TEST Emerging

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NAME: __________________________________ ID: ____________ Section: _____

PART I: Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives

1. Which of the following is not network – service enabling device?

A. Switch C. Computer
B. Router D. All
2. Which of the following provides functions such as device-to-device interfacing, signal
processing, data display, timing and control operations?
A. Microprocessors C. Memory devices
B. Logic devices D. All
3. Which of the following cannot be used to represent data?
A. Alphabets D. All
B. Digits E. None
C. Special characters
4. Which of the following is odd?
A. Integers data type C. Characters data type
B. Booleans data type D. Structured data type
5. Which of the following characteristics of big data represents “data in doubt”?
A. Volume D. Veracity
B. Velocity E. All
C. Variety
6. Which of the following can be unstructured data?
A. Excel files D. Video files
B. XML files E. All
C. JSON files
7. ______ is the re-structuring or re-ordering of data by people or machines to increase
their usefulness and add values for a particular purpose.
A. Data science C. Data value chain
B. Data processing D. Data representation
PART II: Fill the blank space with appropriate term (s)

1. ________________________________________ refers to the communication and

interaction between a human and a machine via a user interface.
2. ________________________________________ is a term generally used to describe
a new technology, and it may also refer to the continuing development of existing
3. _____________________________ is a data type that takes the values either “True”
or “False”.

Mid Exam Page 1

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