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Lab #2: Class and Object

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will have demonstrated the abilities to:

 Design and implement a class.

 Create an object from a class
 Describe to your instructor what you have learned in completing this workshop.


Part 1: Find classes and use UML to draw class structure [3 points]

- Write an employee management program for Fsoft according to the following

o Employee information: Code, Fullname, Phone, Salary, Salary coefficient,
o The program allows the user to enter the number of employees.
o Enter the information of each employee
o Print out the list of employees.
o Print out the total salary of the employees.
o Update employee salary based on the employee code entered by the user

Requirement: Write your paper down classes in the problem and use UML draw class structure.

Note: show members of a class: fields and methods

Using UML to draw a class diagram

Part 2: Implement Employee management program [5 points]

- Write an employee management program for Fsoft according to the following

- Employee information: Code, Fullname, Phone, Salary, department.
- The program allows the user to enter the number of employees.
- Enter the information of each employee
- Print out the list of employees.
- Print out the total salary of the employees.

- Update employee salary based on the employee code entered by the user.

Create a folder with the name NguyenVanAn containing the following 2 contents:

o Project demo the requirements.

o The report word file with the name SE170001.docx contains demo code images and
demo results with full cases.
o Submit NguyenVanAn.rar/zip to LMS by deadline.
o Students get 2 points for this part.

Note: Do not use ArrayList for this Lab

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