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Internet Technology and Web Design (BCA-2002)


Internet is a global network that connects billions of computers across the world
with each other and to the World Wide Web. It uses standard internet protocol
suite (TCP/IP) to connect billions of computer users worldwide. It is set up by
using cables such as optical fibers and other wireless and networking technologies.
At present, internet is the fastest mean of sending or exchanging information and
data between computers across the world.

Why is the Internet Called a Network?

Internet is called a network as it creates a network by connecting computers and
servers across the world using routers, switches and telephone lines, and other
communication devices and channels. So, it can be considered a global network of
physical cables such as copper telephone wires, fiber optic cables, tv cables, etc.
Furthermore, even wireless connections like 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi make use of these
cables to access the Internet.

Internet is different from the World Wide Web as the World Wide Web is a
network of computers and servers created by connecting them through the internet.
So, the internet is the backbone of the web as it provides the technical
infrastructure to establish the WWW and acts as a medium to transmit information
from one computer to another computer. It uses web browsers to display the
information on the client, which it fetches from web servers.

Growth of the internet.

Internet is continuously spreading day and night all over the world. The internet
community is making the world community literate all over the world, or a
common person, who is related to interconnecting information technology or
working with technology. At present, more internet resources are being used on
desktops, laptops, and cell phones. Where multiple internet users are managing
global information through local and global network technology connections.
Where the internet has become more popular among professionals, engineers,
laymen, individuals, students, even all global communities, etc. Nowadays most of
the work is done with the help of computer technology, artificial intelligence, or a
machine. As such, after the use of the internet in computer technology, it becomes
more popular with information easily accessible. Where as of june 2012 internet
users were 2336 million 33.3 percent of the world’s population. And it is now
increasing in great size every day now. Which is being used by anyone for their
commercial and non-commercial purpose.

The internet is the world’s largest growing dynamic network. Which connects
million, billion, large and small local and global connected networks in global
network village. Where you attach and use a computer on your connected desktop,
cellphone and laptop to the internet. There is no clear information or conclusion
about internet ownership here. Where because internet technology is not controlled
and operated by any particular government, organization, industry, or country.
Where the internet is also a disconnected network, or a small segment network.
Which interconnects with it through the internet, extranet, many small personal
networks. Where the internet was actually a small network designed or built by the
arpanet usa defense services in early 1964. Even the internet used to function only
under the supervision or governance of some group by large agencies or
companies. Those who sell, or buy, telecommunications technology for use at that
time for public-private or educational purposes.
Application of the internet:-
Surfing – the features of internet surfing enable you to search the world
wide web content online, search online web resources, find interesting
url links, spend too much time online or search for desired interesting
topics on the world wide web. where you can jump back and forth
between internet web topics on the internet, or jump back and forth
between two or more web sites via internet connectivity.
Downloading – downloading refers to copying online web server content
from the server to the client system from any web server connected
online. Where download features transfer files and data in your system
from server to client or client to server to a new dedicated ftp location.
Here download indicates the duration of time to send or receive online
web resources in client or server architecture download web browser.
When your system is properly connected to the dedicated web server,
then you can copy or download online data, files, folders, images,
movies, audios, etc. objects to your computer live from the web ftp link.

Upload – the term uploading online refers to the transmission of a file

from a client computer location to a server computer location on the
internet. Here in the context of internet networks or internet users, these
terms are sometimes used to refer to uploads. In basic words, when the
user transfers some information online from his computer to another
computer, posted or live from his computer. So it’s called the upload
process, and you post some text, audio, video, multimedia, document,
and other information to the server machine via any ftp server or web
server on the requested client. It means upload. Here in terms of the
uploading and downloading process, your computer’s internet network
speed plays an important role. When users are ready to upload. If the
current internet network speed is slow. So there are many possibilities of
data packet link break during session upload.
E-mail – email is a mass electronic mailing facility. that allows you to
send or exchange or receive online web content letters, e-mails, faxes,
resumes, informational materials. Nowadays the traditional post has
been completely replaced by e-mail. Where e-mail was more popular in
mid-1995, and continues to this day. Where many global companies,
organizations, industries exchange business e-mail or communication
information with regular e-mail programs.

Who owns the Internet:-

Who owns the Internet? The answer is no one and everyone. The
Internet is a network of networks. Each of the separate networks belongs
to different companies and organizations, and they rely on physical
servers in different countries with varying laws and regulations. But
without some common rules and norms, these networks cannot be linked

Anatomy of the Internet:-

The Internet is a vast collection of computers linked by cable and

satellites, not controlled by any one authority, but all operating under
common network protocols. The term 'Internet' includes both the
hardware (satellites, cable, routing devices and computers) and the
software (programs and network protocols) that enable computers to
communicate with each other.

When information is sent across the Internet, the Transmission Control

Protocol (TCP: the networking-language computers use when
communicating over the Internet) first breaks the information up into
packets of data. The client computer sends those packets to the local
network, Internet service provider (ISP), or online service. From here,
the packets travel through many levels of networks, computers, and
communications lines until they reach their final destinations. Many
types of hardware help the packets on their way. These are:

Hubs :- which link groups of computers together and let them

intercommunicate through multiple ports.
Bridges:- which link local area networks (LANs) with each another.
Gateways:- which act like bridges, but also convey data between
dissimilar networks.
Repeaters:- which amplify the data at intervals so that the signal doesn't
Routers:-which ensure packets of data arrive at their proper destination
across different technologies, media, and frame formats.
Servers:- which deliver web pages and other services as requested.
Client computers:- which make the initial request for Internet services,
and run applications to handle those services.
Cables and/or satellite communications:- which make the hardware

All hardware units need common operating methods, basic instructions

called protocols that specify to all parties how the data will be handled.

What is ARPANET?
The U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was the first
public packet-switched computer network. It was first used in 1969 and finally
decommissioned in 1989. ARPANET's main use was for academic and research

Many of the protocols used by computer networks today were developed for
ARPANET, and it is considered the forerunner of the modern internet.

World Wide Web:-

World Wide Web (WWW), by name the Web, the leading information
retrieval service of the Internet (the worldwide computer network). The
Web gives users access to a vast array of documents that are connected
to each other by means
of hypertext or hypermedia links—i.e., hyperlinks, electronic
connections that link related pieces of information in order to allow a
user easy access to them. Hypertext allows the user to select a word or
phrase from text and thereby access other documents that contain
additional information pertaining to that word or phrase. Hypermedia
documents feature links to images, sounds, animations, and movies. The
Web operates within the Internet’s basic client-
server format; servers are computer programs that store and transmit
documents to other computers on the network when asked to, while
clients are programs that request documents from a server as the user
asks for them. Browser software allows users to view the retrieved

9 Basic Internet Terminologies :-

1. Internet
One of the most important and basic internet terminologies is the Internet
itself. The Internet is a worldwide network of computers, which provides a
wide array of information that follows a standard communication protocol.
This communication protocol is what we call as TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol) or IP (Internet Protocol).
In 1969, the internet was known as ARPANET. It is coined by the Advanced
Research Projects Agency of the United States of America. During that time,
the Department of Defense was only using four computers to connect with
each other. Today ARPANET is widely termed as the Internet.

2. World Wide Web

Another one of the basic Internet terminologies is the World Wide Web.
World Wide Web or www is a collection of data stored and shared in the
digital space. This collection of information form and connect into websites
and divides into web pages. Tim Bernes-Lee in the CERN laboratory
invented it in 1989.
The World Wide Web is accessible anywhere as long as there’s an internet
connection. You can use a wireless router, Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable to access
www through the internet.

3. Host (Network)
A Network Host is usually a computer or any device that connects to a
computer network. It provides information and facilities to other computers
and their users. In addition, you can use the term host when there’s two or
more computer system that connects through a modem or other internet
connection channels.

4. Domain Name
This is a friendly naming system for giving addresses to web pages and
servers. It is a description of a computer’s location on the Internet. Usually, a
dot separates a domain name, for
example, or
In addition, Domain Names are part of the DNS (Domain Name System, a
database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses). Also, a
domain name follows certain rules and algorithms in the DNS.

5. Web Browser
A web browser or browser is a software program that can access websites.
Popular web browsers include Google Chrome, Apple’s Safari, Internet
Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Each web browser has its own settings and
works separately from each other. However, they have the same function and
that is to serve as portals to the World Wide Web.
Moreover, web browsers allow you to surf, search any information from
various websites on the internet. You also have a choice to pick your own
web browser preference. If you like Chrome, you can stick with chrome or if
you’re an Apple user, Safari is the best browser for you.

6. IP Address
An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique set of numbers assigned to a
computing device that uses the internet protocol. Also, IP address identifies a
device on the Internet communication network. Furthermore, it allows a
system to be acknowledged by other systems.

7. Homepage
A Homepage is the main page of a particular website. Usually, this is the first
page you see when you open a website. Additionally, a home page can have
one of several different filenames.

8. URL
URL or short for “Universal Resource Locator.” From the name itself, it
provides a way of locating a resource on the web. It also serves as a method
of retrieving location on a computer network.

9. Search Engine
Search Engine is a software system that works to search information on the
World Wide Web. Common examples of online search engines are Google,
Yahoo, and Bing. These programs allow you to search keywords and phrases
to locate information on the Internet.

Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette and is
defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behavior. Similarly, online
ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an online
social environment.
Both phrases are frequently interchanged and are often combined with
the concept of a ’netizen’ which itself is a contraction of the words
internet and citizen and refers to both a person who uses the internet to
participate in society, and an individual who has accepted the
responsibility of using the internet in productive and socially responsible

What Does Good Web Etiquette Look Like?

Underlying this overall concept of socially responsible internet use are a few core pillars, though
the details underneath each pillar are still subject to debate.

For Society:
 Recognizing that the internet is an extension of society. The
internet isn’t a new world in which anything goes, but rather, a
new dimension of the world around us.
 Applying the same standards online as we do in public. In
simple terms, this means that the values society has in place
against hate speech and bigotry, child exploitation, and child
pornography, copyright violations and other forms of theft, remain
intact. Values around courtesy, kindness, openness, and treating
others with the same respect we wish to receive should also be
adhered to.
 Refusing to empower abuse and harassment while
online. Accepting that the laws which are currently in place to
protect the rights and dignity of citizens apply online and that
where needed, laws are updated to reflect these rights in the
extended environment. Theft, harassment, and bullying while
online is still theft, harassment, and bullying, period.
 Acknowledging cultural differences. Even when national
boundaries no longer apply, cultural respect and tolerance should
remain. This requires finding a way to accept that the social values
and norms of some netizens will not be the social values and norms
of all netizens.

For Businesses:
For companies, being a good netizen, applying online ethics, and
using netiquette include:

 Respecting rights of privacy for offline

employees. Information possessed by citizens in their
offline interactions should be respected.
 Maintaining transparency in information policies. By
taking action so that consumers can easily and quickly
understand how that company is using their information
and protecting them from harm, companies can provide
users with a clear means of ownership and self-
determination as to what is, and isn’t shared about them,
which strengthens the consumer relationship

Internet applications:-
1. Commerce on the internet:-
A. E-commerce or electronic commerce is the trading of goods and
services on the internet.
B. E-commerce is the most popular method of exchanging
products and services. Nowadays, an increasing number of
individuals choose to purchase publications over the internet
and other aided technologies. Social media, advancements in e-
commerce app development, growing demand for mobile
shopping, and other digital modalities are key elements driving
this e-commerce revolution

2. Governance on the Internet:- Internet governance consists of a

system of laws, rules, policies and practices that dictate how its board members manage and oversee
the affairs of any internet related-regulatory body.

3. Impact of Internet on Society:-

The Internet’s positive effects include the following:

o The Intenret provides effective communication using emailing and instant
messaging services, no matter where you are.
o It saves time, which improves business relationships and transactions.
o Shopping and banking online has made everyday life less complex.
o You can get global news without relying on television or newspapers.
o The availability of millions of books and journals online has provided a huge
boost to education. Students can now take online courses using the internet.
Research has become easier as a result.
o Modern job applications have become simpler, as most jobs are posted online and
applications are now the norm.
o Professionals can now enhance their research by exchanging information and
materials online.

The Negative Impacts of the Internet on Society

o Availability of illegal or inappropriate materials online that isn’t age-suitable is
easy to access
o Long periods of screen time can negatively affect our health and communication
skills by causing insomnia, eye strain, and anxiety and depression.
o A person’s personal and professional life can be disrupted by an addiction to
social networking.
o Some criminals use the Internet to hack into people’s accounts for nefarious
purposes, such as stealing data or financial information.

Internet Crime:-
Internet crime is any crime or illegal online activity committed on the Internet, through the
Internet or using the Internet. The widespread Internet crime phenomenon encompasses multiple
global levels of legislation and oversight. In the demanding and continuously changing IT field,
security experts are committed to combating Internet crime through preventative technologies,
such as intrusion detection networks and packet sniffers.

Internet crime is a strong branch of cybercrime. Identity theft, Internet scams and cyberstalking
are the primary types of Internet crime. Because Internet crimes usually engage people from
various geographic areas, finding and penalizing guilty participants is complicated.

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