Excel Theory Part A

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Week 8 – Excel

Spreadsheet A digital program used for organizing and manipulating data and rows
and columns.
Worksheet A tab inside a spreadsheet designed for organizing and manipulating
data more structurally.
Workbook A file which contains multiple workbook or spreadsheets used for
organizing and analyzing data in a spreadsheet program
Row A horizontal line of a cell in a spreadsheet
Column A vertical arrangement of cell in a spreadsheet
Cell A single box inside a spreadsheet where data or formulas can be entered
Cell Address Is a combination of the column letter and row number that identifies a
cell in a spreadsheet.
Formula A set of mathematical instructions used in a spreadsheet to perform
calculations or manipulate data.
Function A built-in operation in a spreadsheet that performs a specific task
Auto Fill A function in spreadsheet that automatically fills cells with a series of
numbers based on the input.
Cell Referencing Identifying and getting data from specific cells in a spreadsheet using
their unique addresses.
Relative Cell Referencing A technique in spreadsheets where formulas automatically change when
copied to different cells.
Absolute Cell Referencing A technique in spreadsheets where cell references in formulas stay the
same when copied to different cells
Mixed Cell Referencing A technique in spreadsheets where either the row or column part of a
cell reference remains the same while the other part change following
the copied location
Charts Visual representations of a data
Recommended Charts A feature in spreadsheet that automatically suggests the most
appropriate chart types based on the selected data
Tables Structures in spreadsheet used to organize and manage data in rows and
Sorting The process of arranging data in a specific order
PivotTable A data tool in spreadsheet software that automatically sorts, counts, and
totals the selected data
Function Library A collection of functions available in spreadsheet
Analyze Data Using data to make informed decisions.
Statistical Functions E.g. mean, median, or variance, which summarizes a sample of values by
a single value.
Mean The average
Median The middle number
Mode The number that reoccurs more frequently
Min Minimum
Max Maximum
Count A function that calculates the number of cells in a range

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