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Objective: To improve students' speaking and listening skills through interactive

conversations on various topics.

Materials Needed:
Whiteboard and markers (or digital whiteboard)
Handouts with conversation prompts (optional)
Timer or clock
Introduction (5 minutes):
Greet the students and introduce yourself.
Briefly explain the objectives of the class.
Establish a friendly and comfortable atmosphere.
Warm-up Activity: "Two Truths and a Lie" (10 minutes):
Explain the game: Each student takes turns sharing two true statements and one false
statement about themselves.
Other students guess which statement is the lie.
This activity encourages students to speak about personal experiences and helps
build rapport among students.
Vocabulary Review: Daily Routine (10 minutes):
Present a list of vocabulary related to daily routines on the whiteboard.
Read out the words and have students repeat after you.
Create sentences using the vocabulary and ask students to do the same.
Main Activity: Guided Conversations (25 minutes): Divide the class into pairs or
small groups. Provide each group with a conversation prompt related to different
topics. Allow 10-15 minutes for each conversation.
Conversation Topics:
Travel Experiences:
Share a memorable travel experience you've had.
Discuss your favorite travel destinations and why you like them.
Talk about any travel plans you have for the future.
Hobbies and Interests:
Talk about a hobby you enjoy and how you got into it.
Share your favorite moments or achievements related to your hobby.
Ask your partner about their hobbies and show interest in their stories.
Food and Cuisine:
Discuss your favorite types of food and cuisines.
Share a recipe of a dish you enjoy cooking or eating.
Ask your partner about their culinary preferences and any memorable food
Dreams and Goals:
Talk about your dreams and long-term goals.
Discuss the steps you're taking to achieve those goals.
Listen to your partner's aspirations and offer encouragement and support.
Books and Movies:
Recommend a book or movie you recently enjoyed.
Summarize the plot and share your thoughts on it.
Ask your partner about their favorite books or movies and discuss their
Group Discussion and Feedback (5 minutes):
Gather the class and encourage them to share interesting points from their
Offer feedback on language usage, pronunciation, and fluency.
Praise their efforts and highlight areas for improvement.
Wrap-up (5 minutes):
Summarize the key points covered during the class.
Encourage students to continue practicing conversations outside the classroom.
Thank the students for their participation and effort.
Homework (optional):
Assign a short task related to the conversation topics for students to complete and
discuss in the next class.
Remember to adapt the lesson plan according to the actual classroom dynamics,
students' interests, and pace of learning. The goal is to create an engaging and
interactive environment that promotes active communication.
Objective: To provide Level A+ students with opportunities to practice basic
conversational skills in English through interactive activities and discussions.

Materials Needed:

 Whiteboard and markers (or digital whiteboard)

 Flashcards with simple vocabulary words
 Timer or clock

Introduction (5 minutes):

 Welcome the students and introduce yourself.

 Explain the focus of the class: improving conversational skills through engaging

Warm-up Activity: "Word Association" (10 minutes):

 Begin with a simple word (e.g., "school").

 Ask the students to quickly say the first word that comes to their minds related to
the initial word (e.g., "teacher").
 Encourage them to keep the chain going while trying to respond within a few

Vocabulary Building: Flashcard Quiz (10 minutes):

 Show a flashcard with a picture and simple word (e.g., "cat").

 Have students take turns using the word in a sentence (e.g., "I have a cat.").
 Repeat with a few more flashcards.

Structured Conversations - "Getting to Know You" (20 minutes): Divide the

class into pairs. Provide a set of questions for students to ask and answer in turns.

Sample Questions:

1. What's your name?

2. Where are you from?
3. Do you have any siblings?
4. What do you like to do in your free time?
5. What's your favorite food/color/animal?

Group Activity - "Create a Story" (10 minutes):

 Form small groups of 3-4 students.

 Provide each group with a starting sentence (e.g., "One sunny day, a curious cat
wandered into the forest...").
 Each student in the group takes turns adding a sentence to the story.
 Encourage them to use descriptive words and practice listening to their peers.

Wrap-up and Feedback (5 minutes):

 Gather the class and discuss what they learned from the session.
 Ask for feedback on their comfort level with the conversational activities.
 Encourage them to practice English outside the classroom as well.

Homework (optional):

 Assign a short task such as writing a paragraph about their favorite hobby or
describing their morning routine in English.

Note: Keep the activities simple and engaging, focusing on building confidence in
using English for basic conversations. Use visuals, gestures, and clear pronunciation
to support comprehension. Adapt the lesson plan based on the students' progress
and engagement.

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