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|&| ≤ &#
1. The Fourier transform of a signal !(#) is %(&) = ("! . Determine !(#).
0 ,#ℎ./012.

4 ≤ # ≤ 34
2. Let: !(#) = 3! −34 ≤ # ≤ −4. Compute its Fourier transform.
0 ,#ℎ./012.
|#| ≤ 4
3. Let 7(#) = # $ + 1 and a filter :(#) = ($% . Compute the convolution 7(#) ∗ :(#) using
0 ,#ℎ./012.
the definition of the convolution operation.

4. We define the series of triangle functions !% (#) as:

! |'|
|#| ≤ 4
!% (#) = (% <1 − %
0 ,#ℎ./012.
Demonstrate that lim !% (#) = A(#). Hint: demonstrate that for an arbitrary function 7(#) the following holds:
lim ∫ 7(#)!% (#)C# = 7(0)
%→# *)

5. Let !(#) = # $ . +"! ' . Compute its Fourier transform and the power spectral density.

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