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Daniel B. Peña Memorial College Foundation, Inc.

Ziga Avenue, San Juan, Tabaco City

S.Y. 2023-2024



1. Random Sampling – a types of sampling in which every member of the population has an
equal chance of being selected.
Ex. The population of 50 students of BS in Accountancy The probability of being chosen is
1/50 or .02%

2. Stratified sampling - a type of probability sampling involves the division of a population into
smaller subgroups known as strata. It uses proportional representation. The term stratification
means to arrange something into groups.
Ex. Dividing the population of college students of DBPMCF with their respective courses
(BSA, BSED, BEED, AB POLSCI AND COMMERCE) and then select 3 sample from each

3. Systematic Sampling - a type of probability sampling in which members of the population are
selected at a regular interval.
Ex. Selecting a student who arrive at DBPMCF every 20 mins

4. Cluster Sampling - a type of probability sampling in which you divide a population into
clusters and then randomly select some of these clusters as your sample.
Ex. Dividing the population of college students of DBPMCF with their respective courses
(BSA, BSED, BEED, AB POLSCI AND COMMERCE) and then selecting from the courses
to be the sample size.

Activity I:

Write D if the data is discrete and C if it is continuous.

1. The number of students in a classroom

2. Temperature in degree Celsius
3. Time it takes to complete a marathon
4. Number of goals scored in a football match
5. Length of a table in meters
6. Number of cars in a parking lot
7. Shoe sizes of a group of people
8. Amount of rainfall in millimeters
9. Distance traveled by a car in miles
10. Number of pets in a household
11. Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
12. number of siblings a person has
13. Height of students in a class
14. Number of books in a library
15. Weight of fruits in kilograms
Activity II:

Identify the level of measurement in the following items.

1. Classification of cars by color

2. Height of students in a class
3. Months
4. Nationality
5. Cellphone number
6. Birthdays
7. Temperature in Kelvin
8. 24 hours
9. Zip code
10. Length of the wood
11. Salary
12. Scale used to measure customer satisfaction

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