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Y7 Junior Science: Cellular Life


Lesson 1: What does it mean to be alive?
Learning objectives

 Explain what is meant by movement, growth, nutrition, excretion, respiration, reproduction and sensitivity
(the characteristic processes of living organisms).
 Explain that a living organism may not show all of the characteristic processes of life in an obvious way, or all
of the time.
 Justify the classification of examples as living, dead or never been alive, using the characteristic processes of
living organisms.
Living or non-living?
The aim of this activity is to gather information regarding the characteristics of living and non-living things. For each
object, classify them as living or non-living, and substantiate your classification with evidence from your

Object Observations Living or Justification


Eight life processes
Living organisms have certain life processes in common. There are eight things that are used to classify an organism
as being alive. We can use the phrase MRS C GREN to help remember them:
While all living things will be able to go through these processes at some point, organisms may not show all the
characteristic processes of life in an obvious way, or all the time.

Key term Definition









Lesson 2: What do organisms need to stay alive?
Learning objectives
 Recall what all animals and plants need to stay alive
 Explain why animals and plants need particular things to stay alive, by linking them to the characteristic
processes of life

Starter: Killer Robot!


Staying alive: true or false?

Decide whether the following statements are true or false for plants and animals.

Statement True False

Animals need air to stay alive
Animals need water to stay alive
Animals need light to stay alive
Eating is an example of nutrition for animals
Drinking is an example of nutrition for animals
Breathing is an example of nutrition
Plants need air to stay alive
Plants need water to stay alive
Plants need light to stay alive
Plants need food from soil to stay alive
Plants taking in nutrients from the soil is an example of nutrition
Plants taking in water is an example of nutrition
Plants taking in oxygen from the air is an example of nutrition
Plants absorbing sunlight is an example of nutrition
Plants and animals need exactly the same things to stay alive

How do living things use air to survive?
Moving air into and out of your lungs is called breathing. However, not all living things breathe.
Plants and animals use air, or more specifically oxygen, in a process called respiration.
Respiration is a chemical reaction that happens in all living cells, including plant cells and animal cells. It is the way
that energy is released from glucose so that all the other chemical processes needed for life can happen.
The energy generated through respiration is needed for life processes such as:
■ growth and repair
■ movement
■ control of body temperature in mammals
Explanation of why animals need air:






How do plants use light to survive?






Cut out this page

Cards for “Why animals need it” column:

As a source of To store and transport dissolved
For nutrition and respiration.
oxygen. substances.

Cards for “What animal cells do with it” column:

Animal cells use oxygen for Animal cells use it to get
Animal cells are filled up with
respiration to provide energy for energy, and to make new cells
life processes. and materials.

Cards for “Why plants need it” column:

As a source of As a source of To store and transport dissolved
carbon dioxide. oxygen. substances.

For nutrition. Plants need to absorb energy. For nutrition and growth.

Cards for “What plant cells do with it” column:

Plant cells use it for respiration
Plant cells use it in a chemical
to provide energy for life Plant cells are filled up with it.
reaction to make food.

The energy is used for a Plant cells use nutrients to make

Plant cells use it in a chemical
chemical reaction in cells that new cells and materials for
reaction to make food.
makes food. growth.

Cut out the cards on the following page and complete the table.

What animals need Why animals need it What animal cells do with it




What plants need Why plants need it What plant cells do with it




Nutrients from soil

Lesson 3: What is the smallest living thing?
Learning objectives

 Decide whether examples of things that are living, dead and have never been alive are likely to be made of
 Identify subcellular structures and their functions

Starter: What is the difference between non-living and dead?

Activity: Label the plant and animal cells

Word bank:
Cell membrane

Word bank:
Cell wall
Cell membrane


Spare page

Cells are the basic building blocks of all animals and plants. Inside cells are various subcellular structures (organelles)
that carry out a particular function.
Both animal and plant cells have these components:
Cell membrane – this surrounds the cells and controls which substances enter and leave the cell
Nucleus – determines the characteristic of the cell. It contains DNA, the genetic information that cells need to grow
and reproduce.
Cytoplasm – this is a jelly-like substance, it is the site of chemical reactions.
Mitochondria – carry out reactions of respiration for the release of energy.

Plant cells have all the parts in the list above, plus a few extra:
Cell wall – a layer of cellulose that surrounds the cell to strengthen and give support.
A permanent Vacuole – this is a space within the cytoplasm of plant cells that contains cell sap, a store of water and
Chloroplasts – these contain chlorophyll for absorbing sunlight for photosynthesis.

Lesson 4: How does the cell membrane help cells to stay alive?
Learning objectives

 Explain diffusion as the net movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower
 Apply ideas about diffusion through the cell membrane to explain why some cells have a larger surface area.

Starter: Cup of tea

Your teacher is going to put a tea bag into a beaker of room temperature water.
1) What will happen and why?

Diffusion is the net movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
In gases and liquids, particles move randomly from place to place. The particles collide with each other and the
container making them change direction. Eventually, the particles are spread throughout the whole container.
In living things, substances move in and out of cells by diffusion.
Respiration produces carbon dioxide, which builds up in an animal cell. Eventually, the concentration of carbon
dioxide in cells is higher than the surrounding blood. The carbon dioxide diffuses out of the cell through the cell
membrane and into the blood. This is possible because the cell membrane is partially permeable.
Water diffuses into plants through root hair cells. The water moves from an area of high concentration (in the soil) to
an area of lower concentration (in the root hair cell). The diffusion of water is called osmosis.

Factors that affect the rate of diffusion:





Think, pair, share: What would make an effective cell membrane?

Select one of the objects you think will make the most effective cell membrane. You will need to consider that a cell
membrane needs to be selectively permeable and the factors which affect the rate of diffusion.
You may be asked to justify your decision to the class.

Returning to our cup of tea…
1. Why was stirring not required for the tea particles to diffuse evenly throughout the water?
Lesson 5: What makes a good cell model?
Learning objectives

 Describe the features and the limitations of the animal and plant cell models.
 Apply the idea that cells have a three-dimensional shape.

Starter: Subcellular structures and their functions mini quiz

Similarities and differences between plant and animal cells

Features usually Features usually found

found in animal cells Features usually in plant cells
found in both types
of cells

What do they have in common?

Discussion questions
1) Sort cells A-H into plant and animal cells
2) What features did you use to classify your cells as animal cells?
3) What features did you use to classify your cells as plant cells?
4) What are the limitations of the typical animal and plant cell models? Write your answer below.


Cell structures required!
Identify the appropriate cell structures for the job descriptions.
Cell structures: cell wall, cytoplasm, cell membrane, chloroplasts, nucleus, mitochondria, vacuole

Job advert title Cell structure

Busy Busy Busy
Ever wanted to work in a leaf?
Storage specialist required
Are you tough and strong?
Interested in a career supporting cell reactions?

Management position in the cell

Ever wanted to control what can enter and leave a cell?

Lesson 6: How do we observe small objects
Learning objectives

 Recall that most (but not all) cells are too small to be seen without a microscope
 Understand how scale is used to make an accurate model larger or smaller than the object

Starter: Microscope images

Activity- Label the parts of the microscope

Word bank: objective lens x2, fine focusing mechanism, coarse focusing mechanism, mirror, revolving nosepiece,
specimen, arm, hole, stage, base, tilt, eyepiece, barrel,

Cells could not have been discovered without the invention of the microscope.
‘micro’ means ‘small’ and ‘scope’ means ‘looking at’.
A microscope allows us to look at very small things by making them seem bigger. It magnifies tiny details and makes
them visible to the human eye.
We can work out the overall magnification of a microscope by multiplying the eyepiece magnification by the
objective lens magnification.

Overall magnification=eyepiece magnification x objectivelens magnification

Eyepiece Magnification Objective Magnification Overall Magnification

X10 X4

X10 X10

X10 X40

X10 X100

Complete the table to find the overall magnification

Magnification and images

Magnification is the number of times larger an image is compared with the real size of the object.
If we know the magnification of the microscope used, we can calculate
the actual size of a specimen from the image obtained from a
microscope using the equation on the right.
It is important to use the same unit of measurements when carrying out
the calculation.

Example: What is the actual size of the head of this virus?

Step one:
Measure the length of the head in mm (image size):

Step two:
What is the magnification? _________

Step three:
Rearrange the equation to make actual size the subject:

Step four: Work out the actual size from the rearranged

Question 1: Calculate the actual size of this onion cell
Step 1: Length of one onion cell in the
image: ……………………mm
Step 2: The magnification used was x100
Step 3: Rearrange the equation to make actual size the

Step 4: The actual size ……………………mm

Question 2: Calculate the actual size of the length of the spider (the head and body). The magnification used has been
written next to the image.

Lesson 7: How do you use a microscope?
Learning objectives

 Use a light microscope to examine plant and animal tissues, and decide which is which
 Prepare a microscope slide

Starter: plant and animal cells game

Preparing a slide
Cheek cells
1) Put a very small drop of stain on a slide. A stain helps you to see certain parts of cells more clearly.
2) Place a cotton bud against the inside of your cheek
3) Dip the end of the cotton bud into the stain and stir gently
4) Place one side of a coverslip on the edge of the pool of stain, supporting the other side with the cotton bud.
Slowly lower it (to avoid trapping air bubbles). The coverslip will stop the specimen drying out and will hold
it in place.
5) Place the cotton bud in the disinfectant provided

Onion cell
1) Use forceps to peel off the inner surface (epidermis) from a small piece of onion.
2) Place the epidermis on a slide and add a drop of iodine to stain the cells. A stain helps you to see certain parts
of cells more clearly.
3) Place one side of a coverslip on the edge of the pool of stain, supporting the other side with a mounted needle.
Slowly lower it (to avoid trapping air bubbles). The coverslip will stop the specimen drying out and will hold
it in place.

Practical questions
1) Why do we use a cover slip? Give two reasons.



2) Complete the missing magnifications in the table.

Magnification of eyepiece lens Magnification of objective lens Total magnification

X5 X10

X5 X40

X10 X150

3) Why do we use a stain?



4) Challenge question!
A student is using a microscope where the eyepiece lens says x10 and the side of the objective lens says x4.
He puts his ruler under the microscope and looks at the 1mm markings. How far apart will they appear?


1. Turn the objective lenses so that the lowest power lens is over the hole in the stage, the lowest power
objective lens will have the widest field of view and is therefore easier to find what you are looking for.
2. Looking from the side, turn the large coarse focusing wheel to make the gap between the stage and objective
lens as small as possible.
3. Put a slide on the stage, the specimen must be directly above the hole.
4. Turn on the light so that light is reflected up into the hole in the stage.
5. Now look down the eyepiece with both eyes open. Slowly turn the coarse focusing so the gap between the
stage and the objective lens becomes bigger and until what you see is in focus.
6. If you cannot see anything, reset the microscope so that the stage and objective lens are close, although make
sure the lens does not touch the specimen!
7. To see a bigger image, place the next most powerful objective lens over the specimen and use the fine
focusing wheel to adjust the focus.
8. Record the magnification of the objective lens and eyepiece lens.
Note: Do not use the coarse focusing wheel with higher power objective lenses. If you can’t see anything go back
to a lower power objective lens and focus the slide again before returning to the higher power objective lens.

Viewing cells
You will be shown two slides.
For each:
-In the boxes, draw one or two of the cell you observe
-Label the parts of the cells on your drawings
-Record the magnifications of the lenses used

Slide 1

Eyepiece lens magnification:

Objective lens magnification:

Slide 2

Eyepiece lens magnification:

Objective lens magnification:

1) Are the cells in slide 1 from a plant or an animal?


2) Describe how evidence from your results supports this conclusion.



3) Calculate the total magnification used to observe slide 1. Show your working.

Total magnification = eyepiece lens magnification x objective lens magnification

4) Are the cells in slide 2 from a plant or an animal?


5) Describe how evidence from your results supports this conclusion.



6) Calculate the total magnification used to observe slide 2. Show your working.

Lesson 8: How big are cells?
Learning objectives

 Recall that cells are usually too small to be seen without a microscope but have a range of three-dimensional
shapes and sizes.

Starter: Cell size and scale

Activity: Giant cells

Most plant cells are between 0.01 mm and 0.1 mm (10–100 μm) in diameter, but the giant cells in a bell pepper can be
up to 50 mm (50,000 μm / 5 cm) long. These giant cells are important in making the fruit succulent as they have a
high cell volume, very elastic cell walls, and water can enter them easily. If a giant cell is pressed with the end of a
mounted needle it may burst, releasing its watery sap contents.
The giant cells are covered with a thin layer of much smaller (regular sized) cells which make up the endocarp layer;
these can only be seen clearly using a light microscope.
Activity instructions
1) Using a hand lens, examine the inner surface of the pericarp. The long thin
structures that you can see are giant cells.
2) Gently prod one of the giant cells with the point of a mounted needle and
see how it feels.
3) Look carefully, and you will see that the giant cells are covered by much
smaller cells. These are called endocarp cells and are just visible through a
hand lens.
4) Your teacher will now cut a thin section of the pericarp and mount it on a
microscope slide. Examine the pericarp and giant cells when seen through
a microscope.

1. In this box draw the giant cells as seen through 2. In this box draw the endocarp and giant cells as
the hand lens. seen through the microscope.

Practical questions
1) How would you describe the shape of one of the giant cells?

2) When you prodded the giant cell with a mounted needle, how did it feel?


3) What structures divide one plant cell from another?


4) Some plant cells have chloroplasts – why don’t the bell peppers you investigated have these?


5) What is the plant cell filled with?


6) Kareem’s group opted not to bother with the hand lens and just used the microscope at the highest
magnification to look for the giant cells. They could not get a clear focused image – why was this?


7) Amy looked at the cells through the microscope and then did a drawing that looked rather like bricks in a wall
with perfect rectangles. ‘The cells must be like this,’ she said, ‘or they wouldn’t fit together’. Why was this a



Reference: Walsh, E. 2019, Key Stage 3 Science Lab Book, Collins, London.
Lesson 9a: How are cells adapted to their function?
Learning objectives

 Link the shapes and sizes of different cells to their functions.

Starter: The size and shape of cells 25

1 Which student is correct?
Specialised cells research task
You will be assigned a specialised cell to research and teach others in your class about this cell.
From your research you should be able to describe:
-the role of this cell
-any special features it has and how these features help it successfully carry out its role

Research notes

Lesson 9b: Specialised cells

Name Picture Special features and role

Lesson 10: How many cells make up an organism?
Learning objectives

 Apply the idea that organisms are made up of one or more cells.

Starter: What is the smallest number of cells that a living organism can be made up of?

A unicellular organism is a living thing that consists of just one cell. Some unicellular organisms include:
-unicellular fungi
While the term unicellular may make you think these organisms are simple, they can be very complex and have
adaptations that make them suited for life in their environment.
A typical bacterial cell is just a few thousandths of a millimetre long. Their
structure differs to that of a plant or an animal in that they do not have a
nucleus. Some bacteria have developed a flagellum – this is a tail-like part to
a cell that can spin, aiding the cell with movement.

Protozoa are a unicellular organisms that live in water or damp places.
An example of a protozoa is an amoeba. Some adaptations of protozoa
-pseudopodia (false feet) that let it move around
-the pseudopodia can surround food and take it inside the cell
-contractile vacuoles which can appear inside the cell or merge with the
surface to remove waste
These adaptations enable the protozoa to act a little like an animal.
Yeast is an example of a unicellular fungi. It can be used in the
production of beer and wine to convert sugar into alcohol or is a
well-known raising agent for making bread.
Yeast have a cell wall, like plant cells. They do not have
chloroplasts so are unable to make their own food by
photosynthesis. Instead they absorb sugars for their nutrition.
The reproduction of yeast occurs when a bud grows large
enough to split from the parent cell and become a new yeast cell.
Unicellular vs multicellular
Yeast and bacteria are examples of unicellular organisms, a living this that is just one cell.
Humans and plants are multicellular, meaning they are made up of lots of cells.

Compare the features of the cells which make up unicellular and multicellular organisms.

Feature Bacteria Yeast Animal Plant

Cell membrane




Cell Wall




Research Task: use the internet to find out the answers to these questions
What is the heaviest cell?

What is the longest cell?

What is the biggest cell in the human body?

What is the biggest unicellular organism?


Lesson 11: How are cells organised in multicellular organisms?
Learning objectives

 Explain that multicellular organisms are made of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems

Starter: Inside the human body

Multicellular organisms are organised into increasingly complex parts.
Cells are the basic building blocks of all animals and plants.
A tissue is a group of similar cells with the same function.
An organ is made from a group of different tissues, which all work together to do a particular job.
An organ system is made from a group of different organs, which all work together to do a particular job.
Activity: Complete the flow diagrams for multicellular organisms using the word banks provided.
Flow diagram 1: organ system, cell, organism, tissue, organ

Flow diagram 2: human, muscle, circulatory system, muscle cell, heart

Lesson 12: How are new cells made?
Learning objectives

 Understand that cell division allows organisms to grow, replace damaged tissue and reproduce

Starter: Cells bingo

All cells are produced from other cells by cell division. Cell division occurs when one cell divides to produce
two new cells. Unicellular organisms use cell division to reproduce while multicellular organisms use cell division
for growth and repair.
The new cells produced by division are genetically identical to the parent cell because they each receive a copy of
all the chromosomes it has in its nucleus.
Sometimes the cells in part of a multicellular organism divide uncontrollably, this can result in a large
mass of cells called a tumour. If these tumour cells successfully invade other tissues in the body the result is
cancer. Reference: BBC Bitesize

Cell division story board

The parent cell contains all the The parent cell makes a copy of its The cell starts to split in two, each
instructions for making a new cell DNA with a copy of the DNA

The cell has split into two smaller The small cells increase in size to The new cell now contains all the
cells become two full size cells instructions for making a new cell

Cell division- How many cells?

If it takes 20 minutes for an animal cell to divide in two, how
long will it take until there are:
a) 8 cells?
b) 64 cells?

Cellular Life Checklist

Learning Objectives

Objective At the I have I have

start… studied revised
a Explain what is meant by movement, growth, nutrition, excretion,
respiration, reproduction and sensitivity (the characteristic processes of R A G R A G R A G
living organisms).
b Explain that a living organism may not show all of the characteristic
processes of life in an obvious way, or all of the time.
c Justify the classification of examples as living, dead or never been alive,
using the characteristic processes of living organisms.
d Recall what all animals and plants need to stay alive R A G R A G R A G
e Explain why animals and plants need particular things to stay alive, by
linking them to the characteristic processes of life
f Decide whether examples of things that are living, dead and have never
been alive are likely to be made of cells
g Identify subcellular structures and their functions R A G R A G R A G
h Explain diffusion as the net movement of particles from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower concentration.
i Apply ideas about diffusion through the cell membrane to explain why
some cells have a larger surface area.
j Describe the features and the limitations of the animal and plant cell
k Apply the idea that cells have a three-dimensional shape. R A G R A G R A G
l Recall that most (but not all) cells are too small to be seen without a
m Understand how scale is used to make an accurate model larger or smaller
than the object
n Use a light microscope to examine plant and animal tissues, and decide
which is which
o Prepare a microscope slide R A G R A G R A G
p Link the shapes and sizes of different cells to their functions. R A G R A G R A G
q Apply the idea that organisms are made up of one or more cells. R A G R A G R A G
r Explain that multicellular organisms are made
of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems
s Understand that cell division allows organisms to grow, replace damaged G
tissue and reproduce

Before Starting any Practical
 Recognise that you need to take responsibility for yourself and your
behaviour. You will put yourself and others at risk if you don’t listen, if you
are careless or if you fool around. Decide to be a thoughtful and
considerate experimenter.
 Only enter a lab when told to do so by a teacher. Never rush about or throw
things in a lab. Keep your bench and floor area clear, with bags and coats
well out of the way.
 Secure loose clothing and ensure work area is clear; only have out what you

Be Organised
 Read instructions and follow them carefully. Have your book/sheet ready to
write in
 Make sure you know how to use all equipment, if in doubt, ASK!
 Check labels carefully and put tops back on bottles after use.

Report Incidents
 Wipe up minor spills if you know what they are and it is safe to do so.
Inform your teacher of any large spills or unknown materials.
 Report any faulty equipment immediately.

 Wash your hands with soap and water before and atter any practical
 Ensure equipment is rinsed if appropriate before placing in washing up tray
 Covid specific: Ensure all safety specs are put in trough of Milton solution
once the practical is completed. Your teacher will go over this with you in
your first practical.

Protect Yourself
 Wear safety specs when asked to do so. Avoid taking them off during
 Wear gloves only when directed to do so or when covering a cut or sore on
your hand/s
 Covid specific: do not wear lab coats but disposable aprons may be made
available. Dispose into waste bin when finished with
 No eating in the lab unless your teacher allows this under supervision. No
fluids to be drunk in the lab.
 Avoid touching your face in case you have any substances on your hands.
 Always stand up when working with hazardous substances or Bunsen burners
so that you can move out of the way quickly if necessary
 If you are burnt, or a chemical splashes on your skin, wash the affected
part at once with lots of water. Tell your teacher who will assess whether
you need to wash under cold water for 10 minutes.

Maintain Your Area

 Keep your work area tidy and free of clutter – tidy as you go.
 Put all materials and equipment away or in the washing up when finished.
Solid waste goes in the bin. Wipe down bench once complete and double
check your area is clear

Whitgift Lab rules – September 2020


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