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A patient with maxillofacial injuries should be carried in:

A. Supine position

B. Lateral position

C. Prone position

D. Sitting position

2. A patient with maxillofacial injuries should be carried in a supine position only when there is:

A. Spinal, cervical injury

B. Bilateral parasymphysis fracture

C. Unconsciousness

D. Excessive mobility of fractured maxilla

3. The crystalloid which should be given first, after maxillofacial trauma:

A. Normal saline

B. 5% dextrose

C. Ringer's lactate

D. 10% dextrose

4. Guerin sign is presence of:

A. Ecchymosis at mastoid area

B. Ecchymosis at greater palatine foramen area

C. Ecchymosis in zygomatic butress area

D. Ecchymosis in sublingual area

5. The characteristic features of infection of masticator space is:

A. Swelling

B. Draining pus intraorally

C. Trismus

D. High grade fever

5. The major structures present in the submandibular space are:

A. Deep part of submandibular gland, branches of facial artery, lingual nerve

B. Superficial part of submandibular gland, branches of facial artery and lingual nerve

C. Superficial part of submandibular gland, branches of facial artery, mylohyoid nerve

D. Submandibular duct, lingual nerve and hypoglossal nerve

6. In Ludwig's angina the classical sign is:

A. Tongue is raised and falls back causing respiratory embarrassment

B. That submandibular sublingual and submental spaces are involved though tongue may not be

C. That submandibular, sublingual and submental spaces are involved bilaterally

D. Board-like brawny induration of mandible with tongue falling back and causing respiratory

7. Osteomyelitis begins as an inflammation of:

A. Cortical bone

B. Periosteum

C. Medullary bone

D. Periosteum and inner cortex

8. Saucerisation as a surgical treatment for osteomyelitis connotes:

A. Complete removal of decaved bone with primary closure of wound

B. Trimming or excision of margins of necrotic bone overlying focus of osteomyelitis and allowing
secondary healing

C. Creating a saucer shaped defect by excision of the defect with primary closure

D. None of the above

9. A 40-year old patient presented with multiple extraoral sinuses with yellowish discharge and with
history of intermittent remission after antibiotics treatment two months ago. The disease started
after extraction of 2nd mandibular premolar. It is suggestive of:

A. Tubercular osteomyelitis

B. Actinomycosis

C. Subperiosteal Garres osteomyelitis

D. Dissecting subperiorteal abscess

10. A patient presents with a non vital and swelling in the labial sulcus. On aspiration straw coloured
fluid is present a tentative diagnosis would be:
A. Nasopalatine cyst

B. Solitary bone cyst

C. Keratocyst

D. Periapical periodontal cyst

11. In following situations an artefact may simulate a cystic lesion (except in):

A. Radiolucent area in periapical region of central incisors

B. Radiolucent area apical to mandibular premolars

C. Radiolucent area apical to maxillary canines

D. Radiolucent area in ramus of the mandible below sigmoid notch

12. The high recurrence rate of keratocysts is incriminated to:

A. Its fragile thin lining

B. Presence of daughter cysts in the cyst lining

C. Presence of daughter cysts

D. All of the above

13. An example of retention cyst is:

A. Mucocele

B. Ranula

C. Dermoid cyst

D. Branchial cyst

14. Dry socket commonly occurs after:

A. 24 hours

B. 2 days

C. 3-4 days

D. 10-15 days

15. The Stobis method of extraction is indicated when:

A. Two adjacent teeth have to be removed

B. When central incisor is to be extracted

C. When isolated molar is to be extracted and adjacent teeth are absent

D. Upper and lower 3rd molars have to be extracted simultaneously

16. The elevators used in exodontia are functionally:

A. Class I levers only

B. Class I and II levers

C. Class III levers only

D. Only wedge-shaped

17. Increasing the concentration of LA from 2% to 5% would have:

A. Rapid onset and prolonged action

B. Onset would not be affected but action would be prolonged

C. No change on action

D. Rapid onset and duration not affected

18. The ultimate action of binding the receptor by LA agent is brought about by its:

A. Hydrophilic component

B. Lipophilic component

C. Intermediary chain

D. RN of amide agents

19. Tachyphylaxis occurs due to:

A. Increased dose of LA

B. Increased dose of vasoconstrictor

C. Repeated use of LA

D. Allergy to sodium metabisulfite

20. Ester type local anaesthetics are metabolised in the:

A. Liver only

B. Kidney

C. Plasma

D. Lungs
21. When one has to use the weakest vasoconstrictor (e.g. in patient with history of angina) one
should consider:

A. Epinephrine

B. Norepinephrine

C. Phenylephrine

D. Levonordefrin

22. A cartridge of LA contains 1:200,000 adrenalin, it indicates that there is:

A. 0.005 mg/ml of adrenalin

B. 0.065 mg/ml of adrenalin

C. 0.0125 mg/ml of adrenalin

D. 0.02 mg/ml of adrenalin

23. General characteristics of trigeminal neuralgia include all, except

A. Male predisposition
B. Predilection for right side noted
C. V3 is more commonly involved than V2 or V1
D. Older age group above 35 years are involved

24. What is the dosage of carbamazapine that is used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

A. 200-400mg/day

B. 400-800mg/day

C. 400-1200mg/day

D. 1200-1600mg/day

25. Anticonvulsants frequently used in management of trigeminal neuralgia are

A. Phenytoin

B. Gabapentin

C. Baclofen

D. All of the above

26. Which of the following is true for a flap required for maxillary tuberosity?

A. Incision is given over the alveolar crest

B. A wedge-shaped incision may be 1st tried

C. Incision extends to the bicuspid cuspid region

D. None of the above

27. After multiple extraction of adjacent teeth, the following should not be done following

a)Alveoloplasty without trimming of excess tissue

b)Vestibuloplasty with trimming of excess tissue

c)Apicectomy with alveoloplasty.

d)All of the above

28. A 50-year-old male presents with a swelling in his right posterior mandible. An OPG reveals a
multilocular radiolucency involving his right mandibular body and angle region. Which one of the
following is the most likely diagnosis?

A Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour

B Ameloblastoma

C Dentigerous cyst

D Odontoma

E Radicular cyst

29. Leisegang rings are found in:

A. Ameloblastoma

B. Primordial cyst

C. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

D. Odontoma

30. Compound odontoma shows on a radiograph as:

A. Supernumerary teeth

B. Radiolucent and radioopaque areas

C. Masses of calcified areas

D. Distinguishable tooth like structures

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