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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Angel Fatima T. Lagaran Date Started: May 05, 2024

Course & Section: BTLED ICT 3-D Date Submitted:
Activity No.: 1 Rating:

OBE Framework

Instruction: In your own perception, discuss the given framework below in not less than 300
words. You may use separate sheet of paper if necessary.

The presented framework includes an all-inclusive instructional design and evaluation

method that extends from the institutional to the course-specific levels. The Institutional
Learning Outcomes (ILOs) are at the core of it all, which specify the institution's general goals and
provide guidance for developing programs and courses. Course ILOs provide more specific
information about the intended learning outcomes for each course, whereas Program ILOs refine
these objectives to better align with the particular aims of academic programs.
This framework is built on outcome-based learning tasks, which are arranged according
to the engage, explore, and apply principles. Students are actively involved in order to spark their
interest and provide relevance to their educational route using a number of ways. Rather than
merely receiving information passively, these activities urge students to actively participate in
the learning process. By working on these tasks, students may explore concepts, apply what
they've learned to real-world situations, and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

skills. Section ILOs within each course establish learning goals for different modules or sections,
ensuring a systematic approach to teaching course content. These goals serve as guiding
principles for educators, aiding them in crafting lessons and assessments that effectively measure
students' progress and attainment. The process of assessing student learning and monitoring
their progress toward the desired learning goals is termed assessment. Tests, quizzes, projects,
and presentations are among the diverse assessment methods employed. Assessments are
integral to the framework as they furnish instructors and students with feedback, ensure the
fulfillment of learning objectives, and foster continuous improvement.
To sum up, the framework that includes section ILOs, program ILOs, course ILOs,
institutional ILOs, outcome-based learning activities, and assessment promotes a comprehensive
and structured approach to education. It guarantees clear learning objectives, active student
participation, and assessment depending on how closely the objectives coincide with the
intended results.

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