Learning Guide About Tourism

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Title: Exploring Vacation and Tourism in English - B2 Advanced Level

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: By the end of this learning guide, students will be able to confidently discuss and
present information on vacation and tourism topics in English, at a B2 advanced level.

Presentation topic: Famous Tourist Destinations in the World

Materials needed:

- Computer or projector

- Internet access

- PowerPoint or Google Slides templates

- Handouts for vocabulary and expressions

Hour 1 - Developing Vocabulary and Language Skills:

1. Warm-up (5 minutes):
- Greet the students and encourage them to share a memorable vacation experience they have

- Elicit vocabulary related to vacation and tourism.

2. Vocabulary Building (15 minutes):

- Introduce and discuss key words and expressions related to vacation and tourism.

- Provide handouts with definitions and examples.

3. Reading and Comprehension (20 minutes):

- Distribute an article about a popular tourist destination.

- Ask students to read the article individually and answer comprehension questions.

- Conduct a class discussion to review their answers.

4. Listening Practice (20 minutes):

- Play an audio recording related to vacation activities or travel experiences.

- Ask students to take notes and summarize what they heard.

- Discuss their findings as a group.

5. Speaking Activity (30 minutes):

- Divide students into pairs or small groups.

- Assign each group a different vacation destination to research.

- Instruct them to create a short presentation highlighting the location's attractions, history, and

- Encourage students to use the vocabulary and expressions discussed earlier.

- Allow time for preparation and practice presentations.

Hour 2 - Presentations and Feedback:

1. Presentation Preparation (30 minutes):

- Allow each group to set up their PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation.

- Remind students to include images, statistics, and interesting facts.

- Monitor their progress and provide assistance as needed.

2. Presentations (45 minutes):

- Each group presents their prepared presentations.

- Encourage students to speak clearly, engage the audience, and use effective body language.

- After each presentation, allow time for questions, comments, and feedback from the class.

3. Feedback and Reflection (15 minutes):

- Provide constructive feedback after each presentation.

- Discuss the strengths, areas for improvement, and challenges faced during the presentations.

- Conclude with a reflection on what they learned and suggestions for future presentations.

4. Wrap-up and Closing (5 minutes):

- Thank the students for their participation and effort.

- Recap the main vocabulary and expressions covered.

- Assign homework, such as writing a reflective journal entry about their dream vacation

Note: Adjust the timings depending on the pace of the class and the number of students. Be
prepared to provide additional support and guidance as necessary.

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