407 Project

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Dr. Saad Alkazemi Advanced Accounting (407) Kuwait University College of Business Admi Advanced Accounting (407) Team Project and Presentation Your Mission: your overall mission is to study a recent merger/acquisition, and provide det on both companies including information such as the date, price, and reason. Also discuss any accounting methods used and provide consolidated financials for the parent company. Finally, you will be required to turn in a report, and make a presentation. Detailed requirements for the report and the presentation are given below The Teams: Each team should consist of 2-3 students. You select your own teammates from the class. In forming the team, for a good match you may want to consider potential member's schedule, background (diverse backgrounds tend to complement each other), and grade expectation. The Merger/Acquisition: Search for a real world merger or acquisition that occurred in recent years. It can be local or international, however since recently several Kuwaiti listed companies merged or in the process of merging, a Kuwaiti company is preferred. Inform your professor on the merger/acquisition and company names for approval Code of Behavior as a Team Member: As a team member, you are expected to contribute your fair share to the success of the project. You should behave in accordance with your team to fulfill best interest. Through due process, a team can expel a team member if s/he his/her membership obligation. A member who is expelled form the team will receive no credit for this project. When a team member fails to fulfill his/her obligation, the team must complete the following steps before the member can be expelled: (1) give a verbal warning, (2) render a of written warning, and (3) file a complaint with the instructor who should decide the met such a Requirement/submission: Each team is required to submit a report paper regarding their research on the merger/acquisition. In addition, students must present their findings in a 10-15, minute presentation. Presentation dates will be set towards the end of the semester, while the project report paper must be submitted one week before the final exam date, Dr. Saad Alkazemi Advanced Accounting (407) Kuwait University College of Business Admi Project Report Paper The report should put everything we have covered throughout the semester together. In ‘general the report should include the following: 1. Introduction and Over of both companies: provide a general introduction to your report that present the outflow of the report. Also background description of the merger/acquisition and both companies. 2. Detailed description of the merger/acquisition: Study carefully _ the merger/acquisition that took place. Describe the strategic reason why it happened, what percentage was acquired, and the price (consideration transferred) that was agreed upon. In addition, include information related to when it occurred, how it occurred, and any benefits gained from it 3. Description of the accounting methods used: we will study in class different methods used for investments in other companies. Based on your understanding of what we learned in class, you must specify what accounting method was used for the acquisition/merger (e.g. fair value, equity, consolidation. etc.). Discuss any information related to the accounting aspects of the merger. 4. Provide detailed financial statements for the parent company. Provide financial ‘ion and discuss the differences statements for the parent company before/after acquisi and what effects the acquisition/merger had on the statements. Also mention whether any Goodwill came from the acquisition and discussed any specific accounts that you believe are important information, Project Presentation To make sure every student contributes to the project in a fair manner, I will ask questions during office hours. I will choose the best three projects to be presented during the cla:

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