban Cooperative Society Bank,
Elms Street, California

Ref: Complaint letter

Dear Sir, I would like to bring it to your notice that I have opened an account of mine on the 5th of this month in your bank. Your staff has
informed me that I shall get my bank ID, my passbook and cheque book within 2 days. Besides I was promised that I shall also get my ATM
card along with them. But with regret I would like to inform you that I have, till date received none of the above. Since I have shifted here from
Chicago a few weeks back, I am finding it difficult to survive without my cheque book and ATM card. I hope you can understand without the
bank account how difficult it is for someone to maintain the things in a new city. I need to pay my bills and have to purchase a lot of things for
my house but unless I do not have a cheque book here, I can’t do anything. Thus I request you to kindly look into the matter and issue me all
the above mentioned documents and card. My account number is 160925. I hope you will entertain my problem on prior basis.
Thanking you,
Letter 03 : Letter about telling your friend about the advantages of PPF account and suggesting him to open a ppf account.

State – Pincode

Dear Rajesh,
Hope your parents and you are doing well. I am doing fine here. I am writing this letter to tell you about the PPF account I
opened last month with my first salary. This has many benefits and I will mention a few of them.

You can start a PPF with just a small amount of Rs.100/-. Also, you need to make a deposit into your account only once a year.
However, you can make the deposit more frequently if you wish. Another great advantage is that it offers tax benefits.
PPF also offers a comparatively bigger rate of interest than what is offered by savings accounts in banks. There is a lock-in period
of 15 years during which you cannot withdraw the money. The best part is that because of this, you can be assured of really good
savings. Since this is a government-backed scheme, the investment is completely risk free.
I hope you will understand the advantage of having a PPF account. I request you to also open an account at the earliest.

Letter 04 : Write an Informal Letter to your mother telling her of your achievements in college

A-607,Hillcrest, Andheri,
2nd July 2018

Dear mother,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of your health and spirits. I am writing this letter to you to tell you about my achievements

at the college this year.
This year has been one of the most eventful years of my life. In the first month of college itself, I was elected as the class
representative for the year. My classmates and teachers believed that my responsible and humble demeanor made me the
perfect choice for this position. This was just the beginning. Once college began full swing, I became as busy as a bee.
My next successful endeavor was being a part of the organizing committee of Mumbai’s largest college festival – Unnati. I
participated in the organization of this event in the capacity of the President of the entire organizing team. Managing a multitude
of people and ensuring that all that was planned was executed effectively almost took a toll on my physical and mental health.
However, the satisfaction of its fruition was unparalleled. Besides this, I took part in a variety of conferences to realize my public
speaking potential. Being awarded the ‘Best Speaker’ at several of these symposiums instilled a huge load of confidence in me.
Academically, too, I have been working hard and I managed to achieve a position among the top three ranks in each semester. I
do not think that this would be possible without the constant support of my teachers and friends who helped me cover up the
classes I missed so often.
After such a tiring but fulfilling college year, I will be coming home over the summer break. I have been missing Papa, you and
Vedika a lot and hope to see you soon!

Yours lovingly,
Letter 05 : Write a Formal Letter to your Municipal Corporation complaining about the state of roads in your area and the lack of street lights
B-515, Royal Ensign,
Sector-64, Ashok Vihar,
New Delhi, Delhi – 110052
3rd July 2018

Mr K. K. Dahiya
Director (Personnel) – South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC)
Connaught Place ,New Delhi, Delhi -110056

Subject – Poor condition of roads and lack of street lights in Ashok Vihar
I, Ankita Vasudha, am a resident of Ashok Vihar. This letter is to draw the attention of the SDMC to the pathetic condition of roads in Ashok
Vihar. The stretch between sector 64 and sector 125 has been in a very poor state since the last 6 months. This stretch, which is one of the
busiest roads in New Delhi, also lacks street lighting.
The onset of the monsoon has only worsened the situation. There are huge potholes on this road which along with zero maintenance of this
stretch leads to huge traffic jams during the peak hours. Needless to say, the damage it causes to the vehicles plying on this road is costing
the citizens heavily. Almost every other day, a vehicle is punctured or dented or it gets stuck. Lack of proper lighting only adds to the misery
of the people. The number of accidents occurring here has also gone up significantly.
These conditions have caused a lot of inconvenience to the residents of this area as well as commuters.
Keeping the above in view, I hope that the SDMC will initiate expeditious steps to ensure the repairing of this road with proper lighting.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Ankita Vasudha.
Letter 06 : Write a Formal Letter to the Principal requesting him to increase security for women in the college.

Sanaya Sinha,
Aahat Enclave, Andheri,

2nd July 2018.

The Principal, St. Xavier’s College,


Dear Sir,
Subject: Request for increasing security for women in college

I, the undersigned, am writing this letter to you to request you to hike the security for women in the college. I am a student of your institution
and am pursuing Economics. I am voicing out such a concern on behalf of all the other female students of the college.
Given the current scenario in the Indian diaspora and numerous untoward incidents that are being reported almost daily, I believe that
women’s security is an issue that needs to be tackled effectively at the earliest. Most of the female students in the campus travel from faraway
suburban areas and often stay back in the college campus even after the lectures are over because they participate in a wide range of extra-
curricular activities. As such, it is imperative that the surveillance be increased for women in the college lest we face undesirable consequences.
This is why I earnestly request you to take some action as soon as possible. I would be highly obliged if you would do the needful and heighten
the security in and around the college campus for all the females. I thank you in anticipation.

Yours truly,
Sanaya Sinha.

Letter 07: Write a letter to the commissioner of the municipal corporation against Unauthorized construction Adjacent to the Public Park.

ER-118,XYZ Colony,
Malviya nagar,
New Delhi-11008

26 July 2018

The Commissoner,
Municipal Corporation,

Subject:- Complaint of unauthorized construction adjacent to the park


I am writing this letter to inform you about the inconvenience we are facing for few days due to the construction activity go ing on near
the community park of our colony.

It is leading to the severe problems of dust, sound pollution due to which residents of the society are not able to leave pea ce fully since
the construction started, I have talked to the constructor regarding the construction activity whether they have taken the pe rmission for
it or not ,they didn’t reply anything to me, I also requested them to show me the permission papers for the construction but hey refused.

It will be very grateful if you take cognizance of the problem as soon as possible. Awaiting for an immediate response.

Your Truly,

Letter 08 : Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper pleading for the construction of a government hospital in your town .

12, Raja Street.
Chennai 123456.

4th August,2018

The Editor,
The Indian Express,
Chennai 123456

Subject: Pleading for Government Hospital in my town.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the i ssue of
increasing diseases and absence of health care facilities and government hospital in my town.
I, ABC living in YYY town which is 20 kilometres apart from Chennai for more than 25 years. In my area, majority of the people belongs to
low income groups and weaker sections. As nowadays many health diseases like dengue, seasonal fever are increasing ,children are often
affected with cold and cough ,senior citizens want to take regular medicines to control their sugar level and pressure and wa nt to make
their regular monthly check up, patients need to travel more hours to use health care facilities provided in my nearby town o nly. They
don’t have enough money to go for private hospital.
Many people cannot afford the bus fare to visit the town and also it was more time consuming for us to go there for regular c heck ups. If
Government take necessary steps to build a government hospital in our area means it will be very useful for us. I request you to raise my
concern through your daily so that people in my town will be benefitted.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
Application : How do I write an application to a principal asking him for 5 days of leave?

The Principal,
XYZ Higher Secondary School,
Panbazaar, Guwahati- 781001

Dated: 25/11/2021

Subject: Prayer for leave of absence for 5 days.

Dear Madam,

With due respect, I beg to state that I, Miss XYZZZ, a student of Class-XI of [XYZ] Higher Secondary School, shall be
proceeding to Jorhat with my parents for attending my elder brother’s marriage ceremony. On account of that, I will
not be able to attend my classes from 27 November, 2021 to 01 December, 2021.
I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me the leave of absence for those days only and
oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
Roll No. 29, Class XI,
XYZZZ Higher Secondary School,
Panbazaar, Guwahati- 01


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