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To Mad ness

By Lara Saba
To Madness
A Book of Quotes

Original Title: To Madness – A Book of Quotes

©2020 Tadros Publishing, G&J Productions &

Lara Saba

All rights reserved. No part of this publication

may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise without
the prior written permission of the author and
the publishing house.

First Edition 2020

Lara Saba
To every wonder woman…

I would love to express my gratitude and thanks to my family,

who always stood by me even when we are miles apart.

A special thank you for my number one and inspiration

throughout writing this book.

Thank you for my designer, and my editor.

Without them there wouldn’t be any book to publish.
Thank you readers, critics and writers.

The second book exists because of you.

Thank you for the team who put all this together;
the publishers and the printing house.

For the rest, you know yourselves:

Thank you.

Looking forward to taking you to the

madness of this maze.

- to

Fact of Life:
Behind the lie,
lies a glimpse of the truth;
Behind the truth,
lies a small part of I wish.

LS - To Madness

Look at those painted stairs, each

color symbolizes a meaning.
What can you understand from this
artistic stair?
We’ve been sitting here since ever,
tell me what you see, tell me what
you understand!
This is the beauty of colors, the
beauty of words, the beauty of silence.
You have to be crazy to see, to
understand, to be touched.
Words can move mountains if you choose
to, and silence can break down a whole
continent if you want to.
Choose your battle wisely, she said to
her, not everything that is spoken and
seen is true!
Sometimes the truth lies behind the
All you have to do is listen to silence,
because it is the most powerful weapon.

LS -To Madness

Why do we always forgive the person that

hurt us?
Why do we always go back to the same person
that shattered us?
Why do we always listen to our hearts and not
our minds?
Why do we always allow ourselves to be treat-
ed like we are worthless all over again?
Why do we always end up with the same ma-
nipulative person that everybody warned us
Why don’t we ever listen to the people that
care about us and why do we push them away?
Why are we that blind?

LS - To Madness

We’ve been sitting here since

dawn and not a single word
has been said,
only the tweet of the birds
and the sound of the cars
have been heard.
Silence itself is a never
ending story,
only those with insane
minds can understand it.
You will remember everything
that has been said,
just close your eyes and
listen to my unspoken words.
If you truly care,
you will understand every
single stare
and every single glance.

LS -To
- toMadness

Show me the scars that made you wiser,

and show me the pain that made you stronger;
and let me love you anyway.

LS - To Madness

She needed to fall down to rise again.

She needed to feel weak to grow stronger.
She needed to love herself to accept
the truth.
She needed to be depressed to know what
happiness is.
She needed to stay away from her to
realize how strong her wings are without her.
She needed to hear the same broken promises
coming out of her mouth,
so that she finally could see
how blinded she was.

LS -To Madness

I am the love I will never know

I am the words you said
The promises you broke
The love you gave me
The hate you never showed
The pressure I made you pass through
The plane ticket I booked
The phone calls you made when I was
miles away
The hope you gave me while I was gone
The hazel eyes you see the world from
The timeout you asked for
The break up you chose
The gaze you give me when you see me
The glitter in your pupils when you
hear my voice
The happiness you cannot hide when you hear
the sound of my name
The encouragement and support you give me
when I doubt myself
The never ending hug you give me to
soothe yourself
The promises that you will stay
The pride when you read my words
I am the lost thread in your world
I am the commitments you ran from
I am the safe place you run to
I am the protection no one can give you
I am everything you try to hide from
I am the older replica of you

LS - To Madness

The screams my lungs ached to

The fighting of my intestines trying to escape
The chains that were finally locked around this
tiny organ on my left
The wrath it felt,
wishing it had a tongue to speak
The beats of silence wrapped inside of you
The shame it passed through as if losing a race
The veins filled with sadness
The running from yourself with no legs to hold
you to run
The beating it took when it finally broke!
But don’t you worry my misery,
this heartache will never heal
Don’t you worry my misery;
you’ll love no one but her
Don’t you worry my misery,
I am proud of you,
you’ve been through a lot
Applaud yourself,
pump some blood again
Hang in there my love,
I’m smiling because of you!

LS -To
- to Madness

Because I love you,

I shall give you
my venomous kiss
each time.

LS - To Madness

Each person is fighting his own battle.

Never be afraid to face your darkest fear,
you are your own competitor.

LS -To Madness

On the way of paving your path,

Don’t forget to love yourself
Don’t forget to respect your pride
Don’t forget who was the one to put you down.
Don’t forget who was there to lift you up
Don’t forget who defended your back
Don’t forget who limited your freedom.
Don’t forget who supported you all the way through
Don’t forget who made you cry
Don’t forget who made you smile
Don’t forget who broke you
Don’t forget who accepted you with all
your “imperfections”
Don’t forget who loved you unconditionally,
and never to change you.
Don’t forget who constantly was negative
with you
Don’t forget who deserves to stay in your journey
Don’t forget to cut the poison stem from its roots.

LS - To Madness

Never apologize for being true to yourself,

never apologize for anyone for being so honest.
If they can’t handle your honesty and your care,
then they for sure don’t deserve to be in
your life

LS --To
to Madness

Falling apart is just another scar that remains

to remind you that you haven’t gotten this far
for nothing,
don’t give up just yet!
You owe your tears and your soul much more
than that!

LS - To Madness

That’s when they realize they

want you back; the moment you
are better off without them.

LS -To Madness

Never expect to be respected

and trusted by beings who don’t know
how to respect themselves.

LS - To Madness

I’ll only fight for the chance to love you, if

you have a hole in your heart, a crack in your
mind, and a scar in your soul;
that’s when I’ll realize you’re damaged enough
to never let you go.

LS -To
- toMadness

My greatest regret was how I believed in the

past and how I shaped the present, in my head,
the way I want it to be.

LS - To Madness

Intellect is what keeps you alive and aware

of every single aspect of life! Without it, you
are nothing!

LS -To Madness

It will always be worse for you, because you let

yourself feel too much, you let yourself get
carried away. People will never respect feelings,
and that’s why your inside will never match your
outside. On the inside you are dying, on the
outside you are smiling.
That’s the worst feeling anyone can experience.

LS - To
- to Madness

Do not search for love,

Love will find you.

LS -To Madness

You can love an “actress”, and she can even love you
back, but that doesn’t change the fact that she will
remain a performer!

LS - To Madness

Love was never in pictures; it was never in words.

Love was about actions and proving how much you
care. It was always about respect, trust and
understanding. When all this is gone, then the
love is gone; love alone was never enough.

LS -To Madness

You see, you live for yourself and not for others,
so do what makes you happy and comfortable;
because either way there is no escaping those

LS - To Madness

Not letting the people you love know how much you
love them until they are gone is a sign of
stupidity. So don’t fake strength when they leave.

LS --To
to Madness

Cause people will never understand what an open

minded person is! When you have an open mind, you
are considered an outcast, a freak, or a limitless
person! No matter what you do, people will
downgrade you! Brace your uniqueness!

LS - To Madness

To love her is to respect her

To love her is to understand her,
To love her is to listen to her silent words,
To love her is to set her free from all
the chains,
To love her is to accept her imperfections,
To love her is to understand that she never
wanted you to fix her,
To love her is to know she wanted you to fall
in love with her scars.

LS -To Madness

… And deep down you know you lost her when you
see her in every single person you meet, think
about her in every place you go, remember her in
every song you listen to.

LS - To
- to Madness

To be in love with your masterpiece.

LS -To Madness

Your life is as unique as yourself.

Don’t forget to write it down.

LS - To Madness

A note to yourself:
do not be afraid to be alone.
It is addictive and a fun thing to do.
You don’t need anyone to love you;
you just need to love yourself enough;
so that you can see how beautiful life can be.
Be in love with your own company, your own self,
your own mind.
Never rely on or build your happiness around
The only true friends are your books, your
music, and your booze!
Everything else will destroy your peace of mind.
And while sometimes these thoughts of your past
will haunt you down, it’s up to you whether you
fight these demons off, or whether you let them
get you and fuck your whole life through.
Believe in yourself! You are a beautiful soul.

LS -To Madness

And maybe the wolf is waiting for this full moon

to happen, to unleash the werewolf in it, and show
this love to the world.

LS - To
- to Madness

Don’t let the woman with

the grey lipstick,
the loud mind, and the
excitement for books,
slip away from you!
She’s a fucking keeper.

LS -To Madness

The only person you should apologize to

is yourself
Apologize for hurting yourself,
for lying to yourself, for cheating on yourself.
Apologize for not being able to let go of
the past.
Apologize for allowing yourself to be treated
like crap.
Apologize to your heart for being so strong yet
so weak
Apologize to your body for enduring a lot of
sleepless nights.
Apologize to your future self because you shall
never change.

LS - To Madness

Nothing kills a human being more than ego.

So be modest, it won’t do you any harm.
Enjoy life, you don’t have to be
serious all the time.

LS -To Madness

Strength comes from your weakest moments.

Rise up even when you have a million
reasons to fall down.

LS - To Madness

When was it okay to be blinded? Why do we always

need permission to follow our dreams? Why do we
seek happiness in our past? Why do we always
have to explain our every “no”? When will we ever
stand up and shout “we deserve better!”

LS -To
- to Madness

You die so many times a day, it’s the living you

forget to do.

LS - To Madness

And then you realize, you need no one but


LS -To Madness

And maybe people are waiting for someone to break

through the walls they built, and cross all the
bridges with them…

LS - To
- to Madness

You’re going to search for her in every person you

meet, you’re going to remember her in every place
you go, and you’re going to drown in your tears
when you know she’s not coming back.

LS -To Madness

If what you do in life doesn’t please people, it

doesn’t matter. Never let anyone put you down just
because they aren’t good at anything.

LS - To Madness

Hear me when I say letting go is the best cure.

Hear me when I say holding on to worthless
people is stupidity. Hear me when I say once a
liar always a liar.

LS -To Madness

Let me tell you a story about a girl who bleeds

the truth, a girl who speaks what’s right and
admits when she’s wrong; a girl who knows when
she is welcomed and when she is not. A girl who
doesn’t care about society and fights against all
odds; a girl who knows that she is hated by many
and loved by a few. A girl who has nothing to hide
and cares less about the image she has to
maintain. A girl, who got tired from all the
bullshit around her, tired of fighting and tired
of being misunderstood.
One lesson I learned from this girl is that you
should always stay true to yourself and believe
in yourself, because you know you got no one but

LS - To Madness

You are a perfect whole; you don’t need someone to

complete you. You simply need someone to love you
when you forget to love yourself

LS -To Madness

Because of all the people that put you down, you

are stronger now. Because of all the people that
made you cry, you are wiser now. Because of all the
chains that were around you, you are free now.

LS - To Madness

Happiness comes from

within. You should be
happy with yourself
in order to be happy
around people.

LS -To Madness

Cause the pain you once felt means you have

endured a lot, soon this pain will become a memory
of how strong you are – so keep moving forward.

LS - To Madness

When you dive deep into her mind, make love to her
heart and touch her soul; you would have reached
a somehow point of perfection that only a few can

LS -To Madness

You forgot to love her flaws

You forgot to love her soul
You were obsessed with cutting her wings
You were only listening to your own words
You never paid attention to her silent cries
You never made any effort to love her scars
You never cared about her future
Here she is loving herself
Feeding her soul on the deep wounds,
stitching back her wings
Pulling herself up
Speaking out loud
Carving her way through life;
and still smiling all the way through

LS - To Madness

Promise me you’re different

Promise me you’re not like them.
Promise me you’ll love me in your own way
Promise me you’ll soothe my broken wounds
Promise me you’ll understand my silent words
Promise me you’ll dive in my crazy mind
Promise me you meant that you’re staying
Promise me your trust is not a lie.
Promise me you’ll mend my broken heart…

- to

We fight with the people we love the most.

We burst in the ones we care for the most.
LS - To Madness

Show me the scars that made you wiser, and show me

the pain that made you stronger; and let me love you

LS -To Madness

Cause love is cheap these days “since love is only

words”, if you love someone you would do anything to
keep them. If you love someone you would sacrifice.
Love is not about hugs and kisses. Love is not about
making out. Love is not just the words “I Love You”,
“I Miss You”, “I’m Sorry”, “Forgive me”. Love is another
world. Love is a never ending mental bond. Love was
never physical. Love is understanding. Love is trust.
Love is listening and caring. Words are so easy, it’s
what you do to prove them that counts.

LS -- to
To madness

For what is a woman without a man? A stronger

woman who got tired from all the bullshit around

LS -To Madness

Fall in love you tell me? You cannot possibly fall

in love with a reckless storm without getting

LS - To Madness

If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die!

LS -To Madness

People should learn how to accept one another, how

to learn from each other, how to put everything
aside and carry on. There is no right or wrong,
it’s a matter of perspective; not everything you
see is right, and not everything someone else
sees is wrong! Mistakes happen, what’s important
is to learn and move on! It’s okay sometimes to put
yourself aside and examine another’s perspective.

LS - To Madness

And she could simply make you get lost in her words,
take you to places you’ve never been. She could write
a novel about you, and still find it not enough. She
could rhyme your life through her lines, and she
could make you fall for her by reading her words
and feeling the depths of these sincere words. She is
simply a writer, craving to pour all her writings in
you, craving to love you, and wishing she would be
loved in return!

LS -To Madness

You must be quiet to understand the silence, Observant

to understand the lines, an actor to know when the play
is over, out of your mind to understand the impossible,
stupid to outsmart the idiot, broken to understand the
deceit, liar to understand the stories, and above all,
SMART to know that you’ve been played.

LS - To Madness

My words were, are, and always will be a voice for

the voiceless; a soothing shoulder for the broken;
and a shelter for the helpless. After all, a kind
word and a meaningful action heal the damage of
your past and give you hope for your future

LS -

Love is blind.
Love is stupid.
Love is just a fucked up world.

LS - To Madness

An apology letter; when someone sacrifices her

whole for you, and you take her for granted, don’t
be saddened when she leaves you. You do not, at
any time, deserve her.

LS -To Madness

When you are happy with your own company,

you shall conquer the fear of being alone.

LS - To Madness

Cause you loved her in the most twisted painful

perfect way, no love will be greater than this love.

LS -To
- toMadness

Because in the end

it’s the scar that remains.

LS -- to
To madness

She loved her like no fairytale could ever be written.

LS -To Madness

You’ll eventually learn to live with it, learn to

live half alive, learn to adapt to the pain, learn
to live with the fact that she’s not coming back.

LS - To Madness

She’s not a tornado, she’s the hurricane itself,

the thunderstorm that strikes so fucking hard,
the lighting that lights the whole fucking sky.
She’s the volcano that has never ending lavas,
and she’s the natural disaster that sounds so
perfectly well in its own mess. She’s simply a
complete complex of herself! If anything, she is
the meaning of love; she is the reason why love
is still breathing! And how dare I tell love that
I love her?!

LS --To
to Madness

Fact of life:
Everything that is
beautiful ends so fast.

LS - To Madness

Everyone is scared of feelings and commitment.

It’s because of our ego that we lose people with

LS -To Madness

A poet will rhyme your body, a painter will draw

your spirit, but a writer will bleed your story.

LS - To Madness

Maybe they are not okay with themselves. Maybe

they are damaged enough to even understand what
is going on around them. Not everyone who hurts
is okay with it.

LS -To Madness

You will never know if you are carrying a burden,

until this burden becomes your life, and you can
no longer breathe without it.

LS - To Madness

People say hurtful things and you respond with a

smile. Then they say even more hurtful things and
you respond with a bigger smile. These people don’t
know that if you want to talk back, you’ll damage
them forever!

LS -To Madness

Don’t count on that a lot. Sometimes great things

fall apart, and a disaster happens afterwards, to
remind you what kind of an idiot you were when
you had it all.

LS -- to
To madness

Marry me with all your flaws

Marry me with all your imperfections
Marry me, your soul is mine!
Marry me, we’ll dance naked until dawn
Marry me, so that you see yourself through my eyes!
Marry me, so that we never have to be apart!
Marry me, because like you there is no other!
Marry Me.

LS -To Madness

Failure is a scar that will remind you of the reason

you started, and will surely never make you forget
how to rise up again!

LS - To Madness

You’re not broken, you’re just tired, and that’s

okay! This light that comes through your crack,
that’s the beauty.

LS -To Madness

No, you cannot possibly know how it feels; we each

fight our battles in our own way! What you need to
know, is that you will always have someone’s back!
I don’t want you to tell me it’s going to be okay!
I want you to hold me tight and let me cry myself
to sleep!

LS - To Madness

Sometimes it drains you… drains your soul, your

well-being, your emotion… bigger picture is
eventually you’re going to be there, and things
will be fine… but fighting a one sided battle
can be hard sometimes… I hope she knows I’ll
always love her no matter what…

LS -To Madness

You will never understand that what you take for

granted, others are dying to have. What you are
born with, others work hard to have. Be humble,
you are nothing but flesh and bones the same way
others are!

LS - To Madness

And even though you will never see me, and even
though you will never know, you will always make
me smile! And I am sorry I was never that person to
you! And I am sorry that I will never be good enough
for you! I am sorry you think you deserve better,
maybe you’re right; but I can never say sorry for
loving you that much and burning bridges for you!
I guess in the end, we each defined love in our own
way, and despite the heartache you caused, you will
always be the one for me! I bid you farewell my long
lost love!

LS -To
- toMadness

And she shall always

rise with love and
burry the hate!

LS - To Madness

We always lose people because of our egos. Some refuse

to fight for the relationship, because their ego is way
more important than any commitment they ever had!

LS -To Madness

It just means you care so much about yourself,

and you refuse to be broken and manipulated. It
means you are strong enough to make it on your
own; you don’t need anyone to complete you or make
your life worse. You respect yourself so much that
you refuse to be treated like crap. You always
mattered and no one else will ever matter! You are
your own image.

LS - To Madness

And suddenly, when people get attached,

apparently they go crazy, and become
afraid of losing the person they love, till
they end up losing their partner. To them,
this is the best way of showing their love
to their partner. What I don’t understand
is how can someone love someone, and be
afraid of losing them, yet they choose
to be away from them! How can someone be
happy with their partner, yet choose to
try to be happy alone? People are afraid
of commitment, and I wish there was a
cure for it!

LS -To Madness

When you say everything is empty, you

really are describing the emptiness
by everything! Emptiness is actually

LS - To Madness

She can always be your home, cause no matter how

hard you try; home will always be where she is,
even after a million years.

LS -To Madness

And if it wasn’t what you needed, then please

enlighten my love with yours and nourish my
soul into loving you the way you wanted.

LS - To Madness

I actually went through hell and came back!

I actually sacrificed my all to be with you –
I prioritized you every single second of every
single day! I burned bridges for you! I met you on
your side and not even half way! I’ve done nothing
but support all your decisions and back you up!
And then you dare come and say,
I never respected you and never loved you
enough? And that you deserve more? Tell me how
this “more” looks like after me! It’s a shame we’re
not together anymore, you were the one and I knew
I was the one! I wish we never ended. You were and
always will be my love! And if you ever read this
message, I hope you know how dearly I love you
and how special you are to me!

LS -To Madness

I lost her because things got real and true, and

she was afraid of it! I lost her because the pres-
sure was high on her! I lost her not because we
didn’t communicate; I lost her because we had plans
for our future! I lost her because our love was so
deep and she refused to believe it! I lost her, be-
cause she needs some time on her own! I lost her,
because I have hope we’re going to find our way
back, stronger than ever! I lost her!

LS - To Madness

And I hope each time you look at my writings,

you’ll know they’re about you. And I hope they
make you smile like they used to! And I hope
you know that you’re always on my mind! And I
pray to Aphrodite that your beauty will always
shine. Don’t be ashamed of your scars, because
of them I’m still falling for you from afar!
Your body, your curves, your breath, your touch,
oh your touch! Your kiss, your warmth; feels
like yesterday we were one! Feels like just now
you were whispering forever yours! You for me
and me for you! Insanity was your favorite fun
game; you spun my world and now you’re gone…

LS -To Madness

I have to agree and disagree! “True love”

always stays no matter the circumstances, but
sometimes the circumstances are stronger
than two people and the ‘relationship’ fades
away! However, love will remain even if they
aren’t together, and that’s why sometimes we
see sad couples or a sad human being hurt
from “love”.

LS - To Madness

It’s about falling in love with yourself and picking

up the shattered pieces! It’s about believing that you
are a goddamn queen and nothing can ever break you!
It’s about you and the footsteps you leave behind,
because it doesn’t matter who you think you are, you
are the Goddess of this world.

LS -To
- toMadness

How rare and beautiful that could be! Loving and

being loved in return without judgment, without
the fear of losing your partner! That is true and

LS - To Madness

The death of a loved one will never be the

worst thing! The worst thing is losing someone
so dear to you, knowing that this person is
still alive! The worst thing is knowing that
someone is severely sick and is waiting on
their death bed!

LS -To Madness

But this is the beauty of life! You dim so that

others shine! When you truly care about helping
others, your darkness becomes their light! And you
would totally let go of the darkness and simply
enjoy the smile you put on others!

LS - To Madness

We lie to our loved ones because we think they

might leave when they know the truth, while
we tell the truth to strangers because we know
it’s not a loss if they ran away. We fix the
broken because we are broken as well, and we
need someone to lean on; yet we never realize
that we are ruining our lives while staying
constantly mad!

LS -To
- toMadness

But what is said is said, and you cannot

possibly take back anything anymore. The
damage is done, the words were the sword,
and the heart is a machine now.

LS - To Madness

There will always be people who will break your

heart, who will betray your trust, who will cheat
on you, and who will lie. And none of these people
are worth your tears anymore! They moved on with
their lives, why wouldn’t you? Life offers a new
lesson each day. Learn from it, embrace your scars
for they are the only real things in your life,
love yourself enough to never let it go!

LS -To Madness

Let’s talk about how scary it is to open up and

lose someone.
Let’s talk about how you trust people and end up
Let’s talk about how nothing makes sense.
And let’s talk about how no one will ever walk in
your shoes!

LS - To Madness

You don’t know me, but I do. I am the image you keep
on seeing; I am the past you never let go. I am the
lie you believe. I am the life you gave away.

LS -To Madness

It’s the greatest punishment, yet the greatest

strength. It’s not easy burning and still be able
to live every single day of your life putting that
smile on. It is the greatest power.

LS - To Madness

And I promise you this, gorgeous one;

I will forever guard your heart with mine,
I will take out my ribs to protect you with mine,
I will give you my eyes so that you see yourself
through mine,
I will wrap my hands around you to keep you warm,
I will give you your favorite kisses; your forehead for
assurance, your eyes for vulnerability, your cheeks
for lovability, your nose for gratitude, the corners of
your lips for safety and your lips for madly loving
And I promise you this!

LS -To Madness

It’s not always about you. You’re two in a relationship,

and sometimes you don’t always get what you want.
Sometimes you need to listen to the silent words.
Sometimes you need to understand the distorted screams.
Sometimes you need to hold those sneaky tears.
Sometimes you need to know that she won’t always be
herself. Sometimes all you need to do is hug her and
tell her everything’s going to be okay! Sometimes she’s
going to feel ashamed cause she cried in front of you;
don’t give her a hard time; kiss her! Sometimes she’s
going to be in denial over every aspect in her life;
stick it up; and stay by her side! Sometimes she might
blame you for everything; it’s okay, don’t pick up a
fight; you’re mistaken as well! Sometimes you just
really need to fight your way through; cause some
moments in life are worth saving! And she is worth
every single moment.

LS - To Madness

And yet it never dies deep within you. You choose

to repress all those feelings and bury them down,
knowing that your true lost love will never be
forgotten nor gone. She will always remain THE

LS -To
- toMadness

“This too shall pass” remind

yourself every day that you
are worthy, and your scars
will assure you: whenever
you are broken you shall
rise up again!

LS - To Madness

To the love of my life,

I hope this reaches you in time; ignorance is a

curse. Let the world know, that sometimes even
the keenest people can be ignorant; ignorant of
the fact that they have been away from the one
thing that adds joy and safety to their lives!
People search for happiness all their lives, not
knowing that it is there right in front of them!
They are defenseless when it comes to the people
they love and care about. Their minds work in a
weird way, that they stop functioning!
To the love of my life,
Simplicity is everyone’s fear; they choose
complication because it brings safety and
identity protection. Sometimes they make the
wrong choices at the wrong time! And they wish
for another chance of that exact moment.
Sometimes they have it, sometimes they don’t,
and oh what a tragedy this would be. To the love
of my life, I hope this reaches you in time;
cause forever seems like one more second with
you. To the love of my life…

LS -To Madness

Sometimes you have got to take this leap that

people might actually save you from drowning.
If they can’t, then they’ll drown with you, and
together you’ll rise up again!

LS - To Madness

That’s the thing!

We apologize for falling in love!
We apologize for letting our guard down!
We apologize for being sentimental!
Love is there, and it’s real in your own way,
no matter what they teach you!
No matter how many times you’ve been hurt before,
this is not an excuse!
You deserve love!
Never apologize for falling in love!
I’m not sorry that I love you, I’m not sorry that
I care, I’m not sorry that I get under your skin
and certainly I am not sorry for taking care
of you!

LS -To Madness

That’s the reason why we are always sad!

We are afraid of letting people know how we feel!
We are vulnerable and weak when asking for help!
Oh how sad this is!

LS - To Madness

And yet, you continue to love,

you continue to move forward. You love in a way
you know it will hurt you; but you refuse to give
up your love. You become obsessed by perfection;
you become one with yourself and with her! The
love, the one you know will be the last? This
love will leave imprints in ways you can never
heal from!

- to

Note to self; the things you do out of love will

never be repaid. Keep on loving and having high
hopes, just don’t expect anything in return.
Keep on being strong so that you become the
inspiration and the motivation they need.
Never give up on your loved ones, no matter how
hard it is, and no matter how painful the burden
seems to be. There is always a beacon of hope some-
where out there, just be the light so that people
will see.
Let time do what time does best.

LS - To Madness

She’s the kind of woman that would fight with you

all your battles, yet refuses any help from you!
She’s the type of woman that would sacrifice her
whole for you, and pours herself a drink at night!
She’s this woman that you’d be a fool not to marry,
cherish and respect! She’s this woman that is still
mourning your loss!

LS -

And what is love if not full of pain, mixed emotions

and feelings?

LS - To Madness

Broken in different ways. You are born broken; you

came into this world crying. You’re broken since
day one. You just didn’t know that back then. With
time, as you grew older, shit happened around you,
and you started your journey of self-awareness;
broken! But it’s okay, let those cracks open wide,
and let your beauty shine! What are you, if not a
broken soul with a smile in disguise?!

LS -To Madness

I guess when you’re broken enough, the only

way to heal is to let it out and show those
scars! Let them shine, and never be ashamed of
them! I believe this is true power and control.

LS - To Madness

One thing I learned is never ask what is wrong,

or why you are sad, or down! You’ll get to a point
where you need to understand, you need to listen
without questioning, you need to accept the fact
that sometimes they’re fine and sometimes they’re
not! They don’t mean to push you away! They just
function differently, and that’s the beauty in
them! Love them, accept them, take care of them,
respect them, and always stand by them!

LS -To Madness

Maybe one day you’ll understand that you owe me

an explanation! Maybe one day you’ll open your
eyes and realize that you took the decision all
by yourself and you never even discussed it with
me! I hope one day you’ll be able to answer my
question; was it worth it?

LS - To Madness

Love is fighting with her over a silly issue and then drinking it
out. It’s about those morning thoughts you have. It’s when you wake
up in the middle of the night, kiss her forehead, hug her and sleep.
It’s about constantly looking at her beauty shining through every
hole in her soul! Love is supporting her! Being there for her! Pushing
her to her limits! Agreeing with her when you have to, and disagree-
ing with her when you need to! Love is dreaming together! Watching
movies together, eating popcorn and sipping on this wine! Love is two
kids, trying to adult and figuring out their shit along the way! Love
is compromising!
Focusing on the small details! Listening to her tears!
Appreciating her frustrations! Reminding her how beautiful she is,
how strong and independent she is! Love is letting her go even if you
are dying to fight back for her! Love is seeing her happy even if it’s
not with you! Love is remembering her every second of every day, and
wishing she would be yours
forever! Love is accepting that she’s gone now, smiling when you think
of her, taking care of her in the backstage of her mind! Love is fight-
ing for her, making her believe in herself again,
believing in you again, meeting her every personality, her every
character and her every mood! Love is letting her know, that even if
she’s not here now, you’ll never get bored of
fighting for her, standing up for her, respecting her, waiting for one
of her personas to click again, closing her eyes and seeing you right
in front of her! Love is caressing her,
touching her, kissing her, listening to her heart beat when you’re
near, sm
iling to the baby spirit in her, being taken by her words and voice!
Love is a never ending process, and when it hits you, there’s no turn-
ing back! Love is war and peace! Love is
marrying her demons, and befriending her angels! Love is
waking up to her sparkling eyes, her fluffy cheeks, her soft hands,
her rhythmic heartbeat and her warm forehead. Love is her and she
is love.

LS -To Madness

It’s not about changing. It’s about adapting and

meeting you your way! If that’s what it takes to be
with your loved one, then hell let it be; perhaps
you’ll be able to see yourself through my eyes, and
you’ll change because you want to, not because you
have to!

LS -- to
To madness

I envy the cage that guards your heart

I envy the skull that protects your brain
I envy the spinal cord that holds your back
I envy the chords that make up your voice
I envy the womb that molded you
I envy the bed you sleep in every day
I envy the colleagues that get to see your face
I envy the people that you help dress
I envy the cameras that have their eyes on you
I envy the clothes that cover your soft skin
I envy the lipstick you draw on your lips
I envy the makeup you put on each occasion
I envy the dress you wear that fits
you perfectly
I envy the curves around your tantalizing body
I envy the freckles that are so perfectly placed
I envy the moon that lights your night
I envy the sun that shines your morning
I envy my words that scream for you
I envy my stories written about you
I envy the enviousness that gets to speak about
you more than me
I wish I was called “envy” so that I get to do
everything envy does.

LS -To Madness

I wish I can do that to her. But you’ll learn along

the way that some people need to fight some battle
rounds all by themselves. Some people won’t accept
help; they just need to pull themselves out of
their shit alone. And sometimes there is nothing
in the world that you can do, but to be there for
them in whatever way they need; even if it means
being there in silence. They will appreciate this,
while getting up on their own. If you ever read
this by any chance, know that I love you so, and
I am so proud of everything you’ve accomplished,
and all that you’ve been through. I’ll always have
your back, my beauty!

LS - To Madness

She may not love you the way you love her
She may not be as confident as you are towards
She may always have her insecurities around you
She may never notice that she is driving you away
She may not know that it is eating you alive
She may not know how much burden you hold inside
She may not see that none of this matters
She may not believe that after all this you still
love her and wish her the best
She may not believe that you are certain that you
want her
But, nothing matters, because in the end you love
her and would do anything to guard her thoughts,
body, soul and heart.

LS -To Madness

She can light up your day just by the thought

of her.
She can make you smile without seeing her.
She’s always there for you even when she’s not.
She’s your number one supporter and fan.
She sacrifices her tiresome time just to be with
She appreciates you and understands you no
matter what rubbish words you speak.
She loves you endlessly even when you’ve been a
pain in the ass.
She takes care of you like a little baby and never
leaves your sight.
She worries about you like crazy and tries so hard
not to show it.
When you have this woman in your life;
Cherish her, respect her, appreciate her, love her,
understand her, and take very good care of her.
Never lose this feeling, and never let her go!

LS -- to
To madness

Meet her halfway.

Put yourself in her shoes.
Understand her.
Listen to her silent words.
Borrow her eyes and see what she sees.
Do not fight for the sake of fighting.
Do not argue just because you want to.
When she’s mad; hug her, kiss her, hold her hand!
When she’s sad, be there for her, don’t make
it worse!
It’s when she’s silent that she needs you the most.
Hold her, tuck her to safety, read her a story,
give her ice cream, and wish her a good night.
She is worth it.

LS -To Madness

And all you have to do is be kind to her!

Take care of her; she’s been through a lot!
Smile for her, she had a long tiring day!
Listen to her, even when her words don’t make any
Hug her, she needs your safety!
Let your heartbeats, be her home!
Kiss her on her forehead, she needs reassurance!
Understand her when she doesn’t even understand
Cry with her, and then wipe away her tears!
Make her laugh when she’s mad!
Study with her, even though you have no idea what
the course is about!
Appreciate her jealousy, she still cares!
Be proud of her!
And above all, love her flaws, respect her mind,
guard her heart!
Let the world envy her!
Let the world speak of her!
Show her to the world!
And show the world what a precious pearl you

LS - To Madness

Never underestimate the power of words!

Never take your girlfriend for granted,
Never make her feel worthless,
Never make her feel insecure,
Never treat her as less.
Never lie to her,
Never belittle her,
Always support her,
Understand her,
Surprise her,
When you’re wrong, admit it and apologize!
And above all, show her care, respect,
and love!
Show her she’s irreplaceable!
Show her she’s loved and wanted!
Show her safety!
Show her the world if you have to!
Just never let go of your precious.

LS -To Madness

Love is sacrifice. Love is respect. Love

is listening to the silent words. Love is
care. Love is agony. Love is misery. Love
is happiness. Love is laughter. Love is
all those mixed feelings in addition
to being free. Love is simply a whole
different world. And without it, you can
never live.

LS - To Madness

How did you know she was the one? Asked the
little boy!

It’s simple! Answered the old man;

When nothing makes sense without her!

When you still have those butterflies every
time you hear her name, smell her scent, kiss
her and hug her! When you get sad when she
leaves in the morning! When you want her to
be the first to share your news with! When you
feel safety and on top of the world along her
side! When you’re that angry with her, yet all
you want to do is hug her! When she drives you
crazy, then tells you she wants ice cream!

It’s simply to be in love with your masterpiece!

LS --To
to Madness

That’s what we usually do when we end up lonely!

We become brutal and careless! We are aware of
what we’re doing, yet we cannot stop ourselves!
We become one with our misery.

LS - To Madness

Even if she’s uncertain of her steps, she

thinks about it in her head, and decides
what might be best at the exact same moment.
Then if she even feels it might not be the
best decision, she directly flips it while
she flips her hair and carries on with her
words, without even letting anyone know
what just happened. She just bedazzles them
with her motions, and makes them wonder in
an endless maze…

LS -To Madness

Letting go of a soul that is alive is the

hardest thing a person can do; and being
tough and strong is even harder. However,
this is what makes us US; Human beings with
strong minds to overcome obstacles, and see
positivity in every problem, no matter how
small or big it is. There is always a beam
of positivity somewhere; we just have to
look and see.

LS - To Madness

And when asked why she was the chosen one, the
reply was simple;
In her arms is where I want to be
Beneath her heart is where I want to reside
Falling for her every day is what I live for
Making her smile when she’s mad is a virtue
Listening to her words is the best part of the
Looking in her eyes, trying to understand what’s
going on, in this head of hers; is an awesome
You see, they say never change for love!
Right! Don’t change! Evolve together, mature
together, understand together, and grow old
Love was never easy, yet it will never be hard!
She’s the damaged masterpiece, who falls in love
with her scars each time you touch her!

LS -To Madness

If there is anything I learned this year,

Is to never give up on the people you love, no mat-
ter what the situation is. Giving up on the people
you love is like selling your soul away.
You just know it’s true when you just can’t stop
thinking about them, when whatever you do, you
feel them right there, when you smell them in
every person you meet, when you start calling
random people by their name.
Love is a long journey; you have to have patience
to get what you want. If it’s true, then the feeling
is there, the respect is there, the understanding
is there.
It’s the becoming of one soul, one mind, one heart,
and one person, not all people master this, but if
you did then cherish this perfection, it’s a rare
gift; there is no perfect moment other than this!
People sometimes get scared and run away, but
that’s okay! Give them the time they need to pro-
cess everything, the space they want to breathe,
the eyes they need to see, and the mind they need
to prove that it’s true.
You should always believe that what is yours will
always come back, if not today, tomorrow is always
a new day.
Believe that and you will never live a day in

LS - To Madness

Don’t be the monster you promised not to become

Don’t be the person you swore that you hate
Don’t be the poison that you don’t want to taste
Don’t be the lover who forgets themselves
Don’t be the hater whom everyone despises
Don’t be the friend who forgets what friendship
is all about
Don’t be the beast that is waiting to be unleashed

LS -To Madness

It’s also accepting the help needed from others,

in order to grow further. Growth needs time and
perseverance, it’s a long process, but it’s doable
and it’s amazing once you reach it.
Everyone has toxic qualities and unhealed
traumas, you just have to embrace and love this
imperfect someone, so that they love themselves
in return.
Without love, care and attention, growth will
never exist.

LS -- to
To madness

But I hope she sees it someday; no matter

how damaged she is, I will always give
her what she deserves. I don’t want her to
respond, I just want her to accept it and
see it. She deserves the world, I love her
because she is damaged, I love her
because she has scars, I love her because
when everyone else sees a strong arrogant
woman who just wants her way; I see this
fragile modest woman who just wants to be
loved but does not know how to receive it.
You deserve all the happiness in the world.
I love you and I want to coexist with you.

- to

Pain has different meaning to each individual.

Usually it’s when you feel your heart is being
ripped apart from its cage; when you could hear
the squeaking of your ribs trying their hardest
to keep your heart safe; it’s when you cannot
sleep at night, because it’s the calmest and the
deadliest. Pain is pretending everything is fine,
putting on your smile and walking the world;
knowing that your actual world is tumbling down.
That’s the painful true love. If it weren’t true,
one wouldn’t be suffering all of these; however if
it were true, why are we suffering?

LS - To Madness

Cause when I saw you walking through that

door, I couldn’t help but pay attention to you.
I couldn’t help but gaze at your eyes
Couldn’t stop smelling your scent
Couldn’t stop listening to your small talks
I never wanted you to leave that day
I wanted you to stay and never let go
I wanted to hear more of what you had to say
Wanted to see more photos
Wanted to pour you more wine
It’s as if time stops when you’re here
Everything freezes and there’s no one but you
I wish that day you never left
I wish that day you knew how loved you are by
a complete stranger, that has been keeping an
eye on you for a long time.
Oh I wish

LS -To Madness

Sometimes you don’t have to forgive yourself;

sometimes you don’t have to do anything at all.
Why should you forgive yourself for the pain
people caused you? Why should you forgive
yourself for the hurt and misery someone else
did to you? Because usually kind people are the
ones who get hurt the most, they are fragile and
naive! They want to believe that all people are
good and kind just like them!
No. Not everyone you meet is like you! Toughen
up, open your eyes and carry on!
Enough misery and forgiveness! Life is too damn
short for you to waste it away on people that
give zero damn about you.
Head high, chin up, raise your glass and walk.

LS -- to
To madness

Dear Love,
After everything you’ve put me through, I still
think about you!
After every insult and bad word, I still cry
myself to sleep!
After every memory that turned to a nightmare,
I still dream about you in my sleep!
After all this time, you’re still on my mind and
always will be!
Dear Love,
What’s with you? Who are you and what did you do
to me?
Dear Love,
PS: I still love you.

To The Life That Won Her Over, LS -To Madness
You made it, something was finally able to come and take her breath away,
and you must be something so special to be able to do this. She isn’t easily
pleased; she must have found something in you that made her run to you.
Hey life; take care of her, take care of her hazel shining eyes, take care
of her soft face, take care of her baby skin. It’s not easy to find someone
like her, she is a rare gift, and you should be thankful to have her, life.
Try not to push her so hard, she hates it like this, but would do anything
to prove her perfection. Don’t tell her what to do, she’ll rebel on you. Don’t
try to help her, she doesn’t like being helpless. Don’t tell her you love
her, she’ll run away. Don’t tell her you care, she’ll push you away.
She’s always scared and insecure, it’s okay give her time, don’t be so hard
on her. Ask her stuff from time to time; show her that you care, with
actions and not words.
Be careful what to tell her and when. She is easily pissed off, and trust
me you don’t want to see her pissed. Hurt her one time, and you’ll be over.
Don’t try to argue a lot with her, there’s no use. She’s stubborn as fuck,
and nothing can change her mind. Always remember NEVER tell her what to
do. She might ask for your opinion indirectly, cherish this moment, it’s
very rare.
Don’t hold her hand, and don’t hug her in public, she HATES IT. When you’re
alone, cuddle with her and kiss her and tell her how pretty she is and
what an astonishing mind she has! Don’t be pushy, and don’t let routine
creep into your lives, she’ll get bored eventually.
When you order food, she has a couple of favorite restaurants, by now you
should have memorized them, and memorized each dish from each
restaurant, they are simple and easy.
Don’t ask her why she’s almost always in black; it’s her color, along with
grey. It’s rare to see her wearing something else.
When she tells you she’s sleepy, then she’s sleepy, don’t tell her to stay,
she won’t! Don’t even get mad, because she might fall asleep while chatting.
She might be moody at times, you’ll get used to it; she might have had a bad
dream, or simply woken up like that. Bear with her.
She might talk stuff that you might never ever understand, it’s fine as
well, with time you’ll know what she means and what she wants.
When you see her alone; don’t ask, stay away from her, give her space, she’ll
come around.
LS - To Madness

She likes chilling and watching movies. Offer her

cheese and salted popcorn, that’s what she enjoys
When she’s reading, she travels to a different
world, she argues with you about why the writer
chose this dialogue and not that! Go with it, live
it, she loves that!
She loves to stay home, with her family and her
close friends; don’t deprive her of this.
She enjoys her freedom and her alone time, give it
to her.
She might seem this complicated complex, and you’re
right she is! But that’s her secret that makes you
fallin love with her.
You might get tired; don’t, she’s worth fighting for.
Don’t give up on her just yet; she’s been through
a lot.
Keep on making her laugh, she has a beautiful one.
Hey life, don’t break her nor dig up her past.

LS -To Madness

She’s the one that makes me feel special. She’s the

one that makes me feel better
She’s the one that draws a smile on my face.
She’s the one that helps me pass through every
phase. What is life without her, they asked?
Life is bitter.
Life is black.
Life is sad.
Life is angry.
How can a person let go of such an amazing
creature? How can a person be mad at her?
How can a person treat her like shit?
How can a person hate her?
She is this soul wrapped in beauty.
She is this heart carved in scars.
She is this complete complex of herself.
She is this weird combination of beauty.
She is who she is and will never change.
She is this funny, dilemmatic, energetic, lovable,
twisted person.
She is all good things molded in one. She is the
air I breathe,
The sea I swim in,
The ink to my life,
The plum to my story,
The heroine of my journey,
The inspiration to my words.
She is the opposite of myself,
The reflection of my mirror,
The good to my evil,
The man to my woman,
The white to my black,
The skin to my soul.
She is the dance floor to my heart,
The music to my heartbeat,
LS - To Madness

The poems to my soul,

The stage to my body,
The philosophy to my brain,
The cane to my bones.
She is she, and nothing will ever change.
She is she, and if I had to choose again, I would still
choose her and only her.
She is she, who stole my heart, and blew my mind away.
She is the Goddess of all Queens

LS -To Madness
You left and never looked back
You left and never turned to see the damage you left
You left with sorrow in your eyes
You left with sadness written all over your face
You left and took my heart with you
You left and stole my soul
You left with the words “I love you to insanity”
You left with the words forgive me now
You left and started a new beginning
You left and kept us hanging
You left with no closure between us
You left with a broken promise
You left and you know my love will never change
You left and you know we still feel and care
You left with a twisted smile
You left with a declaration “I’ll always be yours”
You left and here I am hanging by an invisible
You left and here I am crawling to stand back on my
You left and I know that you’ll love no one the way
you loved me
You left us with a scar that shall always remain
You left and yet I love every single detail in you
You left and I cannot forget anything about you
You left yet my love is growing more and more
You left knowing I am here to stay
You left and I never forgave myself
You left and the guilt of my past haunts me everyday
You left and I broke into a million shattered pieces
You left and I became so cold
You left and I could hear the squeaking of my bones,
and the cracking of my ribs
You left and my heartbeat faded
You left and the air I breathed became lethal

LS - To Madness

You left and I’m still fighting for you

You left and I couldn’t stay to guide you through
You left and you became stronger
You left and I became weaker
You left and I feel ashamed
You left and I couldn’t keep my promise to you
You left but you are always here
You left but your heart is mine to keep
You left because love was never selfish
You left and I shall never forget you
You left and I’ll love no one but you
You left in reality, but your presence still
lingers here.

She loved her like no fairy tale could ever be LS -To Madness
written. She
loved her like no romantic movie was ever made. She loved her
like no poet ever loved. She fell in love with her scars. Fell
in love with her damaged life. Fell in love with the flames
that are eager to rise from within. Fell in love with her
charming wrath. Fell in love with her chaotic dancing soul.
Fell in love with her shining hazel eyes. Fell in love with
each bruise stamped on her body, with each pain pinned on her
heart. She couldn’t stop herself from falling in love with her
day after day, she was sure of this love, sure of this heart
that beats each time someone says her name, sure of the goose
bumps she gets each time she is around her, sure of the never
ending smile when someone talks about her, sure of the pain
she gets when she is gone. She kept on
falling and falling, kept on loving her past, cherishing her
present, and planning her future. She loved her like no Romeo
and Juliette ever loved each other, captivated by her face,
embarked by her voice. She loved her, and she wouldn’t love
anyone that way. She loved her
closely; she loved her looking from a far. She loved her in
her darkest moments; she loved her when she wasn’t with her.
She loved her for all the wrong reasons; she loved her for
all the right answers she gave her. She loved her and yet no
words could ever describe this
purity. She couldn’t take her eyes off of her; she couldn’t pass
a day without thinking of her. She couldn’t do anything
without saying her name, she couldn’t write if she wasn’t there
to inspire her. She couldn’t sleep
without seeing her in her dreams. She couldn’t go on with her
without greeting her. She never wanted this dream to end. She
was hoping for the best and still is. She
cannot endure a day without her. She is speechless when it
comes to her. She never wants this bond, this tie, this bridge,
this friendship, this relationship, this
historic novel to ever end. She simply loved her.
If this isn’t love, I don’t know what love is anymore.
LS - To Madness

Your place is kept safe here within me.

Your heart is guarded here with mine.
Your image resides here in my mind.
Your scent is here everywhere I go.
Your voice speaks in every person I meet.
Your soul is merged within mine.
Wherever you are, you are right here with me.
I never forgot about you, I never will.
I’m still fighting for you, but you wouldn’t know
that, you’re no longer here.
I love you my forever love.

LS- -To
to madness

And you know what’s

even more painful?
Having to revisit the
memories you’ve been
trying to wash away!

LS - To Madness

And you heal,

And you believe them,
And then they let you down,
Or better yet, you let them down; because you’re
not up to their standards.
And you go through the pain again,
Through the confusion
Through the agony and the ache.
You wake up and have no idea what’s going on
What went wrong!
You try to understand
You lose your mind
Your only best friend now is your sanity
You talk with your sanity
It replies back
Telling you to wake up from this dream
You’ve dreamt enough
Time to face reality

LS -To Madness

I don’t believe in fate and circumstances!

If it’s true and real, nothing will stand in
your way! Not even the universe!
There isn’t any force strong enough to push you
away from your loved one! No matter what is
happening around you, you stick. You are enough.
She is enough. Together you are more than
enough. You fight? You reconcile! You
misunderstand? You communicate. She’s mad? Sad?
Pissed? You do not ask why. Hug her! Kiss her!
She’ll come through and she’ll tell you what’s
Don’t believe this bullshit about fate and
universe! Those who love you will stay! You
shouldn’t beg anyone to stay, and you shouldn’t
prove your worth to anyone at all!
Relationships aren’t a test or a game or a mood
swing. When you’re with them, you are fully with
them. You respect them. Love them. Care for them.
Cherish them. Have their backs. Pull them up.
You protect your own. And that alone is enough.

LS -- to
To madness

Sometimes, excuses are simply a getaway from the

Sometimes, just sometimes, people cannot handle the
mere reality when things become serious, and so
they leave and blame you for everything! That’s
called a defense mechanism! It doesn’t mean their
actions spoke louder than the truth, it simply
means their actions were rash and harder than
the reality.
Don’t be so hard on those people, they are already
Stay Strong!

LS -To Madness

You never heal! You adapt. Your body will be one

with the pain. Your soul will merge with your
emotions. Your brain will connect to her brain
and replay every single moment. Time doesn’t heal.
Time only gives you time to adapt and become one!
No one can ever get over something so huge and
true! Your ribs are ripped wide open! Your heart
is shattered to pieces! You may fix them, you may
glue them back together, and you may mend your
wounds. But she will always be there no matter
how hard you try! And that my friend is the
tragedy yet the strength of losing someone so

LS - To Madness

You value most yourself! That’s when the saying

“you’ve got no one but yourself” kicks in!
You’re mostly afraid of losing your loved ones!
Hoping wherever they are, they are safe!
The things that keep you hopeful are books,
writing, a glass of whiskey, and a goodnight
What you love the most is that nothing changed
in your life! The things you used to do before
the isolation are still exactly the same!
Work, home, Netflix, books, writing, sleep, repeat!
Always be grateful for yourself, appreciate
yourself, and take great care of your mental

Take with you everything! LS -To Madness
Pack our memories! Our smiles! Our bed! Our morn-
Pack with you our tears! Our hugs and kisses!
Pack with you your photos from my phone and from
my head!
Take our night calls and our hope!
Take your words and your voice!
Take everything with you!
Don’t leave anything behind!
Take your matching socks! Your toothbrush and
Take your towel and your hair gel!
Pack your clothes, your nightgown and your skin!
Take your lipstick and your breath!
Take your pillow and our dreams!
Take your bed cover and our cold nights!
Take your bean bag and your scent!
Take them away!
Take the food you made me!
Take the stuff you bought me!
Take your wine glass and your drunk self!
Take your smokes and your PJs!
Take everything!
Take my words and my care!
Take my actions and my respect!
Take your heartless heart! Your endless chats and
Take your eyes, your cheeks, your nose and fore-
Take your touch, your fingers, and your nails!
Take your moan, your soul and your curves!
Take everything with you and your memory!
Take your excuses and your tears!
Take your vengeance and your insecurities!
Take your characters and leave none here!

LS -- to
To madness

Take your mood swings and your laughter!

Take your knowledge and your intelligence!
Take everything with you!
Take your fears and my hands!
Take your instabilities and my guard!
Take your beating heart and my blood!
Take your books and my notes!
My soul and my heart!
My madness and my insanity!
My power and my weakness!
Run away and don’t look back!
There’s nothing left for you to take!
Run away and leave nothing behind!

LS -To Madness

Home is where my head resides,

My tongue is adequate,
My words collapse,
My breath is strangled,
My heart beats faster,
My fingers cannot hold a pen,
My body trembles,
My eyes are sealed within hers,
My hands holding hers,
Her legs secured by mine,
Home is where control is lost, yet control is gained,
Home is where she is the weakest strongest person,
Home is the tornado and volcano colliding to
become one,
Home is where the hurricane cannot hold us,
Home is the grey lipstick,
Aching to lose it, yet too afraid to do so,
Home is the key to the prison that she guards me
Home is a total chaos throbbing to hear the loud
Home is looking in her eyes, promising her to never
let go,
Home is where she is free with no boundaries,
Home is where she closes her eyes, and still feels
Home is where all her insecurities fade away,
Home is where I can hold her tight and kiss her,
Home is the pledge that she is longing for,
Home is her, and her is home. Home is...

LS - To Madness

You can’t possibly ask for me, want me and need me,
yet choose to be alone!
You can’t tell me you don’t want to inflict pain
on me, and it’s better if you’re gone! Cause guess
what? Your absence is inflicting pain on me; your
absence is destroying me!
You want some time alone, I totally understand!
You want to leave? You left already and nothing
ever stopped you!
You expect me to sit there watching you,
burdening yourself and mine, in the midst of your
soul searching?
Tell me, what else am I supposed to do?

LS -To Madness

First time I saw you, you captivated me, but I

couldn’t do anything about it.
Second time I saw you, years apart, I made you cry
and held your face with my hands.
Third time I saw you, it was finally our moment,
you charmed me and I stopped resisting you.
Now, years later, I still have the same butterflies
I had the first time I saw you.
Nothing and no one can top that.

LS - To Madness

And when you’re done fixing your mess, you can

love both. Yourself and them. You’ll heal and grow
apart, and continue to heal and grow together.

LS -To Madness

And I hope each time I send you a song, tag you in

a meme, add movies to your Netflix account, talk
with your family, send you pictures of sunsets and
sunrises, ask you to have a glass of wine with me
while listening to our favorite music and
watching the sunset; I hope you know that what I
really mean to say is that I love you! I love you so
fucking much. Stay safe wherever you are.

LS -- to
To madness

She is my revolution.

First edition published by TADROS
November 2020
ISBN 9798566904566
90000 >

La r a W. S a b a
Author of
“ Lea r n i n g To Fly”
9 798566 904566

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